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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. Hey guys,


    I know this issue has been reported but I will report mine as well.  I realize that there is many variables with this specific issue so I am attaching my ouput log right after the error and the saved game.  I placed the saved game in a ZIP folder as I was not allowed to attach it in its original form.  One thing that is seems to be related to is the Trickster class.  When I create the mercenary in the Kraken's Eye he does not have his trickster illusion spells on the abilities sheet, they should show on each power level all the way to the left.  I am going to create another mercenary and see what happens.  I will update.


    Update:  Created a Sorcerer same thing happened so thats not it.  This is an ironman run...good thing it was early in the run but I think I will hold off on ironman if this cant get fixed..I have played hundreds of hours but this is a first for me.


    update update: seems to be something with the Krakens Eye, and Thorels quest.  I can exit the pub but if i try to go back in or go upstairs I get the error.


    Update Update Update:  I transitions all over Port Maje just fine except in the Krakens Eye.  I was able to get back into the pub by going from the overland map and selecting to go directly into the pub but once in there, I go upstairs to finish Thorels quest, kick the guy out, try and come down and get the same error.  Has to be something with that quest.  I have always done it with no errors up until this point.


    Neskaros (3a1be026-1582-4ce9-9b6c-9efba27a7ac8) (LAX-12ABCDEF) trialofiron.zip

  2. Very true, something to be said between dex and agi. And the movement limit on your armor really is range of motion. Gloves do mess with fine motor skills. Still I think at least Might/CON requirement for heavy armor should be a thing. Someone with a dumped 3 CON is going to get exhausted moving around in body armor after a minute or less sometimes lol

    Runs in armor were shorter due to the fact that they are trying to simulate how long you will be running in combat with armor. You are never going to run or jog for 3 miles straight in a firefight. So Ya definitely. We did run for miles with it on but it was just punishment for doing something stupid or bad performance. I know I ran my guys for very long periods in armor for that reason but the training value is limited.

    I still think armor is an equalizer to a point. I knew a guy who was a semi pro body builder and trained with him on machine gun ranges, he was quite a bit stronger than me but he could not run with a MG either. The extent of how much armor reduces your speed/movement I don’t know but it does. And ya this could be different than dex but even fine motor skills suffer to a point.

    • Like 2
  3. OT: As was already said by other forumers, MIG is still good for spell damage dealers. And especially for those who deal DoT/periodic damage (because of multiplicative stacking with INT coef, for total damage calculation).


    Also we can take into account the limited amount of spell/ability usages.

    A very raw example would be: you have 4 full attack usages. You can use all 4 of them in 10s. Or you can use only 3 in those 10s, but each will deal x1.33 more damage. That's a theoretical case for 21DEX/10MIG vs 10DEX/21MIG. Although in practice there are more variables to take into account, and first of all your current damage coefficient. For instance for a rogue who already has 200%+ during Eliminating Blow, getting +30% from MIG is not a big bonus. Thus the player might want to run the math for each specific case.



    All these 20 DEX ninjas is dumb, take it from someone who wore modern body armor for a living and in combat..it severely reduces your DEX...I’m one of those guys that feel that the heavier your armor the more your DEX should be capped at like 12.

    I'd like to hear more about this)

    It's not an easy task to figure out a model that feels natural but still can be easily described. And I am curious what cap (your experience tells you) feels right.


    E.g. you have 3 guys:

    a). 10 MIG, 12 DEX

    b). 10 MIG, 14 DEX

    c). 10 MIG, 24 DEX


    If they wear the same heavy armor:

    v1. should their [DEX] be capped at the same 12 spot?

    v2. their [DEX BONUS] should be lowered multiplicatively, let's say by 50%, so their DEX becomes: 11, 12, 17

    v3. their [DEX] gets lowered by a fixed value (and if gets to zero - they can't wear it)

    v4. other, or combination of the above



    And another question, with other 3 guys:

    a). 10 MIG, 12 DEX

    b). 14 MIG, 12 DEX

    c). 24 MIG, 12 DEX

    Does wearing the same heavy armor impacts them the same?


    Plus, can we say that there can be heavy armor and there can be clumsy armor?

    The first one limits your agility mainly due to it's weight. And this can be partially mediated by having high strength.

