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Everything posted by AlaricQelDroma

  1. \ Wait, did I ever say that she was at Malachor, I only said her parents were Now now, you assume too much guys...I'm just theory-crafting because that is what I do when I'm not hacking games As for seeing a doctor, I've tried that, many times, there is simply no way to clear a human being's memory, at least not on the scale of my memory Damn primitive silicon...Damn primitive medical science...Damn primitive Earth politics...Sigh..
  2. I vote for Vrook, early DS game There is no way to physically fight with him if you take him first, he will just slap you to death in two hits, so you have to use tactics to outmaneuver him.. The rest of the bosses were totally pathetic by comparison, Hardcore mod or not...For some reason, Vrook has an insane physical defense and will kill after the second Master Flurry...Something I'll take care of with my re-balance mod...I will definately be making the bosses tough, and they will each have their own unique way of attacking and defending...I can't stand it when the bosses use NO tactic other than spamming you with lightsaber attacks and the occasional blast of lightning... Malak was a lot tougher for me than anyone but Vrook in K2...Malak at least spammed me with powers and didn't sit there trying to kill me with his weak schwartz-stick Plus I intentionally let Malak heal himself by draining the Jedi corpses all the time...Wanted to make sure he was at his best when I hacked him apart
  3. Well, this is going to be a fun topic I think! I always disable the in-game music (Which is just too low-quality for me to bear listening to), and I put on my Static-X, Spineshank, Slipknot, Evanescence and a lot of other albums instead I love going full-on DS with Dark Side Corruption, then having nearly-full influence with everyone Heh, I had all my Jedi fully equipped (Kreia too), and they were very nearly as invulnerable as my ultima-build was...It was fun to totally pwn the Tomb and Palace with all my Jedi Of course, alternatively I could use T3 and Goto equipped with double Mandalorian Rippers fully upgraded, buwhahahaha....One shot and they'd drop ANYONE in the tomb, and everyone knows what a damage-sponge T3 is Has anyone thought of using Hanharr and Atton in a gunner build? I think I'll try that next...Hanharr's scout abilties would pwn I think, and Atton's a hot hand with the piss-tolls Anyway, if you can't stand listening to the horrid low-quality music in the game, post your alternatives here I love doing the battle with Vrook first, while screaming to the hardcore music of Slipknot...Vrook kicks ass early in the game...I vote Vrook as the most badass boss in the game
  4. I fail to see why it's "Creepy"...Sure is weird and it can at times scare the **** out of our family, but hey, that's all part of the fun I'm the only true gamer in the entire family, my nephew is starting to come up to an age where I can start training him, though...He's already taken his first steps with his console games...Just have to convert him to PC and then he'll get hooked as easily as I did when I was his age I am probably the most mis-understood person in the entire family, but that's all a part of the fun Anyway, back to topic, go ahead and worship your Harvard Jedi if you want
  5. There is, I've created a full script and storyline for both X-Wing Alliance and for an RPG game like KotoR, XWA will come soon (*Crosses fingers for a May/June release*), but the K2 mod will take a while since I am somewhat new to this game engine... However, if I posted the story, even the "short" version, it would go on for pages, which is what my new website will be for I have custom ships for use with this whole thing (Thanks to Vince Trageton, heh ), and I've revamped XWA to be an Imperial theme (Thanks to lots of people in the XWA community for the Imperial XWA mod ), and I've added a lot of other mods of my own design for good measure... However, even though I am not skilled enough with graphics to create my own artwork, I make up for it by doing all the coding myself. I tried my hand at making OPT's for three years, but I just wasn't built to be an artist, so I decided to tackle everything else not graphics-related I may actually use K1 for my mod for that part of the storyline, because I don't know enough about K2 yet to be making my own planets and so on with it...Although, I doubt there are too many sweeping code changes between K1 and K2, they do use the same engine after all... General Jorias Kell is the military leader of the Alteria System Defense Force, and his little sister is the Council Leader, while General Alaric Qel-Droma founded the Alteria System colonies and is the master engineer and fleet commander... Jori's sister also makes lots of shipping