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Everything posted by BMac

  1. I tried to reproduce that and couldn't get it to happen on 4.1.0. If you can provide the save game I might be able to see what's up.
  2. Thanks, everybody! I think we'll have a fix for this in v4.1.1.
  3. Thanks for the report! This will be fixed in 4.1.1. If you're curious, it only happens if a particular pirate is the last one you kill (the one with the cape just at the top of the stairs).
  4. Yeah, we'll have that fixed in the next patch as well.
  5. We did do some optimizations since the last patch - I'm glad they are making a difference! Yeah, there's a bug where they'll complain when you mouse over an enemy during combat. It'll be fixed in the 4.1.1 hotfix. In the meantime you could zero out the Game option "Voice Frequency" if it's very annoying.
  6. Thanks for point that out! It'll be fixed in the 4.1.1 hotfix.
  7. This will be fixed in v4.1.1. It only happens when inspecting grimoires in stores and containers.
  8. No, that won't work unfortunately, you can only put one GUID in there. I could potentially add support for it if I have time.
  9. Yes, you can change voice audio, though it doesn't support the override directory. The files are in 'Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\StreamingAssets\Audio\Windows\Voices\English(US)', and player voice sets have the player_ prefix. You need to build the audio into the wem format with Wwise, which is free, but only for non-commercial use.
  10. Try it again on today's patch. I loaded one of your Abovedeck saves and was able to exit to the world map.
  11. If you have data that was set up for RtwP it should, for the most part, just work in Turn-Based. There are a number of rules we use to re-interpret the data to make it work, and they have been very reliable for our own data. Certain effects might become a lot less useful in turn-based mode just based on what they do, though. If you find that that's the case you can use different status effects in turn-based mode. You just need to create a new status effect that does what you want in turn-based. Include both effects in the status effect list, and add InclusionConditions to them that use the IsTacticalModeEnabled() condition. The Black_Jacket ability, for example, does this. Also, we just moved the newer patch notes over to this forum. Today I'm mostly waiting to see what crazy problems you all might find, haha.
  12. Keno San Pablo and Mitch Loidolt also helped us out with the new UI elements. I hope everybody enjoys the new mode starting on Thursday!
  13. Haha, yes, "Tactical Mode" is used in the code and the data to refer to turn-based mode. Remember that the game does automatically generate strings for status effects (not abilities, though), so you only have to use that if it doesn't do what you want.
  14. Yeah, it would be good to support that as well. If there is time I'll take another look at that. Yes, you can still override the tables the old way, and they will continue to "work" as they did before (i.e. they won't contain any changes we made to them in 4.1 and won't work with other mods on the same table).
  15. You can use AreGuidsSameObject with Target and the GUID of the companion you want, which you can find in the CompanionGameData (CompanionGuidString) or with printinstance as described here.
  16. Thanks for the report - this will be fixed in the next build.
  17. I think the IndexOutOfRange is because when overriding the ExperienceReference array on the ExperienceTable object, you've left out the entries for levels 1-19. While there is a field for "Level" in those entries, it's just for readability - the code actually ignores it entirely and uses the index of the element in the array. So with your mod installed, it thinks the experience table only supports levels 1-14 (remember that overriding an array replaces the entire array with the new one - it's not ordinarily possible to simply append more items to an existing array; you have to duplicate the whole thing, unfortunately). This probably explains why you see the problem more often in the Forgotten Sanctum as it's a high-level area that has a higher concentration of traps that are greater than level 14. Secondly, the Levels in the ExperienceTable don't actually correspond to character levels, but actually to the difficulty levels that are set on individual quests, traps, and encounters. So unless your mod is changing some of those, I don't think you need to override that object at all, as there are none in the game that are set to higher than level 20.
  18. That code looks a bit janky to me, there's definitely a bug in there where it won't award XP for level 20 traps (though I didn't see any of those in a quick look through the DLC levels). With the doors not unlocking, it sounds like there's some kind of exception being thrown. If it is an exception and you can acquire an output_log from after seeing the issue, it should be relatively easy to fix and I can take a look at it.
  19. You should be familiar with the Modding Basic Concepts tutorial before following this one. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to use a BaseProgressionTableAppendGameData object to add a new ability to a class progression table (ClassProgressionTableGameData) in the game. You can also use this object to modify character progression tables (CharacterProgressionTableGameData). BaseProgressionTableAppendGameData is a new game data type that was added in v4.1.0. It simply contains a list of abilities that can be unlocked (along with the requirements needed to unlock them), and a reference to an existing progression table where you want to insert those abilities. Here's an example game data object I created for this tutorial. This object adds the talent Fast Runner as an eligible talent for Priests at Power Level 1. { "GameDataObjects": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.BaseProgressionTableAppendGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Priest_FastRunner", "ID": "5ec6e46a-4e3f-4f78-affe-0d7477d3b97f", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.BaseProgressionTableAppendComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "BaseTableID": "a52e8b61-9343-4716-8a55-3168be143cc4", "AbilityUnlocks": [ { "Note": "", "Category": "General", "UnlockStyle": "Unlock", "ActivationObject": "Self", "AddAbilityID": "935b1a37-6f38-4ccc-bbc7-296f0f76790f", "RemoveAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Prerequisites": { "MinimumCharacterLevel": 1, "PowerLevelRequirement": { "ClassID": "f7cb46af-a719-41c0-9a53-107eefdbce2b", "MinimumPowerLevel": 1 }, "RequiresAbilityID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "Conditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "VisibilityConditional": { "Operator": 0, "Components": [] }, "IsMutuallyExclusiveUpgrade": "true" } } ] } ] } ] } This object only has two properties: BaseTableID - the GUID of the existing table to modify. For example, "a52e8b61-9343-4716-8a55-3168be143cc4" represents the PT_Priest table. AbilityUnlocks - a list of UnlockableAbility entries to add to the specified table. You can find detailed information about the various properties of UnlockableAbility by clicking the link. By adding abilities to progression tables this way, you will avoid conflicts with other mods and compatibility problems with updated versions of the game.
  20. It looks like we're having some trouble overwriting some temp files. Can you try deleting the folder 'C:/Users/dcamp/AppData/Local/Temp/Obsidian Entertainment/Pillars of Eternity II/TempSaveData' while the game is not running? If you have an antivirus program, it could also be interfering with the game as it's trying to move files around, so you might try disabling it or adding an exception for Pillars of Eternity if that doesn't work.
  21. Hi everybody. Sorry for the very long wait on this one. We've finally been able to reproduce this internally. In the meantime, this visual effect will be disabled on Radeon cards. This workaround will be in
  22. Even if the job you want to apply for isn't currently listed, it still could be worthwhile to send your application in. That way the hiring people already have your application in front of them if a position like that becomes available. It also happens that sometimes we might have an opening, but we haven't posted it to the website because we already know about some people we want to interview. Just use the name of the position your saw before, or the position you want.
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