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Everything posted by GreasyDogMeat

  1. When I first heard of F.E.A.R. I was hoping it would be something like the X-Files, where each 'chapter' would involve fighting/investigating some different paranormal event. I've been kind of disapointed about the entire focus on Alma (the freaky girl) and the entire game taking place in warehouses and offices. I hope they open up the environments more... maybe a spooky forest or something...
  2. Just about everything after 1979 has reason, or was a tragic mistake (shooting down the airline). After kidnapping embassy staff you honestly think the U.S. is going to be nicey nicey with Iran? You also forgot to mention Iranian terrorists currently in Iraq killing U.S. soldiers, which makes me wonder whatever events you have failed to mention/copy and paste. http://www.krysstal.com/democracy_iran.html Again, I don't remember calling Iran 'evil'. Your hero Ahmadinejad, on the other hand... You call me a blind patriot yet you are unwilling to admit anything negative about Ahmadinejad. Blind patriot indeed.
  3. except that you are... you seem to be condemning Iran because of their leader. All people have at least A redeeming quality if you look closely. For example Ahmandinejad seems to have a green side to him and has rationed gasoline to remove the dependence on oil. My hope, as I've said a while back, is that the Iranian people will stand up and change the situation. I don't see how that is condemning all of Iran. "All people have at least A redeeming quality if you look closely." Yeah... I'm sure Hitler had his soft spots too. I just feel the genocide of homosexuals and his apocalyptic beliefs combined with him trying to aquire nuclar weapons outweigh his good side.
  4. My problem is HIS unwillingness to accept other views. I'm not the one condemning entire countries of being evil or praising a man like Ahmadinejad.
  5. Space Mutiny & Manos Hands of Fate are probably the greatest episodes ever. Space Mutiny http://www.moviesfoundonline.com/mst3k_space_mutiny.htm Manos http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=76...h&plindex=8
  6. Wow..... Such wisdom.... I mean... Wow.... Look in the mirror... Wow... Yeah... Dehumaning or dehumanizing? ------------------------ @Aram: But master.... The call of the dark side is strong..... ------------------------ @Calax: In 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon killing 17,500 people. No photographs of the victims were ever displayed in Western newspapers. No minutes' silence were held in any Western city. Over 1500 Palestinians (mainly women and children) were killed in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps by Christian militia while Israeli forces sealed the exits and illuminated the area. The USA had arranged a deal where the Palestinian leadership left Lebanon for Tunisia, promising that the families left behind would be protected by "the International Community". As a reminder, the refugee camps were in Lebanon because the inhabitants had been expelled from their homes in Palestine either in 1948 (when the State of Israel was set up) or 1967 (when the West Bank and Gaza were occupied). The Israeli Defence Minister in charge of the invasion, one Ariel Sharon, was found to be responsible for the massacre by a court in Israel. Such a person might expect to be tried for war crimes. In fact, he became Prime Minister of Israel and, twenty years later, was called "a man of peace" by the USA president, George W Bush. To add further insult to the pain and indignation felt by Arabs, between 1982 and 1983, the USA vetoed six separate United Nations resolutions condemning the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. One of the reasons the USA gave in 2003 when it invaded Iraq was "to uphold the authority of the United Nations". In September 2002, the anniversary of a terrorist attack in the USA (known in the West as 9/11 even though most of the world's countries write that date as 11/9) was remembered with silences held around the country and in Europe. A few days later, the 20th anniversary of the Sabra and Shatilla massacres that still anger the Arabs was completely ignored in the Western media. These double standards are a major cause of resentment against the West. I wonder if your highschool history teacher is aware of this.... ------------------------------------ You sir, are a MASTER DEBATER! "Wow..... Such wisdom.... I mean... Wow.... Look in the mirror... Wow... Yeah... Dehumaning or dehumanizing?" POW! You really destroyed that argument by... correcting spelling... owned!! Page worth of replys mentioning your biased news sources... and you come back with a body slam of MORE biased news! Please tell me this extra news also didn't come from your well-infromed mosque! You condemn Sharon, but is Yassar Arafat your hero? Please... I'd like to hear about how great a guy Yassar Arafat was! Nevermind, you already think Ahmadinejad is a great guy.
  7. Jesus. I thought that was just a stereotype. Unfortunately not Ooo I hate you so much right now! Nobody click on that damn link! Except Yuusha... check it out man!
