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Everything posted by Koth

  1. ah... kk that makes sense then, thx for the clarification
  2. Hey all... so I ordered the version of the game that includes the digital strategy guide, and on page 421 of the guide that details items that can be found in game it lists the Plate Armor - Animat Armor as having 12DR with Recovery Speed 0%. I'm assuming this is a typo as this would be pretty OP... can anyone that has this place confirm that this is legit?!
  3. Almost all of the buffs you can find which are unique on armor can be found on other slots and don't come at a 15% or higher recovery cost. There's a ring that gives +1 to 3 stats and second chance. 15% recovery speed penalty is still significant and in every case I've seen more significant than the offensive boost you can get from clothing. Even the padded armor that gives sneak attack bonus damage isnt really worth it, especially when you could instead use Glanfathan Hunting Boots which give the same bonus without the recovery penalty. The +1 ring to 3 stats is nice with second chance, but +1 stats don't stack with +2 stats, nor do 2 x +1 stats = +2 stats so if you want +2 in a single stat, the bonuses from this ring become moot other than the second chance ability, which if built in to a unique armor stat can free up an entire slot for some other unique ability, particularly in the case of ring where unique abilities are abundant. IMO it's all about stacking as many uniques into as few a slots as possible to optimise your character. 15% recovery speed is almost negligable in this regard, particularly on a character with 20+ dex anyway (or am I wrong about this last point... which begs the question... what is the difference between recovery speed and action speed gained by dex?
  4. I don't see why anyone would want to wear clothing over robes... surely a 15% recovery speed penalty is worth something like "Gwisk Glas" 9DR, Grants Second Chance, +2 Might. The best you could enchant clothing would be +6 DR, +2 Attribute, +Element-Specific DR... Either way you miss out on unique armour-specific buffs that you can't get through enchanting as there are no sets of clothing in game with anything unique on them AFAIK.
  5. So... for Pallegina the Avian Godlike Paladin of the Frermàs mes Canc Suolias, does she get any Talents that are specific to her order? As in "The black path" for Bleak Walkers, Enduring Flames for Goldpact Knights, Fires of Darcozzi Palace for Darcozzi Paladini etc? If not, which I suspect, then this is terrible, why would anyone want her in their party? I mean I could probably accept this if the counter argument was that all NPC companions don't get character specific talents.. but this is not the case... i.e. Durance is a Priest of Magran, and he can choose the "Inspired Flame" talent whose requirement is Deity Magran.... so how is this any different???
  6. I'm trying to remember when I last heard such a call for moderation being said on the internet, a place that is famous for being anything but. Usually, the one that can shout their point the loudest in the most drastic language wins in that at least they get vastly more attention from either side of a debate. So this truly impressed me. In an ideal world it shouldn't but in this one it does. besides which you werent really overstating it tbh. The stronghold is useless, the only thing ive enjoyed it for is the endless paths but over than that its actually just a money sink nd a rubbish one at that. Mine is almost fully upgraded and it still feels dead as hell. How much effort would it be to drop some NPC farmers and villagers to make it fell less like an empty castle. Dont even get me started on hirelings lol. I utterly disagree that the Stronghold is "useless". That's rubbish. Does it seem less than great? Sure. I can accept that in a heart beat. Less than exciting? Yep. Seems difficult to get your investment in the repairs back? Yep. But useless? No way. This is what I mean by hyperbole. If you got nothing other than access to the dungeon and the game warden bounty missions, it'd still have value. Even if you got no resting bonuses at all, it'd still be a free place to rest when you wanted to crawl up out of the dungeon, before heading back out to do other quests. Even if the merchants had literally nothing to sell, even a single merchant where you could sell off your loot from the dungeon or various other quests would have value. Saying that the SH is useless is just plain wrong. Saying that it underperforms and could be better, perhaps much better, would be entirely fair. People exaggerating on the interwebz? no... really? (For the record I agree with you).
  7. Any chance of an update regarding this error. It's still occurring even if I don't click anything during the intro splash screens. Really annoying.
  8. Agreed and the +4 int from the inn in D-Bay > all other resting bonuses imo.
  9. Hey same as you... he's my off-tank / melee dps when second tank not needed. I game him hold-the-line for an extra engagement, plus I have him a one handed weapon with +1 engagement... +3 engagement is fine for an off-tank... eder picks up 5, kana picks up 3, rest are CC'd / Nuked. So far I've given him: Beloved Spirits, Hold The Line, Cautious Attack and Weapon and Shield Style. Seems to off tank reasonably well.
