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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I don't mind animated films, CGI or not, but yeah...little tired of CGI being the movie, if you know what I mean. Meh...stay away from LSD. Fun once or twice, but crazy stuff. Never again. More likely you'd be distracted by the notion that you can see your fingers sinking through the solid matter of the chair in front of you, or how the top of everyone's head look like dancing tribbles, or some such, and wouldn't even notice the movie playing.
  2. My mother has decided, since the accident totaled her Prius, to not buy a new car at all, even tho she got a nice settlement. Her retirement community has great errand-travel bus service for small things, and she can rent a car once in a while if she really needs one. ...it's probably best... ...I need to grocery shop as well, myself. I used to have a grocery list system, but I haven't used it in a while. Tends to inflate the budget a bit, but it's much more satisfying to have no clue what you're going to do for dinner one week from the next.
  3. The reviews and the ads still give me no compulsion to deal with the hassle of sitting in a movie theater with 3D glasses wrapped around my face. It does seem like it'd probably be great "zowie" big-screen eye-candy, however, no denying that aspect. Maybe if I got drunk first...
  4. Just because they're not shipped w/BluRay drives doesn't mean gamers can't/don't go out and buy a blue ray drive. I'm not sure whether availability of BluRay drives itself is a stopping block of any kind, for PC gaming. Larger download sizes may be an issue for places like Steam, but meh...who's to say internet speed won't increase, or that people may be more patient than you think? ...or better yet, that people would stop making places like Steam so popular for new releases and PC could go back to being more disc oriented again, bluray or not.
  5. I'm not worried...I like being strange and unusual. Keeps those around me on their toes, hah. ...I suppose I could put Mass Effect2 on my list, but that would mean I'd have get and play Mass Effect1.
  6. What a coincidence, i am at same number as you, and i bet that we have even the same games Me three! Wut's a Steam folder? Tho I did have Half-Life/Portal etc on one PC, for a short while.
  7. Apparently Divine Divinity, over time, likes to start randomly crashing. Reinstalling makes it go away for quite a while, and not using the QuickSave (which I did finally get to work) or having 2 chrs. going at once also slows down the return to flakiness, for me. Also, I'm one of those lucky people who can't click on 'statue' magic items w/out a crash. Perhaps some kind of memory leak/bad save system for the revamped versions that will run on XP/Vista? Dunno. The company supposedly might be working on trying to fix it, which is impressive for an old game. But it's frustrating. Yet, I and many others who've only recently discovered the game keep on playing anyway. What's a little inconvenience like reinstalling now and then, to play such a fun game?
  8. I guess I fail too, then, since I don't like dual boot ups either. But for me it's more that I like to have both on & accessible at the same time, networked together. Monitor switchbox & 2 or more PC's ftw. I think Win7 will be popular enough that in a couple years at most, XP may well be out the door for new software.
  9. forumspring.me website -- "Create a box where friends can ask questions anonymously." Could be fun, I'll give it a shot. Go ahead, internet, inquire. http://www.formspring.me/LadyC
  10. I have my own personal sense of definitions at times, what can I say. At least I'm hip & cool...oh wait...
  11. If you don't have/like apple quicktime, it's also here: http://www.traileraddict.com/trailer/iron-man-2/trailer Trailer looks good, but I still think Whiplash looks ridiculous.
  12. Ah...well, keep in mind that to me, any game that feels like a shooter I tend to call a shooter, even if it you're using swords & magic. But after watching more gameplay vids I can go with action/adventure. Action/adventure makes me think of Tombraider or Drakan1 or even, in a lighter/odder scale, Overlord perhaps. Haven't played Gods of War (any of them) so comparison scoffing wouldn't matter to me at all...no worse than playing many Diablo clones (some of which were good games on their own). If Dante's is a fun game, doesn't matter. If it's a sucky game, well, then...it's just a sucky game.
  13. That's an interesting, very long, and somewhat unconventional list. The one called Fort Zombie looked amusing. Completely forgot about Mount & Blade...might try some of those big mods now that I could have huge battles w/out major lag.
  14. I've been Google searching for lists of 1st quarter 2010 game releases so I can figure out which few I might be interested in, but am unsure about the accuracy of said lists.From what I've seen tho, I'm not much interested in any of them. Maybe Dante's Inferno, if it's a real mix of shooter+something else (ala borderlands mixing) rather than just plain shooter. Couple others in the action/rpg or rpg/adventure are maybes but they're (so far) console only. So many of these games, via their early gameplay videos, look pretty much exactly the same.
  15. I love my new PC but the sad part is, I hardly ever use or play anything remotely requiring its capabilities. I just wanted to know I could.
  16. ....TinMan. If one isn't a murderous criminal etc. I have sympathy for anyone or anything in pain, because pain sucks no matter the cause. But I'll remember to not send you a get well card if you ever need a new liver because of long-term daily consumption of alcohol or a new colon from eating too much red meat.
  17. Win7's after-boot usability time is super-fast on my system. Desktop appears, I click on whatever and away I go. Almost instant. XP might've been a tad slower in that regard on same system, but again, not so you'd be bothered/notice much. Edit: I will be interested to see how Win7 speed does long-term. XP was (for me) very stable & would run ok even w/out reformatting for ages, but it tended to start to slog noticeably before too long. Wonder how long it'll take for Win7 to become more sluggish as one installs/uninstalls blah blah.
  18. I was thinking if it wasn't lung cancer, maybe the throat ....cancer of the tongue...ouch. :/ And I agree, I'd avoid surgery if possible as well. Maybe if they just wanted to cut a little bit off but...glad the chemo seems to be working enough so far. ...after a busy last couple days I'm having a slow period, where the most active thing today, so far, has been chasing a few squirrels out of the house when they all decided to squirm through the hole in the screendoor looking for my stash of walnuts. Need to fix that.
  19. Would recommend Six Feet Under, to anyone. My favorite show of all-time. Very risque though. The Wire is also all kinds of awesome if you have yet to see these two. Highly recommended. That's one I've been meaning to try out for a while...I just keep forgetting. Thanks, it's in my queue now.
  20. I tried to read the 1st Potter book years ago...I couldn't stand the writing style either, and stopped. I've heard the last few became much better/her writing improved, but I haven't tried to check myself.
  21. Good luck and hopefully good health, Kelverin. Hugs.
  22. A tv series: Breaking Bad. This show is awesome, I wish there were more episodes. Next on my list of series-I-missed to try...Dexter. Any other good hour-long series to check out? I don't care about things like 90210 or Sex & the City...
  23. You and I are most likely the only ones around here that care about sports titles. I'd care about baseball titles, if I found one I actually liked. Most of the ones I've tried are largely a bunch of stats windows for team management stuff, and that's not what I'm interested in. I want to control players and hit the baseball. :D ....still playing Divine. I hit a snag where the game seemed to randomly crash a lot, but I think it was a combo of too many savegames and trying to use a higher resolution than the seeming gog preference default of 1024x768.
  24. My favorite was the 4th one. I think overall they've improved over the series, but the pacing in Half Blood was just off. Also, I'm pretty tired of Helena Bonham Carter being constantly cast in the crazy, wild haired, witch type role. It makes me sigh w/annoyance instead of delight these days as soon as I see her vampire-makeup face.
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