contracts with the outside galaxy to bring in needed materials...She's the more public face of the Alteria System, and lo and behold, Alaric is her companion, so naturally there will be endless jokes between the three main chars... Yes, Clone Commando's will be involved, but these clones are leftovers from the Clone Wars, not clones created within the Alteria System, as cloning is banned inside the star system The Deep Core is a great place to hide because until the time Palpidious established Byss, there were very few expeditions to explore the Deep Core, sure there were scouting runs throughout the Core Systems, but none probed as far deep in as the Alteria System is...Byss is roughly 25 light years from Alteria, and the Helix Nebula stands between them, which is filled with asteroids and very old and experienced pirate clans, so Byss does not find out about Alteria for quite some time...There are the occassional runs outside the star system to the general galaxy to procure supplies and to do some covert mercenary work for various crime orignizations to make a living...I wanted to maintain the feeling of XWA's gameplay, so I did, but I simply expanded upon it to make it more realistic Sorry that my K2 mod won't be out for a while, but I do owe a rather large debt to the XWA community to deleiver this mod, I have been working on it over the last 7 years, and people are pissed I haven't released it yet, so you know what that means Anyways...Dark Side Corruption is essential! I always use Guardian/SL/JM for Jorias and Guardian/SM/WM for Alaric...I hate being a Sentinel or Consular, early-on in the game, if you use hardcore, you NEED the feats more than you need powers (with the force resistances increasing as levels go up, having powers isn't going to be quite so important, especially late in the game where almost everything will resist your powers ).... Man, I remember what things used to be like before EP1 was even an itch in George's pants...Everyone was dancing to Zahn's tune, hehe
  6. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeh... :D
  7. Well, it was in this case, because her parents happend to be distant relatives... Zie plot thickenz...When I weave my webs, I make sure they are a *REAL* challenge and not something I can solve with a few manipulations or arguments, or physical confrontations I could say more, but then that would be telling, would'nt it ? Let me just say that I love drama, and I love it when I create arugments that last years Oh yes, my gf is watching as I type this, she knows what I'm capable of, and she has been trained by me over the last several years, so ha... :D If she wasn't messed up, I wouldn't be around her myself That's why I loved Visas initially, because she was something of a mental case, and yes, I even had a small thing for Kreia at one point, but hey, what can I say? I like to move around, and so does my gf, it keeps us on our toes Plus it's a distance thing on top of all that, so you can see why I enjoy this particular challenge a lot more than my first love who was entirely too subserviant for my tastes Even more than all the weird-ness, we like each other because we are both life-long gamers and game designers, and her skill with math makes up for my lack of any skill in that area, and my skill with writing makes up for her lack of same My last love wasn't all that bright...It burned hot, but burned fast...Heh...Ah well Hey, when it comes to challenges, I make sure they will push me beyond my current limitations I wouldn't be a good Master if I didn't exceed my limits, now would I? :D
  8. Well, I think it's pretty blatant during EP2 I mean, you can see the death-stares during the Obi-Jango conversation Plus it's was even more obvious when Mace hacked Jango's head off instead of simply disarming him Come now, I think it's plainly obvious that Jedi consider mercs and BH's to be wayyyy below their caliber Heh, well, they are below them, but well, uh, I guess that's just stating the obvious too much I guess Zaalbar and Hanharr...Blech...Even I can hunt better than them IRL...Of course, I have in-depth knowledge and experience with Ki/Chi and about a dozen other martial arts forms, so I guess that is not saying too much My near-perfect memory can be a detrimental thing at times...When I have painful problems in my past, they remain fresh in my mind's eye instead of staying in the recesses of my mind...Even when I've "resolved" those issues, they are still there...Pain in the ass...Or...The...Head? Sigh.... Of course, I have to weigh the benefits against the negatives all the time...Sigh... Not like I can just choose to live without it, heh...I wish my memory retention was like the Force... Damn, I wish there was a way to do a memory-wipe on the human brain...Damn primitive real-life medical science...
