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Posts posted by Torm51


    I am so glad they tuned down Devotions of the Faithful, honestly. It was too strong and has been since PoE1, swinging fights wildly and since it's per encounter now it was removing any tactics other than "cast at beginning of fight, always." I mean +20 accuracy? That's the equivalent of every one of your guys fighting SEVERAL levels above where they should be, while simultaneously making enemies fight several levels lower. Why would you ever not use it? It's still very useful at just +10/-10 




    I have just a problem now : if you have a zealous aura or stance of fighter. The true bonus is only of 5 pt. Not 10.

    +10 is really perfect, IF there are no stacking rules.


    15 accuracy was perhaps a better choice, with actual situation of stacking rules and at 4.5s of casting time.


    Now you have two choices :

    1) TAKE Devotion for one of your priest. But need 4.5s at the start of battle. And you don't pick aura or conquerer stance for your fighters/Paladins.

    2) DON'T TAKE Devotion. You are free to use something else with a priest, or even don't pick a priest. And you take a free and permanent aura but you are only at 5 and not 10. Or Fighter at 10 with his stance.


    A lot of thing which are supressed each others. Boring.


    Personnally, With only a true gap of 5 accuracy. 3s is now a better casting time. 4.5s is too much for the difference.


    I am a fervent defender of full stacking rule since the very beginning with two rules to limit haxx :


    1) Containers (inspirations / Afflictions) don't stack. (Tenacious + Strong)

    2) Same nominative spells don't stack (Devotion for the faithful from one priest + Devotion of the faithful from an other priest)


    All the rest = stack.


    From a personnal perspective, I found that far more interresting. EVEN with again few nerfs (not a problem for me) !... I prefer full customization, always. Even with less powerful passives abilities. Because with that you have a better feel of choice and assembly


    • Like 1
  2. No point complaining about infinite carry capacity.


    POE 1 had per rest which was changed to per encounter cause people didn't like having keep going back to town. There is no way on this planet your going get any real meaningful carry system as people just wouldn't play it.


    Modern soldiers carry upto 90lbs of gear. 


    Thats not much when start talking of armour swords and guns. No one going want to do multiple trips to dungeon.


    I like having limits placed but carrying loot I don't want it limited. Per rest if I found myself going back town then I was making mistakes and need to look at what I was doing wrong, hence its punishment. Carry load would be constant punishment when done nothing wrong. It would seriously get boring fast.


    If want explanation to infinite carry capacity thank aloth for his infinite carry spell.

    Hah Machine gunners get it worse than 90 lbs.  9 mile patrol with that 240?? Welcome to hell, hopefully you get engaged so you can take your mind off of your absolute misery.

    • Like 2
  3. I am so glad they tuned down Devotions of the Faithful, honestly. It was too strong and has been since PoE1, swinging fights wildly and since it's per encounter now it was removing any tactics other than "cast at beginning of fight, always." I mean +20 accuracy? That's the equivalent of every one of your guys fighting SEVERAL levels above where they should be, while simultaneously making enemies fight several levels lower. Why would you ever not use it? It's still very useful at just +10/-10

    I see your point.  

  4. Better optimization.  It runs fine for me but there are games that have way higher requirements that just run better.  I am no programmer, and no expert but (and maybe this is my rig which i guess is what makes this difficult) Fallout 4 runs at Ultra settings and runs like butter so I do not understand why POE 2 cannot.  Maybe this is a bad comparison I don't know :/

    • Like 3
  5. Things that completely break the game like Invincible monks with blade turning had to go.  That lets just walk through the game and do nothing.  I do disagree with things like devotions of the faithful getting nerfs.  Any time you put me at the mercy of rolling the dice because I cannot get my accuracy above a defense it sucks. Makes me feel like its RNG and not good skill.


    Paladin Faith and Conviction (Its my fav class so I hate that I am saying this) was too high.  Early in POE 1 they had the same issue and it was toned down.  I never felt that the classes in POE 1 played the same nor do I feel that way in POE 2 even with the nerfs.  

  6. Penetrating shot is a flat reduction, not percentage based, so applied individually to each projectile its effectiveness goes way up. Same with Ryona's Vambraces. That's already pretty great on a blunderbuss (lead spitter in particular gets even more DR reduction), but the real killer is that these reductions apply to the five projectiles from Wrath of Five Suns (which also has -10 DR to start with on each projectile), too - the blunderbuss is actually a bit of an afterthought, although an extremely potent one. Not much can survive the combination of Wrath of Five Suns (which has basically no recovery time, to boot) -> Lead Spitter FoD w/Burning Lash, especially given that Sworn Enemy gives a stacking buff to accuracy and damage, and a lot of this is burn damage and so benefits from Scion of Flame. With some buffing/debuffing, you can hit several hundred damage easily, and still have a potent tank with WF: Ruffian when you're done.


    Bleak Walkers miss out on Wo5S, but get Rakhan Field/Bittercut corrode synergy in its place.

    right yes that makes since with Pen shot and the items, and Five Suns of course.

  7. One thing to note is that casters, and priests in particular are really where you learn to play the game. Wizards teach you positioning, casting speeds, and weird support gimmicks. Druids teach you how and when to alternate between pure damage spells and a number of other less obvious tricks. Aloth and Hiravias are both decent for this, but Durance is absolutely abominable for teaching you how to use a priest because of his low Dex and middling Int - a good priest drops their buffs and debuffs fast and uses a sky-high Intellect to cope with finnicky AoEs and short ranges on spells that are otherwise absolutely amazing.

