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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. Right, so generally stacking hit to graze isnt that great?  I have this bad habit of liking to play tanks, high HP high deflection tanks on PotD they arent that useful. So I am trying to somehow make the hits more consistent.  I HATE that every build is Might, PER, DEX even for a front liner lol :(  Granted the high hp high deflection tank does fine but in a fight where the DPS party members arent up to par due to say difficulty on a very tough enemy hes dead weight since he cant damage very well.  He is the last one a live and cant do a thing! bah!  I like Flails and Crusaders and the 2 do not mix well at all lmao

  2. Excellent info Enoch.  I am somehow trying to get offense out of a Crusader without dumping Res, I just hate the thought of a non brave Crusader lol!  I am always fighting myself internally between the Meta and RP so i try to skirt both lol  So my math was wrong??? I am not sure how having both is only  a 5% increase lol 😕

  3. What do you think think?  The build is looking to have 10 Per with Disc Barrage and good INT thats  a +5 PER for a long time and 50% Graze to Hit, if I grab Confident Aim and use the chance NOT to graze to hit math thats .5*.7=.35 not to graze to hit so 65% graze to hit is the actual value..so you essentially get half value for the ability point (15% not 30%) if you have disc barrage....you guys think its worth it??  The overall goal here is to have consistent hitting power without having to dump Res, I like Res on a crusader as I plan to take Sacred Immolation and want to reduce the damage i take from it.

  4. Without increasing Dex or respeccing!  (Current build has 10 DEX) The goal in a build I am trying is to reduce the recover cast times on abilities like LoH, Sacred Immolation and  Glorious Beacon without having to dump my resolve, might or int.  Grabbing Two weapon style wont work because that is just for weapon attacks correct?  Armored Grace? What about mob stance? Does it reduce your recovery with just weapon attacks or also casting recovery?  Thanks!

  5. Can't remember that. I think not. But is has been a while - so I'm not insisting. ;)


    Iirc a Prayer against Treachery wouldn't do anything for you if you already got mind controlled.

    No, suppress affliction was definitely corrected to cancel dominate/charm in POE 1. So did Liberating Exhortation. This is AFTER the party member has been mind controlled.



    It's really a mes right now. Like it was just released. I don't want to play it atm because since the introduction of turn based beta there's tiny bugs crawling out of... everywhere.

    It's unacceptable. I won't be supporting any Obs product at full price until I see some drastic QA changes.
    I played thousands of hours of POE 1 and it was troubled, but this one seems even more poorly optimized. I’m sad to say I agree.

    PoE1 was troubled, but at least it had a good trend line and the final version is strictly more stable than prior versions, even if there are still some insanely wonky bugs.


    I don't have the confidence anymore that Deadfire will end as a strictly more stable version of the game at release. I fear that we'll get one big patch to bring TB out of beta, the post-release team will move on to something else, and the huge disruptive effect of that one big patch will mean that there will be lots of small/big broken things stuck with us forever.


    The fact that afflictions--a core gameplay mechanic--is in such a busted state in 4.1.2 is insane to me; I half want to find a way to revert to earlier versions, even if that means missing out on some other QoL fixes. Even Backer Beta 1 was more stable than this about core gameplay features.

    Saddens me, I had so much damn fun in the first one, logged 1700 hours. I never finished this one, I want to and maybe I will for the sake of knowing what happens in the story but the fact that a core gameplay mechanic is broken this far in is total crap.

  7. Hunter's Claw is not that simple.


    It's WeaponAttackAbilityGameData that:

    - applies Hunters_Claw_SE_DisplayOnly to hunter himself (this SE has 0 duration, and it looks that it does nothing; it's probably used for ability description modal)

    - tries to apply 6 transfer status effects to the target on each hit: Hunters_Claw_SE_Transfer_Beast, Hunters_Claw_SE_Transfer_Kith, and so on.

    - Hunters_Claw_SE_Transfer_Beast is applied to the enemy, only if it is a hostile beast and hunter is not affected by: Hunters_Claw_SE_Accuracy_Kith, Hunters_Claw_SE_Accuracy_Vessel, etc

    - once Hunters_Claw_SE_Transfer_Beast is successfully applied to the enemy, it is auto-transferred to the ranger. This triggers Hunters_Claw_SE_ApplyOnEvent_Beast which applies Hunters_Claw_SE_Accuracy_Beast.

    - and Hunters_Claw_SE_Accuracy_Beast has infinite duration and stacks by up to 20 times.


    Now this is repeated for the other 5 creature types (races). Subraces are not checked. So no, there are no 2 kinds of beasts from Hunter's Claw perspective ^^

    P.S. Here's an excerpt for beasts. It contains: ability data, display SE and 3 beast related SE. And the total json would also include 3 SE for kith, 3 for vessels, and so on.



    P.P.S. I am looking at Hunters_Claw_SE_Accuracy_Beast and it has ApplicationBehavior: StackIfAlreadyApplied.

    And according to documentation:

    - StackIfAlreadyApplied: A second effect will be applied if trying to apply this effect to someone who already has it. Different origin effects will stack separately.

    - StackWithAllSimilarDataEffects: Effect will stack with other effects of the same game data type, regardless of origin.


    So maybe changing StackIfAlreadyApplied to StackWithAllSimilarDataEffects will fix it?

    The thing is: with those transfer and onApply effects, one could think that the final accuracy effect "should think" that the origin is hunter himself. But it seems that it's not the case, and the game still checks for creature "ID"?


    Btw @thelee:

    - could it be that your fifth Hunter's Claw attack was a killing blow?

    - do you have only 1 ranger with Hunter's Claw or there were more of them attacking the same enemy?

    - or it happens everytime you attack a different subtype of beast?

    Max they should hire you for QA, give you a team.


    It's really a mes right now. Like it was just released. I don't want to play it atm because since the introduction of turn based beta there's tiny bugs crawling out of... everywhere.

    It's unacceptable. I won't be supporting any Obs product at full price until I see some drastic QA changes.

    I played thousands of hours of POE 1 and it was troubled, but this one seems even more poorly optimized. I’m sad to say I agree.

  9. I've just checked this in game, and Greater Lay on Hands' healing and duration does scale with PL for me:

    Both 20hp/3s and inspiration's 10hp/3s.






    But (!) keep in mind that it is a rank 3 ability. So it gets a lesser benefit than regular LoH.

    For example my lvl 17 herald Pallegina is getting +15% from PL for Greater LoH, because: (6 class_pl - 3 ability rank) * 5%

    But if it was unupgraded LoH, it would be +25%, because: (6 class_pl - 1 ability rank) * 5%


    So my assumption is: you took Greater LoH when you had 3 class_pl (i.e. sc lvl 5-6 or mc lvl 7-9), and thus have seen no PL bonus right of the bat.

    I’m a level 8 crusader so that’s it! Thought it was a bug with turn based or something


    Although it’s still more healing due to robust, but less efficient. Good for Con afflictions that reduce healing etc

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