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Everything posted by AlaricQelDroma
Then there is hope for you yet, my young Jedi friend Never underestimate the POWER of the PC :D :D
For ALL THE GOOD ENTERING THE COUNT DOES :D It just gives ya some EXP....Not worthy of the "brain teaser" they tried to create...Does anyone remember hacking the security card to get into the Sith Base on Manaan in K1? Same type of setup there as the Count... Hm, also the two containers in Nadd's Tomb and the door lock to the Hutt's Comm Room were also logic-based brain-teasers...Most never try to figure them out because they simply offer nothing of real value that you cannot get elsewhere in the game
All of which pale in comparison to the sheer amount of changes you can make with the PC version...Beleive me, it is well worth buying a slightly older board like the Radeon 9800 XT 256MB which is not as pricey as the X800 XT-PE is, then getting your paws on a copy of K2 :D I can even give you my personal drivers that I have tested with all of the popular SW games to make sure they work perfectly with the older ATI boards before the x800.. Pah! X-Fagox...What a crying shame that mere kid's toy has become since it's inception... <_<
The answer is "2", I have no idea how that should be conected to the ONE-ONE-ZERO or whatever... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My my...Someone is either very young, or very ignorant of the ways of PC computing before Windoze came along :D Man, even before hex, I had binary...Come on, you mean none of you figured out the Count? I had that down pat on my first run through, for all the good entering the Count did :D
AlaricQelDroma replied to AlaricQelDroma's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Well, that may be all well and good, but I would argue that Palpatine's goals were never to cater to the true teachings of the Sith, rather to do exactly as he did: form the Galactic Empire and rule over everything. I don't see Palps in the same way as I see Revan or Malak, Nihilus, Sion, Traya, etc. They were SITH Lords, and because the Original Trilogy never once mentioned the word "Sith" I believe that Palpatine never intended to be a Sith Lord in the same way as those others mentioned did. He had his own unique plans for galactic domination and it had very little to do with the fact that he was a Force user. So in that, I would not place him in the same category...nor mock him for his "lack of vision" in regards to the Sith teachings. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Oh, you beleive that, do you, now...? My, what an amusing Jedi specimen you are :D All shall be revealed in EP3...Just wait...George is going to make Palpidious pull all the Sith skeletons out of his closet, and put the Classic trilogy to rest once and for all...That has been his plan all along, to put to rest *EVERY* Classic Trilogy fan-debate that has been made since '77... No...I very much beleive that Palpidious's connection to the Sith will be shown, in one form or another...Yes, he wanted his Galactic Star Empire, but he wanted it for much the same reasons as all the evil Jedi wanna-be's in the galaxy since the days of Ragnos have wanted such armies... You cannot try to deny the fact that Palpidious wanted his Empire to rise up and replace the Republic once and for all, thereby making REBORN the Sith Empire of thousands of years past... Tell me that all the Stupid Destroyers in the Sith Empire since the dawn of time were a mere co-incidence, and that Palpidious's TOTAL INSATIABLE NEED to possess a mega-fleet of those dagger-head warships was not his goal, along with the reformation of the Sith Empire, disguised as the Galactic Star Empire that "legitimately" replaced the Galactic Republic that stood for 30,000 years :D -
PAH! Nice broken link, boyo :D www.gamefaqs.com, go to xbox or PC, then find K2, then you can locate the FAQ from there... Sigh...Learn how to use the Internet...So elementary...sigh! <_<
