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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "So much for the theory of "only the disenfranchised" want to attack jews." All this proves is that many's hatred for Isreal or Jews runs deeper than just the conflict bewteen Isreal and Palestine. It simply has to do with bigotry. Not all are like this but Hamas certainly fits into that hateful group which is why I negotitaing with them at this time is fruitless. As mentioned by otehrs, there *was* a ceasefire going on but it was Hamas who completely refusted to even negotiate an extension. Want to know why? The last ceasefire lasted long enough so that were able to strengtrhen themselbves for another round of killin' Jews. Again, Hamas doesn't care about Palestine.
  2. "They keep showing combat in half-a-second-bursts for the most part," Nonsense. They've had videos of combat that lasted minutes. "Regarding the NPC interaction, it will probably be more or less the same as every Bioware game after BG2." Yeah, better at actual role-playing with characters just as interesting and likely deeper than found in BG2.
  3. "Anyway, Hamas as I've stated time and time again, is not a terrorist organization" Yes, yes they are. They also have atendency to murder Palestinians who disagree with them. Not exactly pro Palestian group. Hamas has done but make Palestine's a worse place to live. "You ever wondered why this is the case? Do you really think that the Arab world are inherently evil or 'anti-semitic.'" That's funny consideirng you want to believe that all of Isreal is inherently evil, are anti Arab inherently, and other such nonsense. Sorry, but as for being anti Semetic considering the crap that the Arab world in the ME spew; it's no wonder people view them as anti semitic and evil. Afterall, Arab leader after Arab leader have said some awesome stuff like how the Holocaust didn't happen, and that Isreal should be wiped out. Let's not forget the historical mistreatment of jews 9and many other minorities) throughout the history of Arab held lands. Not to mention the mass murders they commit against each other. Most Arabs, like most isrealis, and heck most people want peace. Sadly, it only takes a minority to make peace hard to achieve. And, just to be clear, Hamas does NOT want peace with Isreal. they want to destroy Isreal. this is one of their most fundamental goals of this terrorist organization yet you continue to deny this fact. That's rather delusional since those are the words of Hamas themselves. But, hey, let Hamas target buses full of civilians - its only Isrealis anyways. Hey, let's Hamas slaughter Palestinians because they don't kiss Hamas' butt. Those killed by Hamas are betrayers anyways and deserve to be slaughtered because nobody can have a different opinion than hamas. And, if a Palestinian actually wants peace with isreal, OMG!, he deserves to die. That's what Hamas is about. P.S. As Killian mentioned, the Arab nations fought Isreal, and loss and consequences of said loss was the lost of land. This is how countries are made including Arab lands. Palestine was NOT originally home to the Palestinians.
  4. Simple logic when dealing witH DA. It's a BIO game. If you like BIO's games, you will like it. If you don't; you won't. It'll have strengths. It'll have weaknesses. Dopn't worry be happy.
  5. Watched A.I. What an underrated movie. The movie is is a fine example of a 'dark movie' that doesn't involve lots of action. And, what bittersweet ending. Great acting by all espciially the young actor. I also have started watching Xena season 5.
  6. ARI over CAR - Warner is awesome, and I find the Panthers a paper tiger. NYG over PHI - This could be a scary game for the Giants; but it is juxst unfeasible they'll actually be 1 and done one season after winning it all. Then again, the surprising can always happen. SD over PIT - Either team can win; but SD just beat Indy and no offense to PIT; but if SD can beat the best QB they can beat even the awesome Burgerman. TEN over BAL - Former Giants or Giant connected (in regards to Rivers) 4 tha W.
  7. Good news for anti Amerikans... according to Russian 'experts', Amerika will be 'no more' by the end of 2010... The next logical question is who will the world's ire be turned towards next as the 'big bad bully'. R00fles!
