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Everything posted by kitty_with_a_lightsaber

  1. The cheat node is somewhat easy to access..but it doesnt do anything good. After the fight between mira and hanharr(whoever you are) go to the first room on the left once out of the pit. Inside is three ubese and 2 lockers...the moment you kill the last of the three ubese run towards the wall near the bunk and press A very quickly. Typically you'll see something along the lines of 'ubese' or something like that in blue like any other npc you dont kill. The options dont really do anything that I've noticed...
  2. Err....you guys have obviously missed out on something huge. Visas cant see facial features. o_o...she see's through the force..all color and blurr..remember kiddies? She couldnt tell you if it looked like you, bao-dur or Kavar for the force sakes!! As for what he probably looked like....it was KREIA! O_O!
  3. I adored the newer character/armor models(Some of them), loved the new force powers and all around customization ability that the game gave with all the upgrades and weapons and armor. The random loot is nice in some points, not in others.... Definately one of those games you could play over and over again.
  4. Another point that I feel should be made....KoTOR is set a long LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time before ANY of the movies(Thousand or so years if I remember correctly). Alot could have changed. Personal shields could have been done away with, technology could have advanced....The jedi order could have came to a new understanding that made them less than paper figures mentally. We dont know. We'll probably NEVER know. The game is there for fun...if you dont like it, dont play it. MOD it, whatever you feel like doing. But complaining about it gets nothing solved. Come tomorrow you're still gonna dislike and like some things about that, and unless you change it then nothing will.(Unless there's a patch or something). And even then I'm sure there will be little gripes about it. You cant please everyone... AND to my last point...um...theres hundreds of threads about people and their dislikes about the game..why make a new one to clutter up the board with the same problems other people have already stated? O_o
  5. So they retextured clothes onto them? That just seems silly..but eh..some things just seem lazy to me about the game...It was the same with KoTOR 1 though too....
  6. Err...Obsidian's not incompetent. They have to run any patch material past lucas arts. If lucas arts says 'No we dont want you to patch' then they cant do it. They're useing rights to a game that's pretty much lucas arts...they just get to make it. It's like a carpenter building a bench for someone that's already payed...six weeks later he cant just come in and decide to fix a little piece that he wants to if the owner says he cant. Granted..obsidian COULD have said that they didnt want to release the game yet...but then we probably wouldnt even have the KoTOR 2 that we have now...LA probably would have kicked the whole project..
  7. They probably didnt put the time into enabling x-box live codeing..(Not sure what sort of programming is required for this). Also..um...KoTOR 2 and KoTOR 1 were both X-Box MAIN. Meaning PC was a SECOND CHOICE for the game...like most x-box games(Max Payne, Halo, etc.) Just because they got released onto the PC doesnt mean that PC games are better. Often it's a totally different experience.... As for the paying to get a new copy? HAH! You have got to be bloody joking! First off, I payed my sixty like anyone else to get a cut to pieces game, if they Re-release the game with the cut content and dont at least offer a discount of some kind I'll never buy another obsidian game again. Why? Because it reeks of set up. Put the community on edge..make them dislike the game and then charge them another sixty to get the game they were SUPPOSED to get in the first place? Why not just rob you? Second. All patches have to go through lucas arts..and from what I know PC user's arent getting a patch unless it's just to fix a few broken things..and you'll be lucky to even get that. It's extremely slim that any cut content will be re-added to the game.
  8. All rebellion's technically started with lie's and breaking laws.....without such rebellion's some countries wouldnt be what they are. Sometimes you have to get your hands a little dirty to do the right thing...Vaklu say's right off he didnt know it was the sith at the start(well..tobin says...but same difference)
  9. Atton and Bao-Dur might be fun "
  10. I'd rather see a scene like Aimo's where you can force persuade them to make out
  11. Best armor I've found for him so far(Including Exar Kun's suite) Is Jamon Hogra's battle armor(Spelling?) It's medium armor and has something like 11/+2 with 25 resistance to cold...and it looks good combined with blue lightsabers I never find turning him into a jedi really hard...even as a dark sider. Its pretty easy to gain influence and gain those dark side points back anyways...seeing as how easy dark side points are to get..
  12. It would have been nice if he could at least have used heavy armor....there arent many good light or medium armor's out there...and he cant use robes either. On top of the fact that they made him a str/int based character and he's only got a 10 in dexterity... He must be the most clumsy Zabrak ever....(Almost all zabrak item's you find in game lead towards the conclusion that zabrak are dextrous and quick...)
  13. I just gave him powers he could use with the armor...force scream, foce push, energy and physical resistance..heal...
  14. I could totally see atton or bao-dur as gay o.o; ......We all know disciple is already
  15. You forgot Alien Race PC's!! >.< *Takes atton off to the rear cabin and kicks visas out the air-lock*
  16. Um...Maybe you dont realize it but...More pc model's means more npc models in turn. 90% of the pc models are used in game except the one that's in current use..SOOO...you'd get pc models and npc models! (w00t)
  17. I'm more interested in an alien race PC in kotor 3 than the models...any way you go you're going to get a mix of models..its just more cost effective to re-use models than to design individual ones for all the npcs... As long as they allow an alien pc I'd love it. I cant wait to play a twilek, or a Wookie, or Rodian or Cathar or anything like that...It would certainly add to the re-play factor too. ^_^
  18. I get an Ankarre's saphire almost every playthrough >.>...I usually put it in with my named crystal and wham! ^_^
  19. I've found bronze once in 9 games....and viridian(If you have a high-def(something like that) tv is a bit more silverish.) Bronze is the rarest I've found..but it just looks a little bit more brown than orange...barely noticeable.
  20. I absolutely loved atton I just wish there'd been an option to romance him as a male character. *Le-Sigh*...oh well...One can always hope..... Or mod
  21. Actually(And this isnt a joke) There's a man in china who's having a baby o.o;(Might have already had it, my boyfriend pointed this out to me a few months ago when we were talking about kids). And...um...just ignore the idiocy? I'm guessing that the person that started this thread did it for attention..i.and with five pages of responce she/he got that attention...he/she's probably sitting in his/her chair giggling at how everyones defending the game...and if she/he isnt and is serious on the matter..well..then she/he is utterly stupid.
  22. While playing my Male consular I went and did dantooine and received the force power 'force damage' or some such..my game froze on the auto save out though so I had to restart over from a last save. From the save however I hit level fifteen, high enough to get my weapon master class, thinking nothing of it I went and finished up dantooine and lo and behold, no advanced force power form, I got a lightsaber form! >.<. Is the aquisition based on the current class you're in? I.E. could I simply take Gaurdian first and then Sith lord and get the force form??
  23. I wish you could choose your characters sexuality....And I wish they had prettier models for men . I dont want to be some fugly guy!!!
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