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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "PS: Volourn never ceases to amaze me in just how badly his taste sucks." From this I gather you think TDK is a crappy movie since I think it's a good movie. My bad. I change my opinion now just to conform with your great taste - TDK sucks, and is the worst movie ever. Happy now? P.S.S. You done trolling, and flaming or do you want to continue?
  2. That's what she turns into if you make her mad.
  3. Funny movie.
  4. Dark Knight - Good movie; but overrated. Bale has got to be the blandest, and most boring version of Batman over. He's overshadowed by every single minor character in the movie including the people on the ferrys. LMAO Gordon is awesome. Dent's 'turn' is just so fake. Joker was pretty cool at times; but blows it at the end with some poor acting when earlier in the movie he was doing some damn good work.
  5. He also flat out lies just as Bush was accused of Obama fnaboys claimed he would never do. *shrug*
  6. Until that day, and beyond I will continue to be correct.
  7. Planet of the Apes (remake) - Underrated blockbuster that had some fantastic acting. It was let down by the simple fact that there was no chance to top the original's surprise ending. I would have really loved to see a sequel for it. Mark Wahlberg 4 THA W!
  8. "I can't think of a single CRPG that could hold its own based on its combat system alone (and why shouldn't it?) in the last 5 yrs." i can name as many CRPGs with good combat in the last 5 years than I can in the 5 years before that. This idea that CRPGs are getting worst is silly. Overall, they're getting better. "The problem is, regardless of what type of combat system they've been trying for since then (NWN, KOTOR, JE, ME), they've all been dumbed-down drivel. " How the heck was NWN combat dumbed down compared to BG2? If anything it was 'smarted up'.
  9. My, Myself, & Irene - Absolutely hilarious movie. Snakes On The Plane - Better than I thought it would be. I actually thought the acting was pretty good. The snakes themselves, however, were the bad kind of cheesy.
  10. "There are no swords(save for two), no elves or dwarves, TNO doesn't wear armor, good and evil creatures live together, the steampunkish architecture..." None of these (well except the character of TNo of course) is unique to PST. Fantasy have been doing this for years espicially no elves/dwarves and good and evil living together.
  11. "What's so awesome about it?". If you aren't interested in the agme,a nd think it's crpapy why worry about it or post in this thread? Anyways, game looks solid. It'll be another BIO games so it works for me. I'm also in the 'death should be permenant' camp. No mercy for the dead or dying! Gameplay pretty much looks like NWN series. Works for me!
  12. Volourn


    There was no stealing. They got him legit. And, good news for Ranger fans after that emabrassing loss - they might actually be getting Avery back by the rtade deadline. So much of that nonsensical talk that 'nobody on the Rangers wanted him'. LMAO It cna only make that joke of a Blueshirt team better. Now, to get rid of Gomez and Drury and bring back Jagr.
  13. "PC gaming is getting a fair treatment by companies like EA and Microsoft." Absolutely, it is. PC gaming gets the treatment it deserves as determined by what the companies feel is best for THEM. They owe the PC, and PC fanatics. They owe console gemers nothing. They should do what is in their best interest just as customers do what is in their own best interests.
  14. "but it is, technically & literally, dumbing it down when you have to accommodate gamepads" No. It's about using the machine it is on. Good news anyways. 'Cause I get to read rabid PC fanatics cry about 'betrayal', 'greed' (when such crying is about selfish personal stuff 'ie i want the game, and i want the game now, and i don't want consoles to have it crap'). PC gamers treat companies like crap so they deserve to have no mercy. Good on BIO, and EA. They are doing what they feel is in THEIR best interest. As well they should.
  15. Don't blame MS. Blame those who gave up Ensemble for cash. MS owes nobody nuttin'. If MS feels they'll make more profit by closing down 'successful' studios more power to them.
  16. Finished watching Xena: Season 5. Great as always except I am really starting to hate Xena the character as I rewatch the series.
  17. Finished 6-5 with my predictions. I nearly got the score perfectly as I was off by 2. Great game. Not as good as last year's game; but still pretty darn good considering I didn't care about either team all that much. Sweet.
  18. Timecop 2: Fun movie but the time traveling aspect was a mess even as far as time traveling stories go. Princess Bride: Good 'ol fashion cheesy fantasy fun with often subpar acting made up by 'heart'. Loser: Good movie held up by solid acting despite a pretty formulac story. The Ringer: If you are all about PCness you will absolutely hate this movie starring Johnny Knoxville who I thought did a pretty good job in this low brow humourous movie. I'm evil, and immoral to like this movie but that's cool.
  19. Volourn


    Minorities are very sensitive. It's also how they keep whatever their issue is in the spotlight.
  20. Waterworld - Watchable but could have been so much more. Kinda creep how some of the men acted towards the little girl... The Postman - Underrated. Hits all the notes it aimed for.
  21. I heard it was better than SOZ. Not that that's hard.
  22. "Any person/government that commits infanticide should fry!" So, how is the Isreal hate treating you today in a thread that didn't have anything to do with them? L0LZ P.S. My intiial assessment stands. This guy needs to be treated as evil scum not as insane.
  23. Nice. You posted in a topic about SOZ yet never mentioned it once. Sweet.
  24. O"f course you side stepped the who nwn1 OC fisaco" Did no such thing. I responded to it. But, ebcause I didn't immediately agree with you that I'm a moron or a fnaboy for rating it an EPIC 7.5, I guess that's what you call 'side stepping'. "And what am I 'ignoring' exactly? Again you have a opinion, as I do about this game. There are no 'facts' to debate here for the most part." You laimed, and tried to pass of as a fact that if someone disliked SOZ it meant they weren't into 'old sckool' games, and/or had no experience in them. I posted for the one reason to prove your thesis wrong. Besides, you haven't given any reaosn to why SOZ is good other than it's 'old skool'. Again, is it the 1-2 room 'dungeons' that make it 'old skool'. Old skool dungeons that i've played - be it pnp or CRPGs - have enver generlaly been 1, or 2 rooms. "And arguing opinion is pointless, however you make a career out of it. heh." Out of the two of us, I'm certainly not the only one. btw, I don't get paid so it's not a career. "Should I go dig up some old posts of yours where your predictions were in error?" If you feel the need, be my my guest. I don't live to be perfect. If I was perfect, i wouldn't be posting on the internet. "*pats v on the head* good boy..." Master argument. Treat someone with the opposing view like a master treats his dog. Sweet. This makes me auto win.
  25. "SoZ reminds me a little of really old CRPG's like, Dragon Wars and PoR, in terms of it's general philosophy." General philosophy, yes, but not general quality. I love 'old skool' games/campaigns when they are *good*.
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