  8. "And Hercules and Xena was complete rubbish, myth-rape or not. Classic case of low budget+crap actors+inane script.The only less-horribly-bad episodes were the one where Bruce Campbell did a cameo, and they still stunk like a festering turd." Hercuels and Xena were awesome. And, Bruce was cool in them; but he wa smaybe the 100th coolest thing. In fact, his episodes tend to be amongst the worst either series has to offer since he usually got stuck in the low brow 'stupid humour' episodes.
  9. "NWN1 OC for the first month of release, is all, I think." Nah. KOTOR did have a major crashing bug though when you left the first planet.
  10. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,475226,00.html
  11. And, most fairy tales weren't originally the cutesy versions most people are aware of either. *shrug*
  12. The best Greek MYTHology stories are the ones that donj't shy away from different interpretaions even if controversial. Thank the GREEK GODS that Hercules and Xena didn't copy them verbatim. They'd have been boring to watch if they had.
  13. "But when you start, say, interposing standard Hollywood crap on Greek mythology, you've got to ask where your head is at." L0L It's called Greek MYTHology for a reason. It's not real. Zeus does not exist. Never has. And, as for 'staying true to the myths'.. that's kind of hard to do when the myths vary a lot to begin with. Besdies, imo, one of the coolest things about Greek MYTHology is that it can be mixed up and still keep its center.
  14. Grats to Chargers, and Cardinals!
  15. Huh? So, now you want to insult Kanada? K.
  16. "Tens of thousands of Israeli Arabs demonstrated in the northern town of Sakhnin, by far the biggest protest in Israel so far. Marchers held Palestinian flags and a smattering of green Hamas flags. But there were no reports of violence." GAME OVER.
  17. "Also the UN is the best the world has to deal with joint projects." LOLZ "The US cannot afford to do things alone no matter what the Neo-Cons thinks." Hilariously enough, neither Iraq or Afghanistan were solo projects.
  18. Former? More like current. am i rite or am i rite?
  19. "Where will Drew be again this year? Watching PR in the playoffs on TV." *shrug* He has as many rings as Rivers has. And, according to you, that's all that matters. Right? "I believe he avoided the organization, not the city itself. But we are a real sports city (whatever that means) we have stadiums, teams and everything. Shove that east coast bias up your ass! Yes I know you are in Kanada, but it still shines through...." Nope. Not true. LA is a real sports city. Last i checked, LA isn't east coast. Not so 'east coast' baised now, am i rite? "You calling me a fanboy ain't that rich, but whatever." How cna youd eny it when you claim that Rivers is better than Peyton Manning. That is just ridiculousness. " Never said PR was the best QB," You said he was better than peyton. By saying he's better than the concensus best QB Manning, it's safe to assume you think he's betteer than all other QBs. If peyton isn't better than Rivers; but Rivers isn't the best, which QB in the league is better than Rivers? Don't play games; just go all the way with your biasness. " but I am glad he is on my team," Nothing wrong with loyalty. I've loyal to Eli too; but I would still prefer to have Peyton 'cause he's better. " he's a winner," L0L Winner of what? You claim that super bowls is all that matter which Rivers has ZERO. Doesn't sound like a winner according to your own thinking. " has heart " Oh yeah, the code word for 'i'm gonna speak gibberish and make it sound like it means soemthing'. "(playing last years AFC championship game with torn ACL in right knee won me over)" Big deal. He's not first to play injured. Heck, Peyton did it this season. And, otehr shave done it too. *shrug* " and never throws his teammates under the bus unlike some 3 time MVP QB I could mention." The truth often hurt. Plus, Peyton is an actual leader, and when you are the best QB in the game, the focus is on you, and everything you say and do is important. Nobody, other than SD fanboys, really care what Rivers does. He's arguably not even SD's best player (though I'd give him the nod but others wouldn't).
