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Everything posted by Aurora

  1. Why, the "jiggly" factor of course! :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, I don't remember Bastila being a pointless stereotypical-male-fantasy character. Well. Maybe near the end.
  2. How exactly does she remind you of Bastila?
  3. Nothing, because the cut content does still not make for a satisfying and complete story.
  4. And way before Vash was supposed to be alive on Korriban, she was supposed to be alive on the Droid Planet. Hooray.
  5. Well, as it is, there are only five or six pointlessly half-naked women in the game. We need modders to boldly take charge and add *more,* just like the brave, brave Bloodlines modders.
  6. The option comes up in the second dialogue with Nihilus, after you've knocked him down to low health. She starts gasping about how he's too powerful, and IF she is wearing only "clothes" or wearing nothing and has a melee weapon equipped, you get the dialogue option to tell her to sacrifice herself to weaken Nihilus.
  7. Far less playable than the droid factory. You can basically walk around, get attacked by a few droids, and ponder at all the empty cylinders.
  8. Oh, my god. "This arm of mine isn't just for show..." Oh, god. I love you.
  9. Hooray! <3
  10. Hi, kitty_with_a_lightsaber. I love you. I don't know much about you at all, really, but I have to love you. It's your nickname, you see. It's just how things are.
  11. So this thread exists to... say that a certain person isn't as hot as a computer game character? My life has just been... enriched.
  12. The sarcasm. God, so much sarcasm. And yeah, I'm being serious here.
  13. Yeah, it's not terribly promising.
  14. I was rather disappointed in his comments, too, and not just because of the shortness. He, um, doesn't really seem too thrilled with his work or the gaming industry in general. =/ I find Ragnar T
  15. I love T3. I LOVE T3. So cute. God. Beyond cute. Like a little robokitty. I make T3 noises to my boyfriend, except I can't remember most of them, so I mostly just go "Dwooooo" if I'm sad.
  16. Get the Save Game Editor, make a new save, and add it into your inventory. The item name is xc_inf_probe. Or use the cheat console, if you don't mind CHEATS USED being superimposed over your saved games. The K2 cheats are exactly the same as the K1 cheats, the only difference is that you can't see the words as you type them into the console.
  17. http://www.pcgamemods.com/10498/ Get the mindprobe, so you can see how much influence you have over party members, and adjust it. (at the cost of DS points, sry) Make Atton have significantly less influence than Di (70% to 100%) and they'll start fighting when you go onto the Ebon Hawk. yey. That's mostly all you can get from influence, though. sigh.
  18. :: When the exile enters the Trayus Academy, she will be faced with a choice. ::{:: One path, assuming she survives, will allow her to save her friends, but she shall be the weaker for it. ::} The Sith Assassins get up, and they begin to materialize off into the shadows.:: The other route will lead her directly to this place, through the ones that have hounded her steps through the beginning... and she shall have her vengeance.
  19. I know very well that there're quite a few cut endings, yes, with some wacky variety. But from what we have, there's no description of what the PC's sacrifice would have been: and there's no chance to save Atton. I was more responding to the people who think it's awesome and realistic to kill off all the NPCs, or such.
  20. She's a horribly depressing character. Even with the cut content, she never grows as a person - okay, maybe she feels a little better after meditating in her old room. But her ultimate development: she's willing to die for the PC. Or she does die for the PC. Wow, just like she was willing to do ALL ALONG. And beyond that, I think she's on the dull side. Yup.
  21. They're both officially male like every single game hero* ever because the game industry is full of sexist jerkheads. Better to have default-male and default-Abdels for everything, EVERYTHING, than maybe, omg, freak out a few guys by implying that their character was a chick. *Especially* if it's a chick who's not defined hugely by her sexuality. *sorry. There are a few female leads in a few games. With breasts. And, um, maybe one or two of them had a personality or something, not sure.
  22. Oh, yey, another one of these arguments. My thoughts, briefly: tragedy in fiction should make you appreciate life (within the fictional reality or in our own), not wallow in misery. There is such a thing as too much tragedy. I'm sure some people here have read George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. Great, it's vicious and harsh and sharp and fast and brutal and I love it: but at some point during the second or third book, I felt worn out. There was just too much suffering: great, sure, suffering is realistic to some extent. But it really had skewed my perception. The few times that something "good" happened to someone (a military victory with only a few dozen deaths, an easy escape from prison, one character helping out another and NOT betraying them) I'd scoff and think it was cliched, lame and unrealistic. Hint: It wasn't lame and unrealistic, I'd just spiralled into a temporary state of hardened bitterness, numbed by the constant tragedy. There are a FEW writers who can handle this well, I'd imagine, and some who might very well be attempting to create the numb state in the reader (and, arguably, that works to a certain extent in K2, with the reasons behind the Exile being cut off from the Force). But if you're looking for emotional depth, or any real kind of balance as a writer, atrocity-after-atrocity is not a good method. The "happy" moments in the game are few and far between as they are (although honestly, at the moment I can't think of a single one). Killing off the Jedi Superfriends without giving the PC any chance to save them is lousy. Half-killing the Jedi Superfriends and giving the PC a chance to sacrifice of hirself to save them: much better. There's real control over the story with the latter choice, there's a real sense that you can make a difference in the world instead of just being a manipulated helpless pawn despite your enormous power. Pffaugh. Revolutionary Girl Utena!
  23. Atton's sacrifice sequence was not female-only, by the way: male characters get all of it except for the "loved you" line (they get "you.... saved me, joke's on me.").
  24. There's not a single in-game indication that the Mandalorians devalue women. When they captured Mira as a slave, they trained her fighting techniques. Canderous has incredible admiration for Revan whether Revan is male or female. Laziness of the developers to place more than a few token women throughout any of the warrior-groups in the game is more likely (doesn't apply to all the developers, of course, the balance is scattered).
  25. Atton: Single pink.
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