If you are constantly needing to rest, maybe rather than complain about not being able to infinitely rest or having to run back to town every two seconds, you should change your gaming strategy. I found myself getting into situations where I was getting my a$$ handed to me and had to rethink what I was doing, try a different tactic. For instance, I was getting nowhere fighting one of those bandits who kidnapped the dwarf cook with a sword, and when switching to a mace, it was a much easier battle. I checked out some of the map areas "too early" and find myself getting killed pretty quickly, so I would come back when I had more experience, better equipment, more companions, etc. Not trying to tell anyone how to play the game, but I know it's easy to get into a stubborn "grind grind grind" mentality and try to plow through something without playing it out smarter. Sometimes something silly like a fruit and/or vegetable buff item turned the tide in a battle for me.