  9. Also, most of the modding talk I know of goes on here: Holowan Labs/LucasForums <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Alas, I'd be there if I could get Lucasforums to send me a damn activation email, but it never seems to work, no matter how many times I try to register...sigh... Some forums have some really cruddy programming, Lucasforums is one such board....The search function doesn't even work for the Force's sake! Even the XWA Upgrade has issues, in fact, they have identical problems to Lucasforums because their board system is so antiquated... Sigh...I wish these people would just go to PHP or something...The old CGI/PERL boards are like way too dinosaur to be using these days
  10. Pah, you boys need to keep your Short Lightsabers inside your friggin' cargo hatches Be a mix of HK and Candy...LOL! I know quite a few girls who love that particular combo Especially the gamer girls...A lot of them seem to love the guys who are Death Masters Do what I do: Make yourself some armor and a titainium sword, then hit a few conventions Or even better: Go into the seedy parts of town and watch the streets for girls who get ambushed by prick ****, then save them from those **** I remember my last vacation in Mexico City...Man, that was a total riot that was I don't know why I have this "Rescue Factor", but I always seem to get caught up in saving girls from things in their lives...sigh...Even though I try to ignore everything, I still try to save every girl I come across...lol That's how I met my current g/f...Her parents were subjugating her, and I saved her from that...She may be younger, but she has wisdom beyond her years, much like I do...Plus everyone always thinks I'm 15 anyways, so it's all good
  11. Three Words: Dark Side Corruption It was sooooo weevil!! I always use KSE to give myself DSC or Inspire Allies, because you can have HK, Goto, and even T3 have DS mastery (but of course they get no bonuses...At least not until I finish my re-balance mod )... Buwuahahahahaha.....When I took my flavorite Mira to Onderon, man, that was a total riot as I kept forcing people to fight against the Queen I hate royalty....Amidala was way more than enough for my tastes...There is only so much of that crap I can take before I start unilaterally deleting entire dialogue strings Even the General is a little too....Royal...For my tastes...My two RPG chars for the post Clone Wars-era are both Generals for a large star system hidden in the Deep Core away from the rest of the galaxy...However, niether are stuck-up, they just do what they have to do to keep the Alteria System safe, both from the Empire and the Rebels... Alaric may be somewhat immortal thanks to his chance encounter with a certain colony of aliens in the unknown regions, but Jorias is the leader-boy between them...Alaric is the last remaining relic of the Sith Wars, but he's kept that hidden from everyone, the Jedi Council, Palpidious, and even his best friend and apprentice, Jorias Kell Of course, there is a proceedure that Alaric has to use every 20 years to keep his body youthful, and eventually Jorias will catch Alaric in the act God, the Unknown Regions...My flavorite part of the EU...You can literally do anything you can dream up by saying your guy found it in the Unknown Regions I know, I shouldn't abuse the UR like that, but Lucas himself doesn't seem to restrain himself to continuity, I don't think I should have to either, EU ethics asides... J/K...I try to keep things very aligned with the EU, at least as much as I can...I know the whole life-extension thing taught to Alaric is a bit of a stretch, but I wanted a connection between the Sith Wars era and the Galactic Civil War era...
  12. Well, I am always spamming the x-key just for fun (want to **** with me, Sith Adept? Then come on! ), so I never have a problem with it My favorite is Red/Viridian...I used to use Red/Green in K1 all the time beacuse the color contrast was so much better, and I do love Silver... I always make the Exile's old saber a Double-Blade Silver...It totally matches with Atris's colors, after all
  13. Why else would Zez-Kai even know her in the first place?? I mean, think about it...Jedi hate bounty hunters and mercenaries, they are beneath every Jedi Master's notice (asides from the genuine Masters and not the little pissants that get spammed all over the games and movies ), but yet Zez-Kai seems to know Mira more than just as another bounty hunter... She even mentions him once or twice in the dialogue options, so there is obviously a much deeper history than him simply hiring her to protect the Exile Could be he just found her on Nar Shadaa, sensed her Force sensitivity, then gave her a few pointers in exchange for keeping the Exile out of trouble (for what good THAT did ), and agreed to take care of the dirty carpet problem, too... I dunno, but there is definately some history between Zez and Mira, I feel that they just did not have enough time to develop that story-branch, like so many other pieces of the story, they just cut it off with a couple of mentions in the dialogue instead of developing that part of the story... So much of the story feels like it was hacked-off before it was 2/3's done, and they simply amputated things to make the ship date for x-mas...SIgh....
