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Everything posted by Ohma

  1. Ahh, I love the term Deus ex Machina, I get that pleasant tingle down my spine every time I hear it...but enough of my robo/transhumanist-fetishism. I don't think that the Force has a will of its own per-se (err...only term I could think of...). But it seems to take more control over your destiny the more you believe and/or are sensitive to it. Not by actively going around and setting up individual people's futures, but more like, acting as a conduit, through which people create (albeit subconsciously) their own self fulfilling prophecies... It's like that cave in The Empire Strikes Back, what you find and experience through the Force, is influenced by what you take with you. A dark sider will see the force very differently from a light sider because they believe the Force represents different things, and a normal person would come away with yet another impression... Uhh...maybe I'll say more when I have the time to sort my thoughts out better...
  2. There is a reason that I said I was giving my .00 cents, and that I totally and utterly SUCK when it comes to properly conveying my thoughts. Yes, I could have taken two or three hours to flesh out my idea to perfection, and yes I could have just not said anything at all, but, just because my idea wasn't super-fantastically-wow-that's-so-frigging-amazing dosn't mean you have to be sarcastic and put it down with THAT much venom... ...it's not like I disagreed with you or said you were crazy or anything...
  3. Shouldn't Kreia and Bao-Dur's dialogue be reversed there?
  4. Where the hell did that come from?
  5. I'm not really busy per-se...more like...super lazy... " :edit: err...wait you weren't talking about me were you... :"> heh heh...uh never mind... But still, you should put your work up as soon as you can, 'cause I enjoy gawking at other people's fanart waaaaaay too much.
  6. Language!? I barf all ovar it!! Prefurring tele-pathee to vorpal commyunicyetions I would much moor be inclined to.
  7. Wow... Anyway, a while ago I said that I was inspired to draw KoTOR fanart. Well, it took me like, 2 fry gand weeks, but: This is my version of Revan...VERY sketchy...which would explain why it's in sketches... This is my version of the Exile...*whisper*and you don't notice that her left arm is too long... I also have an idea for a big dramatic picture , showing Revan on the bridge of her ship in that one (well two I guess...) movie when Bastila and the Jedi confront her. It would look really jawsome if I would put enough effort into it to properly detail the giant battle going on outside...
  8. Premature Climaxing? Oh dear, I'm afraid that I can't help you there...but here is *my* .00 cents: I think that the Exile should have confronted Nihilius twice. The first time, of course, in the battle at Telos, where after grossly underestimating eachother the Exile destroys Nihilus' physical form, thus *temporairily* banishing it from existance. The second time, on Malachor V, place of Nihilus' first, and now second, re-birth. In this second battle Nihilus would be far more powerful than before, and the player would have to destory Nihilus once and for all(I don't know how), and, if you had freed your other party members, it would give you multiple opportunitys to either save them or sacrifice them, and it would force the Exile to come to terms with their true nature, and to finally choose a path to follow, before confronting Traya. ...why do I suck so much at conveying my thoughts...and spelling?!
  9. I like that minimalist style. you should try another pic. like that one, but with soft colors and a background...that would look cool...
  10. I got it the first time I entered that Entertainment area...place...thing(whatever it's real name was) on Citedel Station. How did you manage to get it before you got to Telos?!
  11. I just like the way Ithorian sounds. Thuul dan gelfah mo ikthidangelfa. Thul niswande nanandevaht.
  12. Damn, I knew I should have copied down your posting history before you had a chance to edit all the crap you said last night. But nooo I told myself, *somebody* would catch you.
  13. Ohnoes it's the great and mysterious R'ed H'err-ing (w00t)
  14. Allow me to paraphrase you for a moment: "SO WIMIEN SUCK KUZ THEI R STYUPID AND 73H DEVELOPPRZ H8 'EM!!!11ONEBUT NOT IF TEHY HV BOOBIES AND ***S KUZ LITTL BOYZ LOVE EM KUZ I LUV THEM!!I MEEN WOH WOOD WONT STYPIID GRLZ PLAYING MY GA3MZ ANWAY?!!THEHY HAV KOOTIEZZZ!!" No but that would be a fairly LARGE minority, that, were developers and publishers to continue to ignore, would cost them quite a bit more than *just* the 40% of female gamers who purchase games from speciality stores(Hell, were it not for my mom, we never would have played Fallout, Planescape: Torment, Arcanum, Heros of Might and Magic, or Vampire: Bloodlines, my dad and I were the ones who baught those for her, and eventually played them with her). As for the Restoration Project, I didn't think that there was much to be restored for male PCs in the first place... And you're being just as childish as you claim Aurora was. (sorry for being hostile, and my spelling socks, but I just woke up and this was one of the first things to greet me this morning <_< ...keep up the fight metadigital, tmp, Aurora, and Atomic Space Vixen ) ...the delete button should not be in such an easy to mistakenly press place...
  15. It is a very odd glitch. Thankfully, it only seems to occur in a few of T3-M4's lines in my game, but all the same, I hope that the upcoming patch will fix it.
  16. Way to go out in a blaze of stupidity dude. I find it odd that Darth didn't return their copies of KoTOR2 untill now, considering that in their first post here(after finishing the game about 14 days ago), they said that they more or less absolutly hated the game.
  17. 9.9/10?! Excuse me if I think that's a bit hard to beleive.
  18. Simple, what voice do you imagine when you read people's posts on the board. For myself, for some reason, any time I read a post by someone with a Darth Nihilis avvie, I can't help but imagine them with Hulk Hogan's voice, then I promptly fall out of my chair laughing like an idiot.
  19. Speculation: I calculate that there is a 3.0225% chance that the moderators are simply allowing us to succumb to a false sense of security, so that they may stike at us while we are unprepaired to defend ourselves.
  20. You're all wrong it's the Vindalooran Empire!! (w00t) They hate *all* humans! They think you're scum! Scum scum scum scum scum! !
  21. Well said! My aunt is a major (though unfortunately I can't remember what division she's with ATM) and just recently returned from Iraq. She is one of the most professional, dedicated, and intelligent people I know. Well, at least you were mostly inoffensive while making your point. Though I may disagree with you about the whole Bastila&Revan romance, as well as what gender Revan should be if LA/LF decide to make KoTOR cannon, I can accept that your opinion is your own, and that you were nither 1: acting like a butt...face, or 2: beleive women to be inferior to men ( or at least you didn't seem to believe so... ) (wow...I went past 100 posts because of this thread...and size tags hate me )
  22. It was *quite* exploded...or something like that probably.
  23. Geez, you made me freak out, I thought the patch had come out and I'd missed it...be a bit more clear next time. (yes, I understand the irony of what I've just said)
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