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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. But it's a lot better than the 3-5MB+ they can can start out as, eh? :D Uncompressed/non-streamed sound files are just big for their time-length. Hard to get around that if you want decent quality. I'll try to work on something in the next couple days...assuming someone else doesn't beat me to it.
  2. Ah! 'American Psycho' - I loved that movie - I found it hilarious. But I'm kind of twisted...I'm having a hard time picturing that man as Batman, however... I was born in '68, and I don't look a day over 36! Er... Yeah, Depp's definitely gotten a lot better. Plus he usually picks such odd movies, a quality in an actor that I like. But I didn't really like him in the recent Pirates...don't know why. Just not a role I liked I guess.
  3. Disciple is even more of a dead end romance wise than Atton - tho I think he has some great lines, including that end-conversation after you meet the Jedi dudes on Dantoonie. But I still love them both. I'm weird that way.
  4. What gave it away? Yeah...by some standards I'm old, I guess. Pfft. Depp - he's fun...he's been around since the 80's too. I'd like to read a Depp-blog... Christian Bale - who?
  5. When you realize that 1/3 of your hard drive space is taken up with Kotor-related material (sound files, screenshots, graphic files) and you still can't make yourself delete any of it.
  6. Ewww.......Ben Affleck. Reeves....he can be kinda cute in that dark Matrix coat but acting ability - bwahahaha!! yeah... :D I give up.....I have no idea who the current generation respects celebrity wise. Clint Eastwood? Arrnie the "I can't believe I'm governor?" guy? Alex Trebek? Kevin Spacey? Sigourney Weaver? Please tell me it's not Brad Pitt or Jerry Springer....
  7. Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die.
  8. No offense to Lucas but IMO many good actors turned in bad performances in the current movies - Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor, for instance. And I never did think much of Carrie Fisher...I think Lucas directs women rather terribly. Portman was great in Leon/The Professional.
  9. In terms of flash and appearance, Maul. In terms of creeping me out, Luke when he gets mad. In terms of laughter/entertainment, Yoda. In terms of 'most stupid', Maul again (c'mon, he stands peering over the edge like a dufus waiting to be sliced in two....)
  10. Ok, ok...let's see... I could really be....Kurt Russell. Is that better? (I can't think of any newer 'big names' offhand - stuck in the early 80's....heh)
  11. Well, he was also in Stand By Me, which I think is one of the best movies of that period, not to mention one of the best S. King film adaptations. And as mentioned, if millions recognize your name and know who you are and why, I consider that a celebrity - celebrity doesn't always have to mean 'popular'. I never understood why people hated Wesley Crusher so much. I mean, sure, he was geeky and improbable, but I guess I just ignored him - I barely noticed he was there, really. (Tho that might have to do w/obsession w/Data/Picard....) Well. honestly, that's true of non-celebrites on the internet, as well. How many people exaggerate the stuff in their blogs/sites/posts to make it more interesting or colorful? How do you know anyone on the internet is speaking truth? For all you know, I could be Sandra Bullock slumming in a game forum. Which is kind of my point. The net can equalize people in the eyes of the readers.
  12. Do you use WinXP? You can just use SoundRecorder to make the huge wav's smaller. Open a finished file and click File/Properties, then 'Convert Now', then pick a format...say save it as/ok, etc...then exit Recorder or try to open another file and it'll ask you if you want to save the changes and you say 'yes' and, the file will magically shrink in size (the name won't change...it'll still say 'something' .wav)....heh
  13. Yeah, my servers do that now and then...they can lag a bit too, tho usually that's in the wee hours Pacific Standard Time, cause they do nightly back-ups and such. Or cause their network hubs are hiccuping or something. Like I know. heh Anyway it usually doesn't last more than a few minutes. I increased the size of the comment allowance, I didn't realize it was so small, it cut me off too, when I tried to reply. lol
  14. So I've been reading Will Wheaton's blog (it's been on-line for 4 years or so but I just heard of it yesterday) and thinking about how cool the internet is, for connecting famous people to the not-famous. Not just publicity-wise, but those that blog like...well...the rest of us blog. ie, He mourns the loss of a pet recently and that really touched me. The famous (or once-famous) are so often viewed as different, and I love that the net can remind us that that is not so. Yeah...maybe I'm being maudlin...heh.... Anyone else have any fave celeb blogs?
  15. Ah...well I already have most of the files I want mapped out on paper and uncompressed and stuff....I'm starting to make my own little spliced together ditties for pure amusement now.....heh....but I'll check it out sometime, looks useful.
  16. Darth - that picture is huge. (hehe he fixed it already) And does that program let you listen to them too? Cause I don't care about reading them myself. I just like listening to the voices.
  17. Yeah, they're in the Stream Voice folder. You have to uncompress them before you can play them. I and most others are using Miles Sound Tools for that. You got it right.
  18. I still turn on Kotor2, but mostly for screenshot taking or other tinkering purposes. Occasionally fire up DungeonKeeper1's DeeperDungeons, because it's always installed and makes for an easy time-blow off w/out long-term commitment. I was considering trying The Saga of Ryzom (MMORPG) since I wasted $20 on it on a whim 2 months ago and it's since been sitting on the shelf unopened. But I hear it's not doing well community-wise (numbers) and they recently closed the US server so...not sure I want to try it now. It sounded interesting tho (despite reviews....), especially once they started patching stuff.
  19. Apathy is Death! Apathy is Death! (All 10 NPC's versions - HK is hilarious) http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/kotor2sou...y-is-death3.wav (146kb)
  20. 163 second file. Phew. 100% sequential accuracy in terms of in-game playthru not guaranteed. Higher quality version: http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/kotor2sou..._salvation1.wav (1.1MB) Lowerquality version: http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/kotor2sou..._salvation2.wav (636kb)
  21. Well, I'll put together the 20 or so files that make up the majority of Atton's 'woman who saved me' section...then anyone who wants can write it out - but the entire Atton-to-Jedi thing consists of about 100-150 wav files w/3 or 4 different 'dialogue angles' and that's too much for me... Back in a bit.
  22. The files are there, but I don't have them written down or anything - it'd be a lot of typing.... And...are these two lines in the final game? I don't remember hearing them, but they're pretty funny....Atton when he confronts the twin twi'lek's I think. http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/kotor2sou...ruffy_human.wav (63kb) (For those who don't want to download, Atton says "Ladies, what you need is a man who understands the two of you and understands your needs....I was kind of hoping that mating with scruffy humans was on that list."
  23. Actually, no, I don't. Which was part of my irritation/point. I say "I like/drink this", no different than saying "I love pizza/cookies/sushi, yum!" and then (lately, the past year or so) people often jump in with health-lifestyle stuff simply because it's apparently a current trend in some circles to bash diet soda, or something. Usually I ignore such things but after a long time it just grates on the nerves.
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