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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. That works since you are dumping resolve which I don’t like to do you can have Might, PER and DEX.  Since your dumping Res you will be squishier though.    PER and DEX are more dps than might due to might (especially on POTD) being additive so it’s less impactful for melee (I know weird) as a melee guy gets a lot of increases damage bonuses from weapons having large damage bonuses (fine, superb, legendary etc.)


    that said yes if you can have might by dumping stats you definitely do it.  But on high difficulties like POTD Might is the worst of the 3 Damage Attributes for melee.  For spells it’s the only attribute that increases spell damage so go high might for magic damage dealers or pure healers like Heralds etc  (I know weird)

  2. Single Class Monk no Subclass straight up annihilates.  Swift Strikes+Swift Flurry (like 15% to proc an extra attack on crit) + heart beat drumming + whispers of the wind is crazy good and straight forward. Use fists for crush damage SC monk gets insane scaling for fists, the damage is of regular one handed weapons with the speed of light weapons with extremely high base PEN. 

    You can use sabers for an alternate damage type as very few things if high crush and slash DR or sword for all three damage types (crush fist and sword pierce and slash)  Max DEX and PER what’s left over can go to INT or Might if you are going Turning wheel for the INT buffs and fire lash. 

    At the start of the game you have to babysit him a bit if playing POTD (it’s the only difficult I play) but as the game goes on if you have a Paladin/Herald/Liberter/good support healer the monk will be more than fine and kick butt. 

    Lastly efficient Anguish is a boss killer as it can Knock down (thanks to your high PER) almost every single boss (I’m pretty sure all) my party SC Monk kept every dragon and tough boss face planted lol. 

    item wise:

    Once I get home from the mother in laws I’ll edit!

    • Like 2
  3. Also @Elric Galadi do not take high Con my man. Flat 10 Con with tough is good to go for a Crusader to basically ignore SI self damage.  I like SI but as Elric says it’s expensive.  I also like what @theleesaid in POE 1 SI was a no brainer, I feel that other than the cost it’s a more interesting pick in POE 2.

    • Like 2
  4. This thread has turned into an amazing Paladin thread, my favorite 😄


    @Boeroer what are your attributes for your shooter Paladin (I think this Renaissance/ Very late medival Paladin is cool).Almost reminds me of our PoE 1 quick switch arbalest Paladins. God tier alpha strike, tanks and a damage dealer once you got SI. 

    • Like 2
  5. Hey guys @Not So Clever Hound @Boeroer @Elric Galad finally got to Sacred Immolation on this Crusader.  It is better than I thought to be honest, it turns the tank into a capable AOE damage dealer, with 14 base INT Bronlar's smart buff bringing you to 19 INT and THEN firing off Tactical Barrage you have a much longer Barrage and gain one PL for SI combined with the Magran axe that gives you 2 fire PLs.  SI starts hitting really hard and has good PEN (took Scion of Flame as well).  Also as a Crusader you can just shrug off the SI damage pretty easily even if you have good Might like I do.  Rapid Recovery, Exalted Endurance (I have a priest with Devotions of the Faithful for increased ACC), Tough and Lay on Hands.  Most of the time LoH is not necessary as I am using void ward and I have good resolve (I basically took the resolve for the increased returns in deflection but the reduction in afflictions helps).  The reduction is even less with Khapa Tea but I am eating Hot Razor skewers instead for more PL increase because the Crusader is so beefy (is there a cap on PL increase?). 

    I am using SI even on boss fights (POTD of course) the damage is not dangerous to a Crusader at all, especially one with a large shield and Refreshing defense, Grazes and hits keep Refreshing Defense up and incoming damage is low. So the self damage never really helps the enemy.  I am able to reliably hit with SI because I have maxed PER, Fighter Tactical Barrage and Devotions of the Faithful guarantees hits.  If solo a large shield will be tougher to use or you would have to use Zealous Focus and heal yourself another way.

    No zeal issues at all with this build imo on a tank using a shield, FoD is pretty MEH unless you are using shared flames and the majority of the party is ranged, with Shared flames AOE being so small imo it was not worth.  I feel like most crusader builds the majority of the zeal is eaten by spamming FoD (maybe i am wrong).  With this build the vast majority of your zeal goes to LoH and SI, and Sworn Rival (Goldpact Knight) but I always get the zeal for Sworn Rival refunded when the target goes down.

    ONE HUGE CON to SI as a Crusader:  You have to wait to level 19.


