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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I finished Titan Quest/Immortal Throne last night. Immortal Throne's additional Act4 was the best act, although the end 'level maze' of stairs and prison rooms became a little bit tedious to traverse. I was expecting the boss monster to be harder, even if I did have two pet minions to help me out. I'm glad I didn't buy it when first released, tho, because the original three Acts don't make for a very long game. But $19 for the original and $30 for the expansion feels like I'm getting a whole game for normal price. Hehe. All in all, I really enjoyed the action-rpg romp the game gives. Now comes the question of whether I want to play Epic difficulty or start a new Mastery combo character. Hmm.
  2. I remember when we rented that, thinking "bad sci-fi movie, what the heck, we'll try it" and came away thinking "not bad at all!" Then the sequel ... so disappointing.
  3. Good news for Starcraft fans ... and about time, really. (ps nothing negative intended in that remark, heheh)
  4. I saw a long Transformers ad on TV a couple nights ago. I don't think it made me want to run out and see it, but the animation/effects looked neat.
  5. That's what usually happens here, only it's the other way around. Hubby always needs/can use computer parts for work pc's that don't have to be 'powerful.' When I decide I need a new computer so I can occasionally pretend to be more up to date with the tech, he takes my old parts and builds a couple more pc's to put on his table. Or maybe he uses them in the garage on his super-secret mad scientist projects ... like I know.
  6. One problem I've always had with many headphones is the 'band' slides off my very straight, very flat, and apparently very slippery hair at the slightest movement. Something about Sony's bands or their design in general keeps that from happening. I know some of the metal bands on mini-earphones - like for portable players - kind of "pinch" my hair, but they're usually a lot narrower.
  7. Kittens/young animals never seem to run out of energy. Unlike humans.
  8. Things like ewoks give the fast-forward button a good work-out. Please George, no more "cute" animals/species.
  9. Yes ... maybe ... I don't know? Sometimes/for some parents it's really hard if nigh impossible to find a babysitter they can feel comfy with, tho, I know. My siblings pretty much tossed them at my mother whenever possible.
  10. The last 24 hours has apparently been "spider day" at my house. First a giant "rabid wolf spider" came crawling along our baseboards. They can get big enough to startle you when you see one in your house, as they usually stay outdoors. They're harmless to humans tho. Then this afternoon, a fairly large, hairy, and gorgeous orange jumping spider was in our yard. Usually all we have are the itty bitty little green ones. First shot - jumping spider 2nd shot - underside of wolf spider in jar; I just think it looks freaky with the glass distortion etc. :D 3rd shot: wolf spider up close - when I brought the macro lens to the closest range it's capable of - maybe 5-6 inches away - I couldn't get the whole spider in the frame.
  11. I generally agree. While I don't have kids I do understand parents can't keep an eagle eye on their children 24/7, every minute, every second. Letting them play in the yard while you're in the laundry room/writing bills/watching tv, letting them play with other children and parents in a restraunt or park while you use the restroom, that sort of thing. I can't condemn the couple in this story beyond bad judgement at the wrong time, for I wasn't there - perhaps they had a reason they felt safe leaving their child alone, such as being able to see their apt. door from the restraunt window or something similar - but if these parents were on vacation and wanted alone time that badly, perhaps they should have found someone to babysit and made the vacation a 'parents only' journey.
  12. Indeed - I'll have to try those the next time I need some. I see Koss in stores of course, but haven't tried any yet. Question tho - is that metal-looking headband comfortable on the head? It doesn't look very, but looks can be deceiving ...
  13. I agree. Even if it was only "for show only" dodging motions or something, it would be better than them standing stock-still.
  14. Re: Vader's hand I'll have to rewatch that end scene. For some reason my memory is saying "he had a real hand while clawing out of the lava" but I'm probably mixed up.
  15. I've seen a video on youtube of that skateboarding dog ... pretty funky. The "moshing cat" video still cracks me up.
  16. Vader. I think I'd prefer at least having the illusion of looking more like a 'human' than a mechanical robot - assuming that was what I was before the damage. And doesn't Vader still have one real hand? So he can at least have tactile touch? Do Grevious' 4 arms have that kind of touch-sensitivity? Not to mention, Grevious' designers neglected to provide enough protection around the heart-container ...
  17. Share some! Most of them are in my gallery in the Kotor2/humor album, somewhere. There's also the time Atton got buggy and kept running into the same corner over and over again. And a bit later, walking repeatedly in a step-pause-step circle at another corner/desk. And of course, I loved it when I finally ran into the glitch where Atton's prone form appears somewhere on the floor in another room, instead of the force cage, in the ... uh ... where you get Handmaiden. Poor Atton, just lying on the floor. :D
  18. I can see mistaking the dummy, perhaps - especially since they were answering a report for "nuisance phone calls" by the houseowner - but have no idea, from that story, why he would be arrested afterwards. Oh and, I wouldn't mind having that Lara Croft doll.
  19. I remember having a really hard time with her in that arena the first time. It didn't help that I've never been able to make her launcher thingie work. The 2nd time I used a lot of mines and it made it a lot easier.
  20. Most of the things I've found really funny were related to catching screenshots of characters in odd poses or positions, usually during combat.
  21. - The tiny $135K condo 11-13 years ago that would probably sell for about $450K-525K now. - All 3 seasons of Star Trek:ToS on DVD, when I saw it at CostCo for far cheaper than anywhere else.
  22. Kitties are a bit bigger than I was expecting, but they're every bit as rambunctous as you'd expect. I'd forgotten how kittens never sit still for more than .005 of a second, unless sleeping. Makes it hard to get a picture. They're 'sisters', and they do everything together. Including dashing to/using the litterbox at exactly the same time, which was pretty hysterical. I'll have to wait till daylight to try to get anything with good lightning and focus. Our bedroom is really dark and I don't have a powerful flash unit.
  23. All the parts were bought in a store, so in a sense, it's store bought .... ... sorry, another 'just had to say it' LC moment. All our pc's are custom built. In the past it was mostly just cheaper, and these days it's not only (usually) that, but because even if I bought a store-bought one, I'd end up tweaking it constantly (or frustrated that it wouldn't let me) and so I may as well custom-build in the first place.
  24. I don't think the comparison is still valid. A game like Diablo is extremely tricky to pull off, no matter how simple it is to play. Lot's of companies have tried to emulate the game, and most of them failed. Fair enough on the first, and true enough on the latter. But again, I wasn't implying Blizzard sells junk. 'Fast food' is a somewhat humourous label I call the entire action-rpg genre as a whole. So if you don't think the phrase is a valid comparison in terms of describing the gameplay of/the genre itself, I'll agree to disagree. But it meant nothing - I repeat nothing - as a quality reference aimed solely at Blizzard as a company or Blizzard vs. another company, or how hard/not hard it is to make such games.
  25. Heh, yeah, I know they make non-action rpg's too - and that Starcraft/Warcraft are popular - but in my experience, often when Blizzard is mentioned, generally Diablo/WoW are the games discussed, for a while now at least. In terms of being fair - fast-food is quickly consumed with little thought, but can be very tasty, not to mention addictiing to some - like my hubby. When I want a game that doesn't require a lot of brain cells or involved decision making, or just vicarious monster-bashing fun, I like those kind of games. Hence I call them fast-food. That analogy may not work for everyone else, but it was not intended as a "Blizzard makes unpolished games" remark. If I thought they were unpolished or sucky, I wouldn't have played them for 6 years.
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