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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I've had that happen to me (although the numbers were 6/7). Huh. I was hoping for more SPECIAL influence during the conversations. Oh well, game's still fun. I get the skill ones (speech, etc) all the time but the SPECIAL ones not as often. Maybe the further you get into the game, or maybe some faction or quest choices have more than others. The text is normal color but colors red when you hover the mouse over the sentence option.
  2. Yay! SF Giants to the World Series! *raises a glass* ....if you'd told me it'd be Giants/Rangers a while back, I would've been a serious doubter. Glad to be wrong.
  3. I have no idea. I'm terrible at decisions like that in rpg's. So terrible sometimes I avoid making it at all. And if you two mean the three guys closest to the sheriff, they didn't strike me as being harder than the others. But I'm not playing on SuperDuper Hard either. When I die it's usually because I'm surprised/caught off guard. I think I have trouble noticing the red lines in the UI because my eyes want to stay on the center of the screen & the compass thingie is so far bottom/left I forget it's there. I'm sure, like in Borderlands, as I get more & more used to things it'll get ever easier.
  4. Only lvl 4 but I have to say from my newbie viewpoint I really like this game. Didn't even have a long period of "hmm maybe" before I was hooked. Pretty much right away. Good job, Obsidian. Love the difficulty, combat and tactical options that work for a variety of playstyles. Sure it's not "perfect" but it works nicely for me so far. The outdoors, at least early on, feels vast, lonely, & empty while hoofing it around. But since I have that great old music to listen to, I've been enjoying the trek too.
  5. Cleared out Primm & then cleared out the old casino and rescued a deputy sheriff. His twangy, laconic voice had me tempted to leave him squatting handcuffed on the floor, but eh, I'm too nice. That was a fun little time, tho. Lots of goons in there. Hard to snipe in close quarters so it was a lot of run & gunning & hiding. And dying. I haven't had this much fun dying a lot, in a while. I was disappointed I couldn't try a slot machine in the other casino. The wife of Nash was sitting at one, not fair.
  6. LOL! Hubby will be glad to know he's doing something so heroic! ...so lost into New Vegas that I forgot about the Giants ballgame. Missed the 1st 3 innings but hubs was watching so he told me about the almost-fight. I figure if it's not an actual fight, I didn't miss anything. Come on Giants, I'd love to see that Texas/SF WS!
  7. I haven't seen *too* many invisible walls, but even so, that surely doesn't prove obsidz are bad designers. so far the game has been nothing short of brilliant 1. Never said that Obsidz are bad designers. Don't put words in my mouth. 2. I've met far more invisible walls than in Fallout 3 (and there were already too many in that game). In Fallout 3 they were mostly limited to the rubble in DC.. in New Vegas? Full of potentially climbable hills that are somehow walled off. There's almost a circle of invisible walls at Lake Mead. Considering that it's Obsidian's first foray in open-world games, I don't consider the world to be badly designed, from what I've seen it's for the most part to a level comparable to that of Fallout 3, but in some ways it's inferior. I've read on the other forums that part of the decision for those walls are because of the way companion pathing works/is limited (among other things, not sure only hearsay). But on the PC you can apparently get rid of them if you really want. http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topi...;#entry16523638
  8. For what it's worth (or not)....after a 2nd random game freeze/crash, I noticed one of the K-Lite Codepack icons was in the systray. I have no idea if it affects anything/could be the cause of my crash or is completely unrelated, but when I checked, fallout3.exe was one of the files that was already in the "don't use ffdshow" list. So I added falloutNV.exe to it since I figure it didn't need to be running while playing a game anyway. *shrug*
  9. @sorophx Yea I guess it was just cause I fast traveled into a courtyard & was ambushed by 3 guys. heh After wandering around some more past a train station & prospector camp (armored dude was tough to hit in the head!) I guess I found the 'back way' in, near some big radioactive sludge area. Stood on a cliff & took out a guy on the roller coaster via rifle. :D At least by wandering I have more stuff! I love stuff. Much as I dislike the VATS system there are some monsters that I have to use it on at the moment because they don't sit still for very effective sniping (flying bugs...).
  10. I've lost my head over Fallout New Vegas! ....I got my revenge tho...
  11. I don't mind invisible walls if it seems like it's a map border or something. I found a radio station that seemed nestled in a corner & I just assumed it was a map edge. There are invisible walls outside of that? After reading the Steam FNV forums, it seems I should be able to do Prim at my lvl...just maybe not by teleporting directly in there to be ambushed. Guess I'll try it. Wish I had more bullets/had material to make more tho. Not using the VATS seems to mean that I go through a lot of bullets. I'm a good sniper, but suck at up close aim. If there's a clustered group it's hard to snipe them all & then I have to resort to running & firing madly until I die.
