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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Are people still pimping Rivers for MVP? l0lz Him or overrated Twatts winning that award would be an outrage.
  2. "Bioware doesn't have a whole load of those aspects down yet. I think Bioware's open world was generally a failure, they don't know how to populate a huge world and make it as interesting as Bethesda does." Even DA3 at its worst is still better than any Bethesda crap at its best. Also, no doubt BIO uses propaganda. Gaider himself has basically stated quite clearly he hates white males and doesn't give a crap about them. BIO has an agenda. There is no disputing that. The facts are there both in game, the way they post, and the way they advertise. Of course, so far its irrelevant. I can ignore that crap as the white noise it is. DA3's biggest issue is game play not the propaganda since that can be totally ignored. I've playd the game for 30 hours and I haven't seen any of it while playing (just videos). As for Q, that poster needs to stop being twof aced. Q's been spamming propaganda and agenda this entire time and spouting opinion on the game despite not playing it. I don't get why Q doesn't just focus on a fun game and play that instead of pushing themselves towards a heartattack. It be much healthier.
  3. "I have this terrible scenario playing in my head where a guy is holding his dog and officers tell him to drop the gun, but if he does his dog will probably get shot for running loose. " Eh. Cops have shot dogs tied up in the backyard because they barked 'too loud'. L0L
  4. "So we are all idiots to him" Truth hurts? "As a woman I found it hugely offensive. As someone who is meant to be the oppressed class, not only had I never experienced any of the things mentioned in the video, but it bothered me that a range of men would mansplain to me what I should be offended by." L0L 'Mansplain' always cracks me up.
  5. If youa re gonna bring your SJW agenda into a game discussion so you can grandstand your side I will do the same. If you don't I won't. \Instead of focusing on actual game quality you wanted to discuss 'social justice' and 'LGBT'. That's silly. And, now you want to discuss me. I'm irrelevant. if you want to discuss Volourn make a thread in off topic to discuss that loser. This thread is to discuss Dragon Age 3. Capiche? ON TOPIC: Varric is still awesome.
  6. "I watched the video, it really didn't look like murder." Watch it again. He tackles someone, puts a choke hold on him, and squeezes while the guy tries begging for mercy, he ignores the begging and continues to squeeze until the guy dies. That is cold blooded murder. btw, You can't be arrested for resisting arrest. The logic doesn't make sense. He was accused of selling 'illegal cigarrettes' yet supposedly he didn't have any on him. And, even if he did, that is not probable cause to commit cold blooded murder. \ How can someone who believes in 'social justice' be okay with someone getting away with cold blooded murder simply ebcause they wear a blue uniform. That's sick. Yet, you get mad because someone was mean on the internet. COME ON.
  7. "There's a lot of social injustice to correct in this game as well as romances and nudity so odds are that you will love it. It also takes a lot of the best things from games you've said you enjoy like Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect and Dragon Age and somehow manages to blend them together seamlessly. I've only hit the halfway mark so far but honestly, what I've played already for the past 30+ hours is some of the best gaming I've ever played. DA:I is a technical marvel and the story is the best thing Bioware has written. The plot has depth and the dialogue is all consistently on par with a good tv show or movie as opposed to a good videogame. Bioware have raised the bar for the industry and we're possibly entering the phase now where games are truly competing with other mediums at storytelling. Here's hoping CDPR do at least as well with Witcher 3." Are you trolling? He asked about Inquisitor NOT DA3. You must be a SJW if you are so ignorant.
  8. "Bethesda is better than Bioware, in my opinion, at last they know what they do, only that it is good or not, people like it or not. Bethesda have their own identity, we know it's Bethesda game. Bethesda don't copy anyone. Skyrim and Fall Out 3 proved to be the best game ever. Bioware comes with an attitude but their games still suck and become more suck, they lost their identity to become like Bethesda, and fail utterly. Bioware also copying many things such as Japanese manga anime making their games unoriginal anymore. Bioware want to become something else not even themselves anymore. Bethesda don't bother about LGBT things, or atheism things, or current political things, they make games for games, but Bioware now become a tool of propagandas" No. "Don't you think its important that development companies start to recognise and be more inclusive around SJ issues like what the LGBT community is asking for?" No. Compaies should be focused on making games they want to make not the minority of racist sexist mass murdering scumbag nazis groups like the SJWs who don't give a crap about 'social justice' but prefer to bully women and get them fired while threatening to kill them.
  9. So the SJW who is about social justice feels the police are justifed in murdering someone because they accuse him of illegally' selling cigerattes even though he wasn't just because they have a blue uniform on? How the hell is that social justice? Cold blooded murder of an unarmed man is evil no matter what you are wearing. SICK. P.S. Defending bad pigs doesn't help good cops. It hurts them.
  10. You do? You actually believe his trolling? Are you that gullible? COME ON.
  11. I quit after an hour. Just boring. That's all i can say.
  12. Funny how Orogun doesn't even blink with the 'I fake killed my child and gave his mother a heart attack' prank but oh noes FAKE GUN POINTED AT DOG PRANK! is outrageously evil. LMAO
  13. "Bioware is no Bethesda for sure." Agreed. BIO's worst is still a billion times better than Bethesda's best. That's for DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN sure.