    While clumsy armor limits the agility of your movement nevertheless?



    My experience was that Marines who were significantly more agile and athletic than me without armor on we’re A LOT less agile and athletic than me once the armor went on. For example in a physical fitness test that is done without armor on those that were more athletic than me would run around a 18 to 19 minute 3 mile run beating me by about 1 minute, when a combat fitness test would be conducted in body armor a 800 meter sprint conducted for the run portion those same individuals would only beat me by about 10 seconds.


    The same thing would happen on the obstacle courses, without armor the more athletic guys would beat me by a good a good margin, once the armor came on the gap would close significantly.


    Another example with modern body armor on unbuttoning your pants to pee is a chore lol, at least what was issued to me.


    Lastly the weapon system you are using is a big deal. I was a forward observer so if we went on a small 5 man insertion we did not have room for a machine gunner so I doubled as our machine gunner, once you are carrying a medium machine gun (M240B, a debatable tactical decision IMO but wasn’t my call) and body armor there is no more running. Just shuffling and walking. On normal 30 man platoon sized patrols I had a rifle, things are more manageable at this point but still difficult, you can run but At a slower rate. Things like trying to scratch the small of your back get difficult etc

    • Like 1
  4. This has been a really good thread. Thanks guys I appreciate the input. I also think if might added some PEN it would be attractive. That said since I like Paladin front line types I like to add some fort to my already good fort on PoTD so I manage a way to sneak in might. I make up for the flat 10 PER on PoTD by going single handed and gaining + 12 ACC adding to my already +10 ACC with FoD and ring of Flame which adds another +10 ACC to my FoD. I’ve got swashbuckler DW DPS Eder best by 1k damage so far at level 8, maybe that’s not saying much since he isn’t built optimally.


    This build in the early game reliably downs tough enemies like young drakes and pulverized the Woedican Crusaders (large shield fronliners of the group) even with their mid 70s deflection I rolled hits and crits even before debuffs landed.


    Lots of graze to hit and hit to crit so far works well. Unsure about the late game.


    PS the might def still worse than having the PER but I feel that the + 32 on FODs makes up for it. Plus my LOH, recovery and white flames benefit from might

  5. Well that’s partly my fault I skipped the beta to be surprised so I had no voice but no zero recovery I feel is just bad design. All these 20 DEX ninjas is dumb, take it from someone who wore modern body armor for a living and in combat..it severely reduces your DEX...I’m one of those guys that feel that the heavier your armor the more your DEX should be capped at like 12.

  6. MIG is progressively less important the more damage bonuses you stack.


    DEX is king because, as mentioned already in the backer beta days, unlike in the first game in Deadfire there is no limit to how many speed bonuses you can benefit from. The inability to ever reach 0 recovery means stacking speed never ceases to pay dividends.

    Don’t you think that’s crappy? It’s an rpg different attributes should matter. If it’s the same attributes over and over you aren’t building a character might as well play Doom. Plug and play fight.


    You should also keep in mind two other things:

    - hits are at best 50% of your total number of attacks

    - crits increase damage/duration by 25% and penetration by 50% (for another hypothetical 30% damage bonus)


    The stacking rules make things even worse and without a great proc on crit I wouldn't even bother about crits.


    Increasing your accuracy or debuffing enemies defenses are the best ways to increase your crit chance (and your dps).

    Increasing ACC is the main idea behind the build so I guess that is covered. FoD +10, Ring that adds +10 to fire attacks (works wth FoD), one handed style +12 ACC.

    Fighting one handed is indeed a good way to increase your crit chance but for what? Using 2 weapons or a 2 handed weapon gives more dps anyway...

    FoD and the ring on the other hand is just gimmicky because how many times are you using FoD over a fight and what difference it will make? The ring makes sense on an evoker who has lots of AoE fire spells to spam or maybe for someone using firebrand.

    First, thanks for the all the advice this has helped a ton! So the previous question:

    Well, hitting stuff, critting is nice but I find that on PoTD is hard to consistently hit stuff in the early game. One handed helps a lot with that. Maybe one handed has diminishing return, late game when i will have less of an issue hitting things.


    PS I don’t think the fire ring is gimmicky for a Paladin FoD is a cheap source of good damage and you are just going to hit more with it. Maybe that’s flawed logic I don’t know.

