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Posts posted by Torm51


    Exactly,  abilities like Liberating Exhortation and the priest AOE version that does the same thing but for a shorter period are VERY good in the fight against the Alpine Dragon.  You want the tank to be CLEAN of ANY status affects or risk sneak attacks and death blows which will be lethal.  That being said the best way to tank a Dragon is not to.  Do not get me wrong I LOVE tanking stuff so I have had Paladins who have so much CON that even on PotD dragons missed lmao but in this game it is best to CC it or mind control it and let the adds tank.  Then bring him down when he is alone with more CC.  Prone is great against dragons, none of them are immune they are just resistant which gives them a +10 to the status affect.  If you stack accuracy high enough you should have no issues proning.  Also every dragon can be blinded except the Sky Dragon and she is the weakest one.  So blind is very good against them.  This will help your tanks immensely.  Raw damage, if you can stack it on one character or many different ones can make short work of even the toughest dragon.

    Are you sure that Alpine Dragon isn't immune to prone? I mean, I've tried and it said immune at the top of his head while I was trying to do it along with crush attacks.


    You might of mis read something I know he is most definitely not immune, just resistent.  Check the Bestiary.  I have proned him a lot with the Ultimate Dragon Hunter combo of Eder + my Paladin.  Marking Weapon for the Paladin+ Coordinated Attacks + Eder Disciplined Barrage + Knock down with Devotions of the Faithful stacked is an easy Knock Down of any dragon.  I have done it a lot.  Also have used Slicken and the Priest Prone Seal

  2. Exactly,  abilities like Liberating Exhortation and the priest AOE version that does the same thing but for a shorter period are VERY good in the fight against the Alpine Dragon.  You want the tank to be CLEAN of ANY status affects or risk sneak attacks and death blows which will be lethal.  That being said the best way to tank a Dragon is not to.  Do not get me wrong I LOVE tanking stuff so I have had Paladins who have so much CON that even on PotD dragons missed lmao but in this game it is best to CC it or mind control it and let the adds tank.  Then bring him down when he is alone with more CC.  Prone is great against dragons, none of them are immune they are just resistant which gives them a +10 to the status affect.  If you stack accuracy high enough you should have no issues proning.  Also every dragon can be blinded except the Sky Dragon and she is the weakest one.  So blind is very good against them.  This will help your tanks immensely.  Raw damage, if you can stack it on one character or many different ones can make short work of even the toughest dragon.




    I will start a path of the damned journey after I finish this one with the bleak walker, not sure if try a fighter, cipher, priest or a monk, what do you all suggest?

    Depends on your role play.  I am a competitionist in that I like doing a lot of quests not just the main path so I never played a Bleak Walker.  Their Ethos is you get once chance to surrender, and if you do not everyone dies.  I just cannot see a Bleak Walker doing anything but the main quest.  All the orders are either good guys who can be selfless enough to help others on the way to their ultimate goal or a mercenary group (Goldpact Knights) who would help people for money on their way to completing their goals.  Bleak Walkers are also mercs so I guess you could play it that way.  You need cash to operate.


    I'm currently doing every quest possible in the game using my bleak walker paladin, I have to admit that most of my responses have been aggressive and cruel which are not good for the quests at gilded vale, I mean, not giving the priests bones to the poor stupid that just wanted to bury them was abruptly cruel but I am completing all the quests with not so bad endings.


    I was thinking on a fighter because I also want to go alone this time, what do you suggest for that?


    Ya of course.  All you need is a reason :)


    Fighter solo is tough especially before or if you do not get charge.



    I will start a path of the damned journey after I finish this one with the bleak walker, not sure if try a fighter, cipher, priest or a monk, what do you all suggest?

    Depends on your role play.  I am a competitionist in that I like doing a lot of quests not just the main path so I never played a Bleak Walker.  Their Ethos is you get once chance to surrender, and if you do not everyone dies.  I just cannot see a Bleak Walker doing anything but the main quest.  All the orders are either good guys who can be selfless enough to help others on the way to their ultimate goal or a mercenary group (Goldpact Knights) who would help people for money on their way to completing their goals.  Bleak Walkers are also mercs so I guess you could play it that way.  You need cash to operate.


    I'm currently doing every quest possible in the game using my bleak walker paladin, I have to admit that most of my responses have been aggressive and cruel which are not good for the quests at gilded vale, I mean, not giving the priests bones to the poor stupid that just wanted to bury them was abruptly cruel but I am completing all the quests with not so bad endings.


    I was thinking on a fighter because I also want to go alone this time, what do you suggest for that?


    Ya of course.  All you need is a reason :)

    • Like 1
  5. Dragons have a base Accuracy of like 130, and like 150 on PoTD so with all those scores you are below their accuracy thresh hold and they are very likely to hit you.  Also their base damage is like in the 100s so even a graze can hit you for like 50 or 70.  If you take hits even the best tank will be dead in two or three shots.  Also the Alpine Dragon is a Rogue and he has deathblows.  So if you have status affects he will sneak attack you for massive damage with that crazy base damage.

    • Like 1
  6. I will start a path of the damned journey after I finish this one with the bleak walker, not sure if try a fighter, cipher, priest or a monk, what do you all suggest?

