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Everything posted by Ohma

  1. But wait what about my idea?! KoToR 3: Wookiequest!! Surely, a quality idea like that, entails its own thread.
  2. LIES!! There's no such thing as a Star Wars fan! Didn't you hear? Luu-kas destroyed Star Wars. DESTROYED IT!! (w00t) I think that Lucas will stop doing SW related stuff, the EU will go on, but the movies will end...at least untill after he's dead and the Lucas Film equvalent of Ike Eisner comes into power... <_<
  3. But...must...check...main...page...obsessively...every...two..seconds... Honsetly though, don't the people like Xavier97x2 have anything better to do than start *new* threads to whine about how long the patch is taking?
  4. "Join me Rosencransce. I AM YOUR FATHER!" Gleefully stolen from "The Curse of Monkey Island"
  5. Okay then, bye. But I'll admit that Acorn did have a point in all that fuming. The "Patch coming Soon" message is vague and poorly phrased. I beleive that quite a bit of the whining and complaining about the amount of time being taken to compleate said patch would be quelled by a simple change in the wording of the announcement to something like: 'Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords patch to be released in the next two to three weeks.' or months or whatever. *Anything* less nebulous than "soon" would be greatly appreciated I am sure. just a thought... <_<
  6. No "I want to have T3's android baby!!" option?
  7. Well, I'm sure you could buy attactchments for them...
  8. Or both Star Wars, and Trek will combine to become "Star Wars Trek: A New Voyage of the Deep Space Clones Strikes Back"...er...what I meant to say was... OMFG LOOK 73H PATCH IS OUT!! *runs away*
  9. Well, its not quite *that* implausible... All they'd have to do is take some blasters from knocked out STs and you have a bunch of crazy gun toting teddy bears running around...
  10. Wait, sence when did I have to hide my transvetite...ness?
  11. Yeah, it would be nice to scale the HUD down but it never blocks anything that you can't rotate the camera a fraction of a degree to look at, so meh.
  12. There are more of us than you shall ever know Hunter. :ph34r:
  13. In that case, I'm not telling. "
  14. Well, yer' just gonna' haf ta' wait.
  15. Global_74, after reading your posting history I have to wonder why you came back? I would think that there would be other forums whose members are far less sycophantic, ignorant, and irrationally argressive towards you and your "True" Star Wars Fanaticism as you call it. But what do I know, after all I'm just another blind, stupid, doggishly loyal Obsidian fanboi, deperatly clinging to his copy of a POS game, who's only purpose in life is to insult you on these forums for desparaging the love of his life, Obsidian Entertainment.
  16. What exactly does "disable vertex buffer objects" do? Not that I really need a performance boost, KOTOR 2 runs fine on my compy (which uses a G4 MX440), but I'd still like to know... And I can't use force sight? Well nutbunnies...
  17. Well, it wouldn't be very good if his clothing caught on fire now would it?(unless he were using an enviro-sheild, then you'd just have a naked Bao-dur...hmm... )
  18. I'd pay for a SE KOTOR 2 if they added in developer's commentary. If Riddick's game can have that then so can KOTOR 2. Just think how interesting it would be...
  19. Well, I'm sure that the horns are more like bumps when the child is born...
  20. Plus it's easy to roleplay a guy: Evil dude: Hahaha!! Now you DIE!! Good dude: I kill you bad guys!! (sorry, I know that's not true...sometimes... :ph34r: )
  21. That's pretty much how I feel. But unfortunatly I'll prob'ly end up being a guy in my *new* game of KOTOR 2, sorry, but Atton and D. just don't do anything for me...now if it were Bao-dur Not that Visas or Mira are much better in my perspective (though I am partial to Handmaiden...)...I'll shut up now...
  22. Meh, it was okay... It had a point about the ewok shoes though... 'cept not really... I'll shut up now... dot dot dot
  23. I've never been very sure about that myself. Most of my guy gamer friends, didn't have a problem with being female in a game; the few who did never came up with much of a reson for it, other than being uncomfortable flirting with male characters...
  24. That looks tootally spiff-tastic. Hopefully Will can pull it off, and hopefully I'll have a computer that can run it. (w00t)
  25. Revan: Cashenna Nyavost Exile: Seifa Kast Hee hee "Gortha the She-Destroyer" is pretty great too.
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