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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Post limit, which means ... it's time to change! One, two, three!
  2. Mostly all I notice is the cat, which is way cuter than the guy. I preferred that old spice ad. Probably because I tend to prefer shorter/neater hair (and his voice)...and of course, it's just more gigglelicious.
  3. We just watched that too. I kept reading comparisons to Die Hard, but they're all wrong in that. What it really is: "Under Siege: White House." I kept expecting a pudgy Steven Segal to pop out of the woodwork. ...I liked the first scene on the bridge, and the female Secretary that wouldn't take guff. The rest was pretty redonkulous, even just as "lots of violent action."
  4. I live on generic-brand Loratadine tablets. Both for the nose and for the skin reactions - very tiny, itchy bump rashes that randomly flare up on exposed skin for 30-60 minutes then disappear entirely. When a room fan is going, when I'm outside, when I'm sitting on a couch, in a chair...suddenly itchitchitch. Any maple trees around? That slightly fuzzy stuff from their leaves on some varieties can be very irritating to nose and skin, I find, especially in the fall...all that tiny tiny leaf fuzz floating around in the air as dust everywhere.
  5. BL2 - that skill that decreases recharge time from taking damage on the Psycho works great when you're solo, since you're going to be taking damage anyway. When you're playing with another player, however, it doesn't work quite so well...since friendlies can damage you as well as the enemy... At least, it doesn't work well at low clvls. I think hubs killed me three or four times, with guns and grenades.
  6. The Colony (2013) - started off all right but went downhill from there. The very start of the film had music that very much made me think of the 1980's The Thing, and the whole movie is rather like that. Still, it might have been ok, but the plotholes (even for the type of film it is) bring it down too much. Rather a waste of Bill Paxton and Laurence Fishburne. Also saw part of a 1980 film called Battle Beyond the Stars, described as having the intention of being a sort of "Magnificent Seven in space." I remember seeing it as a kid and liking it, with stuff like the feminine voiced AI spaceship Nell and Saxon and Vaughn's over the top acting sticking in my memory long after. Cheesy and cheap effects/sets, capitalizing on the sci-fi craze, it's almost hilarious to watch it now.
  7. Dear Diary: Learned that Stephen King has a sequel to The Shining in the works/nearly finished or whatever. Since I tend to be a believer that some things should be left to stand on their own, I'm not sure how to feel about that. Signed, Mrs Get-Off-My-Lawn.
  8. "Your frontal bone is as smooth as a rounded granite boulder Your eye sockets are like gazing into mysterious, wind-filled caverns Your nasal cavities are like the petals of a soft orchid ... ...can I buy you a drink?"
  9. (Not a plot spoiler, but it is a scene/humor spoiler.) That was fast.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M6yoeOglNw
  10. Believe me, I have plenty of grey hair, especially at the temples. It just doesn't show up in dark pics taken in a purple bathroom. The beach pic is awesome, I'm envious of the size of your yard, and I love the roses. And of course, the cat.
  11. Was reading that Willie May's wife had died some months back. My father used to talk to him a fair bit, seeing him while taking a "walk" in his electric wheelchair after having his lunch. My father was always good at making friends with the neighbors - it was one of the few social lifelines left to him, chatting with people he'd meet during the few hours he could be out of bed per day. I only met Willie Mays once, when I went along during one of dad's neighborhood routes. Mostly, I just got to hear the stories/convos that dad would tell mother and I during dinner. In general, my father's gregarious nature and uplifted spirit created an interesting and eclectic circle of friends even when he was largely housebound. And they'd always make time for my father - some even waited out in their yards, expecting him to ride by, while still others would call my mother if he didn't show up, to make sure my dad was ok. We weren't at all close in later years, but he was an interesting and inspiring man, and he knew how to tell a story. And right this second....I miss my father.
  12. One advantage of my being so small...backpacking-weight gear was still plenty "large" enough. I never tried to/couldn't have carried that much weight, tho ... my trips were largely in the Sierra's at a reasonable 6k feet. Didn't need much. The cow incident would have made a funny video. Great story.