    Depends on your role play.  I am a competitionist in that I like doing a lot of quests not just the main path so I never played a Bleak Walker.  Their Ethos is you get once chance to surrender, and if you do not everyone dies.  I just cannot see a Bleak Walker doing anything but the main quest.  All the orders are either good guys who can be selfless enough to help others on the way to their ultimate goal or a mercenary group (Goldpact Knights) who would help people for money on their way to completing their goals.  Bleak Walkers are also mercs so I guess you could play it that way.  You need cash to operate.


    Not bad.  High CON is what you want for Dragon tanking so all those martial classes work, as does Paladin but you had him on add melting duty with SI so that works.  You could of flipped it tanking with your Paladin cause they have high Fort and killing adds with Eder and Zahua but thats just another way of doing it.  Lots of ways to skin a cat :p  Good job!

    Zahua died couple of times because he has lower deflection because I use him dual wielding but I had Pallegina, Durance and my Paladin to revive them


    Look at the Dragon Auto attacks in the combat log they do not target deflection. They target Fort, Breath targets Reflex.   Either way good job on the rez's!  

  8. Not bad.  High CON is what you want for Dragon tanking so all those martial classes work, as does Paladin but you had him on add melting duty with SI so that works.  You could of flipped it tanking with your Paladin cause they have high Fort and killing adds with Eder and Zahua but thats just another way of doing it.  Lots of ways to skin a cat :p  Good job!

    • Like 1
  9. If you're gonna use a Dracozzi Palace paladin, I would recommend to keep it as neutral as possible, It is not up to be a high damage dealer as a bleak walker or as very supportive as the kind wayfarers... they are most up to be neutral I think because of their dispositions and for the only reason of being a paladin. Paladins will have a high defensive bonus no matter if they are up to attack or support.

    Well on Path of the Damned Darcozzi are the best supporters.  They have an ability Inspiring Liberation which is an upgrade for Liberating Exhortation that adds + 10 Accuracy to the buff.  This accuracy buff stacks with everything.  Accuracy= dps and dps is life.  Healing is OK with high Health/High Endurance characters but not always useful on low HP chars especially if they are taking sustained damage.  They will not have the health to sustain the endurance healing and die.

    • Like 1
  10. The Flame Shield spell deals Fire Damage to all enemies who hit the caster, but it doesn't seem like this applies to Fires of Darcozzi Palace. If it's only effect is to give DR against Freeze, what is it good for?

    I have never taken it because I feel that it is a really weak talent.  That being said if you are looking at a reflecting damage type build it could work.  Its a flame shield so it suppose to reflect fire damage when you are hit by a melee attack.  Is that not happening?  The reflect is not auto  though it needs to graze/hit/crit so you could be missing.  Paladin ACC in the early game can be low. The DR could help against Frost enemies like Aram said.


    The problem with ranger is how easly pet dies. If you cant keep that thing alive, all fancy dmg pet feats doesnt matter.

    There is not enought pet defense passives for marksman. No healing factor for pet. No bonus deflection or other defenses. No bonus health for pet.

    Heal companion is long cast, and overpriced.


    Dead pet is trauma which could spoil experience with Ranger. And fact that you cant do anything about it is even worse.

    Play a ghost heart!


    But how are you getting your pet killed so much? I never got Ishiza killed outside party wipe caused by stupidity...

    Maybe it’s cause my PC is a Paladin and I keep the pet healed. I also invest into the talent that gives it armor I have no problems with the pet getting KOed.

  12. Ya what gets me the most is the stutter.   I have GREAT performance but get hitches.  That drives me nuts.  Every once in a while I just get a hiccup for no apparent reason.  I have tried everything suggested on the forums and nothing works, some rooms like the Water Dragon room are much worse.  POE 1 Did this as well but not in combat, just when you ran around.

  13. Also while its not the WORST Single Class in the game but Paladin Tier 8 and Tier 9 is  bad.  The passives are good but the active abilities right now just stink.  Sacred Immolation is bugged (confirmed by a QA Mod on the forums) and damages the Paladin for 43 raw damage (it was 50 in my case due to a good Might score) making it unsustainable.  This alone makes a high tier ability that could be really good into trash.  Right now there is no reason not to multiclass a Paladin.  That being said because their passives are so damn good the class is worth it, but its just plain stronger as a multiclass.

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    BG I find kind of hard to value here, probably shouldn't have brought it up. It's been such a long time since I've played it without SCS and I play it with so many mods anyhow, that it's so far from the original game it would be impossible to gauge the original difficulty level from my recent experiences.


    At some point while playing BG2 I realized that instead of utilizing the multitude of options my large party gave me every encounter, the most efficient and straightforward way to clear stuff was to stack a bunch of strong enchanted gear on a high strength fighter and use the rest of the party as buffbots to empower this individual. Improved haste + various CC immunity spells trivializes most content in the base game, from golems to beholders to archmages to dragons.


    In PoE 1/it feels different because combats often involve huge packs of enemies, so AoE becomes king. Ekera, Tekehu has carried more fights than any other party member just by casting Returning/Relentless Storm at the start of combat.


    Well that was any druid with storm spells in PoE 1 or 2 lmao

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