  14. This is my saber: Red (Vader Saber mod here...) PC Crystal Kaiburr or Qixoni Ultimate Diatium(SP)Cell Expert Fencing Emitter Pontite Lens It does 55-110 damage, and if I put Nextor and Opila, it will always land criticals with master flurry, lightsaber finesse, and master speed...There are very few enemies that can stand against my saber, most will die with one hit, the ones with greater HP's will die in two hits...Bosses take about 4 or 5, provided they don't heal or spam powers at you Again, Vrook is always my first Jedi to kill...That fight is the hardest if you take him on first...Definately have to out-think him rather than stand there trying to match his Lightsaber-isim
  15. Well, I somehow get every color-crystal in the game every time I play...Maybe it's just because I'm so through One game I had two of every color except Cyan, I only had one Cyan that game...In others, I get all the "special" colors, but none of the red/blue/green/yellow ones
  16. Heh, well, since I'm such a Mira fanatic (as I said earlier, my own gf is younger than I am, and she has the same type of personality, heh..), I guess I'll just say the following about this: She was on Nar Shadaa because Zez-Kai brought her there as a child after her parents died in the Mandalorian Wars and that massive explosion of Force energy and Bao's graviton explosions... Mira got hit hard by that, she felt her parent's presence in the Force wink out, and then she became a drifter until Zez-Kai found her, and he hid her away from Revan and Malak during those years of the Jedi Civil War, on Nar Shadaa.. Naturally, Zez-Kai knew that her innate abilities to sense others through the Force would let her survive on Nar Shadaa without him having to be there all the time to watch her Zez-Kai is a Sentinel, so it would stand to reason that Mira was rescued by him, and she probably learned a few things from him early in life, and that's why she became a Sentinel instead of a Consular or Guardian. IMHO, I think I'm going to mod Mira to be a Guardian or Consular, because I am just tired of having 90% of my Jedi team being Sentinel's...Atton's good if you know how to ultima-build him, and Mira is hell-on-wheels if you save most of her levels, between Evasion and the huge defense bonuses and save-throw bonuses, Mira is almost impossible to hit (At least on my build )... Now, I should note that I use the Prestige Padawans mod, but I only do this because I felt that the whole Prestige thing was not done enough, I think they cut the Prestige classes out of the team because they didn't have the time to make extra dialogue for making them a Prestige class (Although with the mod you only have to get your Jedi NPC's up to a certain alignment rating to become a prestige class, so no dialogue is needed really).... I think she's a refugee of the Mandalorian Wars, and when her parents died at Malachor or wherever, she definately felt that, and so it shut her off from the Force, and Zez-Kai was just protecting her while she was young.. Here are all the Master-Apprentice situations: Kreia - Teaches Revan, Sion, Exile, and potentially Nihilus, but then again, if Nihil is her apprentice, I'd say she more than ****ed up with him Master Kavar - Teaches Exile, and is probably his only marginal supporter on the Council since he was once in a war...As evidenced by Onderon, he never could detach himself from being involved in warfare Master Zez-Kai Ell - Teaches Exile, and gave Mira Adept training or something like it... Master Vrook - Teaches all the worthless Jedi cannon fodder that always get killed...I call his apprentices the "Redshirts of SW" Master Vash - Ok, she does appearently teach the Exile at some point, but it is questionable as to if she had anything to do with the major events in the galaxy, or if she was just a token Jedi Master that Obisidan scrounged up at the last minute because they couldn't imagine anyone with more charecter development Master Queen Bitch of the Universe (AKA Atris) - Teaches Exile appearently...Obviously she gave Brianna her Adept training...She is the traitor that Kreia talks about in one of the dialogue options with her Master Zhar - Teaches Revan.. Master Dorak - Teaches various Jedi of the Mandalorian Wars era, including Revan and Malak. Master Vandar - Unclear as to if he actually taught Revan before the Wars, or if it was just during K1...However, given the species's normal lifespan of 900 years or so, I'm willing to lay odds that Vandar had a big hand in training Revan and Malak, and I'm also willing to lay odds that he had a hand in Exar and Ulic as well...Especially their apprentices left over after the raid on Yavin 4... I think, ultimately, that we may finally either meet someone involved with Exar/Ulic, probably one of Yoda's race, or we may find a few Holocrons from those two...In