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Everything posted by View619

  1. To be fair, D:OS combat suffers in a similar manner to POE. That is, a few tactics will trivialize most, if not all encounters in the game; CC and magic in general for Divinity, high deflection tank and ranged DPS for POE. Divinity's combat may be far and away more ambitious than POE, but you don't have to dive very far to find the winning strategy. Fortunately, Larian is working on an update to add a new difficulty into the main game. Maybe Obsidian will be able to do something like that for POE to improve the challenge level of encounters. Personally, I do not like Divinity's loot system; a lot of trash loot that is randomized, which doesn't help. POE may have the unlimited stash, but at least I'm guaranteed to find certain drops in different areas.
  2. It's one reviewer with his own opinion. Why is this even a topic? 8/10 isn't even a bad score, and if somebody gave DA:I a higher score so what?
  3. You're back again to fight against people that want a more challenging experience in some form? Is this your thing? Can't understand that some players want a more challenging experience without affecting the experience of lower difficulties?
  4. Well, a door-way makes the engagement system a non-factor since enemies can't move forward. I think people would stick to blocking door-ways when possible regardless of the engagement system.
  5. Making improved AI != punishing players. Expecting intelligent behaviour from intelligent enemies is reasonable and keeps the combat from becoming a trivial activity. On topic, I would like intelligent enemies to target weaker defenses of high deflection units where possible, maybe even debuff that tank you're using to hold the doorway and rain death upon him. Hell, even making encounters where lining up in a door way is a bad idea due to AOE spells and abilities would be great.
  6. Beastiary xp wouldn't make this ideal, once an entry is full you don't get combat xp. Also, humans never give combat xp. There's a level cap because this is early game. Anything after twelve will probably be handled in the expansions.
  7. Yeah, it looks like the quest files are referencing some id values to determine how much experience should be awarded. I'm trying to figure out exactly where the exp tables are; if it's something that can be modified in VS then that would make it a lot easier. A good start would be linking the different quest files to their in-game counterparts. From there, you could start playing with the "ExperienceType" and "ExperienceLevel" values. Or, just create a script that ensures that no quest outside of the crit_path has an ExperienceLevel greater than some number.
  8. Hit the ` button > type in: iroll20s > cheats are now enabled and you can now type in: rest Use your best judgement on when you should use it to make the game a bit less of a pain in the ass, but still a challenge? Nobody wants to "cheat" for what they believe should be a default feature. This was mentioned on page one, yet people are still complaining. I'm still confused as to why people want a mod for something that they can easily do themselves in-game. So they can have unlimited rests without disabling steam achievements? Typing "iroll20s" breaks immersion? I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure that I know why people who have created mods haven't bothered sharing them.
  9. Yeah, the most efficient method of handling this is going to be tuning xp gained from side content. But I doubt you'll see a mod for that and it's probably a low/non priority on the list of post-release tasks. The best option that you can hope for, IMO, is a mod that increases the amount of experience required to level so that you're forced to do all side-content in order to hit the level cap.
  10. Or like I suggested, make it so you need more xp to gain levels. I would say getting to level 4 should be about the same as it is now, however gaining levels beyond that should take considerably more xp. This is effectively making side content a requirement to avoid being under-leveled for the end-game, though.
  11. Simple solution 3: Wait for a mod to do these things while the rest of us enjoy the game as it was intended. This discussion is how ideas for mods are created. Number two seems to be the easier option, assuming all the data on experience caps is in one area.
  12. Anybody know the total experience points you need to reach the level cap?
  13. Surprisingly accurate. xD On a serious note, I am very disappointed that the Wounds mechanic was dumbed down to act like Cipher's Focus. Damage mitigation on Wounds sounded really cool and would have provided an interesting method of implementing a front-line class. It seems like the best way to play them is to pick up the 1-2 enemies that the tank isn't engaging and gain wounds like that.
  14. I'm pretty sure Bestiary xp is here to stay, that was implemented as a compromise between the "no combat xp" and "I want combat xp" groups. As far as xp is concerned, it's pretty difficult to balance a game around the assumption that the player will do all side quests before completing the game; this just results in scenarios where players who don't want to do a lot of side content have a harder time completing the game, which is a poor design choice (complete all content or suffer). If you really want to make the game more challenging, just do a minimalist run on POTD. The best the devs could do in terms of difficulty is tune it for the average player and provide options for the more hard-core players, which they have done. You had to do the same thing in the BG series if you weren't using SCS, iirc. As far as turning off side quest xp by default, that just results in players avoiding those quests because they receive no rewards.
  15. Agreed, this definitely needs to happen.
  16. FWIW, Sawyer stated in an interview that the game was balanced around the assumption that you would stick to the main path with some side quests. It's by design that you'll be over-leveled for the main path if you do a lot of side content. I think the only way to get around this is with a mod that changes xp values or something.
  17. SCS for POE would be incredible. That mod really makes BG shine.
  18. What was your final level and what difficulty?
  19. What are you guys using to edit the IE mod? Thinking about fooling around with xp amounts, and maybe creature stats.
  20. Well, here's to hoping that the team can resolve some of these issues in a patch. If the information for xp values is in one place, that shouldn't be too difficult. Not sure if they can really do anything about the AI, though. Any ideas on what a decent reduction in xp values would be? Fifty percent across the board on Hard & POTD? How is POTD difficulty vs Hard, since Hard is supposed to be the equivalent of BG Core rules?
  21. Oh, you're going to make an attribute mod? Or is this another "I know how to make a better attribute system then the devs" thread?
  22. Yes, it's a common argument that FoF needs to be re-examined. For a first level spell and when compared with third level Fireball, it does a lot of damage. Not sure why it doesn't do less than Jolting Touch when it's AOE and touch spells require you to enter melee range. That being said, it's not the only useful first level spell. It should be obvious that POE does not promote this style of game play. If it did, the rest system would not exist.
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