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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "If they are going to take recognizable, loaded terms that come with associations or connotations, then saying "Oh but in my story it means something different!" is not really acceptable." ARE YOU INSANE? That's one of the dumbest things I've ever. Changing things up is a good thing espicially inc reative works. I beat you whined when gay went from meaning happy to it meaning a guy who preferred having sex and was attracted to guys instead of women. LMAO
  2. Rest in peace, Tarna.
  3. We're the Millers - This was a hilarious movie from start to finish. One of the better comedies I've seen. The four main characters worked well together. Well worth watching. 8/10
  4. *shrug* Amerikan take the piss out Amerika quite a bit. Not a big deal that they also pick on other countries too. Why do people whine about that kind of stuff? Who cares if a bad guiys are from x country or y country may be painted 'negatively' in some silly movie? L0LZ Oh yeah, I know who. Bigots.
  5. "So you don't even get to pick a class or will the Chantry somehow allow a mage on their service?" Why so ignorant? How can you be reading this thread and not know this stuff? You already had your one silly question allowable per month. Sorry. "They did it in Origins." That's b/c they had 'origins' where your family was pre determined. Sure, they could give you a random family name in DA3 but unlike origins it wouldn't mean a thing.
  6. The new character is the Inquisitor of the title. They can't really give you a defined name since you have a choice of multiple races.
  7. You must be ignorant. I'll have to spell it out for you. Religious people build churches. Scientists build atomic bombs. "And science does'nt dictate what is right and what is wrong" L0L Scientists are always telling others what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'. L0L
  8. Religion creates buildings. Science creates nuclear wastelands. See, both sides cna play stupid phrase games and I'm not even religious!
  9. It was a general comment.
  10. Bu... that's not what I heard when Bush was Pres. Pres has too much powers, he's adictator, Bush is gonna be in power for life. L0L Niow.. the whining is 'prez has no power'. L0L
  11. "Old socialist itch I guess." Socialists are just wannabe dictators in sheep's clothing. Kutcher can be an underrated dramatic actor. I thought he was fantastic in Butterfly Effect. I personally don't usually care about this based ona true story films. I skipped the stupid looking facebook one.
  12. This silly Origin vs Stream argument dumb. You guyz do realize there are always to buy games other than just those two methods, right? RIGHT.
  13. You completely missed the point. Most fanboys do.
  14. I doubt Steam has that many unique customers to really worry about. L0L
  15. "and found out later that they don't have WMDs?" yes, they did. This lie keeps being spouted. Iraq admitted they had WMD. They even admitted to what they had. Yet, they couldn't show where said WMD was. This baloney that Iraq had no WMD is laughable.
  16. Elyisum - Entertaining action movie but could be better. Main villain just wasn't good. Character of Spyder was fantastic though. I'm not a huge fan of Matt Damon but he did a good job here. 7/10
  17. This is Putin being putin. That guy is evil to the core. He doesn't care about anyone including his own country. It's all about Putin. As for canceling the Russian Olympics, the IOC doesn't care about morality. It's all about money to them. They completely miss the point of the World Olympics. Countries like Russia (and Nazi Germany) shouldn't be 'honoured' an event that is supposedly dedicated to bringing people of different ilks together. But, again, the IOC is about greed. Period.
  18. BIO has hundreds of employees. They can handle 2 projects a year while still giving each game multi year development time - espicially when you throw in expansion packs or smaller games. Again, they have released games in the same year before. Not a biggy.
  19. "You wanted to do two releases a year? That idea scares me for how impractical it could be." Not impractical at all when you are talking the company the size of BIO. In fact, they've done it before. *shrug*
  20. I don't care much about Dr. Who but that vid - fake or not - is hilarious. Yet, guys are the shallow ones? L0L
  21. L0L Totaliarian Russia vs Nazi Germany? Who is better? Who is worse? Discuss. P.S. Someone should read Animal Farm.
  22. "* You're the only survivor of the tear in the veil." I actually hope this gives the player access to some cool powers. Maybe access to a unique PC only specializiation like Veil Survivor (but a cooler and fitting name) ala Warden.
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