    Can an evoker use more fire spells than a Paladin FoDs over the course of a fight?

  8. You should also keep in mind two other things:

    - hits are at best 50% of your total number of attacks

    - crits increase damage/duration by 25% and penetration by 50% (for another hypothetical 30% damage bonus)


    The stacking rules make things even worse and without a great proc on crit I wouldn't even bother about crits.


    Increasing your accuracy or debuffing enemies defenses are the best ways to increase your crit chance (and your dps).

    Increasing ACC is the main idea behind the build so I guess that is covered. FoD +10, Ring that adds +10 to fire attacks (works wth FoD), one handed style +12 ACC.

  9. I will say that I came on the forums for confirmation of the build from more experienced players as even though i was a huge player and had high skill with POE 1 I am not very good at POE 2...getting there , I did try this build once on PoTD/ironman that run that ended midway and he led in crits and was a close second in damage.  So I know it works I just wanted confirmation and ideas from better players.



    Paladin has one big advantage when it comes to crits: Ring of Focused Flame works with FoD. That's +10 ACC on top of your +10 ACC which FoD brings.

    Conversions are multiplicative. It doesn't matter if the biggest or whichever part of it is used as "base" though. It's communtative.

    Ya, that was my thought process and experience with a Crusader Crit build, +10 ACC with FoD, +10 ACC ring of flame, and +12 ACC with one handed style.  You do no miss and very rarely graze.  Even the Young Drake at the ruins on Maje was brought down easily due to high ACC and PEN.


    I thought Devoted with Sword would be good for more crit damage but maybe I am off on this.



    So crit stacking chance is confusing me now lol


    Is it still worth for this type of build, taking say one handed style and tactical barrage?  Since you do not get 55% hit to crit what would the % be?

  10. I prefer my offtanks to be able to go where they're needed and murder the thing in question.  If something slips through the lines and approaches the backline, I like to have the offtank be mobile and deadly.  I generally have not seen the use for more than one durable tank. 


    If he's the last one up and can't do anything, then I would definitely look into restructuring him to kill things.


    Paladin paired with something like Chanter or Fighter is fine.  Remember a tank that doesn't maximize engagement slots and can't threaten a significant penalty for going past him is not going to be able to hold attention in this game (though there are some things like Beasts which don't engage).

    right so I made a Crusader (unbroken) and he did garner good enough attention, but one fight it just did not matter, the mob ate the disengagement attack (I was level 7) it was naga warrior on PoTD and went to the back line, that said maybe it isnt the Crusader and its the way I fought the fight.  


    What do you think of the talent that prones targets if you hit with disengagement, guardian stance?  Mob stance is good for a  tank crusader too just because your recovery becomes really fast, meaning you do not that much DEX to have good recovery for actions like Lay on Hands etc  in heavy armor..so many decisions lmao

  11. I think I’d rather bring a straight Paladin just because he gets access to support faster if I am going for a tank.


    PS I know the convo switched but now that I know you can’t stay crit miltiplivtibely I’m wondering what the Crusader is good at in a game where I can’t force the AI to attack him.

  12. So you think the Crusader as his main role of engagement sponge is fine? I just feel that in a game with no aggro his great defense is waisted with a shield, he’s always the last guy alive which makes sense but is useless. I don’t mean as the offtank but as the main defense guy. I think the Crusader doesn’t bring enough to the party to warrant a slot for his crap offense. Just brings more personal survivability, A herald with crap offense is fine because it’s unlimited powerful healing for the party plus just as good survivability. A Crusader just brings exalted endurance plus exhortations. Is he better used as on OT that does consistent damage?

  13. Paladin because I like the flavor of the class lol but aside I think it brings a lot. Great defenses with f and c and deep faith, making you untouchable without a shield once you get vigorous defense. +10 ACC to FOD + ACC fire ring and single handed specialization, improved disciplined barrage nets you 55% hit to crit while it’s up. But ya you guys showed me there are other classes that do it better.



    I just think a crusader doesn’t bring much as a “tank” you are just the last one alive when you lose and then can’t kill anything fast enough once you are the only one left. Trying to make use for him.


    One thing I did not know about was diminishing returns on stacking hit to crit. How does it work?

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