  13. It's not so much about privacy from the companies. Basically, if I start to feel like I need a 3rd party password manager program just to manage personal entertainment sites, or just the general feeling of being tired of filling out bloody forms, I stop signing up to new things. This is also true of non-internet things. I don't fill out physical product warranty, rebate, survey, or registration cards, either. Can't be bothered, sorry.
  14. Gorgeous. And I like the tent setup. It's not small....it's cozy.
  15. Cleaned the freezer. Apparently, a diet soda (vs. a sugar soda) can explode, if left forgotten in there for at least 8+ hours.
  16. PC: Fraps. Console: oh well. (actually it can be done, just kind of a pita maybe)
  17. Not about the face but the figure. Leaner baseball players, quarterbacks, pro-swimmers. That sort of thing. I don't find tons of veins popping out in the arms "hot", and I'm not into the "pumped up, mega-abs" look at all. Flat w/light definition is good, but don't really care about a bulging, defined, cratered and pumped up six-pack. In fact sometimes I think that actually looks gross.
  18. The guy playing Hank should really get an Emmy nomination nod, for once. @Keyrock - yeah, that's a possible ending scenario. There's also ...
  19. Since several patches ago or something, I've become more and more annoyed with the way outfits that have "loose" bottom-front flaps/sections become clipped to the backside. They always flew up while going downstairs or something, but now I only have to jump, turn around in a circle while running, get on/off my mount etc. and they flip. It's not that they look terrible - well, except the skimpy Courtesan outfit can flip in a way that makes you look like a neutered Barbie with no undies on (didn't post a pic of that ) - but I don't think they're supposed to flip so easily and stay stuck for long periods. Plus I wonder if it's even visible to others...maybe only the player notices on their screen...
  20. I have no judgements about Uplay, since I really know little about it. It's just a rebellious nature sort of thing ... I'm tired of having to register and register and register for every little thing now, and having to keep track of it all. It's getting so if I have to "register" for something new (forum/website, services, etc), it's almost an automatic "nah, not bothering." I think it won't be long before my only presence on the internet will be Netflix, Steam, GoG and .... here. Things I already have.
  21. I never got around to playing anything earlier than MM6, I think. I might've looked at 5 for a brief moment, I don't recall (I have some pack that had all of the games). So I'm not very familiar with the way the series was at that time. I don't think the new game has to be an exact replica of 6-9 or something ... that was, honestly, part of the problem of 8, imo (that by then it was too much "just more of the same"). But it would be nice if it was something more than dungeon crawl/action. I'm ambivient about the sci-fi elements myself. It'd be fine if they were there, but if not, doesn't matter much to me. And I don't think I'd mind if it was more tile-based than freer movement...depends. Altho it might be moot for me anyway, since I'm still not into registering for Uplay.
  22. I'm trying to imagine a giant, scaly green dragon doing laundry. Probably would do the ironing well, tho ... built-in steam!
  23. Oh and Patrick Stewart in his 70's is still more handsome than a lot of men half his age. Kinda like Sean Connery was, for a while. I actually thought Connery was more handsome in his 50's than he was during his early Bond era.
  24. I appreciate if a man is beautiful with a lean symmetry of the face (which is what all humans tend to go for as "beautiful", male or female). But I'm not particularly into "macho" looking dudes either, and as I've said already, neither am I into the "teenager" look. I mean, I am almost 45 now... I'm not sure the guy in that pic looks like a lady, exactly ... he just looks 15, or something. The pensive pose instead of the man's man on a horse. The youthful-beautiful male has been a staple of mags like Tiger Beat far as I can remember. David/Shaun Cassidy, Leif Garret, even (before my time) the Beatles, or Ricky Nelson, really....so yeah...some of it's social training, what young girls may get exposed to a lot as the "guys to crush on" when they're kids. edit: total grammar/backspace brain fart...
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