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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Yeah, but The Stand was epic. It was an event. It was, also, i believe one of King's first tv mini series along with It - another epic mini series (that's being remade as a movie I believe). Anyways, back to Under the Dome.. it's a good show but it is missing the oomph of other King tv adaptations.
  2. I loved the Langoliers. It's not perfect but it is vastly superior to Under the Dome (so far). For one thing, it doesn't completely follow the 'King tropes' listed above. The acting is better, the mystery is cooler, and is well written. I do realzie it isn't his most popular tv movie but it is sorely underrated.
  3. Maximum Overdrive was awesome. The Mangler... was mangled... Also, I said it wasn't as good as many of his other works. That's true.. even if it falls 'in the middle'. Afterall, King has written 100+ stories so in the middle that be 50ish which means there are many better. GAME OVER.
  4. "You mean until someone already did it?" Accusing him of lying? He's telling the truth. Prove him wrong. That said, i love Stephen King but Under the Dome, while watchable, is nowhere near as good as many of his other works - film, tv, or novel.
  5. That first video shows a big reason why cops are often no better than criminals. While no actual violence is used, it is clear that for that cop it is all about power and control; NOT public safety. Police do NOT like civilians telling the cops what rights civilians have. And, when one points it out to them, they'll do anything they can to show 'who is boss'. That is EVIL. And, to me, completely misses the point of what the police should be. TO PROTECT AND TO SERVE. not to intimidate and control
  6. "The point was that the Media glorifies all sorts of law breaking. Drugs, booze (underage in particular), hookers (with a "heart of gold" of course), the Mob, "gangstas" and driving fast are all things that have entire films dedicated to their glorification." Oh, please. people were doing all these things well before the modern 'celebrity' came to be. "And it doesn't help that certain activities are SO widespread (Speeding and pot smoking) that it can feel like people are specifically targeted when they're the ones who get ticketed/arrested. I mean you're sitting there getting a ticket while people fly by at 80 (in a 65 zone) and you're gonna be pretty pissed at the cop." I agree with this. It's why I think speeding and drugs shouldn't be illegal neccessarily. Speeding should simply be under the 'dangerous driving' law or whatever it is called since not all 'speeding' is dangerous. In fact, i have never seen ANy driver who is udner the speed limit. Even the slwoest of drivers tend to go over the limit once and awhile - espicially on the highway where the limit maybe 90 but people will go upwards of 110 or 120 .. YET.. here is the kicker... they have complete control of the car with no dangerof crashing it. Of coruse, in cities, speeding is a little different b/c of pedestrians and red lights. But, there are laws tod eal with that crap.
  7. Meh. They're the type of team that will either end up with the one of the best records.. or out of the playoffs.. kind of like the jekyell and hyde of the last two seasons.
  8. Dark Knight Rises - once again, Batman is one of the least compelling characters in his own movie. I loved the young cop and Not. Catwoman. the most. 7.5/10
  9. Howard made the right choice. He goes to a rising team and leaves a team that is too reliant on an aging crippled superstar. Not to mention a horrible overrated one dimensional coach who cannot adapt. yeah, he leaves more money on the table but I think he'll be alright moolah wise. And, if people claim that he sucks or is overrated or isn't the best center. He led the league in rebounds and FG% this season despite recovering from a serious injury and he did this with the wacky circus that is LA. Now, I wonder what nonsense that LA, their supports, and King Kobe will spew to make it sound like Howard is a coward or some stupid thing when theyw ere begging him to stay. Nor do we need to hear how he'll never win a championship when that is the same stupidity that was spewed with Lebron as well. L0L You know the whole 'Cleveland will win a championship before the 'self proclaimed King well' kind of nonsense. R00fles! LONG LIVE DWIGHT HOWARD! DOOM TO ANTI DWIGHT HOWARDS WHO ARE CRYBABIES, WUSSIES, LOSERS, AND JEALOUS GREENSKINS!
  10. "I mean, in pop culture today, It's expected that celebs are going to be doing drugs and drinking like their livers are impossible to kill. Smoking weed is basically entirely out in the open, and things like prostitution are known to happen along side the drugs. The population starts following along (weed in particular) and then feel targeted any time a cop shows up at their door, particularly when they see the "upper class" get caught with 10 times the amount and end up in a posh rehab facility for six weeks before they get released back to the world. Meanwhile the average joe gets upwards of 1 year in jail." You think prostitution exists because celebrities take aprt in it? L0L People do drugs because they enjoy the high. And, please most people who get caught for drugs don't spent much if any time in jail. Sadly, I know more thana few people who have taken drugs and got caught and are unlucky enough to spend one night in jail. I also believe you are making crap up with your make believe numbers. I also love how you took a cop thread into a bash celebrities and rich people. L0LZ
  11. You don't get lucky when you win championships. You earn them. they were good enough tow in that makes them the best team. Period.