    All in all you definitely do not have to take SI on a crusader and I think maybe its not worth on a 2handed or DW melee damage dealer crusader as a lot of your zeal is spent on spamming FoD (maybe its worth to have for AOE situations? I dont know) but on a party tank who is only using zeal for LoH and Sworn Rival? I think its good if you Max PER for large shield users, medium shield can get away with less PER and buckler users i dont think need PER with disciplined barrage (party play) (possible good synergy with the Outworn Buckler here).

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  6. Efficient Anguish and Concelhaut’s hammer absolutely owns her lmao.  She was literally face planted most of the fight. Lmao ! I had the help of the three spirts and forgot to use them…anyone else have good strategies for this fight? 

    PS the last time I beat her (POTD again) I had a SC Paladin (gasp terrible class) with light of pure zeal and empowered it and chunked her HP from like 20 or 30% to 0% LOL. I used exactly 9 zeal if I remember correctly. 4 for a Sacred Immolation and the Light of Pure Zeal with other party damage. Dead lol. Go figure a Paladin is good against undead 😛

  7. 5 hours ago, thelee said:

    sorry, to clarify, the problem when it was super common was that you crit-gibbed an enemy. something about the gibbing (which already interacts oddly with some effects like cipher transfer spells) would clear item properties. i think they fixed like 99% of cases, but i don't know if the remaining 1% still has to do with crit-gibbing an enemy.

    Makes total sense. In fact I have a picture of the fight when it happened and sure enough there are lots of gibs. Turning it off.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, thelee said:

    I doubt it; I think it's a pretty deep engine bug. It's happened to me a few times, very rare, and unfortunately something that emerged in later patches and was never fully fixed. In one run I had to reload, in another I only discovered it too late and had to completely abandon the item. god I can't imagine if it had happened in anyone's ultimate run.


    When it was more prevalent it had something to do with death-by-critical hits. I don't know if it's still related to that.

    I was not killed when it happened that’s for sure. It’s happened to me both times in the same place which I can’t say because of no spoilers but it’s in a tower with a lich and a telescope.  

    current Ironman/POTD run just downed the main bad guy in BoW so I’ll make a new game real quick, hire a merc buy the helm and import. No choice if I want use the helm.

  9. 30 minutes ago, Boeroer said:

    Yes, it's a known bug. Sometimes items can lose all their properties. It never happend to me in over 4K hours - but I read enough reports about it. :)

    If you use the console you won't gain any more Berath Blessing points. Here's how it works (the item will be placed in your stash) :

    <open console>
    iroll20 <enter>
    <open console>
    giveitem Head_U_Helm_Heavens_Cacophony <enter>

    If you do not want to mark your savegame as cheated you can load up another uncheated savegame (preferably one where you already have the helmet - or go buy it quickly) and export a "naked" char with only the helmet on. Then, in your actual savegame, go to an inn and import that exported character with items (may be a bit expensive). That's how you can get the helmet again without "official" cheating. 

    It’s happened twice with the same helm and in the same place. A certain wizards tower not named Arkamyr.   The place where you look for constellations.

  10. My knowledge of Templar is low.  The negative I heard about it from @theleeis that most templars sit there and cast but don’t have time for anything else but he also said that Wael snd Eothas are good templars Wael because a lot the spells are quick Cast. I have heard much better things about Clerics, so I would lean to Cleric.  I am not an expert on these classes though.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Ranndar said:

    @Torm51let me ask you, since you looks like a crusader fan.

    I always used to play as main tank , but in Deadfire I didn’t this yet, because I saw some people telling that is boring.

    I am planning a custom group run, and still hadn’t decided what I will choose. My question about the crusader is: is he capable to do damage, help the group in another way or he is just a wall? I would appreciate any advices to build one tank but with some utilities tongue group

    Well Randar I will be honest here. The Crusader classic type tank with a weapon and shield is first and foremost a wall.  The melee damage is passable for a tank once you get good items and if you have high PER (POTD difficulty).  That said if you wear a shield your melee damage will never be good unless you are terrorizing enemies you are engaged with and hitting disengagement attacks (which I do) or you go with a Riposte build (Crusader can do this but Holy slayer/ other rogue Multi class are better at it).


    Support: For group support I think they are good.  Lay on Hands, Exalted Endurance are huge.  Also Charge is sneaky good for support, it makes you mobile and lets you interrupt on the fly should anything get past you (for POTD have high PER) You can then reengage and the bad guys will not disengage.   Other tank multi class like Herald or Holy Slayer Riposte or Liberator brings more support but they cannot tank like a Crusader (Vigorous and refreshing defense plus the passives) if your strategy is heavy ranged damage and ranged CC I think Crusader tank is best while providing good support. 