K3...They talk so much about Exar and Ulic, but you have no real connection to them, or ANY of the *REAL* Sith Lords... Revan at least went back to Korriban and re-connected with the various Sith Lords there, or at least their remaining spirits in the Tombs... I found it rather dissapointing that you never found Tulak Hord's Holocron sitting around his Tomb...I know, Revan technichally took it from that Sith bitch in K1, but I still think in K3, there needs to be a better connection to the Sith Lords of old, instead of veiled references that sound like they were written by one of these paranoid Paranormal freaks on the Sci-Fi Channel (oh, how I *HATE* that channel!).... Pah...Anyway, Zez-Kai was responsible for Mira being on Nar Shadaa when she was a child, the memory of her parent's lives getting snuffed at Malachor or whereever just shut her sense of the Force down for years afterwords...That's why she doesn't really talk about Zez-Kai much, my guess is Zez-Kai only taught her enough to allow her to survive, then went to the Council to take care of things there, then of course we see him back at Nar Shadaa in K2... You know, I think that all these Masters were either born and/or raised on the worlds they are on in the game...Now, I know, this was a horribly-written play on the whole Obi-Wan going into exile on Tattooine, but I doubt it's mere coincidence that the Masters went to these planets to hide themselves behind strong emotions and basically a thick and faceless force barrier that no one could see through... I don't know...I think Vrook went to Dantooine because he was always there, much like Queen Bitch of the Universe was hiding away at Telos, and the other Masters were pretty-much just hiding on planets where they had been for most of their lives before they became Jedi Masters... Now, Vash is the ONLY exception, she went to Korriban to find something to use against the Sith, but all she got was dead of course...I dunno if she found something before she was killed, but I doubt it...Revan pretty much raped that planet dry before he/she left Korriban didn't have a faceless barrier of the Force to shield her from prying Sith eyes, so that's why she died...She didn't do a good job of hiding herself
  17. I have to agree with you there. The amount of work to develop relationships in the game was too easy. It was more like speed dating if anything. Also want to note that Visas says she wants to see what the Handmaiden sees. I never found that the Handmaiden expressed her feelings towards the Exile. Atton confronts her on the Echani rituals and it's never explained for some unknown reason. If you were to ask me what Visas wanted to see I would say she wanted to see how much of a warrior the Exile was. Alaric, you must have really liked the DS angle huh? Anyway, my pick for hottest female has to be Visas. Who's Yuthura by the way? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have been a Sith Force Master since about 7 years ago when I was nearly the top guy in the LSF and CGF Dark Side was too boring, Light Side was too boring, so I just use both to create my own means to ends Ultimately, I go DS because the game is so non-linear that you get DS points just for obtaining credits (can you say retarded?? I mean, you need to make a living, after all! )... They need to stop relying so heavily on good and evil, and use both for what they are, instead of relying on being good or being evil, and not being able to use both to attain perfection Kreia set the bar, I think...She's evil, but not like the Marauders like Vader, Sion, or Malak who exist only to saber-shaft everyone they get within eyesight of
  18. Indeed. Definitely a good option seeing as how the cheats console in TSL is 'invisible'. Nothing like typing blindly and 'hoping' you spelled it right You can get it (KSE) here: http://www.starwarsknights.com/tools.php It's always good to check regularly as tk102 likes to update the tool quite often.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Chainz?? Man, I thought you never hung out around here Good to see you coming out from the LucasForums hole once in a while
  19. One thing: Use KSE You can hack the game apart with KSE and never have the cheats switch enabled I normally give my char Dark Side Corruption (I normally go Marauder most of the time), and Evasion feats...Nothing else though...I also give 10 skills to each skill when I start as well, to keep things balanced when I use the bench and lab... KSE is fun, and you can make it balanced if you know what feat/skill/attribute combinations to use for each class...It's not really cheating as long as you keep it balanced...I especially use this with the Hardcore mod, as I use the hardest settings all the time, so... Here's an easy way to "Cheat": Enable easy mode and be a Guardian/Marauder No one will beat you if you know how to ultima-build
