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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "They give a legitimate reason and you're still mad about it? I mean I get it delays suck but surely you weren't expecting Obsidian to know a company was going bankrupt right?" I didn't hire the other company. I hired Obsidian. The other company had no contract with me. Obsidian did. They are 100% responsible for it. I haven't given up on Obsidian yet as I can be patient and can be understanding when crap happens but make no mistake ultimately the ball is in Obsidian's court.
  2. I can't imagine begging for money from random strangers on the internet. If I were going to beg I would at least have the decency to do it old school style - on the streets with my physical hand out asking,"You have any spare change?" in person face to face.
  3. 'real rights'
  4. "Makes sense. I'm not sure why anyone would risk their career over social media stuff. I guess it makes sense when you are trying to build a following, but once you've made it, just seems like an unnecessary risk." I believe he protests too much. he must be hiding something. Only cowards erase what they wrote and are ashamed about it. I've posted so called 'controverisal' things (*gasp* I agreed with both Trump and anti Trumpers at various times THE HORRORZ!). LMAO Own what you wrote.
  5. Skyscraper. Underperfomred at the box office but still entertaining. Rock is Rock and so glad Neve Campbell is back in action. Biggest letdown are the villains. Boring, bland, drab.
  6. I believe in self defense. Someone hits you with their fist. You hit them with a bazooka.
  7. Boys vs girls is foreign relations. Mars and Venus, afterall, are different planets. And, they both blame each other for the invention and spread of cooties.
  8. L0L Must be a toy car not a brinks truck bringing his money to his house. <>
  9. "In light of stagnant wage growth, the tax cut, and the necessary Social Security and Medicare cuts that are unlikely to materialise in the foreseeable future such an increase is unlikely to happen (even in the depths of Operation Iraqi Freedom spending to GDP sat between 2.9-3.8%). And in any case given the United States' commitments in the Middle East and East Asia a distressing percentage of US spending is not directly related to the defence of Eastern Europe (and what is is at best towards tripwire forces that I imagine Trump himself is highly reluctant to keep in country). " None of your spam disputes what I wrote.
  10. Just another passe old whiter man. So semi quote Oprah Winfrey;"The world will be a better place when old white men like Cleese are dead and gone."
  11. "Not to mention that it runs right up against the gun manufacturers own business (the big ones that would rather eat small manufacturers than co-exist that is) if you can just 3D print one, why bother buying one from the shop, right?" Yeha, but that's pretty much true for any product. In theory, anyone can brew their own beer... most don't. *shrug*
  12. "Re: NATO Spending As Mackenzie Eaglen (who is about as on defence spending as it gets) points out:" RE: Isn't the push for 4% new and set to attain it by 2024? Right now the 'goal' is 2$ish which the US (as shown above) and a few others are above it. This 'cumback' is silly. Of course, this doesn't change the fact that coutnries such as mine have no honour and can't follow through with promises.
  13. Executing someone because they tried to commit sucicide. I'm not a rah rah person when it comes to suicide but this seems beyond idiotic, evil, nazish, and scummy.
  14. case or not, it is beyond ridiculous a president can intevere in a case and demand to retry someone who was already found guilty because 'sentence wasn't long enough'. That is beyond retartet. Talk about abuse of power. Obama (like others) has no problem stealing land. EVIL. I'm sure Trump is no better though. P.S. Comments there are funny sicne they make it a 'race' thing whining about hwo they were pardoned because they were white... yet.. Trump has pardoned blacks .. and it was in the news. LMAO
  15. I believe Bush Sr was the last incumbent to lose reelection. Trump would have a good chance of dojbg that but Clinton running again makes him losing less likely. She lost to Donald Trump. That should disqualify for instantly. Don't the Dems have any other good choices?
  16. Magic Johnson should be ****canned.. LA could have had Cousins on the cheap too AND THEY PASSED..
  17. It inspires confidence of a playoff team.. but no team is go0nna beat GS. None. ZILCH. NADDA.
  18. Hmm... Germany all about power and control. Interesting...
  19. Are you kidding me/ warriors got Cousins? LMAO Why have a salary cap when it doesn't stop teams from being stacked. LMAO Yup. GS is winning another. I mena, they wer eliekly to win again anyways but they just got a player who should be maxed out at a huge ridiculous discount. PURE NONSENSE. Is this instead of Dwight Howard or are they gonna go for Howard too? HOLY MOLY. R00fles!
  20. Damn. I was hoping PHI. He wants to make It harder on me to cheer for a championship. LA is garbage.
  21. Murder, She Wrote. Another old series one can point to when the suaul suspects whine about 'lack of female leads'. And, that's an older woman too. You know, despite all the crying that actresses are deemed 'worthless' the older they are. L0L
  22. "To be fair, pregnancy in general is super sexist. The woman has to grow an entire person inside her body while the man, if he's a decent sort, just goes on snack runs and holds her swelling hands. :biggrin:" Actually, sexist against men. Women gain a lot of benefits to being pregnant nowadays. This isn't the old days where being pregnant sucked and was more 'duty' and 'required' and medically it was not safe. Think what you just said. I would love to order someone to go get me food when I wanted it and thy have to do it or be called nasty names. Not to mention being allowed to get mad, scream at someone, or even physically assault them, and already have a built in excuse for it. Yeha, you gain a few pounds and throw up once awhile but overall not a bad gig. Now, the actual giving birth part. THAT, I feel sorry for women. L00L
  23. Malcador sounds as paranoid as some people who have and people who don't have guns can be at times when guns are involved. Gun owner: Need a gun to protect me in case I randomly get attacked. Non gun owner: Gun owners are psychos and only scum need a gun and they have a gun they will me.. Like I said. CRAZY.
  24. "Or, you know, as a man you could accept that if you perform an act of procreation with a woman that you've already assumed the responsibility for any children that act might produce, rather than assume that as a dude you should get to Free Willy (said the actress to the bishop) whenever you want with no consequences." Women choose to have sex (barring rape which can complicate things of course), do you think they should haver a right to 'opt out'? Why can they change their minds 'after the fact' but not men? It's real simple. The man should have the same amount of time to 'opt out' as the woman. So, if they want no part of the child's life they can refuse it up untilt he time it is legal to have an abortion where he doesn't have to pay any child support but he loses all 'parental rights' as well.. There, everyone gets a choice. It's completelyt equal. Only a sexist would argue against this if they are pro abortion.
  25. "Which part?" Both. Is it true that the Red Hen and other business are suffering bigly? Isn't this a small town so I doubt there is a lot of choice in regards to restaurants? Did the owner actually resign from being part of that business organization? Was she really a dip**** that she started harassing the restaurant that ended up serving Sanders? That really is dickish and is contrary about all this talk about how 'polite' she was? I have doubts on this part because I'm sure Sanders would havementioned it but they had the other owner on talking about it. Too much FAKE NEWS.
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