AlaricQelDroma replied to AlaricQelDroma's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Perhaps This was posted at the XWAU boards, the same replies were mentioned there, for the most part... Still, I think it would have been nice to see Obi-Wan's entry to the world that water abandoned get denied temporarily by his old nemesis of old :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm confused; the tone of your original post indicated that you were less than enthused with the idea of Maul returning for Episode III. Now you wish it were true? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, I am somewhat torn...Maul was unquestionably the most bad-ass Jedi/Sith ever to be made...Palpidious was just a mere weakling taught by some pissy-ass Verpine Jedi Master's Holocron, Vader was his little beyotch, and as for the "Great Sith Lords", well, Ulic was a despot follower of Exar, who kills Palpidious's master, and as for Nomi and the rest of that dubious group...Pah! They are mere children playing at shadows from a thousand years past!! We all know who the *REAL* Sith Force Masters are, Marka, Ajunta, Tulak, Freedon, and those original Sith Lords....The people who came after that were mere children, taught by little holograms of so-called "Jedi Masters" who thought that their "Knowledge" was good enough to train future Jedi to be as powerful as the Originals who came initially... Pah! Those "Light Jedi Masters of Peace and Justice" are nothing more than clowns playing with toys and thinking holograms can convey the *REAL* teachings of the Jedi Order...Those blasted holograms ended up creating the most vile, violent brutes that the galaxy had ever seen, not even the *REAL* Sith Lords were such violence-prone brutes as the ones who came after! Palpidious was a joke, and always will be....He is nothing more than a distant echo of the Ancient Sith Holocrons from 3,500 years earlier than his own life was! He was playing at shadows, just like Revan and Exile do... Anyway...Back to Maul...Maul was unique in that he was bad-ass not only because he LOOKS bad-ass, but because his personality *AND* his combat techniques are SECOND TO NONE! I don't think *ANY* Jedi or Sith since possibly the Ulic/Exar days *EVER* managed to match Maul's level of Schwartz-stick-isim :D Pah, Revan and Exile...Mere playthings....They deserved their sad, pathetic fates! The Jedi Order, they DESERVED to have all of their people turn against the teachings held within the Holocrons of all the dead "Jedi Masters" who died during the Exar days! They were lucky they managed to hold onto some mere shred of dignity after what they did to themselves, they opened the EU equivelant of Pandora's Box by making the Holocrons, *THAT* was the true lesson behind Atris and Kreia and Trayus Academy! Anyway, Maul is possibly the BEST Schwartz-stick Master since Tulak Hord...If you can prove me wrong, by another method OTHER than citing his overconfidence, then please, have at me..:D -
Airspeeder - Nar Shaddaa
AlaricQelDroma replied to Jedi Valius's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Not a busted quest, my friend...It was intentional, I'm afraid...You see, you were NEVER meant to go chasing after Revan, which is what T3 was hiding, it was Revan's voice who could unlock the navi-comp, but he zapped HK before he could find this part out, then programmed a failsafe into him to prevent him ever turning against T3 again...That's why HK deliberately dodges the question, because T3 reprogrammed him to not be able to devulge any info he uncovered about that situation. Hehe...Read between the lines...Read into the story...Pheeel the Storyline Force, my young Jedi friend :D -
link please <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Use KSE, if you don't know what it is, go to www.swknights.com, go to the tools section of the website, and get it....It's basically a really complex save-game editor...What you need to do is get HK in your active party, open up the tab that says "NPC", then select HK, change his designator from Combat Droid to Jedi and Class...I normally give him Sith Marauder since I hate having him use the Force... What I do is create a script to deny HK any Force abilities, but he will progress identical to a Marauder otherwise...Droids do not connect to the Force, anyone who says otherwise can come and meet me in battle, where I can slaughter them wholesale, by immobilizing them, then letting my overgrown trash compactors have the pleasure of melting them down to carbon residue :D Hahahah....GO MY WARRRRRBOTTTZ!!!! :D
AlaricQelDroma replied to AlaricQelDroma's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
I can do that in K2, if you wish...However, someone else would need to do the graphics for Candy...I could do the scripting support however... Nice idea, I'll be presenting it to some 3D wizard friends of mine, see if they agree on it...I'm trying to port the Grevious Elite Guards from Republic Commando to perform the same way by HK-47 and the HK-50's...After all, HK-47 *IS* the Original that Grevious was based upon (or not, but Grevious *IS* an HK unit, and so are his personal guards)... Basically I am giving the HK's hand-to-hand and melee abilities, and some special plasma-energy Pikes to use against those pesky Jedi/Sith Schwartz-sticks -
Insite on Kreia???