  12. I get this all the time, not only when picking up/using stuff. also, I don't like how the game forces you to level up once you ding. I've not tried canceling it yet, but it makes sence really, if it doesn't allow that. still hate it I've had the red shield thing pop after a critter had died, so I guess the delay is prevalent. Maybe that explains some of the UI messages that seem to pop up for no reason.... And I don't like forced level ups either, especially when the tend to come in the middle of, or right after, a battle.
  13. Rode the exercycle a while, did some light arm weights. Stocked up on caffeine and leftover chinese food if I get hungry. *cracks knuckles* I'm ready to continue thru New Vegas. At least until the SF Giants game...
  14. Double posting, how crass, I know. But I wanted to say...I love the radio music in the game. When I heard "It's a Sin to Tell A Lie" I squealed in delight. The rotating song selection is a little sparse however...it could use a few more. :/
  15. Another vote for mini-map dislike. It feels useless. If you click on the arrows that border the words at the top of the trading screen, it sorts into a few broad categories (Aid, Weapons, Misc, Ammo, Apparel). I've been finding that sufficient, but more would've been nice, yes.
  16. Beyond the stuck enemy stuff - which I've seen in a lots of games over the years/is usually minor - what's odd (to me) is how the enemies seem to spawn in different locations if you reload. By that I mean, I save at a point where I can see an enemy in the distance, with red marks on my UI. If I reload, the red mark disappears and I can't see them anymore. Sometimes they've even disappeared entirely from the immediate area, where I run around all over & there's nothing to be found. Maybe this is normal for the way the game places spawned enemies upon reload, but it feels bizarre. Also, there's this huge delay between my picking a plant and the UI message/sound effect that it's been added to my inventory. Like, 10 seconds delay. Is that normal? 2nd edit:again, I know it's a minor thing. Not saying "omg these are ruining the game for me"...I just find it curious. heh
  17. They're aware of some people getting that error & are looking into it. Whether any solution will actually mean the saves will be accessible I have no idea. Also, it won't help w/the rented game issue. I don't know if others have your 360 crash along with the non-accessible saves. Like someone else said, maybe the quick xbox button hit caused another problem. Dunno. http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/100172-ano...h-released.html
  18. Since this is a spoiler ok thread....I'm wandering towards Prim, killing gecko's and powder bandits that seem intent on attacking me unprovoked, but when I reach Prim apparently lvl 3 isn't good enough to get through all the goons there yet. At least not when you don't have much ammo. Tried teleporting in and dashing towards the side (bonus? something?) quest marker there but nope. Still it was fun trying. I love games that let me do that sort of thing instead of blocking access until later somehow. Trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do/want to do now. There are some for sale in the stores seemingly. Or did you mean one just lying about.
  19. I realize you can't tell in the below image, but it's my first noticeable bug. The gecko was stuck inside an invisible wall or something, running in place, altho it noticed me & kept 'screaming' and clawing. Couldn't get to me, I couldn't hurt with gunfire. Amusing. When I armed myself with a machete I was able to whack it to death instead, but that caused a crash to desktop. On the plus side, when I reloaded, the gecko was no longer stuck & on I continued.
  20. @Maria Caliban - Thanks, that's helpful! I was wondering about having a "home base" since I'm at least a moderate packrat. There was an abandoned shack near another Fast Travel spot, I might use that. I like the idea of being a hermit packrat. haha
  21. I've yet to find any duplicate guns, which is what I meant by not having anything to repair with. Which leads me to ask...are found/chest items random or will they be the same every playthrough? It's difficult (but fun) when I'm not already familiar with how anything in the game world works (what items are useful to keep & so on) & the menus (especially the workbenches) aren't always intuitive/clear for me. At least the game sometimes comes up with an info message at points which has been helpful.
  22. I'm at 5 hours and probably will be similar. We're not slow, we just can't resist the siren call of minute exploration. Or something.
  23. I'm still in the first tiny town & surrounding areas. Where's the first merchant who repairs guns? Do I have to go to Vegas proper? I don't have anything to repair them myself with.
  24. I think you're correct. It makes me wonder why they put Karma in, with such dramatic messages when you alter it, then. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New..._and_Reputation
  25. Not disputing that it may help some. Since I don't have FPS issues I probably just don't notice. I do see the FPS rise & fall dramatically here and there, but still never below 40 so it's fine. The turn jerkiness seems to have little to do with FPS in my case. FPS is fine, even while jerking all over the place when spinning the mouse. For all I know my weird issue only means I need to get a new, modern optical mouse, which I have yet to do since this one still works & it's so comfy in my hand. lol
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