  14. "He's not accusing you of abuse, he's saying your personality is insufferable." NEWSFLASH: Internet isn't real life. "For me most likely explanation is human error." Another possible explaination is one punk decided to act like a jerk. It happens.
  15. "y cases of discrimination and bigotry that exist in various forms. And if we just keep quiet we don't help the problem" SJWs are the biggest problem. They hate women. They harass, they destroy, they rape, they control women. That's their goal. They see women as weak. They go out of their way to ruin women by trying to get them fired and making sure they scare all potential female game developers out of game development. How can you defend such a nazi like group who loathe women? Gamers don't hate women. Because gamers ARE women. Gamers are anti murderers. "Minor point, but I for one would prefer it if Volo DIDN'T volunteer for a battered women's shelter. Those women have suffered enough." That's right. Accuse the guy who has never abused a woman (or a man) in his life with commiting abuse. That's the internet for ya. Making bullcrap up.
  16. "I know Volo doesn't represent your standard supporter of GG ( well I hope he doesn't ) but his comment demonstrates the issue I raised earlier. There is no interest or recognition in any opinion unless it supports his view Completely unhelpful when we talk about the importance of constructive debate Also what SJW diatribe are you talking about, links ?" \ L0L :)
  17. Early Review (after 30ish hours): Not as good as either earlier DA. The game play is subpar, there's a huge lacking of real C&C (with only the mage vs templar one seemingly to be the only mean ingful one, combat for the most part boring with even worse hit point bloat than before,the character creation/level up system (outside of multiple races|) is plain crap and dumbed down. \ Exploring can be fun but the unlimited number of fetch quests is pure stupid. The graphics are good and the music is as well. The characetrs for the most part are done reasonably well. The story including the main villain is lacklustre. So far he is one of BIO's worst. \The war table is a good idea and mostly works but it is majorly hurt by the **** quest 'system'. Playable game but nowhere near a BIO classic so far. This is at KOTOR and NWN OC levels of average.
  18. I'm not open minded when it comes to nazis which is what SJWs and feminists are. I will not apologize for that. i also am not open minded when I am threatened with murdered and accused of being a sexist racist monster. \ I also notice you yet again flatly ignore an insane diatribe by a fellow SJW. I'm not surprised. Since you want to murder me and our fellow gamers even though you are a gamer yourself. the logic does not make sense. :)
  19. McIntosh is moran. He hates women. He loves power. Doesn't he realize that the majority of people oppose him and his ilk? I seriously doubt he wants a true democracy. His bigotry would be thrown in the trash. And, he is supposed to be a SJW Savior. LMAO
  20. Ms. Garner. This isn't a race issue. This is a power issue with cops. There are plenty of times where cops kill white people. Hardly a big deal is made of it. Where was the protests then? I've ehard nothing that suggest either officer in these last two cases are racist. ui have seen plenty of evidence they abuse their power and people make excuses for their deaths. Though, I'm inclined to side with the copper in the Brown case but the Garner case. This is slam dunk cold blooded murder.
  21. Both of those films are more intelligent and more entertaining than quite a bit of so call more 'adult' movies (and, no, I'm not referring to porn here lol).
  22. " For all my disagreements with Bruce, and we very much disagree a lot, he's at least reasonable enough to listen to opposing arguments and engage in debate" He's not reasonable. And, he doesn't debate. His views are insane. He believes all gamers are racist sexist male monsters. He feels that game gate is worse than ISIS. He doesn't debate, he preaches. He NEVER criticzes SJWs and accepts every single thing thing say. He believes gamers are dead even though he's a gamer himself. How delusional can one person be? He loves BIO yet he loves the fact that SJWs bash BIO. I guess it's about the 'feels' and not the 'facts'. The fact is gamers are not racist. Or sexist. Or monsters. And, we most certainly are not dead. Or ISIS. Until he apologies on behalf 9and seriously) on behalf of all SJWs (since he says that all members of a group are responsible for every member of the group) it's hard to take SJWs seriously. Also, on more clear matter: SJWs are one of the most one note group in the world. They consist largely of white people - including quite a few males. Meanwhile, gamers (and gamergate) are anything but 'white male racists exist monsters). It is EXTREMELY varied. Because, gamers is a huge group while SJWs are scuh a tiny joke alongside the KKK except they sadly have even more infleucne than the disgusting KKK. "They have every right to give in to anyone they like. You're taking this too personal. They aren't obligated to sell GTA 5." And, we have every right to bash them for being nazis.
  23. "What would you do in that situation?"\ Not commit murder for starters.
  24. The only people who are misogynists are SJWs. And, it applies to ALL of them.
  25. "You can do that if you want, but I don't see why you would. Target didn't do anything wrong." \ Kiddin' right? Acting like nazis is ALWAYS wrong.
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