AlaricQelDroma replied to The Great Phantom's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
There's no evidence to support this whatsoever. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Darth Traya is a fictional character from the Star Wars game Knights of the Old Republic II. Darth Traya is the name that the Force-witch Kreia took after she was exiled from the Jedi Order and became a Sith Lord, one of the three the title of the game refers to. She had also taught Darth Revan when she was still a Jedi. Jedi Master Kreia was consumed by guilt after the Jedi Civil War, wondering if her teachings had led to Revan's fall. Kreia travelled to Malachor V, which she sensed as Revan's last location and, corrupted by the dark side, embraced the secrets of the Sith (LucasArts KOTOR Chronicles). Define "no". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hoo boy...Where do I even begin...? :D Well, first off, let me say that trying to insert Logic into Star Wars technichal writing is a VERY NASTY THING to be involved with, it's effectively commiting Seppuku by way of a Scwartz-stick to your gonads... I tried for MANY years to insert logic and total realisim into SW in the X-Wing community, trying to make the ships and space combat be more like the real thing, but no matter how much I tried, Sax and others would always disagree and things tended to degenerate into flames by the 12th or so posting, and we'd have infamous wars like the Super Dumb Destroyer War, or the Imperator-Class vs. Imperial-Class Destroyer War, or even the unforgettable "What MC-xxx designator do we give Home One??" war...:D Trying to make realistic logic out of Kreia and her inane preachy babbling is NOT a very smart thing to partake in... I could sit here and scrawl out my entire psychological profile for Kreia, her history, and her motives, and it would last for about 10 pages, I assure you...However, let me spare you all that by saying this instead: DO NOT TRY TO ARGUE LOGIC, REASON, POLITICS, RELIGION, SEX, DRUGS, MONEY, OR *ESPECIALLY REALISIM* INTO THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE, SUCH ATTEMPTS WILL MEET WITH FAILURE EVERY SINGLE TIME! Such efforts to insert those elements of our real world into SW have met with utter failure EVERY time they have ever been attempted... We can sit around the campfire and tell the tall tales of the Exile and his Queen Kreia, but ultimately, nothing we have to say about the matter will be of any real consequence, because whoever makes K3 is going to refute every single opinion we make, then tell us to basically STFU! when we try to revive these topics on the official K3 boards in a year or two :D What happend to K2? The same exact thing when it was being designed...The general community's concerns were tossed to the waysides by Lucasfarts, Obsidian did listen, but Lucasfarts was ultimately in charge, what they said was Gospel, and Obsidian had no choice in the matter... I swear, when the numbnuts at Lucasfarts lay their weight down on the hutt-skid-pads, they stifle just about everything around them for millions of miles of the Internet...Pisses me off when they toss the community's suggestions for new games to the way-side, but it never fails with Lucasfarts...Lucas says he wants to change that after EP3 is out, but I don't beleive him for a second, not with what he's done to the EU continuity in the past 5 years! -
AlaricQelDroma replied to AlaricQelDroma's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Perhaps This was posted at the XWAU boards, the same replies were mentioned there, for the most part... Still, I think it would have been nice to see Obi-Wan's entry to the world that water abandoned get denied temporarily by his old nemesis of old :D -
Well, gentlemen, seeing as how Greivious and his uber-droid warriors in the Clone Wars could move just as fast as any Jedi (ala, Republic Commando), I have done some work with K2 on HK... You see something: No matter what AI you use, the droids will NEVER fire their special weaponry unless you manually do it for them, the only way to solve this is to allow them to use the "Jedi Support" AI scripting...I fixed that flaw a while ago.. What I really need to tell you, is that last week, I modded HK to not only allow him to go Hand-To-Hand with special HK-only feats much like Unarmed Combat and Echani Strike, but also he will be able to use melee...I WILL NOT ALLOW HIM TO BE EQUIPPING SCWARTZ-STICKS :D However, since Greivious's elite pals use some sort of plasma-energy Pikes, I have begun a mod to add glows and colors to the Prototype Vibro Swords and Prototype Vibro Double-Blade, along the blade edges... I wanted to make this identical to what was seen in Republic Commando, and I have managed to duplicate as much of it as I can within the confines of K2's engine/scripting... However, I won't be releasing it until I release my entire mod project for K2, as there is MUCH other stuff I have left to do, and I never release small individual mods, no matter HOW important they may be. I use the Military Spec HK-Series skins for maximum Pwnage-effect, those camo skinz rule while those HK's start out with one or two-hit-kill guns, then switch to l33t melee skillz when people get close enough Nothing says "Pwn3d" better than the Original and MOST l33t HK droid kicking ass well before those primitive durasteel drones from EP2 start coming into the galaxy Hahaha...I'm saying this as I'm watching the DS9 episode where the crew has to play baseball against the Vulcans...Classic Anyways guys, I can't promise I'll have my K2 mod ready by the time EP3 comes out, but I shall give it a whirl...It all depends on how much time I have to split between XWA and K2...I have to do all the playtesting by my self, so that will take about 2-4 weeks to fully test every single change I am making to the game...Sigh...I'll do my best guys...