  8. Calling Israel evil... that must help rationalize all the suicide bombings and 'faults' of Ahmadinejad. Guess the U.S. had 9-11 coming for supporting Israel too. "For most of the 20th century, we Muslims have been getting our asses kicked time and time again by the combined powers of Israel and the USA. We're constantly being insulted, ridiculed and demonized in the media so friggin much that some of us sometimes just want to 'submit' to the will of our oppressors. "Stop it! We've had enough... Just stop..." This is what one of my sisters said before breaking down in tears in my mosque when we heard news of yet another Israeli atrocity. My brothers? They're enraged. The word "JIHAD" was heard repeatedly. Me? I just sat there feeling like crap, cursing my powerlessness." Gee, I wonder if your mosque reports on all of the terrorist and Palestinian atrocities. Did they do a little announcement on Hamas attacks from civilian targets and how they used the counter attacks as propaganda? "Look at big bad Israel firing on civilian targets!" You talk of media spin while getting your news from a mosque... irony? "Stop it! We've had enough... Just stop..." Yeah, its all Israels fault... it wouldn't require any joint effort would it? How many Israeli mothers say the same thing when they learn their son or daughter has been turned into chunky mix thanks to some **** blowing himself up on a crowded bus or mall?
  9. Any good ones? The Adam Miller one started well, but I haven't even finished NWN2 yet so I didn't play much. My current favorites are C1: The Hidden Shrine of Tomoachan and Pool of Radiance Remastered. Hidden Shrine a pnp remake, but with some great new twists and an added story to go along with the dungeon crawl. The author did a great job making a Mayan/Maztica setting for the module. Pool of Radiance is 2/3rds finished. It starts a bit slow but I really love how the module progresses. It really breathes new life into the first D&D video game ever made and its a great remake. Can't wait for the final chapter. I'm currently trying the top 3 highest rated modules, Tragidor, Dark Waters and Nestlehaven so I haven't formed an opinion of them yet. Tomoachan won't work for me :sad: It goes into "unpacking module" phase and stucks in it, nothing happens. It does that for some reason in the 1.07 beta. You need to run in 1.06. Dunno if it works or not in 1.10.
  10. Ask yourself why all we`ve been hearing is about the remark homosexuals now turned into genocide of homosexuals with everything else on the table. What did he say about US military involment in Iraq and the region? About the civil war in Iraq? About his nuclear desires? About the threats with war to his state? Lol none of that matters much right, its the ommosexuals remark that gets the CNN headlines lol! If you lot would be any more "openminded" you could shut off your brain and just relly on your cerebellum to get you through life... missdirection at its finest heh... what, we`re gonna bomb Vatican city next if this is what *really* matters? @Whoever had the bright idea of barring him from the UN: The country that flipped its middle finger the most at the UN and internationall law/community (time and time and time again) is none other than the land of the free lol... Just to make that clear, if we`re looking at who morally "deserves" to be there heh... We're hearing it because its the most out there in your face view into his countries bigotry, genocide and danger to the rest of the world. What the hell does the Vatican have to do with this?? Oh, because they condemn homosexuality? There is a huge freaking difference between disagreeing with a 'life-style' and murdering them for it. Do you honestly believe the man? There are no homosexuals in Iran? Why do you think that is huh? Either he is ignorant of his own countries populace, or, gasp, his country kills them and homosexuals must either flee the country (which I've seen interviews of) or they are hanged. It amazes me the vileness coming straight from the horses mouth, and people are ignoring it. Or they are quiet about it like some catholic priests when pope starts going on about it lol... The point is it imvho thakes a wee bit more to go blow things/people up than different views... It amazes me that after the Iraq episode the same turn of events seems to be unfolding with Iran and people ignore it, heck, they cry out for blood. Except for arguably even more BS reasons, like questioning homosexuality and scope of nazi genocide... you gotta be kidding me? You`d actually support war for that? For 1 mans radical statements and views? Christ, the funny thing is I`ve heard worse **** on republican conventions Isn`t one bloodbath we can`t see ourself out of enough for you lol??? Ah but then there is oil and regional stability of puppet regiemes... First of all, I'm not calling for war with Iran. Also, we aren't talking about 'different views'. A different view would be Ahmadinejad coming out and condemning homosexuals. Big difference between condemning/denying the existence of homosexuals and murdering them. That isn't a 'different' view'. Unless all the Iranian homosexuals who have fled the country under threat of death are lying and those photos/videos of homesexual executions are faked. Nah, there are no homosexuals in Iran! You keep talking like Americans WANT a war with Iran. What Americans (well, atleast myself) are afraid of is this lunatic aquiring nuclear weapons and starting his own world war. I'd rather see Israel handle this situation for once. Actually, I'd REALLY like to see the Iranian public stand up and handle their own situation.
