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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Notary coming out next Wed. now. Mortgage savings more than we expected. Been some tight/cautious years but I guess it's going to be worth it, financially/future wise. Living where we do, wasn't sure we'd ever get there, but seems like we might. *knock on wood* You know what this means, right? ... my next PC (when I get around to it) will be rockin'. Dang, has it really been 5 years since we moved back up here? I must have been drunk the whole time because I have no memory of it all.
  2. I've never done anything that silly, in any form....never I say.* *Translation: since there wasn't an ever present cellphone/camera presence when I was younger, no one can ever prove otherwise.
  3. They can vary from restaurant to restaurant, and month to month (employee turnover) like most fast food joints. A good one is decent - for fast food - if you like your burgers messier, bigger, more flavor, vs. the fried-oil tasting hockey pucks of McD's. I don't like Jack n the Box or Taco Bell and outside of the fries, neither of us eats at McD's unless forced to while on vacation...so Carl's Jr. is where we go when in a hurry. They're definitely not the cheapest, however...at least where we live. ...and urgh, today I was completely burnt out. Zombiefied. But that didn't stop me from wondering if I could come up with some YouTube channel idea that would actually be worth trying to become a Partner. Probably not, but it hasn't kept my brain from considering it. It's not the possible small funds, it's just ... something that might be interesting to try, because it is there. I like video editing/making, could be fun, and I could use a new hobby to focus on, since gaming becomes less and less of a thing for me.
  4. It's because your link is https, not http. I believe the "s" = secure server, which isn't necessary/desirable (I guess) for forum YT embedding. Remove the s from the address line.
  5. Try hitting the X2 icon between quotes. Seems to force a half-space/space between multiple (separate) quotes. Why exactly I'm not sure, and how reliable it'll be for that purpose, I don't know. No solution for the weird deletion issues while in default mode tho. I've been keeping it in coding mode 98% of the time since the update, because every time I use the DEL key now, instead of deleting one character at a time, it deletes whole paragraphs instead.
  6. I now demand that vendors sell "Blister Wrappings +2" in stores just to make Gfted rage. Actually, yeah...I think that could be pretty cool myself. Imagine giant purplish moons casting an eerie wash of color across a bright sky. Or whatever color suits your fancy.
  7. Cutting back on caffeine was successful ... for about two weeks maybe. Then back to normal. And now beyond. Take a guess why I can't sleep the past few nights.
  8. So...Calax as Clark and Ros as Lex. Maybe we can have a casting call for the other roles and have an Obsidian forumite Smallville production.
  9. I don't care about realism per se - I just like the mood and upped tension in some situations, as well as the added gameplay of deciding to use light spells/torches because they have advantages, or line-of-sight illumination when tech makes it possible. But mostly, the mood. If it's not going to be very dark at all, why bother having it be technically "night" in the first place. Put it on a planet where there are 6 suns and night never truly falls and you can't even see stars in the sky, except maybe once every 2000 years when there's a total eclipse ... oh wait that's an Asimov story, nvm. Or yeah, you could have 3 bright purple moons, making nights bright but purple-hued.... Also, "realism" argument for darkness in general would still apply in basements/dungeons (underground) and buildings (if shades/shutters/doors are drawn). At the least, that "endless" dungeon should be darn dark after the first level or two.
  10. Dear Swen: I'm wearing headphones right now, and your fave games video intro music nearly blew out my eardrums. YouTube shouldn't autoplay at top volume, I think.... Minesweeper is much more fun than Tetris, btw. Because I say so.
  11. Why did this make me think of the film The Gods Must Be Crazy?
  12. I'm often deterred for the same reason. Also, there's the other deterrent that what I really want is something ... new. Yet old-feeling. The old new. Or something.
  13. We do have a Kickstarter thread for making simple links/announcements about projects, where I think your KS has already been mentioned...thought about merging this into it, but you made such a nice presentation of your KS project I'll let it be. I don't personally know anything about the game you're trying to emulate, but looks like a lot of effort and thought going into your project, judging by description, website and your forum. So I wish you good luck.
  14. @rjshae - if you meant my home-gamma-darkened 2nd image, I already mentioned that just doing what I did results in too dark patches/loss of detail, and I'm fairly certain it could be done better by the programmers. I remembered one of the games I was thinking of .... the original Divine Divinity. DD did have the "perfect circle of light" effect around chrs. (and fog of war), but outside of that my memory thinks it had some success at making night feel more night-like and enemies harder to see in the distance (even when fog of war was removed) without being blind to anything on screen. But some would probably like it even darker than in DD... also, looking at screenshots from around the web it doesn't seem much "darker" than some of BG series nights/house interiors etc. Maybe I turned the gamma down when I was playing.
