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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. With the PC version you can read most/all of the scripts in the dialog.tlk file - including the stuff that's not in the final game. It can be read in WordPad (scroll down to get to the readable text) but w/out a 3rd party mod/viewer it's displayed in hard to read messy clumps...but it is readable.
  2. *tiwsts her head around like in horror movies* ....I haven't slept much in a few days and I'm so confused... :D
  3. Gecon's right..I misread that to be party members missing after the quest. Sorry bout that. :D
  4. meta's point about default gender plot-scripting is interesting. Typically true, although I think it's starting to change a little over time, slowly. But I remember when you almost never had a choice - particularly in non-RPG's. I was a male in all the Dooms, a male mage in Diablo, and you get used to looking at a male avatar and hairy hands. :D But perhaps that's one small reason I never developed much of a sense of "deep roleplaying" for video games...I don't mind playing as a male and game-wise it's often interesting story-wise...but I don't relate to it very well roleplaying-wise when there's visuals drawn out for me - unlike books where a male narrator point-of-view can feel like "mine" as I'm reading - and thus... I don't know where I'm going with this...just thinking out loud.
  5. "My armor's so bright you'll have to wear shades... " Looks great - using the new card I assume? I'm so jealous...sigh. :D
  6. I like romances between characters in games, if the resultant "emotional quandries" affect the game in some interesting way, even a minor way. Example, the supposed cut Atton stuff where depending on if you favored him or Disciple, he'd turn on you/side w/Kreia etc. But I'm not into romance purely for the sake of mushy kissy romance or graphic titilation factor in games, if that makes any sense. P.S. The notion that the game was "meant to be played" as a male is a bit silly, imo...but each their own as they say.
  7. Did you try going into the party menu screen and reselecting them to be with you? I'm pretty sure it's not a glitch - there's a few times in the game like that when you get back from some 'solo' thing.
  8. I'd swear I can see a belly button through the chainmail in those NWN2 armored-babe screens.
  9. I don't know...I sense a lot of regret (and anger/doubt) in him. The ability to "sense" emotion from an actor's protrayal of a character is very subjective, imo...it won't effect everyone the same way. I can understand why you, and perhaps thousands of others, may not see regret, but that doesn't mean myself, and thousands of others, don't I'll agree with that - not because he's "bad" but simply because he has no dimmension. He's a boring one-note ranter and his character never grows. This isn't dependant on his being "bad", however. I also find the President character boring and lifeless. Hold on now...it's one thing to disagree about what's imaginative/creative/fun and another to start placing shame labels on the personal, subjective likes and dislikes of fictional content on others. Liking such things doesn't automatically make someone a bad person w/something to be ashamed of. IMO it doesn't take much talent to to play a generic good guy, either. Both good and bad characters are very dependant on writing, actor, and story, not just whether they are "good" or "bad." So does BSG, imo - but it's more of an overall message, not an episode by episode one...tenancity and survival and all it entails...constant survival/war against high odds would likely affect characters in many different - and often negative - ways, and I think the show just tries to reflect that. I can understand not liking such a theme or preferring more of the always-positive - but the always positive has the danger of being too idealized and presenting a warped sense of "reality" to viewers, just as too much "bad/negative" may do the same. Thus I like and appreciate a balance - some of both.
  10. I don't think it's so much no emotion as much as the control of emotions. Acceptance that sometimes life sucks and there's nothing you can do about it - you can't control everything. Er...or something like that. The idea is one can have negative/sad emotional feelings, but that doesn't mean an end always justifies the means, ala Anakin's fears/decisions. That said, SW does have a certain...fortune cookie kung-fu-master-with-long-white-hair fantasy element.
  11. Yes, there's a max influence. I dont' remember the exact number but it's somewhere around 7-8 times, I think. After that you won't gain any influence for those situations, until you lose some first. This was so people without walkthroughs would have a decent oppurtunity to gain influence needed, by random discovery. Gecon, Bao-Dur needs as much as the rest of the NPC's - except he might get a bigger boost per event, perhaps, so yeah, I think he only needs 3 influences for Jedi vs. some who need 4 or 5? Been a long time. Beyond that you must have influenced him and not realized it. Bao has very few dialogue-only influence oppurtunties and has to be in your party during certain events etc. to get a reaction. Unlike Disciple who you can completely influence by chat as soon as you meet him. Edit: tried to clarify my memory a bit...
