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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Volourn


    "I have no idea what Volourn is talking about." What's a non hockey fan doing in a hockey thread? A simple reading of the NHL homepage would get you plenty of reads on this issue. ... Deraldin wins ...
  2. "He should have threw in the towel last year and went off on a high note (been saying that since week 1 as I knew he wasn't going to have a repeat performance, not said out of hind sight) but now hes limping out on a whimper.. and if he comes back one more year he will simply be a laughing stock. Sad this guys ego is the size of the moon. He should have had some class like marino, teddy and other football pros that went off on a high note." Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. He has the right to play the game as long a she wnats. He had a bad season. Big deal. It should be pointed out that many young QBS have had bad seasons this year. Does that mean they should give up, and retire too? That's a ridiculous notion. Favre had his best season EVER last season at 40, and he is still very capable of playing at a high levekl. Anyone who tries to suggest that he isn't one of the top 30 QBs in the league when healthy are full of crap. If punks like you had their way, Favre would have retired a decade ago, and we would have missed out some of the most entertaining games/player ever. Favre (sexting stuff aside) is classy when it comes to football. Wanting to play the game you love so much and not allowing yourself to eb betrayed and thrown in the trash is NOT classless. Turning one's back on a guy for the horrible crime of WANTING TO PLAY FOOTBALL AND DO A JOB HE'S BEEN DOING FOR TWENTY YEARS is classless. And, no, you didn't know he wouldn't have a repeat performance. You probably 'predicted' that he would have a horrible season lst season as well. L0L It's easy to be eventually right when you predict something every year. Afterall, some have claimed that Indy would miss the playoffs for the past 5 seasons, and now this season those people might actually be 'right'. As for OT, Pats are a great teasm and have a shot at the SB but they aren't my favorites to win. Brady definitely deserves considertaion for MVP along with Vick. On the subject of Vick where are all the naysaying punks who claimed Vick was finished as both a human being, fan favorite, and awesome player after he was kicked out fo the league and thrown in prison? Perghaps, next time, don't pretend to know what you are talking about and actually listen to me since I *know* my stuiff. R00fles!
  3. "What I find impossible to understand is how Bioware ended with such a crappy RPG system in ME1 (the skill system is just not a good mechanic) and such a poor inventory system, even worse than the one in Kotor." Oh, hell to the no. KOTOR is BY FAR, BIO's worst RPG and ME beats it IN EVERY SINGLE WAY. "Yes, I was hyped, but the KOTOR games were my favorite, so why wouldn't I be?" That's your issue. Expecting ME to be KOTOR when ME is 1 million times better is silly. Anyone whose favorite game9s) is the KOTOR series has poor taste.
  4. Two Worlds
  5. This is just the continuation of ME's plot. The ME series was always a story about Shepard and the rise of humans in the galaxy because of his actions so its makes sense that Earth will be more central in the final chapter of Shepard's quest. Plus, if you actually thought the reapers would be completely unbeatable.. it would make playing the game useless...
  6. Volourn


    I just have to say I'm getting sick and tired of so called 'veterans' whining about so and so young player because they do something, are too ****y, or some other nonsense. Seriously, it sounds like sour grapes when they cry about respect after getting beat by a young gun. The rookies owe you crap. They owe to play the best they can. The best oplayers should not have t hold back because old farts cry about the new kid on the block. Seriosuly, get over yourselves.
  7. Like he said, that's insanity.
  8. "Whining might actually make things better, so yeah. I mean, criticism is still criticism, and even if it's excessive it's better than blind fanboyism." No. "A depressing end game from Bioware? Never." Actually. A drepessing end game from Bioware? It has happened. Why do people make stuff up? Anyways, i found the video good in doing it's job. The way BIO announced it was fine as well as this thread is evidenced to. It got people talking which is the whole poiont of marketing. People whined about DA's amrketing too and said it would cause DA to underperform.. yet, DA is one of only two BIo games to sell 3mil+. L0L
  9. " saying that JE2 will never sell better than DA3 (that's what you did just then) is like saying, that an oriental setting will never work in a RPG. only fantasy (with sci-fi being somewhere between the two) " No. No, it's not. It's saying that JE's sequel won't sell as much as DA's sequel. It's not a fantasy vs oriental war. Plenty of fantasy games bombed compared to JE. *shrug* And, JE is nothing like NWN or KOTOR. first off, KOTOR is a joke. Plus, any simialrities that JE has with post NWN BIO games it also shares with BG. LMAO
  10. When did I claim that?
  11. Why would BIO waste their time with a project that clearly underperformed compared to their general standards? Why make a game like JE when you can make a game like DA. 1.5mil simply doesn't cut it for a company BIO's size.