     At end of the day if you run a lot of ranged damage dealers being a wall is ok that’s what you want for that parties tank. If you run multiple melee damage dealers a Crusader tank is not worth it IMO he will not be tanking anything and has less support than a Herald.   In melee damage heave parties a two handed Crusader or duel wield I think brings more to the team.

    Damage: That said I am not level 20 yet and I am planning on taking Sacred Immolation. The VAST if not all of the Crusader builds don’t take SI because it does a lot of self damage and they used most of their damage zeal on FoD (rightfully so).  I had SI on a pure Paladin (I know they stink) on POTD/Ironman run and he was second in damage after the monk and I beat the game twice with it on the hardest difficulty doing every encounter.  

    I feel that the Crusader has more tools to keep himself a live in combat while using SI.   with the right items and abilities a Crusader  can have a PL 9 Sacred Immolation in terms of damage. So give me about a day or two and I will report back.  

  12. 55 minutes ago, Not So Clever Hound said:

    I've wondered about the impact of this ability too in past playthroughs.

    On one hand its free extra DMG on those juicy disengagement attacks. On the other hand, with your kind of set up it's a bit of a win-more: if you're able to terrify your foes like that via Ryngrim spells or Caedbald Bow (potentially x2 with Phantom) you've basically won the encounter in most cases.

    The key question is: if you don't take this ability, what would you consider taking instead?

    Ya I’m with you on this one, it is a win more type situation. I’m not sure I will have room for it at 20 so it might not even be a thought. Not sure.  I’m unsure on Unbending as I don’t need it atm but maybe it will be good for when I try SI.  If I take Unbening I’ll take Unbening trunk and Stoic steel at 20.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 2 hours ago, Haplok said:

    Maybe not so much "too much defenses" as "more then necessary" - given use of CC, presence of offtanks, decent killing speed - and opportunity losses on not taking a more aggressive class instead.

    Been critted and taken a lot of damage myself. The only instances I've felt my chars unkillable/immortal (when fighting level appropriate challenges) were when using Unbending - preferably extended in some way.

    Definitely, I’m running one tank, one melee damage dealer while everyone else is ranged (Xoti pistol and her Lantern) Aloth (Black bow build) and a custom Scout. I pop out of stealth with the Crusader and let everything mob him while the back group buffs.  I play the  custom monk on the edges of the group the Crusader is fighting so she doesn’t fight too many at once.  I guess it’s style.


    The group can punch  a bit above it’s weight at this point.  Defeated that Ancient Lich Battlemage one  level early and the Fampyr cave as well so not bad so far.


    PS I’m with you on that the more melee you run the worse a traditional type tank is. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Not So Clever Hound said:

    TBF that's a running joke in Deadfire:

    "Gosh, I really overdid it piling up all these defenses, now I'm a quasi-god and any additional defense would be essentially useless".

    5 minutes later "oh damn, those nagas can reach an ACC of 150 ! And that dragon too! and that one.. and.. I need more defenses for the next run."

    And then you forget the next time :). The only useful mantrathere is no such thing as too much defense on PotD.

    Ya that’s true and you’ll notice on some post I made recently. I thought I was safe at Hosongo with like 94 deflection and I got shot to pieces by the ranged Naga and they were Crits! I was only like level 8 but I thought I was good…you are definitely right lol. I guess the question is then what’s the dig on Crusader for too much defense? I see that a lot.  Maybe those comments are for solo or non. POTD? Dunno.  If you can never have too much defense then a party tank like a Crusader is good no? Lol I don’t know.

    • Like 1
  15. 24 minutes ago, Boeroer said:

    I wouldn't say that. Once you reach SSS you will most likely be happy about your Crusader who can endure very long fights. ;)

    Lol very true. I’ve done SSS with a pure Paladin in the group haha I’m such a clown. Indeed I’m sure a Crusader will be good in those long fights.  I did the boar the first time, maybe I will try the more aggressive one this time I don’t know.  The spider is  risky because I’ve never done it and you have to think a lot lol and this Ironman/POTD so I have one shot lmao.

    • Haha 1
  16. 6 hours ago, Haplok said:

    Yeah, personally I prefer Swashbuckler tanks. Besides doing more damage per hit, they can also trigger a lot of passive Riposte attacks. My Eder with Tuotilo's Palm was sometimes doing Riposte crits in the range of 200 total damage from both hands and weapon and shield specials triggering (PLUS applying Bleeding Cuts with Magran's Favor).


    I did also use Pallegina herald as support and offtank, though (with Willbreaker).

    Agreed, they are softer than crusaders though. That said the Crusader probably has too Much defense with a shield on.  So swashbuckler is at the end of the day better. 

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