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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. Windows 10 is an evolving platform.


    Current version is 1803 which I tested and performance was variable so I would not recommend. 


    I imaged my PC back to 1709 the previous version which runs with no issues.


    I blocked Windows 10 from auto updating to 1803.


    I am using Windows 10 because it came pre-installed on PC.


    Previous PC had Windows 7.


    It comes down to personal choice.


    There is no need to update to Windows 10 unless you want DX12.


    Few games support it and performance is variable.

    What do the monitor drivers do?  I did not even know those existed lol I am up to date on the GPU drivers.


    Guys, a user contacted me via private messages and ask me to use GPU-Z to check your "Bus Interface"



    Mine shows PCIe x16 3.0 @x1 3.0 in one slot, when i swapped to my other to showed as x8


    putting it in my other slot with the x8 changed my FPS from 30 to 130 in the tavern. For everyone else here could you please post a picture of GPU-Z?



    This doesn't make much sense. If you check the ? symbol next to the Bus Interface it will say that for most modern gpus the clock will not reach it's maximum unless over load. Also click it, will display an option to put  some load on the gpu and then the value will probably show "x16" instead of "x1".


    My mobo for instance has 3 slots with the same speed (x16) and I believe most mobos nowadays have this as well, x8 or x4 usually as only used for dual sli/triple sli, so the single slot should reach 16x.


    Correct.  With GPU-Z and the game running I am in the correct slot of x16 3.0.  If you do not play and there is less stress on the GPU mine stays at x16 1.1.   So I am in the right PCI slot.   My performance is VERY good, I do not get low FPS in Queens Birth etc (well I do not get 60 but it stays in the 40-50 range until the memory leak) I just get random micro stutter.  The worst.

  3. Here are my specs


    Processor: Intel® Core i7-4820K CPU @ 3.70GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.7GHz
     Memory: 16384MB RAM
    Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
     Monitor Model: DELL UP3017
             Monitor Id: DEL40FA
            Native Mode: 2560 x 1600(p) (59.972Hz)
    my BIOS is a bit old maybe I could try that also.
    attached is my full dixdiag
    And I will give what you said a go.


  4. wow, ya is that a bug in the save game history thing ooor can you do that?  I usually kill dragons even on good guy play throughs as they are a massive danger in my subjective opinion.  Looked on Wiki and it says you can get Dragon to leave by wounding it.. No idea how the fight has never stopped for me when the Dragon was low on Health.

  5. Two Handed type build is viable on PoTD, you will be a Bruiser type off tank.  You will have two alphas with Flames of Devotion, and then have good sustained DPS if you take Sacred Immolation at level 13 (recommended).  After your 2 alphas are gone you are once again a support dude/girl with some good dps due to SI.  So ya its definitely doable.  I like being hardier by using a shields and just quick switch alphaing with Arbalests.  Then immediately switching back to my one hander, and Outworn Buckler.  But if you want a more traditional build what you are asking for works.  Like you I do not like min maxing, I go by the three 5s and a 3 rule.  5 points in my major attributes and 3 in my "minor".  I like a lot of Fort for tanking and Health for less down time (I do not like resting too much) so on my Paladins I go 15 Might, 15 CON, 15 Resolve1 13 INT.  This set up has good convo options but you will miss out on perception stuff.  So you can dump the Con if you want for PER (for better conversations and more accuracy).  The 5 PER will just help your auto attacks because later in the game with Sworn Enemy and Flames of Devotion's innate + 20 Accuracy there is no need for more then a 10 PER for your Alphas.

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  6. PotD is not very difficult (for a whole party) if you know the game in and out - even with scaling (although this makes some boss fights considerably tougher).


    Meta knowledge is a huge advantage - a lot more important than a good build or the perfect party composition.


    But if you don't have meta knowledge and know not much about how the mechanics actually work it will be very, very tough in some spots.

