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Everything posted by Ohma

  1. I want a "zzzrrrrchh-gun". But yes, who cares. It has been concluded that the Basilisk we use in TSL is a Stealth Basilisk, and its resemblance to Xixor(err, however you spell it)'s Virago, can be added onto the big giant heaping pile of ships in the pre BOY SW galaxy that look like others from after the BOY. All this argument is about anymore is people who think the original Basilisk looks silly and others who don't.
  2. And yet "Community Service" in the Exile's bedroom still wins out. "
  3. That wasn't Porkins, that was wasisface, the Gold Leader dood. Porkins was something like: "I.can.handle.IYYYAARG*boom*" Sorry, just felt like being a slightly anal retentive loser.
  4. Guys, that's mean. Valius, you actually seem to have done pretty well. The only things that don't seem quite right are the placement of Exile's eyes, and the width of the Sith trooper's torso. Other than that you've done quite well. Just keep at it.
  5. I though it was that he managed to fly under 12 parsecs in real space. My fav quote: "Mos Eisley spaceport, you'll never find a more wretched hive, of scum and villainy"
  6. And you were compelled to spam this thread with that because...? As to the topic of this thread, I voted for handmaiden...NOT because of the sparring...what...that ISN'T why I voted for her! HONEST!! :ph34r:
  7. Yeah, but in Star wars you spread your wings out to...uh...look...spiffy... (X-Wing,B-Wing,Imperial Shuttle...others I can't remember) Yeah, it has also been said that the Basilisk you fly in TSL is a *stealth* Basilisk...but I can't remember who said it... So, even though I like the good ol' molbster-ro-beast design, I can accept the design we see in TSL...though they could have made it *slightly* less like the Virago...like with a pointy nose 'er something...
  8. So you ARE just a troll, boy you allmost had me for a while there.
  9. I though Darth was refering to Hades who, as you pointed out in the post above his, has yet to admit his nerd-dom to himself...but I could also have mis-understood what YOU were talking about there...in which case you could probobly ignore me...
  10. Oh, come on Hades, embrace the dork side of the force!
  11. Darn tooting. But then again, Exar Kun never seemed to be all that difficult to beat... Don't get me wrong Nur, I LIKE TOTJ, I just don't really like Ulic or Exar. I *do* like the Mole-lobster/beast Basilisk though...but....I'll shut up now...
  12. Well...the Basilisks were *allmost* transformers. And how can any good story *not* have giant robots?
  13. Could you please restate that in a more coherant way?
  14. Not the Elders!! *runs* Hmm...my fav. games (in no particular order): Fallout, Grim Fandango, Freedom Force, Space Quest 4, Riven, Uru, Arcanum, The Longest Journey, and (even though I barely understood what to do at the time) Sim City 2000.
  15. Ahh, I feel like digging up my copy of Transformers #1 now...
  16. I think that you've more than made your point: you hate Chris Avallone. I also think that you're trying to incite flame wars...but that *could* just be me...
  17. ... Oh, wait I get it... <_<
  18. Well, that's the risk you take when you buy a console game.
  19. I could not haf said it better myself.
  20. ShadowPaladin: "You sure typed a lot of totally irrelevent stuff there " And once again ShadowPaladin demonstrates that they don't understand a single thing about computers.
  21. Nice to see two people getting alone for once.
  22. >Every Military has their psychos. Though some would say that every military was founded by psychos...but most of those people also live in idellic fantasy worlds, where nature runs like clockwork and lions, the zebra, and trees all live together in harmony, NEVER killing eachother even for food. Such a shame that every living thing can't be a robot eh? mmm robots....
  23. Oh goody, just what we need, *more* T&A.
  24. I don't know. I have a question for you though: Do you think that people will stop making useless threads that say the same **** thing over and over and over over and over, instead of posting in one of the already established "I'm a whiny-*** loser who has nothing better to do but complain that Obsidian hasn't put a patch out yet twenty-four hours a day" threads? Sorry, but I'm getting *really* sick of seeing eight more threads like this every time I log on, *and* all the KoToR 3 ****, I haven't even played past Telos because I'm waiting for the patch, do you see me whining about it on these forums every twenty minutes? edit:huh, I thought the board had an automatic censor thingy
  25. L0L11one D0N7 U N0 GR33D0 Sh007z 1st?11one? Sorry to anyone who actually *was* offended by that change. I can understand how you feel, and it dose feel bad to have a cherished piece of your childhood altered. But Star Wars was a chrished piece of my childhood as well, and I actually like the SE versions(but they should have kept Lapti Nek, instead of that *other* song for RoTJ...not the ewok one...the Sy Snootles one).
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