  20. Because I have a LOOOONG modding history with the X-Wing series, I naturally just extend that to other games I own...Ever since I started modding X-Wing DOS with some rudimentry hex editing tools back in the day, I've been doing it ever since Hm...Maybe I could try to fix some K2 issues with hex hacking then...? :D I remember when I HEAVILY modified Final Fantasy 7 on my PSX by slaughtering it and slaving it to my PC, I was Ruby Weapon, lol I worked with a few guys from the old FF7 PC website who were working to totally revamp FF7 PC...We had some success, but then XWA came out and I was too devoted to the X-Wing series and I left the FF7 PC revamp project, and after another 4 months, the site shut down...sigh... I remember when I managed to give my Seph four full limit breaks with graphics, that was a riot There are sweeping differences between developers, testers, and end-users...I know most of you here aren't hardcore, life-long developers, so I understand why you don't use mods, but it really can improve your gameplay experience if the mods are put through their paces before release and they are balanced... I suck with graphics stuff (can't hold my mouse hand steady enough), so I relegated myself to coding, scripting, story-writing, and mission design, and every once in a while I'll do sound&music stuff... I'll admit, I need the graphics wizards to make things enjoyable for me and for everyone playing my mods...Yes, there is much strife between the graphics guru's and the coders, but ah well, at least it's not as nasty as the warring between testers and developers
  21. How about the Jackson Balls-Scratcher Alert? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't think so <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or the Bastardilla Alert? Wait I know...The Johnny Cage Nutcracker Alert... <_< Pah, enough of this...LOL! :D
  22. How about the Jackson Balls-Scratcher Alert?
  23. For K2 section, it's /10 instead of /6
  24. Then use email to avoid comments from the peanut gallary. Like this one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Alright, you have a point, but the last time I tried to email a publisher/developer, it turned into a war with Lucasfarts after the second or third mail Sigh...Maybe I just need to go there personally and have my concerns stated and listened to...I'm so close to Cali that it wouldn't be hard.. You should see E3 when I'm there...LOL, the last time I was there, security tried to toss me out for stalking around the Lucasfarts area until I could speak with the guys in charge Alas, Lucasfarts has a policy these days: 1. Make as many cheap console games as we can so we can make cheese selling more games to more kids using their parents' money. 2. Base 90% of our games on the prequels and NEVER make a legitimate Classic SW game, EVER. I hate those types of business practices...Really grates on my ethics concerning the development of PC games... Consoles...Pah! I bet you could never have a genuine flight sim on a console, and guess what, I'd be right! :D Alas, that is the reason why there have been no new X-Wing/TIE sims...It's not really because the XWA community had some...Problems with the guys at TG over the source code, it was rather because Lucasfarts shafted Larry and TG because they wanted to make cheap prequel games that used primitive consoles XWA, like K2, was rushed out a full year ahead of schedule, and it suffered the exact same type of problems that K2 has Fortunately, due to the efforts of modders like myself, XWA has become reborn somewhat, but I see no efforts with the K2 modding community yet to re-make K2 to be better. Everyone seems to be doing item packs, skin/model mods, and the occasional gameplay adjustment mod...No one has tried yet to correct the spelling and grammatical stuff, no one has tried to give the droids back the "Jedi Support" AI scripting so they will actually use their special weaponry, and no one has even dared to try and correct the storyline flaws... I loved it when HK-47 was giving his speeches to me about the past, and what he said verbally was not what was written on the text below him Sigh...I wish Lucasfarts would go back to the old business practices where they actually CARED about the quality of their games they made...That Golden Age of SW gaming will probably never return...When that Golden Age ended, it really ripped the heart out of me for a long number of years... Lucas claims after EP3 is out, he will try to fix the Lucasfarts "issues" and get things on-track again, but seeing how badly Lucas has fux04ed the EU continuity, you can tell just how much faith I have in him being able to return Lucasfarts to the way they were back in the Golden Age...
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