    Bosses are scaled? Like Dragons?  I never noticed.  But play TC a lot so so I am not always highlighting the combat log to reference defenses.  I forget.  I know Thaos is scaled though if you choose.  Although I find scaling debatable in PoTD.  The AI is already cheating, I have done it on some runs and not on others.


    This is why I am doing one more POE 1 run lol

    It's fairly easy to spot the extremely blatantly broken OP stuff. So you can just ignore them. With the recently released difficulty mod the game is a lot of fun already. And this is coming from someone who was turned off by the lack of difficulty initially.


    True, and I should not of been so short.  I also want to do a Goldpact Knight run.  A little bit bad guy but not SUPER bad, he just kind of does bad things when they give him a better chance of defeating the enemy.  Just for some different decisions in POE 2.

  8. Well, that is farther then I ever got, good job truth, and like truth I have never been successful in getting rid of it since day one.  In POE 1 it is less annoying for some reason...maybe cause it looks worse I do not know and it happens out of combat, where in POE 2 I will get it in combat also from time to time.   I also have this issue in POE 2, and BATTLETECH.  They all use the Unity Engine.  I am not saying it is the engines fault maybe it is the programmers but I am not there so I do not know.  I have tried everything mentioned to no avail and have never ever seen a moderator talk about it in the public forum.  One did talk to me about it in a private message and he/she says they get it to.....  


    Ps My rig is almost exactly like yours except my CPU is marginally faster.  We should not have any issues.  I love this series and think it is great but its biggest failing I think is in that diabolical stutter issue.  I cannot beat it.

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  9. So going into the game I wasn't expecting very much reactivity to being a Darcozzi Paladini, and I was alright with that because it's a less broadly applicable order. However, considering how relevant the Darcozzi Paladini are in the Principi questline (Furrante is one, Lucia is/was one, you use their oath to activate a special Darcozzi sword, the Principi in general were originally formed with Grand/Old Vailian ideals in mind), it was massively disappointing that from what I saw there wasn't even a single line of dialogue acknowledging that the Watcher is one in the entire game, let alone in the Principi questline where it would especially make sense. It actually significantly impacted my enjoyment of the game toward the end.

    Agreed.  They did a good job with Shieldbearers, but thats all I tested out so far.

  10. Yes,  they have to run across a large area before getting to you.  Use that time to buff yourself to oblivion.  The flying dragon, Llengrath and her Xaurips will fight you at ranged, use heavy AOE CC here and heavy AOE damage spells can kill the Xaurips and put some damage on the dragon and Llengrath.  The flying dragon does not melee that well its just the ground guy (their names are too long lol) so put your best tank and some heals on the ground dragon and turn him around so he does not breath on your party.  His breath does, Corrode, Fire and Blinds (vs a Fort or Will check on the Blind) make sure whoever is tanking the ground dragon has very good fort and some healing. 


    You can kill the flying dragon and llengrath  many ways especially with raw damage and high minimum damage spells like Silent Scream, Sunlance, Minoletta's Precisely Piercing Burst etc.  The flying dragon can be charmed (hes immune to dominate) in order to help kill Llengrath and the bigger dragon.  Also Llengrath has a lot of buffs so stripping it will help but is not necessary.  You can also prone the flying dragon with physical prones like a Fighters Knock down or a Monk but its immune to ground prones like slicken.   Llengath herself isnt that tanky (still tanky for a wizard) so heavy melee damage dealers hurt her bad.  I have had a duel wield fighter and monk destroy it after being buffed.


    I have LOLed that fight by having a druid who alternates hold best on both dragons keeping the perma paralyzed and open to massive damage.  


    I like to leave the ground guy for last as he has ENORMOUS DR.  More then any other Dragons but he does not melee quite as hard as the others.  In fact both dragons are mini dragons.  Meaning they are stronger then drakes but not strong then the boss dragons they are in between.  For the ground guy hes usually last so I wear him out with raw damage and whatever I have left.

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