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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Raithe whines about skin showing so he posts a pic with someone showing skin... L0LZ
  2. No. Not when a blockbuster can make 200mil and still be cosnidered a bomb. While an indy film can make maybe a mil and actually still turn a profit. So, your numbers, yet again, are foolishly inept.
  3. That is here and there. It blows your silly point out of the water. You make it sound like blockbusters don't get pirated when they do - at a larger rate. With rarer indie flicks most people aren't even aware of them so they don't bother watching them - either by purchasing them or by stealing them. They just don't care. If you never heard of something why would you bother to steal it? L0L Like your example, I never HEard of that movie until you just mentioned and I'm an internet geek who hears about all sorts of weird indie flicks... so why would I have bothered to steal it 9I don't steal movies but it's a point)? Your logic is illogical.
  4. Except Hollywood blockbusters are pirated an extreme amount too. nice try, though.
  5. "Antje Traue, definitely the hottest woman on earth right now." Not even top 1 million.
  6. The Bill of Rights is man made not 'nature' made. (thoguh I perosnally would argue that everything man made IS natural since man is apart of nature so everything we do - be it something deemed fantastic like a beautiful painting or sacrificing yourself to save someone or something horrific like the holocaust or nuclear weapons is natural). What humans do is as natural as what bears do.
  7. Zimmerman was not acting reasonably that night. Deal with it.
  8. Sharknadow - Defintitely better than your typical B Movie. Kinda helps that the stars were above average though some of the lesser actors were , well, lesser, lol. I'd give it a 6/10
  9. "Just because the media doesn't blow up a story, doesn't mean you don't get help from law enforcement. " I';m not talking about legal help. I'm talking about the typical blaisse attitude that CK illustrates (in a comedic way) in his routine. The idea that anything negative that happens to whites is deserved because of 'past sins' is beyond ridiculous. It is racist. And, when I say racist, I don't mean 'reverse racist' which is a made up word that doesn't even make sense. I have never treated someone differently based on race nor should I be shamed into feeling guilty because of what others did. no more than blacks should be ahsmed that blacks in the past were selling each other as slaves for money. No more should a son or daughter be punished for the crimes of their parents. Plus, as far as race goes, Zimmerman isn't white no matter how people spin it. He is hispanic... but, that doesn't work for the story. He has to be a white guy... yet, when it comes to immigration story people paint republicans as racist towards hispanics... Talk abotu having it both way. Bottom line here is Zimmerman should ahve been found guilty since it is obvious he was aat best criminally negligent. Both him and Martin were in the wrong that night. Martin paid the ultimate price.Zimmerman should pay soem price as well. But, I don't believe that racism really played a aprt in it. And, if it did, it cna be argued that Martin was the racist and a homophobe to boot. L0L
  10. Louis CK is funny but that video shows a down side of the anti white stance in modern world. It is stating clearly that it is okay to be racist against white people. If a white person is murdered, raped, or otherwise hurt... big deal. They were white so they aNd it coming 'cause, hey, at least they were white. L0LZ
  11. "If you want to get angry at the Alexander case, get angry at the minimum sentencing law as it allows prosecutors to play judge and jury." That's a different issue. She should have been found not guilty of attenmtped mruder. She didn't try to murder anyone. t worst it should have been child endarment and unlawful use of a gun. AT WORST.
  12. "the woman in question fired the gun in the general direction of her CHILDREN and did so after having got away the first time. Warning shots, no matter what that stupid ****head who is our current Vice President might say, are almost always illegal. The only possible exception I can think of would be threat of mob violence. Moreover, SYG applies to percieved imminent threat. You are not allowed to go away and then come back and shoot at someone." You are evil. the woman did nothing wrong and she did not shoot in the 'general direction of her children'. That's a blatant lie. I guess you wanted the husband to murder the wife. That is sick. She should spend ZERO days in prison.
  13. "Prosecution witness Rachel Jeantel, speaking to Piers Morgan on CNN last night, explained that George Zimmerman had misunderstood the beating he was receiving from Trayvon Martin, and so had the jury in his trial. Zimmerman was not facing a potentially life-threatening "bashing," but simply a "whoop-ass." They don't understand, they understand, "Oh, he would just bash, or was kill." When somebody bash somebody, like, blood people, trust me, in the area I live, that's not bashing. That's just called "whoop-ass." You just got your ass whooped. That's what it is. It was Zimmerman's own fault for not understanding the cultural context in which he was being attacked. Morgan tried to save Jeantel's statement by asking her whether Martin would have "whooped ass" in self-defense. But the damage was done. For a split second, the camera caught a member of the audience reacting in shock, her jaw dropping at Jeantel's admission--and her apparent expectation that Zimmerman should have understood the supposed cultural practice of "whoop-ass," rather than acting to protect his own life. That was one of the prosecution's 'star witnesses'. She also admitted to be a racist and a homophobe on the stand. No wonder they lost. L0L P.S. Also, to counter upcoming lawsuits against him, Zimmerman should look into suing a bunch of people who harassed, threatened, smeared his name and did all sorts of nasty things in a blatant attempt to destroy his name. I mean, peeps labeled him white! That's the biggest insult in 2013!!!