  10. Hmm... just happened again to me but as suggested I didn't click anything at all.
  11. Yeah I think that's exactly what's happening... How'd you work this one out? Happen to you before? Either way thanks for the reply.
  12. In case anyone cares, here is a zipped copy of the folder it asked me to submit 2015-04-09_191154.zip
  13. Can try this yes, little strange if running as administrator is the sole cause of this issue however, otherwise I'm sure there would be a lot more people than me complaining about the issue, but I'll give it a crack. Also... What leads you to believe this is a permissions issue... to me the "Fatal Error in GC" message I think has to do with Garbage Collection... aka memory issue if anything.
  14. Any devs have any feedback... even if its to tell me screw you hippie? Also forgot to mention, that this ONLY started happening for me since patch 1.03... never prior to this patch.
  15. Hi There, Upon starting the game I regularly (but not always - usually 50% of the time) get a game crash that occurs after the screen goes black and the obsidian logo / kickstarter splash screens occur but prior to the starting menu... A dialog appears with something like Fatal error in GC with a message that reads something like "GetThreadContext failed.". An additional message appears listing a folder name near the executable with a statement saying "It would be great if you could submit this folder to a developer of the game." or something like that. Is there anywhere I can submit this folder? Relevant Details: PC: i7 4790K, Ram: 16gb DDR3, Gfx: EVGA GTX 980. Client: Steam, although the steam folder is not in the default location of C:\Program Files. Instead I've moved it to C:\Games\Steam - Not sure if this detail is pertinent, but here for the sake of clarity. Anti-Virus: ESET anti-virus. I tried disabling this and the same error occurs regardless. Yes, I've done forum searches and read about the UNCL.ttf font fix for this error, but my system does not contain this file to remove. So basically, what do I do about this? Should I zip and e-mail this crash folder to someone? if so, to whom? Regards, Koth
  16. I do think obsidian a play how you want / avoid fights if you want / xp is quest based is a bit undermined by the fact that if you want to afford shinies from merchants then you will want to slaughter everything in sight. Take Raederics (sp?) hold for example... I could don the disguises and avoid combat and wind up with the same xp... Or I could butcher anything that moves and walk out of there 20k richer.
  17. From what I understand of these things the first time you enter an area it generates a seed that is then used to determine random loot for that area. So if you enter an area containing a chest / stash with random loot assigned and then save the game, that seed is saved to your game such that it won't matter how many times you reload after having that seed generated, all the loot will be fixed. So the only way to save-scum random loot is to create a save game prior to entering the area in which the container exists and then entering the area, clearing / stealthing your way to that container and open it, if it doesn't contain your item, reload the game.
  18. There is no GUI for that part of the mod, so it's all command line unfortunately.... Which means you have to hit the tilde key ~ to bring up the console and enter the console commands accordingly... Just type "pillars of eternity IEMod console commands" into Google and have a look. Pretty self explanatory after that. It's a bit of a pain in the arse, but it's better than nothing.
  19. Yup confirmed not always there, went back just now and there were gloves of accuracy in that spot, not manipulation.
  20. Grieving mother or Aloth, both start with a +1 in mechanics, durance has 3 in mechanics already so most go with him, but at lvl 8, the other two take over. By level 10 mechanics durance has spent 49 skill points while, grieving mother / aloth will only have spent 45. Granted it's only a 4 point difference but every point counts on a mechanics character that also wants 3 points in athletics, 3 points in stealth and rest into lore for scroll spamming in combat. Can't help you on the role play front... Maybe grieving mother due to her not being noticed by others kinda stealthy mc pick lock pants.
  21. Yeah I think from memory the first time I went there I only had durance with me at the time with 3 in mechanics and I'm not sure he was the one "closest" to the position you were indicating, and if 3 mechanics is enough to spot it. I'd imagine it would be given the time in the story line that this hold is likely to be cleared out.
  22. Man I hope you're right... I'm heading back there tonight when I get home, awesomesauce. Thanks for the very detailed description of where they are Ichthyic... much appreciated
  23. Yes. Still, judging by this thread CRPGs need stickers saying "Warning: This is a game of incomplete information. Your actions can have unforeseen consequences, and sometimes they are not what you want." So Just to be clear. I too have done all the quests up to unlocking the respective merchants but not yet committed to a faction... do I need to buy all the stuff I want prior to committing to a faction... or once committed, do I lose access to the merchants not aligned to my committed faction. Reason I'm asking as I don't yet have the funds I need to buy all the stuff I want from the other factions yet, so I've been holding off committing to a faction until I can afford all the gear I want.
  24. bah... scrolls = cash = better equiment... I just can't bring myself to use them... or food... or potions for that matter... heh
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