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Posts posted by Torm51

  1. guys, The first time that I was able to kill him, I had to invoke all the statue figures that I was able to earn in the game, then buff the characters with all the food and potions possible, then had Durance to buff the watcher and Eder and Pallegina with crown of the faithful and champion's boon. My watcher was a Paladin very bad built so I the only character that was able to survive was Eder and Aloth, Aloth eventually killed him with all the damage that he was able to deal while Eder was massacred by Thaos stupidly high attack rate without a possibility to even respond any of the attacks.

    Well I would have to see your exact composition.  Eder in my last run (I just did the fight again to refresh the ending I picked for POE 2) was a Duel Wielding Saber Fighter so his defenses are not very good because hes all offense but because of his high base CON , self healing and buffs plus with support from my Paladin and Party members it does not matter.  The builds are likely the issue so if you can post what you are running when fighting Thaos we can help a bit more!  I love talking POE strats so I am intrigued indeed my fellow Pillars player!  Like I said in POE 1 it easy to stack Accuracy.  If you have a priest use devotions of the faithful, it will stack with other ACC buffs.  Disable him asap and burst him down.




    I just redid the fight on my last run (Triple Crown party) as it saved when the fight starts and I did the same thing.  Eder disciplined barrage, Paladin (PC) targets and auto attacks Thaos for marking buffs through Shame or Glory and Coordinated Attacks (I know you might no have these abilities), Eder Charges hits for good damage, then immediately knocks him down, druid avenging storm stuns start coming out, Aloth Strips Crowns of the Faithful of him with Arcane Dampener which isnt helping him that much thanks to sky high AC, Druid Sun Lance, all the while Durance is buffing with Devotions of the Faithful and hes down in 10 seconds flat literally.  Oh and Kana is tanking the statues while spreading The Dragon Thrashed the Dragon Wailed.  Mopped up the statues after.

  2. Hey the game is playing great for me so far.  No crashes etc and it runs well enough, but every once in a while no matter what is going on on screen I will get a stutter.  It happens in battles when a lot is going on and it happens when I am just sitting in a tavern reading the bestiary.  It will go from 60 FPS to 20 or so and then back up.  Like I said not a huge deal and I had the same issue in POE 1 but I would like to see if I can do something about it.  Attached is my Dxdiag :)


  3. Do not let him cast it.  If you have a fighter with Disciplined Barrage you can prone him hard and focus fire him to oblivion.  I also stack the ACC with a Paladin using Shame or Glory+ Coordinated attacks and a priests devotions of the faifthful.  That being said you do not need that set up.  Stack high ACC with Fortitude CC's and he is toast.  Also stripping his buffs with the Wizard Spell Arcane Dampener, a Paladin's Deprive the Unworthy or the Arcane Dampener ring and you can focus fire him.  I have done it to the point that he did not get to cast his "transfer soul" to the statues ability and just died leaving the statues to fight solo.

  4. But here I think he's referring to the Shieldbearer addition to lay on hands that functions the same way as Barring Death's Door -- prevents death for a short period.


    What's funny about that is I've never heard anyone ever say that ability is overpowered. I remember a lot of people saying it was possibly the least desirable of all the paladin subclass abilities. I'm playing a Shieldbearer/Chanter, and it isn't even in the top 10 of my most powerful abilities.

    Playing a Shieldbearer as well and while its nice it is only 5 or so seconds depending on INT.  If a squishy is getting focused it just buys you time to get something done and fast, if not they are toast anyway.  Also maybe I am just terrible but if you wait to long/do not notice that someone is very low and they are getting focused and you have just finished another ability the recover time if you are wearing heavy armor (likely for a Paladin) is HUGE..literally takes forever and a half to cast.  If you jump on it and notice it early its no big deal and you will land it but its far from immortal.
    • Like 1
  5. I feel the pain more for priests, for the loss of flexibility in support spells (especially opportunity cost of the very situation ones), myself, but I'm not hugely fond of the the way they did wizards myself, personally.


    I think the problem that they are trying to make a system superficially resembling Vancian casting (i.e. that from AD&D and Bg 2 and such), but the problem kind of is that Vancian casting is more or less inherently unbalancable by its very nature. (It was never INTENDED to be balanced in AD&D (that was never a design concern), where you went from the ridiculously weak the the insanely overpowered, and through the IE stuff, that sort of carried on.) And we've got stuck with this sort of halfway house.


