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Everything posted by Aurora

  1. Mad_Scientist: The scene as it's laid out in the dialogue file itself is weird and out of order, and it's even mentioned in the scripting that there probably won't be time to finish it. There're all kinds of theories and clipped pieces re: that scene + the droid factory, and it's hard to know *precisely* what was intended (though there were certainly at least two possibilities). The HK-51s don't appear unless you do the factory quest, where there's a lovely scene where you can either destroy them or reprogram them (but they couldn't hurt you either anyway) and there's also some stuff about HK-47 being reprogrammed. Eh.
  2. Okay, I try not to clutter up threads with "loved it!" comments, but I *love* the split-outfit thing. Awesome picture.
  3. Yeah. Before I played the game I was squicked out over the screenshots of Atton's skeezy-ass "flirting." During the game itself, I was disappointed that I didn't get more.
  4. I didn't dislike him because he forcibly joined me and threatened to kill us all. Most everyone in the party is psychotic, manipulative, and violent. I disliked him because he was a total jerk. Interesting backstory, boring jerk otherwise (though "What have you brought me?" amuses me).
  5. It does. If you say you have to leave, he attacks you. With the Carth lines, he just stays there crying, I guess. Waaah. No v/o, either. Whew.
  6. And, to sort it out a bit: {Dustil has been trapped here a while and he is stark, raving mad}Another vision! Don't think I can't see through this deception. PC: Who are you? / PC: Who are you talking about? Dustil: {ranting quiety to himself}Yes, questions. Visions always have questions for Dustil... before the killing starts. I won't answer! {yelling}Hear me apparition! I won't answer! PC:You are Dustil? Dustil: Of course the vision knows my name. It probes my thoughts. But I am learning the tricks, I am. Soon I will block them out entirely. PC: I am not a vision. Dustil: {mocking and ranting}"I am not a vision" says the vision. Ha! Well then, I am not Dustil Onasi, son of Carth, no. I am not a Jedi either. PC: Carth? You are Carth Onasi's son? Dustil: The vision speaks of my father, not knowing I killed him twenty two times, and he has killed me, but I did not die. He won't be coming back for me, not again. With his tricks. {shouting}His tricks! {tortured yell}Oh, father! {sobbing}Why did you leave?! (end dialogue) PC: You are a Jedi? I am Jedi. So proud, so proud to be. I escaped the dark side only to return. Why did I return? Dustil: Why? The other Jedi wanted to. They tricked me. Oh, they tricked me. I did not know then that they were all visions. Visions all. PC: Do you know what causes the visions here? Dustil: {mocking}Ah, the existential vision. What causes me? Why am I a vision? {serious}Deceptive vision. Dustil the Jedi is wise to your tricks. PC: I'll be going now. Dustil: The vision leaves, only to sneak up later when I am less aware. Better to silence it now. {screaming, louder at end}You won't have me! You won't have me!
  7. Hey, that's my word. And yes.
  8. Ah, exactly why I totally adore gaming forums. Yes, joking about raping someone is a stupid thing to say. No, guys don't get called on it here much more often than girls do. yey. Carry on with your generalizations, though.
  9. Nah, no videos here...
  10. I'm pretty sure that the word "machist" doesn't really relate to anything in this thread, so you're safe.
  11. I'd like her if she had any kind of character development. Also, a personality.
  12. Specifically, you have to have about 30% more influence with Disciple. Graaaaaaagh.
  13. http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/6397 http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/7127 http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/6398 http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/6401 http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/5945
  14. Hey, I don't recall any of the pre-game gayness, let me know. His in-game stuff is vaguely homoerotic for a male character if you try kinda hard to see it (y'know that in the cut ending where he's dying, he says basically everything the same except the "loved you" part?). Which I dig.
