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Everything posted by NCarver

  1. Hey all, just to update here - We are working on pushing this patch live very soon, we are just waiting for final word on certification and then we should be good to go. Thanks for understanding and apologies for the long timeline on this one, we just wanted to be extra sure we got all the platforms in line and gave plenty of time for folks to get eyes on the beta. Will update soon!
  2. Nice! I'm glad you were able to find a solution. Sorry you had to troubleshoot in the first place. I'll keep an eye out for this, it's not uncommon for CPU advancements to need to be throttled for legacy titles. I've seen similar threads where users have had to limit cores in much the same way. Since we have your DxDiag, perhaps we can re-create this and investigate a better long term solution. Thanks for the report!
  3. Hello @Unfated, I'm sorry you are experiencing this issue. I'll collect the save game + DxDiag and so we can track the issue internally. Though if you could check once more for the output_log.txt (OR playerlog.txt depending on your current version of the game) in the location of your installation (For example on Steam you would find the log at: \Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\output_log.txt), that would go a long way to determine what the issue might be. It usually sorts among the various level0->level164 files so it can help to use the search feature to find it. Please note, you'll need to upload the output_log immediately following a crash for it to include any critical info, as it gets overwritten each time the game is launched. To try and offer potential solutions in the meantime, here are a few things you might try: Confirm that your GPU drivers are up to date. Consider verifying the integrity of game files (available on steam when right-clicking the game in your library) or do a fresh install of the game as an alternative. Try running the game in administrator mode. Check if the issue continues in windowed mode and on a lower resolution (e.g. 1280x1024) Lastly, if on Steam / GOG you might try viewing the alternate beta branches for the title and trying reverting to the "Legacy" branch for build 1318. (This may offer a different environment to avoid the issue. Though please note saved games made on newer versions won't appear on older builds)
  4. Hi folks, I'm sorry for this issue. If you possess a save game that will not load on or later, due to it being created with DLC you did not purchase, please send us a support ticket along with your GOG or Steam username and a copy of a save game that has the issue (if multiple saves are affected, you only need to send 1 so we can verify). We have keys to provide you free access to the DLC as compensation and that will also resolve the issue and allow you to continue playing on the latest patches. Obsidian Support Save file location: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity\
  5. @King_Kotan - I'm sorry for this issue. Can you please confirm that you have the Free Deadfire DLC pack installed on Steam? - It is not automatically included on any of the different tiers or editions of the game (e.g. Definitive Edition or White March 1/2), but can be installed for free from the DLC store page on Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/734070/Pillars_of_Eternity__Deadfire_Pack/?curator_clanid=7038991 This DLC may have been part of your save game from the patch in June and installing it may resolve your issue.
  6. Hey folks, please reach out to support as Chris mentioned above if you are unable to see your save due to not owning the DLC, but having had it included in your save game. We have keys to provide you free access to the DLC as compensation and that will also resolve the issue and allow you to continue playing on the latest patches. You can also swap to the "prev_update" public branch on Steam and you should be able to see your saves and continue playing while awaiting a response from support. Also, for those that have seen some items missing, please check if you have installed the free Deadfire DLC pack. If not, installing that DLC should fix your issue.
  7. Investigating this internally, it appears to be the same issue as the DLC issue in the patch notes. You most likely don't have the free Deadfire DLC pack installed, but from the last build (which incidentally included files from that DLC) you likely acquired and were using items from that DLC. You should be able to download the Deadfire DLC pack for free and load your save correctly. Please let us know if that resolves your issue.
  8. Hi @futurepast, I'm very sorry your character is in this state. We haven't seen this issue internally, so any information you can provide along with a save game exhibiting the issue would go a long way. Would you mind uploading your save file either here or send a copy to us through https://support.obsidian.net/#contact From the info provided, it sounds like your items may still be a part of your save and on your character, but are not being loaded in correctly or are missing on disk. While we await your save to investigate further, you might try repairing your local installation to reconcile any potential missing/corrupt files in your install directory. You may also try using the command 'iRoll20s' in the console and manually adding one of the items you know to be missing. If the item doesn't appear and the command was typed correctly, then it would support that you are missing files on your local installation. If the item does add correctly, then as a workaround you might wish to use that route to replace some of the missing items while we investigate further on our end. Edit* - Also, which DLC do you have purchased/installed (Including the free Deadfire DLC pack)?