    Might as well just switch to a mana-point system at this point almost...




    Wouldn't be at all surprised if wizards/priests don't get another major revision like they had once or twice in the first game over the course of PoE2 and the expansions.

    Very true.  I think they tried to balance a Vancian caster system, and you just cannot cause it isnt intended to be like you said.  I get WHY they did it.  I am someone who played Triple Crown in every play through except one, I say this to qualify the difficulty I played at not myself, so apologies if it sounds boastful it is not the intention, and every time I played It was FAR easier when I took the Power three (Wizard, Druid, Priest).  It was not the ONLY way to play and you still needed a solid frontline of martial characters (Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Chanter Barb etc) just to hold long enough for these three to cast buffs and debuffs and it was over.  So I get it....I just cant say I know how to fix it.  I think you either do vancian casting or you do a mana/cool down system but that is me.


    I have adapted some and am having some success with wizards, druids and priests but ya they are not spectacular for obvious reasons.

  6. They will most definitely nerf Faith and Conviction + Deep Faith.  They did it in POE 1 and they will now.  It is easier to have a REALLY good ability and tune it down than the other way around.  Same with all the Cipher issues.  They did it to BOTH of these classes in POE 1 and they will do so again.  Pre 3.0 in Pillars 1 you could stack a Paladins defense SKY HIGH with Per and Resolve adding deflection AND how much bonus you had from Faith and Conviction and he/she would not get touched.  Also Ciphers had very cheap focus costs for abilities and could spam to kingdom come AOEing everything down.  This was tuned down and balanced.  Did you start playing late in the last game?  If so than I can tell you that the game was fairly balanced after 3.0 but it took quite a bit of work.  The same will happen here.  Its a big game with a lot going on it will take a bit.  Much longer than a development cycle, so for now enjoy the story and kicking some butt.

    • Like 1
  7. Specifically Kana's Sister's hawk. I thought this might be intended but he never cleaves my Paladin in melee so it can't be.  I will try it out with the custom ranger I made as well.





    That is the picture.  I tried to copy paste directly but I am getting a You are not allowed to use that image message when I do.  That link is my steam account pics.

  8. So I thought it was cool that as a Shieldbearer I got to meet another member of my order, and the cool RP responses that came along with it, I just think they could of done more with the diologue after that.  If I ask for training he tells me that I would have to be a Shieldbearer to learn it all...we just discussed and bro hugged that I am!  Also since I am a member so a discount or something would be cool :p


    I know it sounds like I am bitching, but I thought they did a super cool job with this for Shieldbearer characters just thought they could of added a line or two more for the training part :)

    • Like 1
  9. Dude,


    Stacking ACC is not as easy now :(


    I have Zealous Auras (I use ZF for now) and Disc Barrage for Eder but have not picked up devotions of the faithful on my Priest yet cause she is not high enough level.  Any advice for the early game and ACC?  Also no inherent ACC bonus for spells now cause they are not per rest I am guessing...Also the priest + 10 ACC buff with their heal is gone!! :p


    Perception is looking really good now.  In POE 1 I could leave it at 10 on some builds that were damage dealers cause there were other ways to gain ACC!


    Well, I will say that I think it is Unity.  I am currently playing Battletech, and it does the SAME thing POE 1 did.  It hiccups and has a memory leak.  I surpass the recommended requirements by far, and whether I play the game on low or high it does the same thing.  


    Yeah my friend also has really bad performance in Battletech. I can't think of a single Unity game I've played that ran well.


    I have done everything I can to no avail on that game.   Granted its far from unplayable but when you surpass the recommended settings by so much and still get mediocre performance it is annoying.


    The only known paladin orders who are connected to a god are the Fellows of St. Waidwen Martyr (Eothas) and the Steel Garrotte (Woedica). I'm sure there are more (Magran and Abydon seem to be strong candidates for example) - but we don't know about them yet.


    Wasn't there also an unnamed order of Ondrite paladins in the Abbey during White March pt. 2? Unless they were meant to serve as generic enemy paladins who happen to worship Ondra, which is also possible.


    yep. Also some unamed Paladin order working for the Iron Flail.  The game just named them Icetrecker Paladins or something like that lol

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