  20. "First the international community tells the Palestinians that if they get behind the democratic process they will be rewarded, then the Palestinians go out and vote, only to lose all their funding because we didn't like who they voted for." It's called consequences for poor chocies. It happens to EVERYONE. Countries always place embargos on other countries/governments they have a serious disagreement with. Just ask NK, Iran (who actually technically have an 'elected' president, l0l), and others. No country should be forced to trade with another if they don't want. Palestinians wanted Hamas as the ruling party, and they got them. And, yeah, Hamas is doing a WONDERFUL job for the Palestinian job. Palestinian is a craphole exactly because Hamas is in power. The reason why countries cut off a lot of aid to Palestine when Hamas won the election is ebcause a lot of that aid went striaght into weapons not actual aid for the people who need food, clean water, and a place to live. Oh yeah, you forgot about that. And, oh, I like how people ignore the fact, that as an elected Palestinian governemnt, Hamas shouldn't be mass murdering Palestinians. But, they do. Just ask Fatah, who by the way, have elected officials too. And, oh, when Fatah was in power, Palestinian was in better shape (not great shape; just better). Hence, Hamas has failed as the governemtn. In most democratic government, the people tend to vote out failed governments. "Hamas would get zero credit when the resources were coming from a third part, neutral in the conflict. If you could choose, would you get your food from, say, the UN or from some crazed fanatics?" No, if yours cenario works out, where the Paletsinian gets everything they want but Hams doesn't stop fighting, then Hamas and their supports would clip they 'won' strictly because of Hamas' tatics basiclaly justifying the specific targeting of civilians. P.S. I do agree that the bulldozing of homes is simply wrong, though. But, then aagin, I never claimed Isreal was innocent of all wrong doing.
  21. "Chargers kept the right QB Rivers > Brees. Was'nt talking about the "Wahhhhhhhh I don't wanna play in SD daddy" shli" Nah. Not really. They're about equal. "Watch a Charger game before you talk **** about rivers," Um. I said he was a great QB. read my posts before you lie about what I posted. " he lead his team to the lead in almost every game they lost, the defense gave away those games." YTeah, he led them to an 8-8 record. SWEET. "Again it's too early to judge the rivers-manning deal, eli started a year or two earlier no? lets see how it measures up when their careers are over" Waaa.. Don't be butthurt because Eli was smart and avoided SD, and went to a real sports city. And, he's already won a championship. Come talk to me when Rivers wins a superbowl over an 18-0 team. Deal? "He (Chargers) beat the colts TWICE last year" Yet, he's won 0 superbowls. L0L 0 MVPs. Peyton has 1, and 3 respectively. R00fles! You keep bragging about Rivers being so much (due to biasness) yet over half the voters felt Manning was the MVP. Majority doesn't always rule; but these voters aren't as biased as a SD fanboy is so I'll believe them before you.
  22. Yup, more justification given for Hamas targeting innocent Isreal civilians. Wonderful. Even a tossed in to bash a group like Fatah because they're actually willing to truly negotiate by blackmarking them as 'appeasers' and 'betrayers'. Even though they're anything but. "The main "problem" is that Hamas has not given up their fight against the occupation and that it, in a very asymetrical fight, uses all means available to it." hey, that sounds exactly what Isreal is doing yet the pro Hamas people are crying that Isreal uses 'unfair force' despite the fact - like your precious Hamas - Isreal uses what resources they have available. *shrug* I think the biggest whining is that people just don't like the fact that Isreal has superior weaponary. "collective punishment" But, hey, isn't that what you use to justify Hamas' targeting of Isreali civilians? If Hamas was truly pro Palestine and not just anti isreal; they'd actually make REAL changes and not just lip service. Obviously, considering the state of Palestine, Hamas isn't doing a good job. Then again, Hamas isn't loyal to Palestine. It's loyal to Hamas. Afterall, if Hamas loses an election who do the Hamas fighters serve? The Palestine government or Hamas? Hamas, that's who. The Isreali army, on the other hand, serves Isreal. It doesn't matter who leads Isreal either. Same with any actual government. Yeah, Hamas was/is democratically elected but guess what... a democratic government job is to serve the people, and make their lives better, and that includes those who didn't vote for them. Which, btw, Hamas doesn't. In fact, they do the opposite - they murder their Palestinian enemies too. *shrug*
