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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "He could theoretically be blamed for the DA2 short dev cycle. But Mass Effect 3 was purely internal." Nah. Unless you mean internally EA. BIo is a aprt of EA. therefore, EA has say in all aspects of BIO. I agree with the guy who ssays the BIO of today exist because of Ricearoni. The docs got their money but that's all BIO got out of it. BIO may continue to exist or it may not. That's life. All that matter sis if they release games I want to play. KOTOR MMO = NO DA3 = YES GAME OVER, MAN, GAME OVER.
  2. "The best bits are really Parker-Gwen and Captain Stacey towards the end, but it takes a long time to get there." Agree. I also loatheed the streotype Captain Stacy was at the start. "the movie also seems to forget about plot points and characters that they introduced earlier" Yup. Like the bully. It looked like they were setting him up for some depth but then it really didn't go anywhere.
  3. This entire threads to defend a proven sexist piece of crap. Disgusting. Enterainment doesn't make people violent or sexist ort whatever. That is bull. Violence, and sexism have existed well before modern forms of entertainment. Video games weren't around during the world wars, afterall. R00fles!
  4. "You wouldn't do that for a man." I would. i do it all the fukkin' time. Stop being sexist. "in which 'female supremacy' doesn't even equate 'hatred of men'." Yes, it does. Just like 'male supremecy' equates to 'hatred of women'. They are both sexist belief statements where the believer of them is a piece of crap.
  5. "Either way, some recent EA releases were total failures. ME3" Define 'total failure' b/c I doubt ME3 would belong to any 'total failure' category. P.S. I'm glad that piece of crap was ****canned.
  6. The Amazing Spiderman - Better than I thought it be but still amazingly average. 7/10
  7. "Oh, come on. This is misandrist and inflammatory. My previous link was perfectly reasonable." Anyone whose argument comes down to male vs female and feels the need to bash one gender to prop the other up is sexist. I don't care if it is a male who goes on about the 'woman place is in the kicthen' or a female that claims 'men are violent scumbags and if wiomne wer ein charge it be all HappyHappyLand'. Theya re both sexist attitudes. Period. This idea that sexism is a male only disease is pathetic. "For the record, I'm for equality/choices in entertainment and against gender/sexual discrimination," You win.
  8. Another sexist artice! I loathe sexists. Scumbags of the earth.
  9. "shouldnt be kickstarted just make it and sell it if you dont believe in the idea enough to spend your free time making it then why should anyone believe in you?" I agree. Kickstarter shouldn't exist! Neitehr should professional game companies or anything esle. if you believe farming you shouldn't need others to believe you! If you believe in politics the same! Why get paiod to do anything! You should do it all in your free time!!!
  10. She's evil. Plain and simple. Like any sexist.
  11. She's a sexist piece of crap. There are sexist peioce of crap males and there are sexist peice of crap females. Besdies, as mnetioned numerous times, 'save the damsel' isn't even the most common trope for video game stories. 'Save the world' is. Plus, there is a lot of male bashing/stereotyping/trashing in video games. Stop being a little crybaby and get over it.
  12. NWN2. DS3 is plain trash. NWN2 has a solid OC, a fantastic MOTB, and a totally ignorable SOZZY expansion.
  13. How aboput tropes vs males? There are so many tropes vs males in media that paint males in a horrible light. Horrible, horrible, horrible lliht. that belittles them, mocks them, and throws them in the trash. There is just as much sexcism against males as there is against females. It's a different form, but it still exists, and it is just as bad. "She probably doesn't allow comments or votes because this whole idea resulted in throngs of twits literally threatening her physical harm and telling her that she needs to be raped and the like." Oh please. She didn't get attacked because she was female. She got attacked because this is the internet. Who hasn't had some internet tough gug/gal threaten to physically do you harm at least once? L0LZ "I must play the wrong games. Last one I remember where the protagonist fought the antagonist over a woman as a prize was Donkey Kong. Maybe it's common in the games I generally ignore (quite possibly)." I agree. the most common trope happens to be 'save the world' one which has NOTHING to do with gender.
  14. The facts are facts. Don't forget he turned LA into a contender single handedly when he went there before the crap hit the fan with the silly drugs.
  15. Except I'm not. He's not perfect. My point is he's not some evil villain like Boston wanted to make him out to be. He seemed to be just fine behaviour wise since leaving Beantown despite his now lack of a career. Though, he did kick ass the next eyar and a half. If Boston had kept him they likely had a possible chance at winning a nother chance. It was funny and ausing when people tried to claim he was a 'cancer' when w/o him BOS doesn't win any championsips hence his MVP the first victory. Manny > Boston Just look how trashy Boston is now.
  16. Gonna get me arrested liek the other thread?
  17. He had an 'attitude' problem b/c Boston treated him like dirt. Outside of the drug issue, he had no big problems in SF. And, as mentioned above, he was fine with OAK outside of the fact that he is getting older therefore his skills are lesser. Sports teams are employers. If you treat your employees like trash they are gonna react.
  18. He helped Boston win championships. That's what. And, I'm not a Boston fan, but I love talent. And, I don't care aboutt he whole 'steroid' garbage because it is garbage and a waste of time, money, worry, and nonsense for such a tiny tiny thing. Espciailly along as player are allowed to pop pain killers/needles/anmd other crap to be able to play.
  19. This what Boston gets for betraying thir best player from their dominate years.
  20. Wow. WHAT AN INSULT! She should have been executed on the spot.
  21. That's because Kanadians aren't pieceful. That's a myth started by our propaganda machine. There's a reason hockey is the only professional NA sport that actually allows AND ACTUALLY ENCOURAGE fighting to take place. L0L In fact, try to tell a bloodthristy Kanandian that hockey be better off without fighting.. they'll threaten to punch you! Trust me.
  22. "That is such a petty and narrow minded view - If you like SP RPGs, you should be hoping this is successful, whether you hate the idea or not. We need all of these projects to succeed if we want to see more of them." You are insane. Come back to reality, please. I don't need any such thing. This Torment game aside, I don't need every single SP RPG to succeed. Just the ones I want to play.
  23. "I respect him even more for just agreeing to contribute his own money" So.. you respect him for doing what any person who owns his company own company should do? Invest, and contribute to his own comapny's project? L0LZ It should be expected not respected.
  24. My earlier rants aside, the kickstart makes it sound very promising if they live up to the billing. I doubt it'll be as good as they claim it'll be though it should still be rather good. That said, (not that they need my money at this point lol); but I'm not gonna invest in a comapny's second KS when the only game worth mentioning is a game (BT) thatb i didn't even bother with. I'll wait until WL2 comes otu and I get my copy through P:E and see how good that is. The recent change of actual dialogue makes that one mroe appealing than it was too. Still, I wonder how the character system for Torment '2' is. Are you only allowed human characters that can eventuaklly turn into aliens? L0L
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