  12. "The writing was far better then the original." No. Hella to the noa. "Well then answer me why Bio hasn't outsourced Jade Empire 2 to Obsidian despite the interest from both Bio and the EA CEO to do one?" JE wasn't successful enough for a sequel. It sold a measily 1.5mil copies. the typical BIO RPG sells 2.5+mil witht he last two (DA and ME2) have each sold 3mil+. No sequel for JE. Sorry.
  13. Here's a nasty secret. Graphics have *always* mattered to games. The onl difference is that in the 'good 'ol days' graphical capability was extremely low or non existent so gamers took what they could get.
  14. "Two words: Bioware Obsidian" One word: Biosidian or One word: Obsware
  15. "Stubborn insistence that the judicial process should not result in the government murdering innocents is unreasonable and illogical...? *snort* Also, to prevent any confusion, that was meant to read: "We can, and should, expect the law to be so, however." I don't expect any single human to be hyper-rational. I expect the collection of humans we call 'society' and 'government' to always aspire to this, however - an independent, unemotional judicial process is absolutely key to a just, free society." You do realize, hilariously, that legally speaking murder is defined as the illegal killing of another human being right? Therefore, legally speaking, the go'vt can't 'murder' anyone. Besdies, it isn't actually the goverment doing it but the courts. The president of the US (or PM of Canada) can't unilaterlaly order the murder of a citizen. That's up to the courts to decide. And, they don't work for the gov't in that way.
  16. "then supporting the death sentence means you're okay with the occasional innocent person being executed." Complete and utter bull with no basis in the real world. "And being against the death penalty means you are ok with any further murders against prison guards and other inmates. The death penalty isn't just handed out to every murder... it requires 'aggravating circumstances'. Saying 'then supporting the death sentence means you're okay with the occasional innocent person being executed.' is like saying you are ok with alcohol consumption even though 40,000 people a year are killed by drunk drivers." Well said. Nonsense, sometimes, needs to be responded to with more nonsense. Being pro DP for murderers does not mean you are okay with DP for innocents. Are you on crack?
  17. Yes, it really is.
  18. Sometimes the death penalty is the just penalty. Sometimes it is not.
  19. "AND THEY ARE WRONG!" The success of games where the focus is heavily on npcs proves you wrong. Sorry.
  20. "I'll remember you said that when you tell us you bought something." And, that would prove what? Customers are morons, and I'm no exception to the rule.
  21. "Finally I am one of the most liberal, open minded person you will meet. " If you act in real life the way you do on forums, this simply is not true. You are the total opposite of being open minded. Nothing wrong with that, but just admit to it instead of trying to pretend you are something you are not. You are one of the most closeminded extremist personalities I have ever seen on the net, and that says a lot consideirng the people who tend to use the net. L0L
  22. How so? Customers are morons. This is a proven fact.
  23. "Clearly failed at history." Clearly failed your intelligence roll. You claimed it has been 'forced' on *us* for 1700 years. That's impossible since I have not been alive for 1700 years so obviously it hasn';t been forced on me nearly that long.
  24. "Consumers are costumers and the customer is always right" No. Hella no. Hell to tha no. Customers, more often than not, are wrong. Customers, as a group, are some of the biggest morans in the universe. They are to be laughed at, mocked, pitied, hated, and told to go cry to their momma. So many times IU've seen customers epic fail, get embarassed, and take it up the butt while enjoying doing so 'cause they have little choice to. Because they are pathetic, weak, and losers. Customers - the people that make me smile as I laugh at their evil scummery as they prtend to have power when they really don't. R00fles!
  25. "Dave Gaider is at least being completely up-front about the customer's essentially passive role in his interactive novel. " L0L because he tells someone that BIO isn't planning to make it so easy to mute PC voice? The connection to what youw rote to what the quote was is hilarious. P.S. The new 'approval' system has potential.
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