  14. The problem is they only plan to step in because of the media hype/PC crap. Just look at the idiots claiming this was ahate crime of white on black when Zimmeran isn't even white. No way would the KKK accept Zimmerman in their group. The only time I think the state should get a 'second chance' if there's actual new evidence that could be seen to have a shot at reasonably changing the jurors' decision. This is just an act of a butthurt Federal punk.
  15. "Was there an explanation during the trial for why a big man like Zimmerman couldn't overpower a 15/17-year old?" The 17 year old was said to be in much betetr shape. The civil trial is sucha dumb idea. If someone is found i9nnocent they shouldn't be able to be dragged to some lesser court where proof doesn't really matter. Plus, the Federal Court and crap are trhetaening to jump in because they didn't get the result they wanted and need to do something to prove the PC crap.
  16. I don't think it being 'expensive' would neccessarily hurt it - as long as it is advertised properly, put together well, and have the right mix well known and 'cheap' talent to do it. The film(s) certainly wouldn't cost more than certain over the top pricey movies.
  17. Safe House - Good action thriller. Denzel does a good job basically playing earlier roles. Ryan reynolds is fantastic in a rather gritty role. Not surprising as I know he's capable of it. 7.5/10 Hit & Run - Nice slightly comedy-action here. I love the different take on the antagonist. The slightly dark humour was decidedly un PC. L0L 7.5/10
  18. "He had a confrontation with someone who was trespassing." Except Martin wasn't trespassing. He was there via invite. I do laugh at people making this a white vs black thing since Zimmerman is not white. I'll be honest, I can understand Zimmerman not being found guilty of murder but surely he was guilty of something. To me, manslaughter could have been argued if the prosecuters weren't too busy being idiots and trying to play the political media game.
  19. They sound like Bitter Betties who are crying because they are egotistcial and need everyone to pay attention to them. Pathetic.
  20. "except Amy Adams, man she was pathetic" WUT? She did the second best job in the movie. Anyways,.... Pacific Rim - Good action flick. Acting was nothing specialm but held up. Action scenes were good but reptetive. That said, movie was held done by a let down finale that while awesome felt like a cheap ME2 rip off plus the movie felt more like a sequel than a first in a potential series. It really needed to start with the basics with protracted original attacks, building of mechs, and character study. This story shoulda been saved for a sequel. Still, fun viewing. 7/10 "I'd almost put it on the same level as Escape From New York as far as amazingly awesome B-movies." I doubt it. teh difference is EFNY is held together by good acting.
  21. You tried to make it sound like I was pretending the Rangers were some awesome organziation. I bash them all the time. L0L
  22. "ight, instead they sign players to contracts like Brad Richards and then bench them in the playoffs" L0L Because I have never criticized that franchise. L0LZ Why are you so ignorant?
  23. "The Devils are a top notch organization, though. I bet Lou has some sort of plan up his sleeve." Top notch organziations don't end up having a player like Kolvachuk flat otu choose to dump their butts - espicially just two eyars after theyr eached the finals and his reputation was at all an all time high. Quite frankly, NJ is one of the luckiest organziations ever - having a goalie like Brodeur be your goalie for 2 decades makes it much easier to be successful since you know he's alsways gonna make them competitive. Lou is a solid GM but he has made both good and bad decisions. And, Hemsky is nowhere near the level of Kolvachuk.
  24. I don't think they should ahve been fired and could have understood albeit disagree if the alwsuit was about that... but, how was the work environment 'unsafe'? I don't think that word means what the suer thinks it means.
  25. "I am usually pretty lenient on players leaving, but what Kovalchuk did is completely inexcusable. The Devils have invested SO much in him that this completely ridiculous. He signed a 15 year contract that wound up costing us a first round draft pick, and his entire negotiation process in 2010 could have been used on locking up Parise long term instead. He's not leaving any money on the table, he's going to make just as much (if not more) playing in the KHL and it's tax free. " It's totally excuseable. He doesn't feel the NHL is worth hsi time. He has the right to retire. devils have the right to accept it and void his contract. He owes the Devils nothing. Nobody complains why NHL treats players like trash. I never feel bad when professional teams, owners, and fans get 'screwed'. They all deserve it.
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