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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. I like how people blame Trump for others' poor behavior and decisions. Blame Trump for Trump. He makes it easy but blaming Trump for stuff like Trudeau and co's poor use of social media or the left's call for violence or businesses being forced or not forced to serve certain people being okay if the target is disliked by them. That's on them. Trump's scummy behavior is on him. CAPICHE?
  2. Dude. A certain Kanadian became successful by posting his music on the internet. LMAO
  3. "More about bargaining power, nothing to do with skill. Taylor Swift's success ratio is more due to manufacturing exposure than anything. Milking the little guy gives music services their long returns, bargaining with the top 40 give them their quarterly returns." You make it sound like Taylor started from the top which we all know isn't true. Whether one likes her music or not, her success is 100% because of her. Just like other successful singers.
  4. Green parTy members should be mad at Democrats. Don't know what is at stake? Voting demo is selfish and allowqs Trump to win. Vote Green. Only idiots, tools,. and selfish people fvote Demo knowing what is at stake. A vote for Democrats is a vote for Republicans. LMAO
  5. "I don't recall anything saying that it wasn't the first time the two had visited that bakery for things other than a wedding cake, so, you're going to have to back that statement up." Do your own research. researchers are paid good money. I don't work for free. The articles are not hard to find.
  6. "Obviously he didn't state outright 'because they were gay', he said 'because my religious conviction tells me not to' with the 'because they are gay' being implied rather than being said. How is that different from saying 'because they were gay'?" Stop the FAKE NEWS. He never refused to bake for them because they were gay. As I stated above, this baker had baked cakes for this same couple MULTIPLE TIMES previously. There was never an issue with them being gay. Ever. Let's do this again to be clear. He never refused to bake them a cake because THEY were gay. That is false. The issue was the cake they wanted him to bake. ie. Some gun nut goes to an anti gun bakery. He's been going there for eyars. they always bake him said cake. One day the gun nut wants them to make a gun themed cake. The anti gun fella says no because he ain't into that. That baker did not refuse to the gun nut because he is a gun nut. he has served in the past and is perfectly willing to serve him in the future. Just will not make a gun themed cake. See the DIFFERENCE?
  7. No. You made a FAKE NEWS claim. You stated, clearly, that he refused them *because* the people were gay. He did no such thing.
  8. 'Reccmmendation'. Until they start using threats, bribes, in timidation, and other violent acts to get what they want. Look at what the idiot who damaged the star last time. He claims that the star's existence is a cause of violent confronation and that's why it should be removed. NO. Punks like him are the reason wnhy there's been violent confrontations. LMAO *HE* should be banned.
  9. Abuse of political power. LMAO No better than Trump. Then again, it is Kalfornia, known for its racism, sexism, and pure hatred.
  10. Just another white woman culturally appropriating black culture. EVIL.
  11. "argument that said bakery refusing gay people etc is making." FAKE NEWS. He didn't refuse 'gay people'. He had sderved the same gay people multiple times over the years. Them being gay had nothing to do with his refusal of services. he refused to make one specific cake. So 'twas the 'gay wedding cake' that got refused not the gay couple.
  12. "The Captain Worf series was a separate pitch that Michael Dorn was trying to get going for the past 5 or 6 years" I'd watch a Captain Worf series.
  13. "The Cold War is Over." - Says a popular President seeking reelection and uses that line to crush his opponent in a debate. HINT: It's Donald Trump.
  14. The original article also goes over how many people actually prefer to use eskimo to refer to themselves and have no issue with it. So.. who should we listen to? The ones who say it is 'bad word mmmkay' or the ones who go'it is no biggy, not offensive'. Chances are it'll be the TRIGGERED ones because they're always the loudest. the others will just live their lives.
  15. Picard should be the main star. PERIOD. I like Worf but Picard greater than all.
  16. "It's not a real tweet by the former president, but still good for a laugh" Great. I got victimized by FAKE NEWS. l0lz
  17. "more than 15,000 Saudi students attend Canadian schools and universities." That seems like a lot for one country.
  18. "They go low we go high" - Says hypocrites.
  19. "It'll still likely either be garbage, or canned before actual production like Xena and various other 'reboots'." They cancelled the Xena one? I had mixed feelings on that one too since they seemed to be on the 'must do SJW stuff no matter what'. btw, I'm also anti many of the 'stay your white lane' remakes too because they suck ala McGuyver. A lot of the reamkes/reboots/continuations don't rally get what made this shows popular in the first place. Buffy wasn't beloved because of a 'feminist agenda'. It was beloved because it was HELLA entertaining with good 'monsters of the week', entertaining stories, and great acting (and good showcases for that acting). The fact it had a female lead and underlying it was 'girl power' was irrelevant even if some p-eople praised it ONLY for that.
  20. BEST. ST. EVAR.
  21. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer is getting a reboot. Creators don't have any plans, no idea about anything in the show. Except that they have to race swap the lead. Great start for a disaster. " It says a lot about what their goal is for this series. They ain't interested in making a great show but pushing politics. Which si funny since Buffy is a show about 'girl power' yet it didn't come across as anti male (despite the u8ber anti female big bad in S7 or even the 3 geeks in S6). Can you imagine how hat is handled in 2018? "You know what really bothers me about rebooting old stuff with a PoC cast? It's a hand-me-down. As if PoC actors weren't good enough to get new franchises." Yup. P.S. I watch =plenty of shows that have black leads and find them great. But stop the silliness. It insults everybody.
  22. Even better, just before they hired Jeong, they fired another employee because said employee had 'ties' to a 'dssaproved' personality. LMAO And, it's not anti racism. It is racism. On top of that, she's Asian - the most 'privledged' race in the West. Plus, this myth that blacks have 'no power' is ludicrous when there was a black president for 8 years. then you figure in all the black judges, governors, mayors, and police chiefs in power. then you throw in the domination by black entertainers in the entertainment industry like Lebron James, the Rock, Beyoncé, and others. It is latinos who get screwed over. The most populous 'minority' get spit on. They get Jennifer Lopez. That's it. Bottom line is when you bash someone based on their race you are a racist. PERIOD.
  23. Of course.. the only living witnesses are the cops there and one kid I believe who was locked/.hiding in a room so likely didn't see the shooting. Cops took care of that when they murdered the owner of the house. They should be EXECUTED.
  24. "Scary and sad" So.. the cops come in guns ablazing without a warrant on private property and coldly murders the owner of the house. People at elikely to use this as why people should haven't guns.. but, for me, this shows why the police shouldn't be allowed to have guns. They don't know how to use them responsibly. And, I bet the officers will suffer no repercussions. for this murder. EVIL.
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