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Everything posted by Sarkile

  1. We really don't know if HK will be playable or if he's going to show up at all. Considering people's irrational love for him he probably will be making a caeo at least.
  2. Because Lucas wanted us to be stuck with a stupid clone of the Falcon is my guess.
  3. Humor is fine in a game if it's withiin the game's setting. But an easter egg destroys any integrity the game might have otherwise had.
  4. Is it really gay if it's just male Twi'leks?
  5. Jolee did say that when he caught back up with her during the war he killed her. I'm very sure of it.
  6. New trends in technology could explain that to an extent. Thing is I can picture a level 2 or 3 character as a veteran of a war. Not the most decorated soldier, but he could've been there.
  7. It would be interesting if Canderous served one of the Sith.
  8. What do easter eggs add to the game? I guess I'm like Hades on this one.
  9. The time he spent unconscious could add to his weakness.
  10. Why do they have to be ruling together? I always assumed they were squabbling for power in the outer rim.
  11. :D Welcome to video game romances.
  12. That's odd. It sort of looks like the laser towers on Telos.
  13. Without a screenshot I wouldn't be able to tell how much I like the green/tan scheme.
  14. What's wrong with easter egss is that they completely break immersion. Then the poor violated corpse of immersion gets to get stomped on by the pathetic 'humor' that these annoying devs decide to throw at me! Sorry, I guess I'm still pissed off from Fallout 2.
  15. I've been pretty sure that Sion was the guy in the start screen in that one movie. I'm not sure why though.
  16. She wasn't a real Jedi but she was killed during the war with Exar Kun.
  17. Where did it say that the beginning questions determined your initial alignment?
  18. I'm hoping they do the smart thing and barely mention most of the characters from KoTOR1.
  19. If you really didn't care you wouldn't have graced us with that wonderful example of an American education.
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