  23. "It wants to destroy Hamas, not include it in any peace process." Absolutely. And, they cna't be blamed. Again, Hamas' stated goal is the total destruction of Isreal so any negotiation of peace by Hamas is a lie as has been evidenced repeatedly. Hamas: We want peace. Isreal: ok. Both & UN: *negotiate a ceasefire treaty* Most of the World: YAY!!! *few months pass as Hamas rebuilds from the last Isreali offensive* Hamas: suicide bombs/missle attacks Isreal World: *silent* Isreal: *after months of taking* Counter attacks strongly World: That ain't cool, Mr. Isreal. How 'bout peace and love, dude!?! Majority of Muslim ME Countries + Western Fanatical Anti Isrealites: DESTROY Isreal! They are THA Satan! This process is repeated a billion times. "Lemme try to simplify things for you. A guy killed your, say, wife. You responded by killing him, his elderly parents, his wife, his 3 children and the rest of his relatives. Proportional?" Nope. Not the same thing. Hamas attacks Isreali civilians so Isreal attacks Hamas, and unfortunately Hamas like all awesome terrorists hide amongst civlians and innocents die. Once and awhile, Isreal does go overboard and takes out whole buildings which is wrong but that would not happen if Hamas simply would not fire rockets. But, i guess to you, it's okay for Hamas to fire rockets but Isreal cna't defend themselves. It's not like Isreal can simply walk in and target all individual rocketeers in melee combat. It's called war for a reason. Then again, Hamas doesn't care about Palestine. They care about Hamas. "It was Jimmy carter had a hand in this and that's precisely the reason why he was treated very poorly by the Israelis on his last visit. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and senior ministers refused to meet him. The Shin Beth, Israel’s security service, refused to provide him with the protection usually given to distinguished foreign guests. Israel’s lobby in the United States vilified and insulted him, dismissing his brave peace efforts as the work of an ignorant and bumbling old man. The most extraordinary outburst came from Israel’s United Nations ambassador, Dan Gillerman, who told journalists that Carter "went to the region with soiled hands and came back with bloody hands after shaking the hand of Khaled Meshal, the leader of Hamas." How can such scandalously undiplomatic language be explained?" L0L Hamas doesn't want to negotiate peace. Any negotiations they do is nothing but a way to buy time to rebuild their weaponary for another round. They don't want to live side by side with Isreal. It's one of their main stated aims. The fact that good 'ol Carter actually expect isreal to ignore the fact was retarded.
  24. "gave the Giants a great chance to win last year, they are still the favorites in my book to go all the way, looking forward to a SD NY superbowl " Won't happen. "You schooled me?" Yup. You claimed that Rivers was better because he was 'statistically better' as you gave that as a reason why SD will win this weekend then soon afterwards you claimed stats were meaningless. So.. which is it? Are stats meaningful or not. Otw, Manning went 11-5. Your precious Rivers went 8-8. Manning won MVP. Rivers did not. "In every way Rivers was the better QB this year period end of story." L0L Delusional much? "Giants got the better deal with they got Eli for Rivers So far, its still to be determined." Nope. Giants won a Super Bowl, already. SD has not. "When did Brees get to be the media darling, that belongs to your boys." All season long, actually. 'Brees for MVP' was a common refrain followed by 'Warner for MVP'. Or 'Dallas for super bowl winning fvaorites'. In fact, Giants have for the most part relatively ignored the Giants though its ahrd to completely ignore a team from NY. But, ooohhh,, people sure tried. "By the way the Chargers kept the right QB." First off, they didn't 'keep' anyone. It was a trade. And, no, they didn't. " I would rather have Rivers then any other QB, but thats just me" Biasness at its worst. Rivers is a great QB; but winning your divsion with an 8-8 record is not impressive. Though, he did beat Indy last year (iirc) so it's not all lost.
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