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LadyCrimson last won the day on October 23

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About LadyCrimson

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    Obsidian VIP

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    I like games. Also cats. And gadgets. And stuff.


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  1. We can all feel super smart for being able to get around/being nerdy enough to know how to alter things as we want (unlike the average consumer, which is what a lot of companies bank on, imo) but we're sorta still part of the statistical problem as users. Not that everyone has a choice in the matter, I know. I'm just in a very negative headspace re: current US state of AI/computer/digital dependence and monopolistic/privacy/profit sharing-investor desperation cycles. At least Google's being taking to task on something, recently. Something's gotta give (for a while - a new cycle) at some point.
  2. ^ Yeah I disable and got rid of tons of stuff in Win10Pro manually with the group policies and PowerShell. I've only updated Win10 "important files" twice I think, when a game demanded it. I'm sure I'd do the same with Win11. Edit: I always purchase the O/S, vs. free upgrading of previous. If I could buy an "enterprise" version for home I would (well, in the past, dunno about 11). But hubby says Win11 is also pushing for the MS account login to run it. That you can disable it but hard to find without knowing how. I'm sure they'll start pushing for subscriptions on top before long. It's just all going to the dogs.
  3. I have now "Ignored" 2381 games on Steam. Maybe if I ignore 97,463 more, I might finally find/get shown something I like. If you can't tell from my blathering semi-bloggity increased presence, my sleeping has gone all to heck again. I've cleaned out (physical) file cabinets, cleaned files (virtual ones), a ton of laundry, dusted walls, baked a (low carb) cake, watched countless videos, watched some true crime episodes, tried to watch half a dozen movies, caulked a shower, watched hubby watching Prison Break, watched the rain and on and on. Can I go to sleep yet.
  4. I watched this in syndication in the late 70's every day after school and I loved it. Maybe that explains a few things.
  5. Another big factor for me is eventually having to decide if I'm going to deal with Win11 or finally try to deal with Linux re: gaming. Everything I hear re: what Win11 is up to/going to be up to (like that Recall stuff), makes me go "NO" 10000% more than Win7 to Win10 ever did. Maybe it's all overblown but ... sigh. Just an ol' granny who can't program a VCR, these days. I think the 9900k could be bios-updated to work with Win11, that thing, but not going to bother. If I go with Win11 it'd be on a new cpu/PC.
  6. ^ Yeah, the writing being "tutorial/hand holding" or "feel good therapy" seems to be a common complaint with those who don't like it. Can't say what I've seen contradicts it much. Combat looks like flashy but nothing special arpg flailing about. But I'm not playing it first hand so *shrug*. What Dragon Age was supposed to be the "good one/s," anyway? I vaguely recall the early ones coming out and I wasn't interested in those way back then either, because of my personal interests.
  7. Winter. (US) time change (this weekend), Chilly feet (California chilly, that is). No new game interesting enough to actually pull the trigger on. Not much on the 'tube, either. At least there are always cat videos. <---- you can just put that on my tombstone
  8. Hellbound - Netflix - first half of the episodes Hm. I knew one of the main lead actors was replaced because of an illegal drug use scandal/case. The replacement actor is doing an ok job but has much less intense charisma so it's not quite the same. Outside of that - the show has become more talky in the conspiracy/political-power aspirations type ways, in the way S. Korea likes to do, with too many characters/factions perhaps. So it starts out interesting, gets boring, becomes interesting, gets boring, repeat. It's not bad, but not as weirdly compelling as the 1st season. I also hear it ends on another sort of cliffhanger, which is a gamble. Sidenote: the problem with Netflix "originals" is that even if they greenlight more, it's often 2-4 years between any seasons. I'd guess partly because by the time they greenlight, it takes a while to get all involved schedules to align to work again, among other things. Whatever their methods, it often kills any momentum.
  9. I was actually watching his (first ever) YT livestream when he interrupted it to stare at the camera to make his "early thoughts" video (that his editors cut out and post alone). Watching him play a bit, he does seem to be enjoying the game in a visceral way. But the specific dialogue and certain game systems he runs across, not so much. He's also still very early in the game. I'll be curious if it's one of the games he actually finishes or abandons the playthrough. He doesn't style himself as a reviewer, but he's (usually) a pretty optimistic/non-negative/rational sort. Always liked him. Sidenote: it's entirely possible my simplistic arpg brain might like some gameplay aspects about this game, but in my case I would be impatiently spamming my way through dialogue/cutscenes and getting irritated with the dialogue wheel, no matter whether it was good or not. It all looks so banal/been there conceptually before, and I wouldn't have the patience anymore. That's just me tho. I don't tend to play/choose games for immersive story.
  10. Let's see, it's been ... over 5 years since I built my current rig, maybe? Based on stuff like this, I'll be hanging on to it for another 2-3+ years.
  11. The Resident (tv series, via Netflix), several episodes --read Bruce Greenwood has a role in it (not a main lead but a higher supporting), so I gave it a shot because I like him. --a lot of focus seems to be regarding hospital patient care vs. business politics etc, but it's probably the worst medical series I've ever seen, far as the medical/patient emergency cases go. Just laughable. Not sure if I like the characters/situations enough to put up with it, ala House. At least House was sometimes funny.
  12. The "content creator/influencers" - whether they purposely mean to/want to or not, often tend to foster/encourage a contentious, black and white sides audience/environment. And yes not just with gaming/YT. It's an internet culture thing or something. Did you guys see that jacksepticeye Help video? It's main aim was a mental-health fundraiser thing, but the intro first 2-3 minutes was like...yeah...that's the internet now (or at least how it often feels). "it's just people throwing rocks all the time."
  13. The Remarkable Life of Ibelin (Netflix) What a unique presentation and touching life-of/tribute type documentary. It got me in the feels. Thumbs up from me.
  14. "Happy New Year, Welcome to 2024!" .... a few minutes later .... It's almost November already.
  15. Once again I have zero personal interest in the game but YT likes to toss these things into my "algorithm" so I see them sometimes. >.> The review controversy is that they were very very picky re: review codes. Reviews are always grain of salt+confirmation bias, but maybe even moreso this time, for the early ones. And if you want a counter for "best game evah" type reviews, here's SkillUp. Sounds like this one is going to very divisive. His point re: the face artstyle vs. the Shrek's Prince Charming (around 5 minutes in) made a lightbulb go off in my head. I knew there was something I didn't like about the chr/face artstyle but I couldn't put my finger on it. I did like Shrek film but the animation style wasn't why for that, either. Personal tastes and all.
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