http://aaronmonse.com/images/misc/maul.jpg Sigh...That is from an EP3 sketchbook or some-such...Just released...Appearently, this is the background: Maul somehow intercepts Obee Juan Kanobee during his delivery of Luke to Tattooine from wherever our young Queen gives birth... All I can say is: "ANTI CLIMATIC"!! This movie was meant to be about OBI AND ANNIE, *NOT* ABOUT THAT HORN-HEADED PRICK! I mean, ****, hackin' him in half then shoving him down an endless shaft of pure energy was not enough?! He would've been EVAPORATED before he hit the bottom!
You are not a l33t ub0r-n3rd, u R fux043d U f00l <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what is up with all of this stupid **** that I keep seeing. What's the deal with using letters AND numbers to form words. Not to be an assh*le (not!!!), but can someone translate? I'd really like to learn how to read and type like that. And would one of you Obsidian crew members get out of the lazyboy and tell us when the f*ck we should expect to see a patch, if ever?!! Okay, I feel better now.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have answers to both questions... #1: I was intentionally trying to piss everyone off by using "leet speak", sorry if that irks you, but it *WAS* intentional, after all :D #2: To quote my own Mod's release date, and EVERY release date since the dawn of PC gaming: "WHEN IT'S DONE!!" :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As for something entirely un-related, I just noticed that exchange between the Merc and HK in your sig...I just remembered something: The voice for Neelix from Forager was also the voice of that Merc as well...Made me PARTICULARLLY hot to slaughter him every single time :D
You are not a l33t ub0r-n3rd, u R fux043d U f00l <{POST_SNAPBACK}> what is up with all of this stupid **** that I keep seeing. What's the deal with using letters AND numbers to form words. Not to be an assh*le (not!!!), but can someone translate? I'd really like to learn how to read and type like that. And would one of you Obsidian crew members get out of the lazyboy and tell us when the f*ck we should expect to see a patch, if ever?!! Okay, I feel better now.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have answers to both questions... #1: I was intentionally trying to piss everyone off by using "leet speak", sorry if that irks you, but it *WAS* intentional, after all :D #2: To quote my own Mod's release date, and EVERY release date since the dawn of PC gaming: "WHEN IT'S DONE!!" :D
I like to think that many avatars in games are modeled after real people. So I have no problem discussing which I think looks best. Alaric, I congratulate you on your find. Not many females around that look past a guy's features. I hope it lasts. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hm...Well, it was so easy back then, after all...While I was admittedly young, I had been through a lot in my lifetime by that point, while this girl had no real life experiences that even came close to what I had had by that point in my life...It was a very odd pairing...I think it still can be, considering our somewhat distant family ties in addition to our age differences, but I think I have spoken enough about this issue...The last time I spoke of such things was with the XWA community, and things turned out very badly because of it, so I'm just going to stop this discussion here and now, thanks...
Like my current gf did when we first met years ago before I had gastric bypass...She ignored my appearance and realized my other abilities, of course, now that's all a moot point since I'm 200 LBS., but still...Most girls never even looked in my direction back before I had surgery...She did, and had enough wisdom far beyond her years to see me for who I was, even as young as she was compared to me back then...Heh... Ah well, all's well that end's well
Mira's purpose on Nar Shaddaa?
