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Everything posted by AnakinSolo2002

  1. um, when has one of these petitions ever done something? Serisously, it's on the internet even, who's gonna go an see it and care?
  2. thats funny as hell ive LOVE the kreia/mission one :D , and especially the HK condom one :D (w00t) . <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hehe, yeah the HK one, I started out kinda with that line from ANH when the one stormtrooper picks up the metal washer lookin thing and says.., "Look Sir, droids." always liked that line, And dono where I got the condom idea from, but then when I had him use the word meatbag... it just clicked... I mean, crazy, lol, thought to myself... "No way.." haha yeah and the Mission one, lol, I hated/hate kreia so much, and I was tryin to think up something to just turn her into another hot chick, oh and who better.... Mission... :ph34r: I'm not a peodophile dammit... I didn't know... lol I love how I had her say "and doooon't worry," cause how, I think, she would drag words out like that sometimes, in her oh so cute/sexy voice... I think she said something more like "now doooon't you worry... I won't let this thing with my brother effect our mission...." Maybe I should add in 'you' eh doesn't matter, still great. hehe.
  3. Atton: "Yeah, I'll stop contradicting myself each time you choose something to say... and I'll take my ADD medicine as prescribed..." HanHar: *commits suicide* t3-M4: *speaks english, and repairs it's self" HandMaiden: "Remember that hidden compartment you found before? Well, there's another one and I'll show you it anytime you like. And you can call me whatever you damn well please." Mira: "I really, really, REALLY have a thing for older guys... and well, I'll be younger than you for the rest of my life..." Visas: "Why are you always worried about my damn face and asking me to remove my veil? Stop and think for a second, since that is the only visual compromising part of my BODY (*hint*), oh nevermind... Oh Fu@k it.." *takes off gown* etc.... Kreia: "I have to tell you something... I've been lying all along, I'm not really... I didn't really lose my hand.... Well these sleeves were just way too long, and I couldn't find anything that could paint over blue and... This is a mask... *removes mask....* My name is Mission, umm Revan told me about you... Anyway, sorry about this disguize... I I just really wanted to meet you... and well I'm of age now... and doooon't worry... Revan tought me everything." HK-47: Amused Observation: *picks up used condom* "Look Master, Meatbags..." Disciple: *ERR... character stats/everything lost... please redesign character... your choices are... 1) Slighty corrupted Disciple character, who will now act Homosexual. 2) Bastila 3) Mission Vao's [even hotter] twin 4) Griff in a cage. 5) Game Bug Fixing Droid 6) design a new character *error, must be female, with all that gay dialouge it'll have to be* Bao-Dur: "Sorry General, I'm too tired to help you with this, you'll have to make the Lightsaber yourself, I'm sure you're better at it than I am." GO-TO: "Please deactivate me..."
  4. Just because you keep asking a "magic 8-ball" a question doesn't mean that you'll ever get the answer you want; and even if you do, it doesn't mean it'll ever come true... random bs: LA (in reference to 'next' patch): You guys can say and do whatever you want, if there will be a patch, you'll know when we release it. We have all the power, none of it is yours, there's nothing you could do to change that. We have no reason to fear you, the general public. GP (us, quoting Yoda, in one scary ass voice): You will be, You will be...
  5. You don't have to start a new game but you will miss out on getting a few of the Party npc's sabers, For instance When Kreia joins your party she will have her own lightsaber. If you start after she has joined, you will miss out on that one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> hehehe, I know... I'm so damn excited ahhhh.... lol I'm sorry I wasn't able to contribute, never had the time to actually learn to model, I did almost once, always has facinated me (well since 3d began anyway, lol), but I have been watching this since about the first post, very exciting day... though I have ta werk tomorrow so I'll need some sleep. arrrr I'm so mad.... EDIT: oh yeah almost forgot.... heh, whats another 8 hours... (lucky I stopped playing, and hadn't gotten tooo far, I just bought me a light saber crystal) lol. one quick question though, by anychance is there anyway to convince Atris to hand over yer old one?? aye? aye? EDIT2: DAMMIT DAMMIT.... AHHHHHH why why why.... lol, I swear I'm gonna keep whining all night about how mad I am I have to work tomorrow, crap crap crap, if I didn't, I would seriously play through the whole make from now till finishing. This is the way this game is meant to be played. What this mod means to me: Light Saber's are what make Star Wars what it is, now it may not make the Jedi, BUT It defines or it is defined by the personality/character of the user. This mod will bring the real Star Wars out of this game, I'm sure it will be so perfect.... I... I... can't put it into words what I'm feeling right now, lol. this is my face right now> + (w00t) .... I literally almost creamed my pants... :D
  6. bah, you've ruined my day, and my night, just when I get GTA:SA you pull this crap on me, if you had only been a few hours or even a day earlier.... grrrr, lol. I can't believe it's out... I'm in awe, crap, so this means I have to start a new char again, doesn't it?..... grrr otherwise, so gladddddd I am unable to thank you...
  7. The problem I have with not having everyone potentially become a jedi is that I would never use them. If you noticed, it was almost imperritive that you had them all jedi, when you split up, remember? Other wise that part would never have gone too well.
  8. lol, did you play gta3 on pc when it came out? It had lots of performance issues. (as well as buggs GALORE) Esspecially with kotor1&2 being rpg's there are so many more things that can go wrong. gta's are pretty much just one big map, k1&2 are tons of small maps and each one will have it's own separate issues. the ps2 isn't quite as powerfull as the xbox, plus kotor is atleast a year forward in technology, so intel onboard 4mb chips aint gonna play it. gta was d3d pretty sure, k is ogl, and ogl is going to create way more problems. rockstar probably cared more and didn't have LA breathing down their necks. All I can say, from personal opinion, is that they did the best they could with the time that was allowed. Yes, I saw what was coming a mile, or two away, did that help? No. The game looks amazing on my PC, and I'd never play it on xbox over my PC, no thanks.
