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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "If a modern gamer is playing BG1 & DA2 for the first time then they might enjoy DA2 more. If you judge them for their time, however, BG1 was a far superior game." No. no, it wans't. DA2 pretty much does everything better. BG1 is only memeroabale to me because it was BIO's first game I played. But, tyoherqwise, DA2 is vastly sueprior to it. It's no contest. BG1 is not sueprior to DA2. That's HUGELY lauaghable. The argument can be amde for BG2 9and I'd actually agree) but BG1? Bah. BG1 is really overrated 9and I overrated too). B G1 doesn't stand the test of time. I'll remember DA2 more fondly 20 years from now - more interetsing characters, better story, better combat, better C&C, better writing, better graphics, better music, better everything.
  2. Freedom. A thing of the past. This is soemthing a dictatorship does - telling others how to live thir lives based on whether they approve it or not. Disgusting. Smoking + Fattening food (lol, I wish) > Wannabe Dictators
  3. "Bringing war and destabilization to muslim countries in the middle east creates suffering, and eventually refugee camps, emigration etc. The more we stir it up over there, the more they come over here and take advantage of our freedom and welfare system. If you don't want them around, the best thing to do is leave them alone." Oh, please. Muslims/Arabs don't flee their home countries to other coutnries liek the US, Canada, and Europe because Western coutnries happen to bomb them. They flee their home countries because their country's gov'ts treat them like crap. And, that's putting it mildly. You are basically parroting what Iran's leaders want you to beleive - blame the West for every problem you face even when its you are creating it. Organizations like AQ, and the Iran gov't are very likely responsible for more Muslim deaths and despair than the US cna ever hope to be.
  4. " don't think I've said a single one of those things, but you're obviously enjoyng yourself. Crack on. " Nobody claimed you did.
  5. Nice try , docs, but since the two of youa re actually EA suits .. EA doe, in fact, tell BIO what to do. R00fles! DA2 > BG1 This is fact.
  6. Well.. if the immigrants are causing 'endless trouble' that tends to imply 'criminal activities' so why not arrest them and throw them in prison? That way they get to stay in the country and get a nice home in jail for their troubles.
  7. "Do try harder, Volo." Here are some of the exaggerations and myths aka LIES spread by your precious ACS and fellow gob't agencies in Kanada (and US); 1. 2nd hand smoking is worse than 1st hand smoking 2. Smoking is a guaranteed death sentence. 3. 3rd and even 4th habnd smoke exist. STFU, ACS, STFU!
  8. One of things the US asnd their allies have accomplished by hunting AQ leaders down like they have is it serves a warning for all would be big shot terrorists that you REALLY better be ready to die for your cause because it well very likely happen. And, as Osama is evdienced off, hiding in rmeote reasons 9or even near allies) doesnt' guarantee you safetly. No more sending OTHERS to die ala Osma did on 9/11 and living the good live. Plus, technology is gonna get you. No more hding the fact that you target muslims as often as you do non Muslims also tends to hurt your support.
  9. "This is incredibly wrong. You can read up on it here. That's from the American Cancers Society, but you can find a dozen other organizations saying the same thing." Thiose organizations love to exaagerate ie. lie to get theitr message across. It's called a tool of brainwashing.
  10. "Smoking has become extremely unpopular." Brainwashing does that.
  11. "obvious things like put a strain on the healthcare system, lack of productivity, social isolation, insert a few more." None of their business. As fop 'second hand smoke'; it is largely exaggerated. It's got so out of control there's nonsense about '3rd hand smoke' and even '4th hand smoke'. Shutup silly gooses. 2nd hand smoke does exist I've heard morans talking about how how it's evenw orst than actual smoking, care exhums or other silly stuff. My believe, that smoking should be allowed anywhere the owner wants to allow it. This means most public/gov't owned places like scholls/hospitals (well.. in Kanada) and the like can ban it while privately owned business like restaurants and bars it is 100% up to them. If you don't like it don't go to said place. period. This is coming from a 100% non smoker (1 puff of a cigeratte when I merely 13 was all i've ever had); but this arrogant busybodiness of people trying to control others' lives is riiculous. We allow the murder of unborn babies for various reasons (some arguably legit ala rape or potential death for the mother) but not allowing people to put something in their body? GET THE HECK OUT OF HERE. Nanny states are for the weak, pathetic, and unworthy. If I want to stick a stick of dynamite down my throat and ther eis no dnager to others when i do it - get out of my face. Thank you very much.
  12. This makes them good not evil. I don't give a crap if the foods are 'healthy' or not. Making a mountain out of a molehole is exactly what'sw rong with modern society and its complete desire to have control of everybody else's lifes. People should be able to choose what they want or not as long as it doesn't outright hurt others which this does not. Period.
  13. Definitely a balancing act between right of priavacy 9which I'm all for) and the reasonable use for crime solving and the like.
  14. "Problem, Mass Effect?" Nah, not really. It still makes oodles of money. BIO - contrary to one tools think - has never been main stream enough nor big enough to get those kind of sales. That's why the 4mil+ of both DA and ME2 were HUGE deals for them. And, the 2mil+ in less than 2 months for DA2 was good times. BIO will not sell 10mil copies ever nor do they need to. R00fles! P.S. if it's a problem for ME.. it's really a problem for games like DS3 and AP. HAHAHAS!
  15. "LA/EA/BIO don't wanna have Obsidian in the picture. They want them to be non-existant. Like they never made the game." I very much doubt the BIO docs are part of some anti Obsidian conspiracy - espciailly since they are major reasons why Obsidian got to do NWN2 and KOTOR2 in the first place. And, they do so, because of their close connection with FU. LMAO Conspiracy theoriests are foolish people who are very ignorant of facts.
  16. NHL 12 is a worthwhile update if you play online otherwise it's just same game but with some extra features like usual.
  17. MM6, MM7, NHL 12, and NWN.
  18. " It's not like the MLB where everyone and their mother is testing positive for roids," Nothing serious wrong about roids other than potential abuse that comes with any drug - legal or illegal. They should legalize it and there'd be less abuse and more ways tod eal with the side aeffects. It surely doesn't make baseball players players better. I'd rather have steroids legal than people claimig concussions are 'acceptable' part of hockey. That's disgusting. "NFL/NBA where the star players are raping girls and getting away with it." L0L 'Rape' I like the way you claim that like it's a matter of fact and proven beyond a shadow of the doubt. None of us know what actually went on except the participants. "I just had a brief twinge of concern that Volourn hasn't been posting in awhile. Weird." I don't need your fake concern spammed in the hockey thread. Let's talk hockey. Volourn is off topic in thisn thread. If you concerned about some punk you don't even know make a thread about it and leave the hockey thread about hcokey or at least sports related tangents. Thank you very much.
  19. "wish America would pick on an enemy her own size. Someone like Russia, y'know. " They did, and they won without even having to invade. L0LZ
  20. 99% of RPGs are grindy. This is NOT a new trend. Many of the beloved 'classics' of the early to mid 90s were ALL about the grind.
  21. "You don't free slaves by making being a slave illegal. You don't resolve homelessness by fining people who don't shower. You're penalizing a victim for being victimized. It's idiotic." This.
  22. "just looking for the right way to deploy it" Sounds like the army... Oo KOTOROL... nah, while some of it sound snice, not gonna buy it went it comes out. MMOs aren't my thing.. I get bored with them afetrawhile. I might get it eventually just to do the solo part than stop. R00fles!
  23. I stated my opinion. Whether you like it or not, is not my concern. End of issue.
  24. Game still looks awesome.
  25. What's funny is some parts of EULAs would be laughed out of court (and have been) if fought.
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