AlaricQelDroma replied to DarthRevanRLZ's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
No, Mira never says her parents died at Malachor, only that she lost family there. Mira was a slave of the Mandalorians and eventually grew to consider them something of a family. She never mentions her parents. To quote Mira herself: "As much as any slave becomes a Mandalorian. They took prisoners on every world they conquered to bolster their ranks - and they took a lot of worlds. I don't know, it didn't matter. I was too young to remember, really. Besides, Nar Shaddaa's kind of grown on me. It's as much my home as anyplace else.When I was young, yeah. They mostly used me to carry ammo packs and munitions. Toward the end of the war, they needed everyone they could get.They taught me to fight, to hunt, to survive. I was part of their squad, even when I was young. Everyone served as part of the unit, and I felt like I had a place there." <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It is called "reading between the lines", and/or "reading into the storyline", it is clearly obvious, at least to me, that her parents were Jedi, and seeing that 90% of the Jedi Order died at Malachor and Dxun during the Wars, I would tend to beleive that her parents were among those dead at Malachor.. In fact, I have a dialogue option to say TO HER that says "Do you blame me for your parents death?", or something to that effect...I can play through the game again and get the screens, give me an hour or two to start a fresh game and I'll post some images of this storyline stuff that people either have not managed to access through certain dialogue choices, or because they simply are too ignorant of the game's inner-workings to know how to get to these lines of dialogue... -
Bastila vs Visas (lightsabers drawn!)
AlaricQelDroma replied to Jedi Valius's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Ha, right there, milady Thank you for stating the obvious...I was wondering if anyone, male or female, would come to realize how pointless these topics are.... :D -
Ok, here's my top picks, I'll post my PC's classes: Alaric Qel-Droma's Wolf Pack (I live in Reno, so excuse my use of this ): Alaric - Guardian/Marauder Kreia - My uber-build specialty..Haven't yet used female (I may never do female ), so I can't speak for Desciple, but... Hanharr or Brianna as a Sith Marauder... Jorias Kell's Defense Force: Jorias - Guardian/Sith Lord Mira - Sith Assasin T3-M4 (Fully upgraded with custom items :D), or Canderous as a "Gunnery/Blade Master", both set to Ranged AI scripting. These are the two Tomb groups I use: AQD's Tomb WP: Atton - Fully upgraded with the best stuff available I could build by the time I tackled the Tomb Visas - Ditto as Atton Hanharr or Canderous, either equipped as "Gunnery/Blade Master". JK's Tomb DF: Mira - Uber-build Brianna - Uber-build GOTO - Packed with everything that I would have packed T3 with had I been using him for the Tomb..One-shot kills with the dual Mandalorian Rips...:D I don't use Bao-Dur because unless I let him become a Sith Marauder, he is wholly useless, and the current Prestiege Padawans Mod doesn't let Bao become a Prestige class...Although, I am going to take care of that issue with my mod...
Mira's purpose on Nar Shaddaa?
AlaricQelDroma replied to DarthRevanRLZ's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
The dialogues clearly state that her PARENTS were at Malachor, but she was elsewhere, probably didn't even know about her heritage at all... If you MUST know everything in this game, go download the 100% Influence Mod and the Skip Peragus Mod, you can get the entire storyline in a real hurry that way -
Pah, if you want to start the console vs. pc war, go right ahead, I'm game for another fight However, I suggest that we both just drop this topic and move to another one that isn't going to start the Alpha&Omega of all tech wars
Bastila vs Visas (lightsabers drawn!)
AlaricQelDroma replied to Jedi Valius's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
We *ALL* know K2 is not based upon the d20 rulebook, it was a blatant rip-off from it...Let's not argue this, because the last time I saw a debate like this over at LucasForums, it quickly turned into a flamewar. K2 is unique, but if you want to be fair, then don't use K2's new rulebook, because that would basically be cheating, in fact, without my d20 mod for K2, I consider K2 to be a huge running cheat-code...There is no need for levels over 20, you just have to know how to make additions to d20 without going overboard like K2 did. The Feats and Powers can stay, but the extra levels are just cheating in my book, and totally un-needed, as NONE of your enemies will be powerful enough to even touch you unless you're using a mod like Hardcore...Don't try to argue with me on that point, it is a FACT that by the time you finish the second planet, you are so powerful that nothing can even touch you unless you intentionally let yourself get damaged... -
Female PC's: Get them here!
AlaricQelDroma replied to AlaricQelDroma's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Quote, Voyager, Season 6, Episode "Q2": "Replicator: Make it yourself!" :D