    I have always crushed Triple Crown with Durance as my priest.  But ya I could have a faster priest, true.  That being said I play very defensively and he NEVER gets targeted cause of his high resolve and a shield. It can be useful.

  8. Buff ACC, then apply CC, only then start to deal damage.


    For example: Inspiring Radiance + Blessing, try to time Chillfog so that it goes off right after, then start dealing damage. Concentrate on the most dangerous enemy first, then the next and so on.


    That early in the game (where PotD is toughest) official companions are easier than hired adventurers because they are one level above them.


    Kana's White Worms can be very good if you use choke points and lure enemies there so they form a pile of corpses over time (great in Raedric's Castle and Temple of Eothas). Corpses can be reused and don't disappear unless you reload. Turn off the gib option: enemies that explode don't leave corpses.

    The first sentence Boer said is literally all you need to know to win.

  9. For a DPS paladin, you're going to be focusing on fire damage. Bleak Walkers in particular (appropriately) bring the pain.


    For inspiration:

    If you're playing with IEMod or are otherwise willing to change your Order to something technically illegal, Pallegina's gives you the much-beloved Wrath of Five Suns, which does phenomenal single-target damage and benefits from Penetrating Shot and Ryona's Vambraces. Such a character could have pretty crazy alpha strikes and continuous melee presence by combining Ryona's Vambraces, Penetrating Shot, Flames of Devotion+2 blunderbusses to use it with, Flames of Fair Rhian+the Outworn Buckler, that one belt that gives you free weapon switching, Sacred Immolation, and Scion of Flames. Light everything on fire forever, basically, and keep Bittercut in your back pocket for fights against fire-immune enemies.

    Maybe I am missing something are Blunderbusses better for that specific build?  I find Arbalests to be superior for Alpha Striking unless its build specific


    Also and this depends on taste I like stacking the Quick Switch Belt with the Talent Quick Switch.  It makes everything basically instant so you alpha faster and if you need a quick lay on hands or Exhortation you can switch just for that as your recovery will be instant and cast the ability.  Some cheese ya but its a way to get around slow cast times due to using average speed weapons and wearing heavy armor.


    Disclaimer:  This is just my way, with my usually party build.


    Honestly I just killed him by buffing my ACC sky high, and using mass AOE while debuffing all of them.  Priest ACC buffs, Aloth  goes into kamakazi nuke mode: buffs himself with all defense spells:  Llengraths displaced image for the hit to graze stacked with Zealous Endurance from my Paladin (75% hit to graze now), Llengraths Safeguard, Arcane Veil, Pull of Eora.  Once clustered the Wizard runs into the middle of everything and starts firing Minoletta's Precisely Piercing Burst, Tyn's Orb and Arcane Torrent.  Druid storm tank cast storm spells, Paladin Pops out first to take all the damage while everyone is buffing (they will target whoever pops out of stealth first), Eder activates disciplined barrage and is buffed with devotions of the faithful charging through clustered Pull of Eora enemies and crushing them.  Paladin fires of Sacred Immolation with all the debuffs going out he will crit hard.  Chanter is also tanking just casting The Dragon Thrashed, The Dragon Wailed.


    You must time your high ACC moments when they are debuffed.  You need room to buff so that you are not being CCed while doing so.  Ensure that your tank comes out of stealth first and it will buy you the time.

    Priest dual wielder yenwood sword + shame of glory + minor avatar is extremely useful along with a wizard using spirit lanze supper self buffed for supporting + damage dealing in order to kill one of the dragons.


    I thought we were talking about the bounty?  I never use my priests in melee (not that you cannot) but I just do not like their low health and rather see them in the back buffing.  and I have used wizards as battlemages like that.  My first successful Triple Crown was with aloth using Concelhauts Staff as a mastered Spell and the Spirit Lance in tough fights.  Marking for him was my Paladin in melee.  Great build.

    • Like 1
  11. Disclaimer:  This is just my way, with my usually party build.


    Honestly I just killed him by buffing my ACC sky high, and using mass AOE while debuffing all of them.  Priest ACC buffs, Aloth  goes into kamakazi nuke mode: buffs himself with all defense spells:  Llengraths displaced image for the hit to graze stacked with Zealous Endurance from my Paladin (75% hit to graze now), Llengraths Safeguard, Arcane Veil, Pull of Eora.  Once clustered the Wizard runs into the middle of everything and starts firing Minoletta's Precisely Piercing Burst, Tyn's Orb and Arcane Torrent.  Druid storm tank cast storm spells, Paladin Pops out first to take all the damage while everyone is buffing (they will target whoever pops out of stealth first), Eder activates disciplined barrage and is buffed with devotions of the faithful charging through clustered Pull of Eora enemies and crushing them.  Paladin fires of Sacred Immolation with all the debuffs going out he will crit hard.  Chanter is also tanking just casting The Dragon Thrashed, The Dragon Wailed.


    You must time your high ACC moments when they are debuffed.  You need room to buff so that you are not being CCed while doing so.  Ensure that your tank comes out of stealth first and it will buy you the time.

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