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Everything posted by mutonizer

  1. Sure and it'll most likely be fixed. What concerns me however, as I pointed out, are the implications of that game mechanic which potentially allows prolonged complete invulnerability states. Should never happen.
  2. Ok.. I have no idea how to report this because it encompasses multiple major issues, some bugs but also some design concept flaws. I'll just post, try to explain, list what I think are issues and hopefully the video will help. First, the setup: - Playing on Hard - Been playing for a while with this save, cleaning up beetles and whatnot, just now coming back to solve this quest. - Killed the lady and her gang in the tavern - Talked then attacked the group at the bridge - Killed the rest of the team (took ages because of their insane DT and me trying to focus on their main healer, which was just un-hittable) - I was then left with just the healer guy, couple spells left, which I used...to no effect (DT was just crazy, others were just misses) Second, the video: I tried to edit it a bit but not really my forte..should however demonstrate what just happened and immediately, problems will jump out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe7gNBePfiM Edit: no idea why it's linking and not embedding... Third, the problems: With the current game mechanic, it is possible in theory to reach a completely invulnerable state if you get your DEF/FORT/REF/WILL defenses high enough. In usual IE games, you could "hope" for a natural 20 to at least land SOMETHING, even if very rarely. You cannot run or escape or do anything while in combat mode. This meant I HAD to kill that guy or be forced to reload and yet I had NO WAY to ever kill him. If you have an ironman mode in the game, this cannot, EVER, be allowed to happen, ever..(ever, ever, ever, ever). No idea how he reached that high DEF (or how my own char reached that high DEF). At first, I thought it was because of buffs but this fight lasted for a good long while and I only part of it. Even if this was a bug, the fact of the matter is: the mechanic is still there, therefore, it can happen. I mean, we're not talking about crazy numbers there. The DEF was 165 or something and my fighter unbuffed DEF at level 5 is 100 something. The DTs on that guy (and everyone from that group really) were crazy... Even thought everyone was missing constantly, you can see the enemy being "interrupted" quite often (look for a "hit" animation, you'll see his timer reset). Misses should not be causing interrupts in my opinion. The guy died....I have no idea why. The log clearly shows that no damage was dealt whatsoever at any point. Needs fixing... Edit: A possible solution would be to include a mechanic where any roll above 90 on the to hit d100 die is at least a graze/hit or something. That said, there are many, many issues in that example and not all because of just easy to fix bugs and game mechanics bandages... There you go, take it as you will, but even looking past the obvious bugs, there is something problematic at the core of it...
  3. OPTION MENU - GRAPHICS - Missing string when MouseOver the resolution information.
  4. [v278 details] The silly case of the crazy magical Water Wheel Alright, time to lighten up the mood and report something that's not really important and yet has been bugging me non stop every-time I have my party go back into town... Evidence one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78DKtvnWHjM Notice that the water wheel movement hints for a left to right water flow. Evidence two: Here we can see the implied water flow from the water wheel movements Evidence three: Zooming out to the region map in game however, the implied water flow would indicate that the water go against all logic, travelling up-slope toward what should be the source (and overall more hilly/mountainous area), instead of down-slope toward the overall lower sea region, lake and marshes. Evidence four: Zooming out further, we can clearly see that the source should indeed be NE of Dyrford, with the flow going west toward Dyrford, then the lake and Twin elms, then toward the lower region of the Bael Marsh. Conclusion: There is something magical and corrupted happening in that blasted village! Obviously the waterwheel does NOT respect the logical water flow of that river and is used for other nefarious purposes...or something! Now, back to more serious reporting
  5. Well, Wasteland 2 for example, as far as I know, does this: - Uses My Games/Wasteland2 folder for all portraits, saves and exports. - Uses Registry entries for options. For registry, I'm guessing this is based around the default Unity PlayerPref stuff, because it's an easy and fast to use API just for that so basically you don't really have to code anything (which makes you wonder how the hell some options are not saved properly though). Now, registry storing has it's uses sometimes, but at least make sure you're cleaning it up. Otherwise, you're left with junk in a place where most people either cannot even access, don't think to access, don't want to access because it might be dangerous to their system. In comparison, keeping everything in the My Games/sub folders allow for very easy, safe and obvious manipulation, allows for a quick cleanup even for casual users AND allows for really easy backups. All in all, as I said, it's not a "huge deal" and yes everyone does it so why PoE be an exception right? Well..because! That's why
  6. [v278 suggestion] Double tapping Character hotkey selection should center camera on Character As it is now, Characters in your party can be selected by pressing 1 through 5. Quickly double tapping these selection hotkeys should automatically center the camera view on the character.
  7. BUG: Fog of War layer placement STEPS 01: - Go to the left side of a map with your party, standing about Half a screen away so that the FOW is just at limit of the left limit of the area. RESULT - Notice the 2 clear pixels gap between the actual area limit and the FOW layer STEPS 02: - Press M to open the MAP - Press and hold LMB then move the view to the leftmost edge where your party is. RESULTS - Notice the large clear pixels gap between the actual area limit and the FOW layer
  8. I'm guessing a lot of people don't care/don't know. That's fine, it's not a "huge" deal, especially when they're in crunch mode I'm guessing. I'm just tired of this trend of programming for games (and other software really), where they don't seem to give a damn and leave their stuff hanging everywhere where it doesn't belong, then you're left to clean up the mess once they're gone and wondering where the hell half your hard drive capacity went. No reason to be there (afaik), still time to do it, it's just good practice and overall just shows that you respect the end-user.