  9. Hi folks, sorry for the delayed response, we've been heads down working on the deployment of this patch. We're anticipating to release in the coming weeks, we're just locking in deployment on the various platforms now. Currently we are targeting Steam, Game Pass, GOG, and Epic Store for PC. We've also been working on Mac and Linux builds, which we're hoping to push in a separate patch along with more continued improvements and bug fixes. Thank you all for your patience and support.
  10. Greetings! To anyone having difficulties finding the public beta, our apologies for not specifying - the beta branch does not yet support Mac/Linux, this is something we're investigating. Sorry for the confusion, I'll keep you posted if we make progress on this front. Also, for comments on One-Eyed Molina's Gold-Fingered Spike-Flinger and other Deadfire pack soulbound weapon groups, I'll make sure we correct that for the next build of this patch. Thanks for the support on this one. For answers to other questions, see below! @Mraicor One trap per character and/or trap talents. This is a little outside the scope for this patch, but there's definitely a community desire for better trap archetype support and it's not outside of possibility for a future patch. I'll track this and put it to consideration. Thanks for calling attention to it! I'll also make sure each of the other issues you reported are tracked and investigated as well (Korgrak, The Old Watcher, Deadfire items (mentioned above)). Thanks for the support! @Kvellen Output logs should exist at - [Your LocalDrive]\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\output_log @Space-Cadet No PC controller support at this time. Though, if the opportunity presents itself, it's something I'd like to investigate in the future. @DicesMuse This patch is focused on PC at this time. @Macklin I'll have to investigate the missing commentary tracks, if we have access to them we may be able to restore them in the future. Thanks for calling attention to the issue. @beger Thank you for the support. We've tracked the text size discrepancy and will investigate. @Cerebro83 We've tracked the VFX issue with the Cinders of Fate quest, thanks for your support! @VerNOX We would like to investigate all mods that provide fixes to known issues of the game to ideally incorporate them. Though please bear with us as we work to catch them all. In the meantime, you may wish to use mods for any we have yet to address. Also, thank you for reporting the high-resolution sharpness issue, I'll make sure we investigate this as well. @kronozord The public beta is on Steam only, but when the patch goes live Epic & GoG is expected to be included in the update. Also, this patch has no relation to Avowed, we simply love all of our games and the fans that play them and have an opportunity to make some improvements for everyone involved. @sirrus233 I'll put the suggestion for the original title screen in our database, it would be nice to see again. @Mister_Nobody We'll need to investigate this issue further; do you happen to have a save game you could provide to our support team? If so, we might be able to track down the root cause more easily. If not, we'll do our best to reproduce it on our end with the info you provided. Either way, thanks for letting us know! @Silvaren Thanks for reporting the athletics issue, I'll make sure it's tracked and investigated. @Nightwing32 I'll get the lack of mercy option tracked and investigated. Thanks! @davoker I'll make sure we investigate these issues, especially Psychic and Brutal Backlash. Thanks! @Chaospread I mentioned One-Eyed Molina above, but thanks for also reporting the inconsistency with Korgrak as well. I'll make sure this is tracked. Thanks! @warralek We plan to give the patch a healthy runway to make sure there are no big issues from the engine upgrade, during this time we may update the build version on the public beta once or twice before going live. There's no set timeline for how long that will be, but if we don't see many new issues, or we've resolved most of them, we'll wrap it up and investigate other issues. Thanks everyone for your participation in this beta, your feedback, and your dedication to the game. EDIT** - Also for those that are concerned about your favorite mods that may become invalidated on Steam after the patch goes live, we are investigating moving the current live version to a legacy branch when the new patch goes live. This should allow those that wish to continue their existing playthrough with their current mods to do so. And will give some runway for any popular mods to be updated down the line. More on this as we get closer to release.
  11. Hey folks, It's great to see so many familiar faces, and new ones too! Right now we're taking a lot of caution to make sure the game is stable with the unity engine update and we aren't introducing any major new issues. However, I'll make sure we investigate both the trap potency and the cursor flickering issues as well. It'll be great fix up some of those long-time nuisances. (and a few others too!) @callistege - Yes, you should be able to continue your current play-through on the public beta branch. However, please note that the branch is a newer version of the game, and we tend to restrict loading newer saves on older versions, so any save games you make on the public beta won't be valid on the Release branch until the new patch goes live. Thanks everyone for your support, and if you happen to find anything else you'd like to report feel free to pass them along and we'll do our best to track and work through them!
