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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm in love with Trevor & his sunglasses/hat. Just sayin'.
  2. Gog page seems up again...it's not a blank white page anyway. Wonder who the publisher will be.
  3. So pardon my ignorance, but who are these nerds professional young men talking on my screen, anyway?
  4. I'm getting a lot of skipping too. I was, until I blocked the social chat thingie window
  5. I think I shall start wearing thigh-high, thick leather boots whenever I go hiking anywhere that might possibly have snakes. Tired of cloudy skies. Go away. Power company finally came and chopped away the limbs of the tall tree that were starting to seriously hang over the power lines. A small limb must have pressed into/grown into one of the cables/wires or something, because there's now a large chunk of wood just "floating" 40ft in the air. They left it on the wire rather than try to pull it off I guess. It's kind of odd. Hubs rolled his eyes and said "they're the tree people. Now they'll send the wire people to deal with that, I bet." I hope so, because I picture the chunk falling during a windstorm, crashing through a window and killing someone. Hopefully not me. Ok, it's not likely at all, but still...it's disconcerting to look out kitchen window every day and see it.
  6. If you've played with your .ini files for performance reasons, and you're having crashes since the patch/HH, you might want to try changing them back to default. I had altered the Havok thread settings not too long ago to see what they did, if anything...curiosity more than necessity. Didn't notice too much, forgot about it. When I changed it back to default...well, I haven't had a single crash since. Make of that what you will.
  7. It's HBO. They can show sex (unlike "the networks") and therefore they MUST..."see what we can do that they can't." I myself don't give a bullhorn @ T&A in a show, male or female, but if they're going to have it, it would be nice if it seemed more natural. I suppose you can say we had to know Littlefinger's chr more but...eh, it was too long and too silly. I liked, mostly, the way they did nudity/sex in Rome. It felt more like a natural extension of the culture, rather than gratuitous nekkid for sake of "because we can."
  8. I keep wanting a new game, but nothing ever appeals. I've reached a point where sequels/prequels to fave games don't work for me, and I don't like all the CoD/action type stuff that's the rage now. Most of the time if I buy a game it sits uninstalled or I never even come close to finishing it so I stopped buying. I bought FNV on a lark because it's Obsidian & because you all were talking about it - got lucky that I actually liked it so much. So now I just...play the few I do like. And as much as I've been waiting for it, it oesn't bode well for Diablo3, for me, frankly.
  9. Yes. I played (some of, haven't finished) Amensia and of course old fave games, some of which I bought on GoG so I could play them on Win7. But no "new" games, if that's what you're asking. The past 3 years I haven't bought many "new" games at all. I can list all the ones I've bought on one hand.
  10. I guess going in at lvl4-8 makes a big difference in enemies too. I didn't see a single cazador. Everyone keeps talking about them but I didn't encounter even one. lol The Burial Mound was empty for me, except during the last quest when it had White Legs or something.
  11. Insurance companies and computer errors suck. I wasted a whole bloody afternoon watching idiots try to figure out how to fix it and I'm still not confident that next year it's not going to just repeat itself. I'm still fuming, need to calm down. At least my baseball team is doing so much better. And I have pizza.
  12. This series is so up and down for me. One week I love it. The next it's "meh." Repeat forever. Also, it's been really difficult watching with my spouse, who has not read the books...because I keep wanting to holler spoilery things at the screen, but then stop myself since hubs has no clue & I don't want to ruin it. heh
  13. All right, I'm convinced. I didn't have too many crash issues in HH itself, but since starting a new game it CTD's a lot more often than before using HH. By "a lot" I mean one or two every couple hours, vs. almost none. Something about HH or perhaps patch 1.3 brought more CTD's back. But it's still a lot better than the CTD every 15-30 min. like the original, non-patched game back in Oct.
  14. Honest Hearts has me playing a bit of NV again. Mostly I wanted to level up a new chr. and do the HH at a higher chr. level. But I wanted new hair, because I'm pretty sick of the hair options in NV. Found a mod which has some cool hairdos, but they don't work with the hats very well (or at all). And very long hair down the back tends to clip into your back as you run. Oh well, the price of chr. beauty. I also have another urge to replay Diablo1 again. Strangely, I haven't had the urge to play Diablo2 again, ever, since I stopped playing several years ago....
