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Posts posted by Torm51


    As most of you probably know, the balance and difficulty in this game is way off. Some abilities are so much better than others and have too big impact making other choices redundant. Lets help obsidian make this game better and list broken stuff with proposed solutions....

    How is nerfing things other people might rely on making the game better? How is nerfing a single player game something they should be doing when people have been complaining over boring combat, bad ship battles, no dungeons, and short main game path. Why would anyone spend any time or money what so ever on removing, or lessening abilities when there is so many other things so much more important.

    I’ll grant you that it’s not the number one priority but making combat trivial (which some of these abilities do) is also a bug in my subjective opinion.

  2. Hey guys I had this come up today.  I was switching gear for party members while on the boat and the game seemed to slow a bit while the torch offhand sabre was in hand. It then crashed.  First one after 50 hours! hah but I had never done that action before I usually switch gear at Inns.  Here is my dixdiag and the output log










    It is no issue, your English is great!  I just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same thing.  So have not reached that inspiration yet.  When you get it you can fill your abilities an unlimited amount of times?

    yes, exactly. Once you hit level 13 and get this invocation, you can have unlimited resources for whole team.


    Ya that is too much.  Also Dance of Death and Blade Turning with high INT is too good for sure.  Like I said in the other thread they will tune it down it will just take them time.  POE 1 was tuned for a long while.

  4. As most of you probably know, the balance and difficulty in this game is way off. Some abilities are so much better than others and have too big impact making other choices redundant. Lets help obsidian make this game better and list broken stuff with proposed solutions.


    Here is my list of the most problematic and toxic abilities I encountered. I will list only those gamebreaking ones as there is much more than that. Please do the same.




    - Lay of hands on shieldbearer subclass



    causes immortality that can be applied over and over especially with genius inspiration. It allows you to become immortal for up to 180sec (without genius) or forever (with genius).



    remove immortality and instead put on a target buff that ressurects him after he die while this effect holds. This will allow to do this up to 3 times because of wounds, making it far more intuitive to use.


    - Armor stacking



    its far too easy to stack so much armor that most enemies will deal only minimum dmg (25%) which combined with large shield modal let you receive only 12.5% dmg from most enemies. Currently having only 1,2 or 3 armor points above enemy pen makes too big impact which can lead to situation where ogre crits your fighter for 80dmg and the same ogre crits palading for 20dmg all because of 3 armor points difference.



    change how armor works. Make it reduce dmg by flat amount (like POE1) and additional reduction equal to armor advantage times 10%. Having 3 armor more would reduce dmg by armor value and 30% opening up more builds and armor options without mandatory focus on every armor point you can get.





    - Time Parasite



    currently it allows you to stack action speed to more than 350% with single cast and up to thousands % range with more casts making it totally broken.



    put a 50% cap on attack speed gained.


    - Ascendant subclass



    ascendent effect is far too easy to achieve - in most fights you can fill it with single shot (longbow with multiple projecticles) or 2 shots with dual wield pistols/blunderbuss which happens almost instantly one after another without recovery.




    increase the upper cap for focus 2x of what it currently is.


    - Ascendent effect



    it lasts way too long and is too powerfull allowing you to spam top tier abilities one after another



    make it consume focus which would still allow many casts, but atleast you would consider casting lower tier abilities





    - Dragon summons



    their fireball ability is way too strong. It can be empowered (drake resource) to deal 100+ dmg in aoe and apply dot for 40+ seconds that ticks for 30.



    remove dot effect from fireball


    - Starting phases



    currently, you can cast your highest level invocations at the start of combat. It is especially strong with summoning abilities or genius buff invocation



    reduce starting phases to 1 per 3 power levels and add passive that let you start with 1 more to compensate (you will still end up with lower starting amount). With this change, chanter will be able to start combat with lower level summons or wait some time to summon stronger creature giving them some choice.


    - Genius invocation



    it lasts too long, cost too little, is available too soon and genius effect is too strong



    rework genius inspiration so it doesnt restore resources, or nerf its duration to base 6 sec which will restore 2-3 resource points over its duration depending on int.


