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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Threads that get too long can slow/lag the forum. Hence they're closed after a certain point, and remade. And I'm listening to the sound of silence.
  2. The 2nd video shows you fetching a crane to rebuild your castle - and there's the dungeon heart like thing ... plus other little castle touches. Has more of the action-rpg gameplay look, but seems both funny and may have some 'lair' stuff. More importanly, it has stupid minions who wear pumpkins on their heads. Edit: Supposedly there's a demo coming in a week or so
  3. *sees the mention of DK in a post* *clicks link* *jumps up and down in excitement* Yessssss!!! Please be good, unlike Evil Genius, please be good, please be good ....
  4. Motorcyclists drive like that in No. Calif, too - and in Washington State, and Oregon ... I kinda thought it just an American universal thing, or something. Lunches - there's those insulated soft-sided mini-coolers - meant for a six-pack, say - usually with a shoulder strap. Light and collapsable, and can put a resuable icepack in it, like mentioned. Found in cheap places like Thrifty's and Walmarts and such.
  5. ... maybe some melee droids would be interesting. Giant bots thumping behind you and swinging their metalic fists on your behalf ...
  6. It's been, for our area at least, very windy the past couple days. The kind that makes you realize that you really need to trim those tree-like bushes away from the windows. *scrreee, scrape, whack* all day/night ... it's kind of creepy whilst lying in bed trying to go to sleep. *nail biting* Was out in the yard watching the clouds earlier - they were really movin'.
  7. @ Sand But it's still a long way from release, right? I doubt they'd want to release any snippets until closer to release date, since things can change a lot in development over time. I might want more, but I think it's not very realistic to expect it at this point.
  8. if it's love, nothing else matters. (awww ....) But in terms of the game, yes, you can't 'romance' all the characters - just the ones defined by the plotwriters, heh. If you can call it romance. There were/are a lot of fans who wanted a Bao romance option, too.
  9. Yup - which is why I said for a cinema teaser, it's great.
  10. Yes, I meant more that I'd like to see, y'know, a few seconds of a character running around doing ... something ... whether combat or running around a field. ie, a hint what the game would look like while actually playing. A lot of games have great cinematic looking in-game movies, cut scenes, etc. but even if they aren't seperate 'movies', they almost always are not what it looks like to the player while actually playing - if for no other reason than the in-game camera does not give a movie-like perspective.
  11. Do you mean bottled "spring" water or the 'mineral' type waters? If the latter, I don't like that stuff either. If the former ... it does taste different from tap water, but I usually like it better. Very few pipe systems in houses around here produce tasty water, so to speak.
  12. Finally got around to downloading/playing the teaser. Obviously I would've liked to see at least a few seconds of in-game graphics or something, but I suppose it's a bit early for that - so for a movie-style trailer, it's very well done. So on those terms, a thumbs up for me.
  13. I know the feeling ... but I suspect it won't last forever. I don't play as many or as much as I used to, but in the end something always brings me back to 'em. Usually late night boredom.
  14. If I recall correctly, the dance for the Hutt is to put him to sleep so your character can do a quest of sneakery.
  15. Games I toss are typically the ones that I played for an hour or six, said either "gah! hate it" or the less strong criticism of plain ol'"zzzzzz" and never returned to try it again. I may not finish, to the very end, a lot of games I've bought, but I have tried almost all of them. Which probably means I had too much free time, once.
  16. I just had some water too! Tasty stuff! :D It's funny how there may be all these different things to drink in the world, but when you're really thirsty, water is the only thing that truly hits the spot.
  17. Ever since Sci-Fi channel has been running the Enterprise episodes, I've been catching that on Monday nights. It's nice to be able to watch 4 all in a row. At first it seemed kind of so-so, but it steadily improves. Being a Trek geek, tho, I keep noticing all kinds of minor to large possible inconstincies re: Trek history timelines. I hope they gave it a decent series-ender.
  18. My cat's still sickly and likely to remain so for whatever remains of her life, and I find it pretty much a downer. :/ But the rest of life/the day is going fairly swell, in that general kind of way. : )
  19. Sorry for the confusion - I was using glare as a way to describe the combination of the light that comes from the monitor itself and the refresh rate flicker eyestrain stuff - anything that makes you squint, basically, I tend to think of as being glarey. It's not a dictionary definition ... I know, I'm nutty. The light given off by monitors is very bright to my eyes, even with gamma/brightness and such turned down to the max you can go and still be able to at least see a dark corner in games, haha - it's like looking at a light bulb all day. LCD's have a flatter, duller, light-emitting effect on my eyes, even in a dark room where there's no light to reflect off the CRT glass.
  20. As long as it's not every day of your life, 2-3 day game marathons can be a blast. As long as you remember to go to the bathroom, have a few crackers, and drink some water, you're fine. And I'm still bouncing between Titan Quest and WoW. Mostly WoW tho, now.
  21. Where you live affects screen-glare? I'd be curious for clarification/more info on that? I'm not typically bothered by CRT glare; I do keep my contrast/gamma fairly dark etc., a personal preference unrelated to glare - so perhaps that's partly the reason. But long gaming/photo editing sessions can make the eyeballs start to feel drier than a desert, sometimes.
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