  15. The usual HDD cleaning. I know how to have a good time. The A's vs. Giants ballgame was a good one. Almost made up for the fact I couldn't see the Red Sox game because of FOX contract & regional broadcasting...almost. Had an early dinner and think I'll be going to sleep early as well, after watching a couple episodes of SG-1. Me three.
  16. Yeah, the chest feels cheesy. But supposedly the 'gift' is for/because of peace-players who otherwise wouldn't get those items...at least not without a ton of reverse pickpocketing, which is something I don't personally do (my chrs. usually aren't good enough to do it anyway). So I appreciate the fact I can get them w/out having to kill the NPC's in question.
  17. Haley's "Rhiannon" is mumbly & gets breathy/weak on the low notes again, can't understand half of what she says. And that's on a nice, clean, stage produced performance, which is a lot different than an actual big-stage, live performing. I think. I'm beginning to suspect they use a lot of voice-filtering thru the mics even in live concerts these days, unlike in the old days where things were often very rough (such as that FM video). Or maybe it's just that live stage tech is so much better now. Btw, I'm not totally knockin' Haley's version, she does fine with it imo, just again, not my style of music/I find it boring. Here's FM's studio version: PS - sucks about all country final tho. lol
  18. Crash-prone games are definitely patience-wrecking. Much as I loved FNV, it's probably the worst in that regard I've ever played, before all the patching. The idea that games are rushed to release and then patched later is a business habit I do not support. Blizzard makes us wait forever, but at least they don't usually have major bugs or performance issues. In the past anyway. We'll see what they do in the future.
  19. What I read other people saying re: story-boring games, these days, is how I've felt about story in games from the beginning. I gave up on main-story in video games a long time ago and leave that for the movies, and just focus on whether I like the gameplay/particular characters or environment/humor etc etc instead.
  20. LOL....that's cute. I'd love to see people's heads turn as they walk by that, or something.
  21. I felt that way about Scott too, what I saw of him anyway. And I'm feeling that way about the country guy in The Voice, as well. But then, I don't like country music much. They do have good country or maybe country-blues voices tho.
  22. Completed it last night. I can see why, if you're into story, that it might be kind of meh/disappointing. Feels rushed because it's "here do this" and then suddenly "bang you're done now", but I dunno, it seems like they did fairly well with what they made/had. To me it felt like a mini-version of the main game and I didn't feel much different about that either. It was the side character stories that I liked so much (companions, Ringo, Boyd, 1st Recon, Misfits etc)...the main quest in NV and their head honchos (Legion/NCR/House) never really gave me any joy. Same thing with HH. I'd love to be able to go back to main game and encounter FollowsChalk in Vegas or something, that would be a cool touch. Course, I don't have all the FO "lore" building up expectations, either. Mine's a complete knows-no-lore of HH. My thoughts are that RPG's in general can be very good with thinking up characters/making them come to life (Obsidian's strength, imo) but for whatever reason tends to fall short on bring all those things together into a grand plot/conclusion. Whether it's time, engine limitations, certain limitations about story in a video game format, or whatever, I dunno...just feels that way to me in many RPG's, long or short. Anyhow, I enjoyed HH a lot and I'd give it 7/10. The new gear/weapons were a lot of fun, imo, and gives me a reason to go back with new characters. I liked jumping into it long before I had done much in the MQ of the vanilla game. I don't think I'd enjoy it as much if I was level 28+. Next time I'm going in at lvl 10 instead of lvl4, tho. Oh and I did have a few crashes, but it wasn't bad for me.
  23. Well, since I went in at lvl 4 (I'm now lvl6 w/my lowerxp mod active) and I've yet to see any White Leg carrying AMR's, Brush Guns, or burning swords, I'd say yes, yes they are. I'd guess it's similar to the vanilla game where at certain chr. lvls they up their gear. Not sure what those points are tho...maybe lvl 9 or 15ish. All they've had in my game is 9mm/10mm SMG's, various shotguns, and pistols, war clubs, machete's, etc. Once in a while one has the .45 Auto. I plan on doing another run with a high lvl chr at some point. I've explored most of the new map now, minus a couple caves I'll go back to a bit later. Running up to see Daniel now I guess. No clue how much more there is after that.
  24. I get bored a lot myself, but I still don't understand some of these things people come up with. I don't see the fun/appeal of bothering to do it, I guess. A few of the pics in the vid are kinda funny tho, I'll give them that.
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