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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. It's a way to go 'Gotcha' against politicians one don't like.
  2. Your video doesn't work. Are those the Russians accused of 'hacking' the election by spamming online anti Clinton pro Trump silliness? If that is the definition of 'hacking' now? Interverence and obstruction/ You mean having an opinion on who you want to win an election? Like nobody in the world has an opinion on who they wanted to win an election? Or no Amerikan has never gave an opinion or spammed who they wanted to win elections elsewhere? if that is your definition of 'hacking' an election that term has become meaningless.
  3. All these arrests and convictions and plea deals yet still no evidence of actual legit election hacking. LMAO
  4. Seriously. Not a big fna of Kali, but at nearly 200k.. I'll go there and pay their high taxes for a few years scoop up **** and deal with their ****. L0L That is some good moolah. Of course, it does explain why Kalifornia has high taxes when **** shoverlers get paid that much. LMAO
  5. All these charges at elikely all for the same set of crimes. A loty easit to get things to stick when you charge someone with 50 'different' crimes for the same actual crime. L;MAO
  6. I tried to watch Disenchantment. It was awful. I fell asleep. Pure garbage.
  7. I'm a believer now. On top of that, all aliens (form space) must die. They culturally appropriated our earth culture's yummy fruit snacks. THAT. MEANS. WAR.
  8. "Edit: also victims of sexual assault commiting sexual assault is sadly not a surprise, it is a likelihood." Cry me a river. Next you'll say we should feel sympathy for Weinstein ';cause likely he was also a victim of sexual assault. Plenty of victims don't go around molesting others because they know how horrible it is. Those who do are horrible people. Period. I gues you are the type who thinks if you got mugged before it is okay for you to start mugging others for giggles.
  9. Then up taxes by 100% and pay all doctors and teacher million dollars minimum. "roofles!" Reads like FAKE NEWS. Probably includes private day care as 'private schools'. L0LZ
  10. "I'll never understand why people think private ownership of education, healthcare, prisons, etc - is a good idea." 1. Private schools are vastly superior to public school. That's the harsh true and largely because the best teachers/professors likely are treated and paid better than public ones. 2. Same as above. Private healthcare means they can attract the best doctors with higher pay hence why many of my fellow Kanadians (as well a s other countries) well rush to the US for the best medical treatment. Public health care is good for us masses and so we cheaper medicare but not 'top of the line'. So having private and public options for these two makes sense. So why not both? 3. Now private prisons. I don't think they should exist. This is one thing that shouldn't be in private hands - not even as an option. then again, public prisons are horribly mismanaged too. Either they are barbaric, maybe epicly cheap (I don't think even prisoners should be fed nasty grub they should get real meals) but I also don't think prisoners should be pamper ala some European countries deal with it.
  11. No disc in the box defeats the purpose of a PHYSICAL (collector's) edition. L0L What a funny joke. I don't need a 'code'. I already got the game online. In positivity, the manual looks really nice. Good on that.
  12. "You watch too much Fox News" More FAKE NEWS. I don't watch Fox news. Only tools do. Nice try, though. back on subject, I got the 'email' saying it wa sbeing delivered.. that was nearly 3 weeks ago. Nothing since. L0L
  13. "(which has sold quite well)" Define 'quite well'.
  14. Kanadian press loved to call our former PM Hitler, Nazi, and dictator too. Funny how all these NA 'dictators' all leave the job with no fuss once their term9s) are up like Bush or they voted out like Harper. Not really dictator type behavior. L0L
  15. Even if one believes in god why would you worship someone who believes it is acceptable to mass murder people - men, women, and chidren - yet have the gall to claim it is about 'morals' and 'goodness'. L0LZ
  16. Going by the #me too SJW Nazi standards, I've been 'sexually assaulted' and 'sexually harassed' so many times I can't keep track. L0L "Shouldn't the "agency" rest with the Tweeter? Yell "FIRE" in a theater and see what happens." Poor comparison. Someone yells 'fire' it means people hearing might be in danger of being burned so the physical risk to people is immediate and needs a quick reaction. Someone posting a TRIGGERING statement of Tweeter is not life threatening even though we're told it is so the over reaction is 100% on the idiots overreacting. LMAO
  17. "As a digital backer more of my pledge went towards Obsidian than physical backers because the physical rewards had to be bought by Obsidian, and physical backers got all the digital rewards anyway. Yes, complain that your rewards haven't been fulfilled, but don't claim you showed the most support, because you did not." FAKE NEWS.
  18. Talk about a psychopath. And, a waste. Look at that house. Plus, a plane. EVIL.
  19. "As for the idea that you shouldn't believe accusers" It is not about believing or not believing. It is about getting the facts. I've seen 'both sides'. I've seen someone falsely accused and the damage it can do and I've seen someone who got sexually assaulted and got no justice. It is about FACTS. But, I get it. FACTS and EVIDENCE are TRIGGER words in 2018. As for the silly 'sex workers can't be sexually assaulted/raped' nonsense. I echo all the people going WOW. That is some delusional idiocy that only SJW Nazi can think of.
  20. "Semantics. SM made it sound like the accuser/victim has no credibility because they are prostitutes (because it is impossible to sexually assault a sex worker, right?) which is the point Tagaziel was making. You took it an ran with it to rant about Hillary in a bizarre show of irrelevant whataboutism." Your spam is irrelevant. I never claimed that 'sex workers' can't be sexually assaulted so your response is meaninglkess. I was responding to the whole 'blame the victim' nonsense. Not all accusers are 'victims'. That's a fact. So, by saying you don't bel;eive an accuser or you ask for proof that is not 'blaming the victim' that is asking for proof. HUGE DIFFERENCE.
  21. "I'm not sure you need to invent dirt on a guy who's on record gloating how he can grab women "by the ****" and get away with it thanks to his celebrity status, but that's just me." What? So famous rich men get 'all the ladies'? That isn't shocking at all. Everyone says that. Because it is basically true. That doesn't mean Trump has never sexually harassed or assaulted someone but the Triggering line above has nothing to do with it. Nowhere does he say in it that he forces people to do it. The women he is talking about are agreeable. Thyat is his point. "did you just seriously go down the victim blaming route." Accuser blaming. There is a difference. Just because someone accuses someone doesn't mean they are a victim. Maybe maybe not. Prove it. then again, Libs only believe they 'should believe the victim' when the accused is someone they dislike. Otherwise they 'wait and see' or 'attack the accuser'. Just ask Hillary Clinton how she handled her husband's accusers even after it was proven that he had cheated on her. She called the accusers nasty names. talk about blaming the victim. Even in situations where they go all in like that one senator they come to 'regret' it and then say 'we need him even if he is guilty'. L0L, Of course, the 'right' is just as guilty. they also talk about ethic, and morals, and what have you but only when it suits them. Both sides are scum. Plain and simple.
  22. Yes. And, no. It's complex. But, this is justa reminder that 99.9% don't believe in free speech or freedom. They only pretend to. This goes for BOTH SIDES.
  23. $1 an hour? SLAVERY. I don't why you'd automatically be Banned from being an EMT or firefighter simply for having a 'criminal record'. I would think logic would dictate it should be depend on the actual crime commited. Now, if you got thrown in priosn for starting fires... yeah.. banned from firefighting. Then again, the gov't has a habit of hiring ex hacker criminals... So... L0L That said, I would not be shocked if said article writer demands athletes or cleebrities whom commit a crime (or even accused of what) be banned from participating in their jobs. Or not.Of course, they had to make it a 'racial issue'. LMAO
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