  12. If you have a group of four police officers. Two dickheads who abuse their power. And, two otheriwse good guys who just want to do their job and do it the right way. But, they ignore all the scummy things the two dickheads are doing out of a sense of loyalty the 'two good guys' are really no better. And, it hurts the whole organization.
  13. Look in a mirror bud. You've been making up silly scenarios as well ala your speeding ticket one. Yet, you whine when I do it. There are tons of examples of police going too far yet you defend them as 'obey the cops and if you don't you deserve to die lolololol'. I say 'obey the mob 'cause if you don't you deserve to die lololol'.
  14. Everything you said is true but none of it explains why it all adds up to 'this a 3 mil player not 5mil or 1mil'.
  15. "Translation: you could be mauled, robbed, mutilated, and more with a police officer watching without doing a thing and he wouldn't be liable for negligence." That's because too often the police aren't used to help and protect innocents but to uphold power and control the populace. The ideal police mandate just doesn't exist anymore. Hence why they look more like an army than a police force. Thanfkully, that kind of crapculture hasn't completely invaded by place of living.
  16. "Do you recommend getting into car chases to dispute traffic tickets as well?" I like how you avoid the issue of abhorrent police behaviour for something that has nothing to do with it? "Your odds of getting your neck broken are way greater if you are resisting arrest. That seems like common sense. " Your odds of staying alive when the mob or gang threatens you is to do as they tell you as well. Your point? To make it clear. I'm pro cop. Correction. I'm pro good cop. I'm anti bad cop. You seem to be of the ilk who believes that cops should be allowed to act like Judge Dredd where their word is law, and they can act in any manner they wish, and then the mess can be sorted out later. Oh, sorry, mam, I'm sorry your husband was killed without cause but hey that sneer on his face when I demanded to take over your home convinced me he was a mass murdering pyscho path whose neck I had to break. because he 'resisted' an unlawful arrest by refusing me entry. My bad... Judge: Give the woman 2million dollars. That'll replace her husband and suspend that rude officer for a month as that will show that justice has been served. that's the kind of world you want to live in. I prefer to live in the world where the situation doesn't occur in the first place. I want my cops to the 'serve and protect' types not the 'harass and bully' types. I don't want the police to be just another gang. I want them to be above that kind of ****. The fact there is even a need for 'internal affairs' is disgusting and the fact that the police seem to loathe them is even more disgusting.
  17. Zod's actor was one of the worst parts of the movie.
  18. I like how people will just arbirtlaly sya so and so is only worth x amount. Why is Clowe worth exactly 3mil and not 5 mil or not 1 mil? What is so special about 3mil? L0LZ Arbitray number is arbitrary number.
  19. "Understandably took exception and struggled a bit is the part that gets me, I don't understand that. If the police are coming at me, I'm going to do my best to not escalate the situation. If it is a case of mistaken identity, it can be cleared up much quicker if I am not struggling." L0L Yeah. Don't struggle whiel they break your neck.. then youc an sue them for unlawful arrest afetrwards.. oh yeah, you can't. Why do you support such evil behavior as arresting and jumping the wrong guy? If the police were faselya rresting me, I wouldn't wait until they broke my neck to say, " please sure don't hurt me bro." L0LZ "I had a cop do the pat down while I'm standing with hands on the hood of his car, thing, once ... in my driveway. But that was because I was stupid. Probably mentioned it before, but ... I saw him on the way home behind me. He didn't have his lights on but he was following, following. I hadn't re-registered my car on-time so I figured he was looking at my tags. I kept driving home (less than half a mile, btw) - he still didn't have his lights on. I was literally like 10 feet from my driveway, already practically in the act of turning the wheel to pull in, when he did put his lights on, and like an idiot I finished pulling into my driveway then got out of my car and faced his car, smiling, waiting, ready for a tag-fixit-ticket. It's habit, y'know? Pull in driveway, get out of car. The (young) cop freaked on me, pulled his gun, screaming why did I pull into this driveway, why'd I get out of the car, dragged me to his car, etc." Whya re you defending his poor behaviour? He obviously wasn't ready to be on the street. That's a cop waiting to shoot someone 'by accident'. He's the idiot here not you. "Getting all indignant towards the guys and gals who are the first people to respond when you call out for help seems wrong." I never called the cops in my life, but if I did, I'd expect them to the job they are paid to do. I wouldn't be needlessly rude to them either since I'm never needlessly rude to anyone. And, oh, cops are rarely the first people to repsond. They usually respond after the fact when it is too late to stop anything. L0L (rudeness is needed on the internet b/c that's the only way internet freaks understand stuff as polite posts are conviently ignored lol).