  11. Star Wars Boogie Nights edition. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9bKAZDRi4o
  12. Ask yourself why all we`ve been hearing is about the remark homosexuals now turned into genocide of homosexuals with everything else on the table. What did he say about US military involment in Iraq and the region? About the civil war in Iraq? About his nuclear desires? About the threats with war to his state? Lol none of that matters much right, its the ommosexuals remark that gets the CNN headlines lol! If you lot would be any more "openminded" you could shut off your brain and just relly on your cerebellum to get you through life... missdirection at its finest heh... what, we`re gonna bomb Vatican city next if this is what *really* matters? @Whoever had the bright idea of barring him from the UN: The country that flipped its middle finger the most at the UN and internationall law/community (time and time and time again) is none other than the land of the free lol... Just to make that clear, if we`re looking at who morally "deserves" to be there heh... We're hearing it because its the most out there in your face view into his countries bigotry, genocide and danger to the rest of the world. What the hell does the Vatican have to do with this?? Oh, because they condemn homosexuality? There is a huge freaking difference between disagreeing with a 'life-style' and murdering them for it. Do you honestly believe the man? There are no homosexuals in Iran? Why do you think that is huh? Either he is ignorant of his own countries populace, or, gasp, his country kills them and homosexuals must either flee the country (which I've seen interviews of) or they are hanged. It amazes me the vileness coming straight from the horses mouth, and people are ignoring it.
  13. -I believe in freedom of speech, of course. The problem is that we will hear his words different from his home country. They are going to twist his speech around and use it as ammunition and propaganda in Iran. Columbia University, in its arrogance, thought it could take on the big-bad dictator all on its own. In the U.S. we look on the openning speech and thing 'yeah, take that you nasty jerk!', but in many Muslim countries they will spin it. 'Look how rude the infadel pigs were!'. Just look at Yuusha, Ahmadinejad practically admitting his genocide of homosexuals and the topic seems to be the 'rude university'. -Ahmadinejad's apocalytpic beliefs are not some hidden conspiracy. He is speaking OPENLY about it, similar to Hitler. Listen to his freaking words in his home country and then when he speaks over here. Hell, listen to him in the U.N., where he shouldn't even be allowed. This is literally like a Mafia boss speaking in front of the media, 'Who, me in the Mafia? There is no Mafia!', yet we have bugs in his house 'Scorleone sleeps with the fishes, next we're going to whipe out the Sorelis', and we just ignore it. Also, its nice that everyone ignores his genocide of homosexuals and instead speaks of big old nasty Bush. Or is this just another one of my crazy conspiracy theories? Maybe Yuusha and Hildegard feel they should be hanged. Also, Yuusha, do you have anything to actually add... or do you just like stirring the pot? Either you quote this a$$hole directly, or use 'No, you!', 'U.S. sucks!' statements. Its like arguing with a 5 year old.
  14. I believe the correct statement is: "We don't have homosexuals like in your country." You're right about that university being idiotic. They can't even show proper respect to their guest. *gasps*.... I disgust you? Why? Is it because I speak the truth and you can't handle it? 'I believe the correct statement is: "We don't have homosexuals like in your country."' And that changes the truth how? This is why "We don't have homosexuals like in your country." WARNING... pictures of people being hung, not for sensitive viewers. Also has a video, but I don't really feel like watching it. http://www.mererhetoric.com/archives/11274175.html 'You're right about that university being idiotic. They can't even show proper respect to their guest.' Yeah, he deserves as much respect as Hitler. They are idiotic for giving that monster a podium to spew his hate. Should send KKK over to Iran for rallies and speeches, then call the hecklers idiotic for not showing respect. '*gasps*.... I disgust you? Why? Is it because I speak the truth and you can't handle it? ' Uh, it sounds like you are the one who can't handle the truth. You don't even bother touching his homosexual comment, or his apocalyptic beliefs. All you can do is spew bs without anything to back it up and your support of this lunatic IS disgusting. Frankly I hope you are just pulling some sort of Andy Kaufman, messing with people for some sort of social experiment/laugh but I wouldn't be surprised if you really did worship the ground he walked on. I hope future generations don't look back at some catastrophe with Iran, see all the signs of another Hitler was brewing and that nothing was done. I really feel Ahmadinejad will try and start a nuclear war, or some form of genocide. Then again, maybe I'm just worrying. He did say something to the effect of Iran being the friend of all the people of the world. I'm sure he's really a great guy!