  9. Which is probably a good thing because I can already see the problem with "pushing" people aside while they are in Engaged, thereby provoking Disengagement attacks of opportunity. "Could" be a thing for "out of combat" situations I guess, but in combat, could lead to horrible..horrible things.
  10. As far as I understand it, difficulty level (easy, normal, hard, etc) define how many enemies (and their types) you will encounter for each given "spawn point". For example, for a given spawn point. - On easy, you'll face a group of 2 easy mobs. - On normal, you'll face a group of 1 normal mob and 1 easy mob. - On hard, you'll face 1 hard mob and 2 normal mob and 3 easy mobs. - On crazywtfisgoingwiththisfrakkingblah!, you'll face everything, their mother, their sisters...or something...or maybe just a nuclear bomb. Add to that the diminishing maximum amount of camping supplies, also based on difficulty level (6 on easy, 2 on hard, etc).... Edit: And I don't know if it's the same on lower difficulty levels (haven't tried yet) but DT across the board on Hard is crazy. It's like everyone, everything (except wolves, because: reasons!) is wearing double supra legendary platemail of doom or something.
  11. I did the other way around, and yea, them Deep Wounders are crazy as well and everything got like 15 to 22 DT in there! That's why I tried the spider cave, thought it'd be an easy break from the head vs wall banging....it wasn't. Same here a bit though I have no earlier build comparison yet. Do you Save/Reload or Save/Quit/Load? Loading for me just keeps on making the memory usage grow after each load..and grow..and grow...and crash once it goes over 4GB because of out of memory. Only completely quitting helps.
  12. Nice Probably related to this report somewhere, somehow. I'm guessing once they cast their eyes on the ranger pet, they'll solve a load things linked to it more or less directly.
  13. That suits me just fine since it's now based on Stamina as a critical game over factor, which is included in the resource management mechanics, so rests will be needed when I really **** up, or when the entire team will be low on resource. And yea, keep that silly supply limit thing if you want, people will just mod/save edit/run back anyway, no big deal
  14. Same. I can manage top left pull if I unload but the one on the right really takes crazy damage-front loading and even then, I get a couple death. I stopped counting the amount of back and forth between that area and the tavern I did, since I seem to have bought all supplies across the land. Between poison beetles outside, crazy crystal spiders inside and insane Deep Wounds supra high DT dudes down below, I kept a couple wolves alive for later just so that my guys don't just suicide out of desperation
  15. Nah, but they're both fighters so you know, lots of pushing around to show who's the alpha male and all that. I'm sure it'll end up in a love story though, always does!
  16. Can't wait for the "The Insane Beta Battles @ Spider Cave"
  17. Was about to report but this will just be +1 and providing a small video to give another visual example and an easy mechanic to reproduce. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxm63-3GZ_I&feature=youtu.be
  18. Each Char of course. That allows for quick banters such as some companion goes "Hey! Lookie here!" where you (player) go "man I love that dude!"
  19. That was for Mayama suggestion? If not, slower "active characters" would give a better more intense feel to combat I think, instead of having everyone run around at 100% speed no matter what they're doing
  20. Something more simple maybe? (simpler some might say!) - All Actors (enemy, friend, etc) are by default in a MOVEMENT STATE - Any action but movement puts an actor in an ACTIVE STATE for X seconds (10? 15? balance that out), reducing movement to 25% of base (need to be really slow to make it matter), then switches you back to MOVEMENT STATE if no action was taken to reset timer of ACTIVE STATE. Means people engaged in melee or taking actions/etc will really give a feel of being in melee/active with slower movement. Wizards and other back-liners not taking actions, just waiting for the right moment to unleash, will be able to quickly re-position/run away. Makes kiting impossible (well, multi kitting with baiter and the like is possible but..well..you get the point)
  21. Really good way to easily find tons of different faces/poses/expressions, since it's basically their job and while it takes skills to do, it removes a lot of the "drawing" issues (and insane amount of time needed)
  22. What? No! I meant artificial as in "hollow", not as in "made by man". Damn them words and context mattering so much, am I right?
  23. I think only Fast will be removed because there is no actual UI button for it as of now. Otherwise, the "clock" has a: "Pause" UI element and a "Slow" UI element already. Not sure why they'd spend the time and effort to make a Slow UI element and implement it if it's just a beta testing thing. Edit: Hmm, new bug then...tooltip from clock overlap...can't read the date/time
  24. Well, as a first impression even though a bit delayed compared to you guys.. Holy frak! I can go through beetles, I can go through spiders, I can go through whatever...but Deep Wound (I think, that was the only damage reported in the log) on some random crossbow dude in the under tower lair just wiped out my entire team almost alone (the 4 other guys were ok, good fight, nothing to write home about). And yea, as I suspected, rogue with 2hd (one crush/one slash depending on DT type) and padded armor rocked everything else I had with me at the time damage wise. Them non-stop boosted 2hd crits man, they hurt. Artificial solution is...artificial.
  25. +1 The auto-detection of secrets only if using scouting mode is a problem that struck me immediately upon starting the beta. - It artificially creates frustration when not using it because it's so bloody slow, because you KNOW you'll never find secrets. - It artificially creates frustration when you're using it because you know you'll ALWAYS find all secret, because it's so bloody slow! Solution: - Detach secret detection from scouting mode completely, leaving only Stealth based interactions to it. - Make secret detection a continuous random check focused around one or more attribute (Perception raises your chance to find them, Intelligence raises the radius in which you can find them, Resolve makes check occur more often, etc). This means you can miss some easy ones and yet find some hard ones. OR - Make secret detection a passive fixed value check focused around one or more attributes (see above). This means you'll know you'll find the ones you should find, and yet never find the ones too hard for you currently.
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