  12. I liked SG-1 a lot the first three or four seasons. Then it got old. And then there was no more MacGuyver and the new guy just doesn't cut it for me. He's not bad...he just has no definitive personality to get attached to, as far as I'm concerned. I still watch it occasionally if I happen to be watching TV when it's on, but not often. SG-Atlantis - the tech-nerd character grew on me, I like him. The show itself...not so much. I find the Wraith uninteresting as enemies...kind of like how I always found Klingon stuff in ST:TNG boring. They're not bad shows...just kind of tired.... I personally believe you can watch, enjoy and like both lighter and darker fare. They don't have to be exclusive. Even with dark shows, they usually "win" a conflict eventually. They're heroes in a different way; gritter vs. breezy. While I like amusingly cartoonish/light-hearted heroes, I also like anti-heroes...and those inbetween. CSI:Las Vegas/House/Rome are my fave shows at the moment.
  13. If a memory is interfering with someone's ability to live life as they wish to, then I'd be for it...and I'd take it. But I wouldn't use it indiscriminately to forget every little "bad" memory ever stored away. One of those drugs that shouldn't be prescribed without a lot of therapy evaluation first. And, of course, it depends on just how exact such a drug was at erasing specific memories, without bleedover into general memory loss.
  14. An Inconvenient Truth - Al Gore's documentary (and kind of a mini-bio in parts) about global warming. I liked it a lot, well thought out and presented, with some nice bits of humor here and there. I dunno if he'd have made a great President or not, but he's a good speaker, that's for sure.
  15. Very fun, Drabek. Pop, I moved your song uploads to the Misc folder under Music-we-listen-to. I'd prefer to keep non-member recorded music seperate. Edit: Someone mentioned avatars - I made a category for avatars/small funnies under Misc that can be directly hotlinked. Please keep uploads to that folder small....thanks. :D
  16. Hi, welcome to the boards. To help keep posts on this topic focused, we have a long-running series of threads for Kotor3 ideas, suggestions and discussion. The current thread is here. I hope you'll re-post your intriguing idea there for others to discuss.
  17. I don't think cult is always 100% definied solely by success at the box office...but I still must agree that neither of those is 'cult" in terms of the film itself. A cult group of fans dedicated to some particular thing within/of those film worlds, perhaps. But not the films. And the only movies I've seen recently are very bad ones on Sci-Fi's weekend movie marathon run.
  18. Thread pruned. A little spam goes a long way...
  19. @ Wistrik - that's a nice swashbucklin' pimpin' hat, there. :D @ Deadly_Nightshade - awesome seconded. Nice work!
  20. Here's another one. It's not funny, but I find it less distracting. I like their point about "startle reflex," too. Alas, less distracting didn't mean a better time for me. Still doing an average of .2 :D http://lethalpenguin.net/host/136/
  21. I said both. If I have a choice, I'll usually play female for the first run. Unless they're really fugly, then I may go with the male first... If there's an actual reason to try the other gender (plot points or chr. skills) and I like the game enough to play it more than once, I'll pick the other later. Occasionally I might pick gender based on the character I'm creating - ie if I wanted a Drizzt-based chr. I'd pick male. But that's not too typical for me, since I don't roleplay to that level very much.
  22. I'd suggest getting the sound to work and seeing if the error still remains - if it still errors, well, then you know it's not a sound issue and can go from there. And Windows/game errors are frequently generic, unhelpful messages that could indicate a lot of possible stuff. Perhaps they "should" be more specific, but they usually aren't.
  23. "opening" in Di's case - when your opponent in fencing/swords/whatever makes an attack or defensive move that leaves them open to a counter-attack. Or something like that. Anything else is subject to personal interpretation. "
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