  15. But does it make sense the US is arming one group with so much money, literary giving away money for arms and at the same time bullsh*ting about peace. It's like a situation where I'm fighting with my neighbor and there is this guy who's arming my neigbor with means that kill my family and friends and then at the same time that motherf*cking guy comes preaching to me about peace!!! Such hypocrisy today can only come from the US of A. Speaking of bull****. Ahmadinejad is the height of hypocrisy. He comes over here and speakes of peace and loving the Jews and 'all the people of the world', then returns home and speaks with his fellows of wiping Israel and the U.S. off the face of the map. Ahmadinejad may in fact be part of a doomsday belief, attempting to inflame the world in war to bring about a 'second coming'. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article....RTICLE_ID=52071 I certainly don't agree with all of Bush's decisions, but comparing him with Ahmadinejad truly shows your own ignorance.
  16. My favorite line... 'there are no homosexuals in Iran.'. Well, after you've murdered them all, no there are no homosexuals in Iran... not any more. I can't believe that idiot university INVITED that racist apocalyptic monster to spew his garbage. You never cease to disapoint or disgust me Yuusha.
  17. Any good ones? The Adam Miller one started well, but I haven't even finished NWN2 yet so I didn't play much. My current favorites are C1: The Hidden Shrine of Tomoachan and Pool of Radiance Remastered. Hidden Shrine a pnp remake, but with some great new twists and an added story to go along with the dungeon crawl. The author did a great job making a Mayan/Maztica setting for the module. Pool of Radiance is 2/3rds finished. It starts a bit slow but I really love how the module progresses. It really breathes new life into the first D&D video game ever made and its a great remake. Can't wait for the final chapter. I'm currently trying the top 3 highest rated modules, Tragidor, Dark Waters and Nestlehaven so I haven't formed an opinion of them yet.
  18. So far I love the new patch. The inventory sorter is a blessing for me. It auto arranges equipment by type, so once you press it it places weapons by weapons, healing potions by others etc. While it isn't the list style inventory I'd hoped for, it is a major improvement. My only complaint is I wish it would only sort items on the current page you are looking at. For instance, I often place quest items on page 4, but after I hit the sort button it brings and sorts everything onto the first page, and once it fills up the first it places them on the second. Once Mask of the Betrayer comes out, I'll replay NwN 2, perhaps with one of the new races/classes and then export over to Mask. Currently I've been playing some of the top rated community modules as well as remake modules.
  19. Not allowed to play KoTOR 1 before starting with KoTOR 2? What the heck is that about? What a waste of time.
  20. I was also extremly disapointed by Halo 2 being Vista only. It doesn't even look like a DX10 game. Maybe they'll wait 5 years to port Halo 3 to PC and release it as a DX 11 game that only runs on the next OS.
  21. Funny, but over at www.imdb.com Resident Evil: Extinction has the highest rating of the 3 RE movies. Resident Evil - 6.2 Resident Evil Apocalypse - 5.7 Resident Evil Extinction - 6.7 Wish the movies had been based on Resident Evil 4 and the upcoming 5.
  22. Big deal, at least it is a positive preview and goes into a bit of detail on the new night time shadow portal system (Which I had not heard of before now).
  23. "Freedom Force 2, 3 (Originally planned as a trilogy based around the various ages of comics, first being golden age, 2nd being silver age and 3rd being modern age, I want the silver and modern age ones)" Wasn't there already a Freedom Force 2? Or was that a spin-off/expansion? I should try Freedom Force sometime... never got around to it. Other Sequels I'd like to see I forgot to mention: KoTOR 3: They really need to finish the story with a bang. A remake/sequel to the Gold Box Buck Rogers games: I'd like to see a decent PURE sci-fi RPG. No ghosts or force powers, just laser guns space ships and alien worlds and Buck Rogers Countdown to Doomsday/Matrix Cubed filled this roll. Space Quest 7: Space Quest 6 ended with promise of more adventure for our mop-welding space janitor hero. Marathon 4: Bungie's OTHER sci-fi shooter trilogy. Had a story superior to the current Halo. Alien vs. Predator 3: Action/gameplay by Rebellion (maker of first AvP) and story by Monolisth (AvP 2)
  24. http://pc.ign.com/articles/821/821071p1.html This will probably be mentioned on the front page soon. The new portals that open at night sound very cool and a bit more detail on the soul eating. I hope morality will be tied to the soul eating somehow.
  25. Anachronox 2: Loved the first... funny sci fi American made JRPG... best JRPG I've ever played. Ends with a two be continued ending that wont continue Doom 4 Hell on Earth: It would be sweet to fight demons on an apocalyptic earth. Punisher 2: Stabbing people in the face never gets old! BG3-IWD3-PST 2: But not Dark Alliance style! Something between NwN and the Infinity Engine. King Kong 2: Uh, I know he's dead and the island sunk, but the game was a blast... great survival FPS. Maybe they could do a Son of Kong spin off on another island... Remake of Quest for Glory 1-5 into one large 3d adventure RPG
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