  20. "despite them knowing how many members of the public are thieves, rapists, dealers etc etc." A very very, very tiny, tiny, tiny percentage. And, if theya re gonna react like every member is a rapist, murderer, or other vioent criminal than the police force is a lost cause. It also spits in the fate of the mandate of PROTECT AND SERVE. PROTECT AND SERVE. NOT HARASS AND ASSAULT.
  21. "Donner was targetting the families of police officers, he he hardly seems like a reliable character witness" Holy moly, I agree! Donner was a pyshopathic murderering scumbag. He was one of those peice of crap cops who don't deserve to wear the unfiorm. "There are far more criminals in the general population than in the police force, unless you live in some sort of autocratic police state." True or not, this is totally irrelevant. I expect much more from the police than random people. When you put on the uniform you should 'serve and protect' not 'harass and intimidate'.
  22. "The dad who arrested the boyfriend was suspended." he should have been ****canned. And, to comapre cops to other jobs. When is crew up at work (I never do lol), nobody can die. Plus, there is a difference between making a MISTAKE and taking out your weapon and physically assaulting someone, or abusing your badge because you have a ahrdon for your daughter's boyfriend. Those are not mistakes.Making a mistake would misfiling paperwork or sleeping in. Those are not enccessarily fire worthy for any job but the other things/ Absolutely. If I starting beating up at any job I would lose it. Period. Cops are supposed to uphold the law. Not break it or abuse it. Capiche?
  23. "You're Canadian..." There's been more than a few instances of Kanadian police brutality. It's not an Amerikan only disease. "But it's popular to buck authority as some posts here suggest.." It's not about 'bucking authority'. Have we forgotten the credo 'protect and serve'. the police are suppsoed to work for the public not against them. If someone curses a ploice officer they should ignore it, Police should be held to a higher standard not a lower standard. It's illegal to physcially assault someone who isn't physically attacking you yet police get away with that all the time. A guy on the ground who is hansdful should not be whacked with a nightstick or pepper sprayed or tazered numerous times just because the cops are frustrated or angry no matter whatc rime he may have committed. isn't this why they get special training? On top of that, If you are truly pro real police, it is your duty to call out the bad ones to help protect the good ones.
  24. "On a less grand personal note, what kind of bastard would refuse to help the cops stop a case of serious domestic abuse? By the sound of this rather one sided article the police wanted to get (quote) "a tactical advantage." In other words they either wanted his house so they could catch the suspect unawares, and or not get shot by him in the process. So we have a plaintiff who doesn't give a **** about either the victim or the people trying to help them. So, I in turn don't really give a **** about their feelings. Or their pet dog." They aren't doing any such thing. They are refusing to let them use their home. Where. they. live. 'tatical advantage'. L0LZ Police should eb capable of doiung their jobs and stopping 'serious domestic abuse' without stealing innocent people's private property. FFS "Where I live, the assumption would be that any citizen would let the police use their house, and if the citizen would disagree, that the police could politely do as they wanted anyway, of course recompensating for any inconvenience. Additionally, most people would rather go to the police than be bullied by any criminal. It's hard and/or pointless to threaten people if you know the stakes are against you, and we can only make this so by acting collectively in support of the law enforcement." 'Politely' do as they want? L0L How do they manage that? L0L 'Bullied by criminal'. If the cops are stealing my property theya r eno longer cops. Just bullies. if they can take whatever they want when theyw ant that makes them bullies and absusing their power. wHICH IS IMMORAL, EVIL, AND SELFISH. Why do people feel then police should be allowed to do whatever they want just because they have a unfiorm? That's screwed up.
  25. "Those cops seems like they have made quite a mess out of this situation, but there is no reason they should not be able to enter an innocent person's house when arresting another individual. I assume this includes that they pay for any damage to the house." there was no criminal - suspected or otherwise - in the house. they wanted to use the house and were told no by the owner which is his right. It be a completely different story if, say, theyw ere pursuing a suspect who ran into the house and they followed. Of coruse, that wouldn't give the cops the right to treat innocents in the manner they did, but they would be more justfiied in entering the house. Also, cops cannot enter privated wellings without warrants unless there is IMMEDIATE danger potential (ie;. crazy person with a gun threateneding to kill someone inside said house). Stop defending the scumbags.
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