  9. hmm, thought it was in space, and well, it's speculation, cuase we don't know, and don't have anyway to find out.
  10. well, they would atleast have it under... heh.... Known Issues
  11. OOh I bet in the patch release notes they will have somehting to this effect: Trouble shooting... I am having trouble telling the difference between the origional videos and these new Hi-*coughBS*-res videos, is there any way I can check to make sure they installed correctly? Please contact your local eye care proffessional, because only with perfect eyesight would you be able to detect the minimal difference this update makes I am having extreme performance issues (i.e. laaaag, or slowdowns) now that I have installed the new soundtrack patch, what can/should I do to resolve this? Please exit the game and open the SWKotOR2 Config. Utility and place a check mark next to 'Disable sound,' you may also need to do the same with the 'Disable Movies' option. heh, I wouldn't be surprised lol...
  12. If light(form of energy) has NO mass, and say you are travelling at that speed, how do you have a mass at all, let alone an infinite one? Infinite mass makes no sense to me, however having a negitive mass would allow you to travel faster than the speed of light.
  13. If by mental you mean actually use my brain, then yes. If that had actually made any sense I would have asked, "and you would know this how?" I don't really agree at all with anything you said, so answer these... If the "hole" doesn't lead anywhere, and the object broke up, where did the peices go? With it being a collpsed(imploded) star, yes true, but it's not of infinite mass, not mass really at all, it's of the exact opposite mass that the star had. Since a star is energy, when it's imploded it's made negative, so if something is pulled into it and the object is converted into energy, where does the energy go? (since a black hole is the opposite of energy)
  14. First time I played KotOR 1 through myself, I sorta started out as if it was myself being in the game, mostly neutral. then I went a bit toward the DS then it just got a little too burtal, and I didn't dislike my party members, well most of them, enough to want to kill them by the end. Around when I met Bindo I decided to go on back toward the LS because There's no point on picking on innocent people, absolutelly no gratification, though when firghting the DS finally, I did so with eExtreme prejudice, hehe. Though I forgave whom I could.
  15. Just a quick reply/thought. When did George say that "Hyperspace travel" was at the speed of light? Let alone anywhere near that speed. If he did, then I'm mistaken. Also the whole vaccum thing and space has never made sense to me. How can space be a vaccum? Saying Space is a Vacuum would make me assume that there is a central force pulling everything in a certain direction. This is obviosly not the case. However, there are 'objects' in 'space' that do 'pull' other smaller objects, but they have nothing to do with it being a 'vaccum.' About Black Holes, if the 'things' that eventually pass through, to keep physics, they would have to end up somewhere, whether or not they are identical to what had entered will be up to debate untill someone gets the gutts. Hey, I'd do it, Sounds like a whole hell of a lot of fun. I postulate that since you cannot really constiture space as a 'vaccum,' becaue a vaccum has to be held in something and with space being infinite as far as we know, that when something enters a black hole it just comes back out another one somewhere else in space exactly as it was before. If it didn't then the black hole by it's own deffinition couldn't exist, because the hole would, in theory have to be identical at both "ends" if it wasn't it would not be able to sustain it's self. Also about "the speed of light in a vaccum" There's no way for time travel to work with light speed, it's too damn slow, just think about it. Black Holes may but no quicker than that same instant. More about "HyperSpace" If you noticed in the movies, it took time to travel in, so 1 it's not time travel, but I don't know if it's light speed or faster, you would think it would have to be faster though. And about runing into "things" in space, I don't know, or can't think up anything to answer that, But when they came in to The Alderaan System they were being hit by asteriods at the time. FYI: I like to talk out of my ass a lot, so if any of that is true or correct, it was pure luck.
  16. KotOR 1 was awesome, K2 was a decent sequel, weird thing is I was satisfied when K2 ended, not because it had a "great" end or anything like that, but it gave K1 a great following, everything tied in well.
  17. Psst. He lies. He wont ever use that name. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Its true. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol, you guys should always have your sense of humor ready while on 'forums,' sepecially these ones, instead of wippen em out a bit too late... If I had REALLY been that worried about you guys "stealing" the name, lol, do you think I would have posted it?
  18. yes I know, yeah well there's acharacter in LOTR with the name Arawen or close, not if you're me. No, I was just acting(jokin around). spelling correctly is for teh teahers... ha
  19. My friend and I made up a kick azz name for when we played through K2 on his xbox and it was "Arwen Pael" (guys name not a girls), sounds pretty starwarsish to me. Thought it was great. Now don't go copying it! lol. it's mine! mine! lol. But we were quite proud, I've never made up a good one before. I think the new Char shoudl have that name, and it is partially unisex, which would work aswell, "Arawen" is a bit more feminine er whaever, jsut an Idea. 'Arwen Pael' Copywrite 2005 CJK All rights reserved lol
  20. Ummm, well It's still "down" but I went to the main page... and bunch o weird junk about something confusing. Hopefully that was just you guy's server and you aren't closing down indefinatelly... I know stuff like this happens, but I just wanted to make sure, I hope everything is alright.
  21. well all them peeps who jumped off buildings while on LSD thought they had the "power" to fly aswell...
  22. GO-TO Hell! ...nuff said gurrrrr...
  23. Yeah I guess I missed that two... Guys, they just want them to be in the plot "actively" thats all...
  24. I totally agree with this, we have to lose this time, It's gotta be back in forth. I think both Revan and Exile should die near the end in K3, and Revan should have a kid with Bastila, and Exile with one of the ladies, OR have Revan be a dude and Exile be female and them have a child and someone finds it... I'm going to stop before I ramble on for 3 hours, time for bed...
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