  12. We have a fix for this internally, it should be ready in the next patch. Apologies for the delay on this one.
  13. This is a known bug and should be fixed in our next patch. Thanks!
  14. There is indeed an issue here with stacked damage multipliers adjusting values multiple times. We are working to fix this in our next hotfix patch. Thank you again for the continued support!
  15. Thank you for the post, Boeroer. This was on our radar and I believe we've now got a fix in for this. We should have this updated in a future build. Thanks again!
  16. We should have this fixed for the next update. Thank you for the continued support.
  17. When investigating this, I'm seeing that all of the Imbue spells are each benefiting from Power Level scaling in some way. If you have an example you could share, then I could dig further and see if perhaps there is a hidden issue here. I will note that I plan to change the default scaling for Imbue: Missiles so that it adds additional missiles for higher power levels. This type of scaling seems to better fit with what is expected and this should be updated in a future build. I'll list here each imbue spell and what you should be seeing from scaling (in case that helps to see the results) - You can test each of these by either comparing a low level ranger to a higher level one using the ability, or by Empowering these abilities and comparing results in the combat log. Imbue: Missiles - Projectile Count / Damage / Penetration Imbue: Web - Accuracy / Duration Imbue: Fireball - Accuracy / Damage / Penetration Imbue: Eora - Accuracy / Duration Imbue: Death - Accuracy / Damage / Penetration As always, thank you for the continued support, please let us know how things go as you continue to try out the new content. -Nick
  18. Hello Boeroer, Thank you for the continued support! I've just tested both Fire in the Hole and a Rod (with modal active), while possessing the Driving Flight passive and I'm seeing imbue trigger on the bounced attacks every time. I've tried each of the imbue abilities and they all seem to work correctly in this regard. As far as the logic is concerned, there's nothing that I could see that would prohibit these weapons in any way. Still, I'll ask QA to keep an eye out for this and try to reproduce it. Thanks again!
  19. Thank you for the bug report. This is indeed more scaling than was intended. Summoned weapon scaling is intended to stand in place of quality scaling and so is Transcendent Suffering/Monastic Unarmed Training. This should be addressed in a future build. Thanks!
  20. Thanks for the bug report, Boeroer. We should have the AOE issue resolved in the next update, however at this time we are thinking of preserving the existing behavior with Driving Flight. Please continue to let us know how this feels and if you see any other issues. Thanks!!
  21. Thank you for the bug report, Takkik. Were you perhaps starting a new character and testing just after the prologue? We have a known issue where just after a character is created Brilliant Tactician will track flanking status on some character objects that have been destroyed and it will prevent you from gaining the effect. This corrects itself after a save/load and we hope to have this fixed soon. Thanks again!
  22. 1. Did you make changes to your character via debug commands, per chance? We cache health values and only update maximum health when it is changed formally. So if you made changes via debug you probably just need to take some damage for it to correct itself. 2. I'll dig further into this, I'm not sure what the exact issue may be, but it's possible there are outside influences, such as the cipher passive "The Empty Soul" which provides an accuracy bonus to Will targeting cipher spells (which would only affect Telekinetic Burst). 3. We are looking into this, the values are variable based on character level. We want to be sure not to make the stat block unreadable or difficult to parse by adding too much bloat. That being said, it may be possible we can trim this down. Thanks for the bug report! 4. This should be fixed in our next update. 5. The intent is for Psion to generate focus less quickly compared to other cipher subclasses (or lack thereof). However, Psion is unique in that it can consistently generate Focus when other ciphers normally could not, such as when playing attack animations, casting spells, moving, etc... Psion is specifically intended to fill a gap where cipher previously conflicted with builds not focused directly on damage, or for those that wanted a cipher multiclassed with a wizard, priest, chanter, druid, etc.. who normally would not receive any focus, unless forgoing spellcasting to auto-attack. The current values may appear low, but please give them a try and let us know how they feel. Thank you all for the bug reports!
  23. Thank you for the bug report. This should be fixed in our next update.
  24. Thanks for the bug report. This should be fixed in the next update.
  25. Thanks for the bug report! This should be fixed in the next update.
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