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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. There's nothing nuanced about it. THE US uses SA to combat Iran. That is why they 'put up' witH SA's evil.
  2. "hostile takeover" How is that possible? Isn't Obsidian privately owned. It can only be 'taken over' if the Obsidian owners agree to it. That is not 'hostile'.
  3. Yet people will continue to argue that certain countries aren't actuyally ****holes and are actually 'better' than the US. LMAO As for SA, they are what they are. Murderous dictatorship. And, Trump is gonna do what basically every other president has done - continue to let them slide. btw, That excuse they came up with is the most believable defense I have ever heard for murder/assassination. Yeah.
  4. "I know thieving skills aren't really even all that necessary in the CRPG" Absolutely needed? Nah. But, the good ones they are highly valuable. Like this one. Anyways, I largely agree about the kingdome management. For me, it just takes away from the best part of the game - the adventuring. There are good parts to it but the weaknesses are beyond annoying. btw, My favorite spell is dimension door. I never used it in the IE games but it was a lifesaver in a few situations for me in KM. *cough* barbarian camp *cough* P.S. It is beautiful when certain monsters' energy/level/ability drain goes right through death ward. Still, bugs and all, this game is one of the best RPGs ever.
  5. Women are so superior they needed men to give them permission to vote.... L0LZ
  6. The walking speed is fine as long as you aren't overpacked with junk. This game - bugs and all - is hella fun. Better than either PE games (which I enjoyed as well).
  7. LMAO I guess the punks behind the Connors underestimated how important Roseanne was to her own damn show. They were done a whooping 35% from the Roseanne reboot. IMAGINE. Get rid of the character and the driving force behind the original show and you lose a large chunk of your audience.
  8. Since theya re going with a whole world map I really hope they look into spells like Teleport and the priestly one that is si8milar. It would be really nice if they had it in KM.
  9. Can it beat PF:KM? That game is the modern BG2... just way more annoying bugs. LMAO P.S. they don't even have a 'lead writer' yet/? That's not a good sign.
  10. If witches hexing men actually worked... there wouldn't be the need of a #metoo movement in 2018... LMAO Let's remember, though, these witches are anti human rights because one of the fundamental rights of people is the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty ... unless you are man in 2018....
  11. Funny thing about Eli being 'terrible'... he has his best pass % and one of his top QB ratings 9I think it's 4th best) of his career yet people still whine about him. LMAO Perhaps if the etam would open up the offense and the o-line would stop being pillows they could do damage. 21 sacks against already. Gonna crush his total from lasts eason.
  12. "but the problem is that it tends to disadvantage the poor and minorities and on top of that" Oh come on. Stop that bigotry talk. Are you saying minorities can't go get idea because they ain't capable? And, define, 'poor'. Most people defined as 'poor' have ID or acces of getting it. This 'it's hard on minorities' is bullocks. It is insulting to minorities that implies theya re less than capable. Plenty of minority people can get ID just fine. If a bunch of dumb white people can do it so can others.
  13. "Nazi." O RLY? As for Mattis trying tos ham the First lady, that sure seems unseemly for someone of his standing. Rather sad he has to do so. Must be a Trump-Clinton supporter.
  14. I'm more Native than Warren and nobody is gonna is mistake me for being one. I'm whitey mc white.
  15. " Also Bethesda didn't make that Brotherhood of Steel game, which was far and away the worst of the franchise." Beth**** FOs are worst FOs. BOS was horribad but Bethsit Fos were worse. Because, BOS was what it was.. but Bethesda were pretending to make RPGs and they had that nice little number 3 and 4 tacked on. BOS, at least, had the courtesy and respect not to pretend to be a sequel. LMAO
  16. "When I say we, you know, ‘We kick ‘em,’ I don’t mean we do anything inappropriate. We don’t do anything illegal,” Holder said. “But we got to be tough, and we have to fight for the very things that [civil rights leaders] John Lewis, Martin Luther King, Whitney Young – you know, all those folks gave to us.” Oh, please. You take his 'clarification' at face value? Both parties are run by psychopaths who love violence - as long as it is done by their groupupon the other group. That is simply fact. How many times has a some lefty committed an act of violence and their 'side' argues that they were 'provoked' by mean words. And, the righty does the same thing. All of them love violence.
  17. "That's really not how it works. I mean, apart from the grammar mistake, that reads like something a dumb parent wrote because they didn't understand why their child was being held accountable for actions. Your child may have been completely justified in hitting back, but the school still has to hold him or her accountable. I hit an 8th grader who had bullied me all year long when I was a 7th grader. He was pushing me in the back, and I turned around and swung. Amazingly I connected and gave him a great big shiner. This was a formative moment in my life and I don't regret it, but I also completely understand getting suspended. There are consequences to actions, even when justifiable. You can rarely be held too accountable. My daughter got suspended for spraining the wrist of another girl a couple weeks ago. In the end, it seemed to be a bit of an overreaction by the administration. She was wrestling with a friend and the friend got hurt. The friend wasn't upset at my daughter, but apparently other kids made it sound like my daughter hurt her on purpose. At the end of the day though, it was more important that we teach our daughter about accountability than make excuses for her. So the lesson here is that the Hurlshots get in trouble a lot. :p" Nazi Lawful Evil Teacher detected. That is the attitude that has people who have their hoiuses broken into, are threatened, and then shoot the scumbags.. whioa re then arrested in thrown in priosn because it is the right thing to do. It is real simple. Someone attacks someone. The person who got hit has every right and obligation to hit back ten times harder with no punishment. Self Defense is a basic right. PERIOD.
  18. The people whining aboput Johnson doing this are likely the same ones who are are demanding black Supermans and black James Bonds. LMAO But, poor Rocky. He is just not 'black' enough for racists. EVIL.
  19. It's happened lots. *shrug*
  20. "Yet another doomed attempt to translate Stephen King's brand of horror to cinema. Well, here's hoping it's not completely terrible." Funny, considering that movies based on King's woprk have made tons of money, won Oscars and nominations, and are rather popular. Yeha, there been some stinkers but you are being silly. As for Black Superman, it is simply racist. What's next? a white Black Panther? Maybe an Asian Black Panther would be even better? Why not create a super hero for him?
  21. Giatnts are wussies. They ned to go for big plays. Eli has a pretty solid QB rating, has a high pass % but that isn't how he is built. He needs to go for the long bomb. That is when he is at his best. These 2 yard passes are ridiculous. Eli can still play but this cowardly style is wrong. Giants and Eli are playing not to lose. They should be playing to win.
  22. The SJW stuff was small potatoes. the game is dreck. Plain and simple. Afterall, PF:KM has a 'SJW stuff' in it, and the game is fantastic outside of bugs. *shrug*
  23. " It DID feel like a Baldur's Gate game." No. It didn't. It felt like crap. PF:KM feels more like a BG game than that crap that was being peddled. DISGUSTING.
  24. "Volo these things are complicated, they must be analyzed with nuance and objectivity and then only commented on with finesse and decorum 8)" Nah.
  25. " The complex systems and attention to detail were what made it superior to Fallout 1&2." No. And, I say that while liking FO:NV *a lot*. But, it isn't better than the other two.
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