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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. SOU was the worst NWN official campaign... until SOZ came along, and took that mantle. "Devs get paid by the publishers for hitting milestones. Sometimes even upfront." They get paid developmental costs which they then have to pay back with their royalties from the sales (their share) before they get 'free money'. Of course, it all depends on the actual contract.
  2. Arizona won because they were better. Isn't that the point? This who 'choking' thing is nonsensical. Those turnovers weren't just Delhomme's fault because the Cards' D played well. Give THEM credit.
  3. Um.. Game development doesn't neccessarily work that way.... Publishers tend to get their money first...
  4. Is that sarcasm? That won't happen. This is what will happen. Eventually,. Isreal will ahve to back down to the UN's calls for a ceasefire, and stop the invasion. Hamas will go along with it as it'll buy them time to recover and promote fellows into senior positions, and make/buy more rockets and other weapons. Later down the road, the same thing will again. Repeat all over again as long as Hamas is in control of Gaza.
  5. "Say what you will about Kerry Collins and how he manages the game, the Titans lack any sort of dynamic with him at QB." Nah. Tennesee lost for more reasons than Collins. It's not like his counterpart played exceptionally well, either. Collins just hates playing Baltimore in the playoffs. "this game was more about Jake Delomme being an assclown then Warner's greatness." Wrong. The better team won. Unlike BAL and TEN which was an even match up; Ariz - despite the record - is avstly sueprior to Carolina and the rest of the overrated South and their inflated bugaboo records. Warner hasn't won a SB by accident and been to another one he barely lost. Pantehrs are a joke. They're not just not good enough for the playoffs. Now I have to cross my fingers, and hope my Giants break the trend we're seeing. It won't be easy. L0L
  6. If Atari, and Obsidian still feel that a NWN2 expansion is profitable enough to make it worthwhile than, darn right, they would.
  7. People are understimating Obsidian's size much like they did with BIO. Obsidian isn't some independ tool working on games in his gargage inbetween actual work. Making games *is* Obsidian's works; and they most definitely have the employees to make more than 1-2 games at a time.
  8. Name calling? Why are you crying over soemthing that wa sso obviously done in jest. Otherwise, stick with the subject of games and don't worry about insulting others' writing style.
  9. You deserve a comedian award for that joke!
  10. L0L You guys are funni. I eman the year was a failure RPG wise; not NHL 09. Doofuses.
  11. NHL 09 on xbox 360. This was a massive failure for me personally rpg wise.
  12. "So standard windows functions are now 'unsupported'?" For games, why not? As long as the game is play tested to *play* as well as posisble than something silly like alt'tab to quit is NOT needed. That's why games have an options screen so you can quit that way. You don't need the use of the alt-tab in order to quit to play games. It's OPTIONAL.
  13. "Are they in fact stated as 'unsupported' now?" Since when does something have to be stated as 'unsupported'? Its better to to know what it does support officially. Using something that isn't official should ALWAYS be 'use at your own risk' proposition.
  14. "Where are you getting this, is this a new development,and who is reporting it. There aren't any journalist inside Gaza except Hamas media and a smattering of 'independents'. Mostly people with video cameras looking to make a buck." From the original story link that I read about this mess with the school.
  15. " innovation should be the bread and butter of the industry, even if a lot of that ends up failing. " No. I want fun products. I don't care if it is innovative or 'new'.
  16. "The UN officials who were there say they were certain there were no Hamas firing from the position." PALESTINIAN witnesses claim otherwise. UN likes to lie, and steal. Palestinians have no logical reason to lie on beahlf of the Isrealis. UN officials have no real way to really know when and where Hamas was firing from.
  17. I call it a horrible result of waging a war even if there is a 'justified' reason for said war. It's never a good thing when innocents die. However, last ic ehcked, Hamas is supposed to be fighting on behalf of non fighting Palestinians so why are they firing from schools to begin with? Nobody looks good in this situation. But, what should Isreal soldiers do in this situation? Not fire back and die because of it? Retreat so the Hamas soliders could attack again, later? Hamas for being dinks for firing from schools. Isreal of not being more careful.
  18. Volourn


    Perhaps Ottawa shouldn't have let Redden walk. Dumbnutz (directed at Ottawa not posters).
  19. Yeah, because last year's super bowl was *horrible*. Afterall, a game not being decided until the last minute is a horrible game, indeed.
  20. 'Innovation' is overrated. besdies, what most people call innovation has been done for years anyways. Obsidian's 'influence system' is one of those examples.
  21. "Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people cannot but feel a deep sense of gratitude to Islam," HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!
  22. "How quickly the bio fanboys forget the mess that was nwn1... took bio months of patching to get the game client stable and half a year+ of patching before the server app was was worth anything due to all the memory leaks (and another 6 months of patching after that to get it fully stable). So while my memory does not recall if a 0 day patch was released for nwn1 certainly the first of many were released not too much later if you want to split hairs." I think the BIO haters seem to forget that NWN1 was stable for the vast majority of people, and was definitely playable from start to finish from the get considering the user reviews that came out quite quickly after its release. I think your memory is suspect because of your biasness. NWN2 was also pretty stable for me so complaints there.
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