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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. If I recall, the game/editor sometimes didn't like it when you altered certain things while NPC's were still 'on the ship'. If that's what you're doing, try taking them outside, resave, and try again.
  2. There are frequent issues with Kotor2 & dual-core systems; some people have been able to solve them, sometimes not. Here's one person's recent solution: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=42312&hl= Further searching of the forums may find other past threads on the topic, if that doesn't work/apply for you. Luck.
  3. Oversleeping/the snooze button is why I developed a habit of never eating breakfast. Noodles with sausage at the moment. I love noodles. Not pasta, noodles.
  4. Oh man, I'm with the others, that "It's a series of tubes" had me rolling. The guy was born in 1923; I guess he's still mentally stuck in the era of vacum tube metaphors/references.
  5. I'd be interested in what you mean by environment control, I'm not sure I understand - you mean like being able to push objects away and that kind of stuff?
  6. Ah. Well, I had no problems/complaints with BG1's engine so I'll probably skip it. Thanks for the info tho.
  7. TuTu? I wore one of those in ballet, but never heard it in reference to games. Explain?
  8. I've been comtemplating installing BG-1...with all its many discs. I haven't played it in years. It'd be fun to at least run around with Xan again for a while.
  9. The world would also not disagree. Apparently there's been enough buzz over that picture that she released an "I'm not anorexic" statement to the press. Just about every entertainment website/page has it. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/sfgate...logid=7&cat=102 And I don't think, at least in the business of fame, the ladies get that thin to impress the general public of males. It's to impress the producers/people they want to be hired by, which is an entirely different thing. Or at least, it likely starts out that way, whether the pressure is real or imagined, if you know what I mean. I'll also add that there are women who are naturally extremely thin. My brother's ex-wife was very thin and bony in hip and rib even after childbirth, and it was nothing about her eating. But she would never have worn that dress. heh.
  10. BandAid - Do They Know It's Xmas Time :D Edit: The difference between Bono's voice in the 1st version vs. the 20th is...ah..startling, if not surprising.
  11. Certainly wouldn't hurt anything. I think there's enough fans of the mini-game to make it a fun collectable kind of thing, perhaps.
  12. 4th of July...little before dark...good time to see movie in terms of crowds, or not?
  13. Right now I'd settle for one that's old, small and has a large plot of dirt for a backyard. But even that's been hard to find.
  14. Cat who likes Eggo waffles omg I was
  15. Florida...humidity...ick. :D Moving there for college? You won't forget about us will you?
  16. Well, if it's just any dream vehicle...if I was a billionare I'd definitely have one of those private leer jets. Plus a pilot, since I don't know how to fly.
  17. Than I'll likely try it out when it's released. I wish my game patience would come back.... @ Dhruin - I've come to like and enjoy nice graphics in newer games, but I don't care much about lightning effects or 'real' physics. I'm not fond of the 3D polygon look tho, and since being 3D is the 'thing' now, any advances that move towards getting rid of that awful disjointed/blocky look I'm all for.
  18. It's not the figure that matters, it's the presentation, and some people never seem to learn how to dress themselves. IMO of course.
  19. I appear to be doing that as well, although it's not intentional. We don't have any summer plans; we're not big planners. We're still trying to find a house we'd like to buy for ourselves, tho, and we'd really like to find one before winter.
  20. I include the Diablos, GuildWars, WoW, DungeonSiege etc. in the action-RPG category. I consider Oblivion to be a sort of hybrid. And yes it's important to me. If it's somewhere between WoW and Oblivion, I'll likely try it. If it's a super-serious RPG w/tons of story/dialogue decisions around every corner, I may not, as I don't have the patience lately for such games.
  21. Very cute, but you already made a thread for sharing smilies.
  22. I really liked that aspect of the female-exile story myself. It humanized Sion in a way that made me feel just the tiniest bit sorry I had to kill him.
  23. I've always been the in the camp that they are not...although some of the arguments are somewhat compelling, as someone else mentioned, there's no actual proof; it's all theory and conjecture.
  24. What I'm still unclear on is whether Gothic series is RPG or action-RPG.
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