  15. I keep trying to think of a similar sort of game (not some fancy 3D action game) where darkness wasn't "pitch black" and you could go without using torches, but torches etc. were still visually interesting effects/made a difference. I know I've played some but titles aren't coming to mind for me to Google for some example images.... Yes, exactly. I don't know why everyone assumes people are talking about "pitch black like you're blindfolded" when people say they want it darker and want light sources to have more of a visual/gameplay effect.
  16. I'm not playing anything, because all I want to play is Project Eternity, and I can't.
  17. I'm sorta assuming this clip is from a TV series episode. Does anyone know what TV series?
  18. From windy/cloudy/occasionally drizzly (60-70F) to sunny/hot (85F-90F) in the space of 30 hours. And predicted to go back down to 65-70F by late week. That's Spring in California by the Bay for you. At least lately. Not a complaint, mind you. Just a wonderment of the fickleness of nature/weather.
  19. That's why I've always like light spells in games. I think people do have to remember this isn't a 3D or 1st person perspective game, too. You're not going to have pretty Skyrim-y (modded) environments...and at a certain point of darkness, it's likely it wouldn't look all that great because the contrast of the more "painted" look of the 2d backgrounds would probably start to look terrible/lose all detail, or something...maybe...dunno not a graphic program expert. While it'd be great to have darkness mean more gameplay-wise, even at a minimum, for me I just think it's too bright at night in the video. There should be a lot more contrast. Even turning the gamma down/darkening it overall could alter the mood without limiting vision or feeling like you're "stumbling around in the dark." I'd be happy enough if the general "world" was just a fair bit darker/contrasted for a more moody effect. This is a still from the video with the original "night." And this is from simply lowering gamma and "darkening" it in a broad sense (excuse my "eXpeRt" photoshop skillz) ... and you can see how the loss of detail starts to look funny in spots with such simple alterations. But I'd assume the actual experts could do something better/more effective. The point is that it's more akin to the darkness-mood I'd like to see outside, perhaps. Not so "bright." You could make the smaller dungeon spaces even darker/more light source dependent (no moon in a dungeon after all), yet still not be "pitch black", I'd think, too.
  20. I'd definitely like it if it was at least darker at night than it typically is in games. I don't personally need pitch blackness all the time (moonlit nights can actually be pretty bright, even if it's not a total full moon) but something darker that makes torches etc. feel more advantageous.
  21. Thanks, Obsidian, now I can't sleep. I don't like this either. There is absolutely no dynamic shadowing. None. Zero. Zilch. The shadows from trees, bushes, etc. never move. I'd guess that's one of those things they still need to work on, assuming they're going to have them. It does seem a little odd once you look for it, but eh...doesn't bother me much at this point.
  22. "I've got chills, they're multiplying. and I'm losing control. 'Cause the power...you're supplying, It's electrifying!" ...I have the graphic part of the video playing on loop and can't stop watching it. The music/sound effects made it even better. And I definitely did notice the character models. I thought they looked darn good as well ... the animation of their walking, the details in the zoomed in view. Thanks, Obsidian, for all the hard work, sharing it with all of us, and making me clap my hands together in delight like the little girl I once was. You all rock. This is going to be such a fun year.
  23. Ah. I haven't played WoW in 2-3 years or more, I can't recall. Guess that's something they implemented much later to make the pets more interesting/retain interest in the game or whatever. It wasn't part of the original concept/what people expected and paid for when they bought the CE, originally. And...is Blizz actually charging $600 for the mounts, or is that 3rd party prices for people selling the "points" to others? I can't imagine even Blizzard would charge that much for a mount, even if it's a cool one you can take into a combat pit or whatever. If they are, that's just....stupid.
  24. What? I'm not talking about gameplay pets (like the Hunter's pets) or mounts, I'm talking about the silly useless decorative pets that follow you around doing nothing but look cute. How does a player benefit from their exclusivity even in a MP game, outside of "bragging" rights? The Diablo "pet" in WoW was a Collector's Edition perk.
  25. Oh, I'd fold on that one. ...but at least human children do eventually use a toilet/flush, won't butt-scoot all over your floor, and don't get hairballs.
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