  15. I can't choose, um, eight of those?
  16. If, ahem, anyone wants to make an audio mix of the mindreading scene, here's the correct order for the second version of it. Again, the sound files are located in /StreamVoice/003/pcdead2 Mira: {Player is reading her mind, these are her thoughts, sense of slight despair, like all might be lost, "Everyone is"}...going to lose their lives, like I lost my family at Malachor V. Disciple: {These are his thoughts as he's thinking to himself, player is reading his mind without him knowing}And all the Jedi who followed Revan, the true Jedi, died at Malachor V. IF MALE: Handmaiden: {Player is reading her mind, these are her thoughts, player is reading her mind without her knowing}...and father left me, left us all, when he lost all that he loved at Malachor V. Visas: {Player is reading her mind, these are her thoughts, she doesn't know she is being read}Your ship, my prison, that you dragged from the gravity well at Malachor V. Atton: {These are his thoughts as he's thinking to himself, despairing, player is reading his mind without him knowing}...wish I'd never met him/her, wish I'd died there, that the storms had dragged me down into Malachor V. Mandalore: {These are his thoughts as he's thinking to himself, player is reading his mind without him knowing}We will not surrender, we will not die... like we did Malachor V. Bao-Dur: Your command echoes still, General. And I obey, as I did at Malachor V. I have destroyed planets for you, General. But now, this once, if we could save something in this galaxy... (or, if DS: Now, Malachor V comes to us. And I wish to face it, this last time.) I need to do this, or I will die inside. Like I died at Malachor V. I know you can hear me. I have always known. It is why I followed you. You know where you must go. It calls to you still. {Reverent, pronouncement of doom, then sad at the end}And she must be stopped, there, now, or she will bring the screams of Malachor V to the galaxy - just as we carried the echo all this way.
  17. Ah, that's terribly cute. I would've seen that, but see, the idea is that I'm too lazy to even go in to "add reply" instead of fast reply. Or too spastic. Whatever works. Bao-Dur. Ok!
  18. Yeah, gotcha. I still see the Carth romance as more... fitting. :heartemoticonwhatever:
  19. Well, yeah: I just thought the indication was that the Force Bond was necessarily romantic and therefore Revan had to be male.
  20. okay, random ramblings: Really, I didn't think the female romances were significantly worse than the male romances - but it does seem like the guys got a little more flirting. And they definitely got better sexual euphemisms ("sparring in your underwear" versus "meditating together," "force sex" versus "playing pazaak in the c0ckpit" - okay, so those both suck). And I wish that Handmaiden had been romanceable (heck, takeable) by female characters too, as it seems she may have been intended to be, way back when. I was kinda grumpy about what I thought were female-specific lines for Atton turning out to be for both male and female ("Get away from her/him!" etc). But then it kinda made me like him more. But then I still kinda wished for something more - I really wanted more flirting, more teasing, like with Carth. Or, y'know. I just wanted Carth back. Nicky Katt's voicing was fantastic a lot of the time, but he deadpanned a fair amount of the more emotional lines (most of them, admittedly, cut lines). And again, I love Bao-Dur after hearing those cut lines. Looooove.
  21. There aren't a lot of non-general K1 leftovers. However, adorably, there are still some NWN leftovers hanging out! But maybe there is a lot left over in the Russian (?) version, for whatever reason. How big is your dialog.tlk? My K1 dialog.tlk is 5,269k and my K2 dialog.tlk is 9,924k.
  22. I didn't see the bond with Bastila as being romantic in the least, playing as a female.
  23. Urgh, I need to finish writing posts before I post 'em. From reading the dialogue scripts in K2, it doesn't look like it was intended for the character to be one gender or another, even with all the "Revan is a guy!" bugs. Personally, I think K1 makes more sense with a LSF Revan and K2 makes more sense with a DSM Exile, based on various things. But I haven't actually played male all the way through either game, so.
  24. In a cut sequence near the end of the game, you read the thoughts of your crewmembers while they think you're dead. Bao-Dur's lines, and voice-acting (/StreamVoice/003/pcdead2, 25 to 31) are FANTASTIC. This adds a hell of a lot to his character: he *knows* things. sigh. The lines: Your command echoes still, General. And I obey, as I did at Malachor V. I have destroyed planets for you, General. But now, this once, if we could save something in this galaxy... (or, if DS: Now, Malachor V comes to us. And I wish to face it, this last time.) I need to do this, or I will die inside. Like I died at Malachor V. I know you can hear me. I have always known. It is why I followed you. You know where you must go. It calls to you still. {Reverent, pronouncement of doom, then sad at the end}And she must be stopped, there, now, or she will bring the screams of Malachor V to the galaxy - just as we carried the echo all this way.
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