    - +100% healing chant



    it is too strong with other healing effects and completely breaks some abilities



    change it to tick every 3 sec based on healing received up to a cap. You already have this functionality on some weapons with lifesteal effect





    - Unbending



    it has toxic synergy with +healing effects (look above but also items/food etc.) making you unkillable for very long time and can be cast over and over again



    change it to reduce dmg received by 25% and redirect that 25% to close enemy to compensate (you already have this functionality in cipher pain link). Upgraded version changes it to 33% in 1 path while the other path puts lesser version (12.5%) on allies.





    .... where do I start? turning wheel, lightning strikes, shatter pillar, 9 power level abilities, dance of death + blade tunning... take your pick

    Hey for the Shieldbearer issue, What is a Genius Inspiration?  I thought Brilliant was the highest?  I have been playing mostly side quests so maybe this is something you get for a quest?  If you can constantly refill your abilities and just keep casting LoH I can see your point.  I agree with the Monks


    A lot of things become unavailable at night. Shops close, quest NPCs go to bed, etc. What's the point of this? What purpose does it serve? Surely a game like this doesn't need to be that simulationist. That level of realism is not present in most aspects of Pillars of Eternity.


    There's a few occasions where it has its place. When you need to find some thugs that only come out at night, I'm cool with that. But when shops close up, trading company doors lock etc. during the night, it goes a bit too far.


    You can't rest in the city. You can't choose to wait x hours. What usually happens is you spend minutes to some place to turn in a quest, realize that it's closed for the night, and then spend twice that long running to the nearest tavern to rest and then return in the daytime. Nothing is accomplished by this. There's no roleplay, no meaningful atmosphere to be gained. It's just a pointless consumption of time.


    Please don't disable shops and quest NPCs during times of day when there's no option to wait in place.

    Really? I was wondering if this was broken in my game earlier today because I had plenty of vendors standing by their stalls at 3 in the morning. Does it only affect indoors vendors or something? I wish the streets were mostly empty at night as that would be more immersive. There seem to be plenty of people around the clock standing around. 


    Ya I also saw this.  Sometimes they have a cycle and sometimes they don't.  Maybe its up to the NPC? LOL

    • Like 1
  6. Ok so I am not wrong.  Cause I know I have done it lol.  I am a RPer though so most times even in POE 1 after a long ruck (or voyage at sea for POE 2) I rest my group for the night when entering cities.  Nothing worse then patroling/convoying for long days and than taking contact from the enemy at the end :p its a a bad deal.   Although its not always your choice if I have one I rest!

  7. You can wait by pressing R unless I am missing something.  I have waited a lot.., if you cant sleep somewhere it does let you wait..someone correct me here if I am wrong.  They did it just for immersion.  Some people like it some do not.  I like it, I always found it odd and a bit immersion breaking that a vendor was a robot sitting there all day all the time.  Who walks into most shops and markets at 2AM?  That is just me though. :)  How simulationist a game needs to be is subjective my fellow forumite!

    • Like 6

    guys, The first time that I was able to kill him, I had to invoke all the statue figures that I was able to earn in the game, then buff the characters with all the food and potions possible, then had Durance to buff the watcher and Eder and Pallegina with crown of the faithful and champion's boon. My watcher was a Paladin very bad built so I the only character that was able to survive was Eder and Aloth, Aloth eventually killed him with all the damage that he was able to deal while Eder was massacred by Thaos stupidly high attack rate without a possibility to even respond any of the attacks.

    I gotta admit, during my Frozen Crown playthrough not too long ago, I almost got wiped in the Thaos fight as I wen in not thinking to much of it - after all, it's a 12 level challenge for 16th level characters, so it shouldn't be much of a challenge - I figured. Man was I wrong, Aloth was killed permanently (an idea I liked story-wise), and it was close call overall. To be fair, Thaos got assistance from a bug: While Aloth was casting Gaze of the Adragan (he was just buffed enough to do so), Thaos moved to a statue, which left the Spell unfinished, and it could not be cast again ("That ability is already active").


    So when I did my Ultimate playthrough, I prepared extremely well for the fight, using much of the tactics outlined above (equipping Aila Braccia, eating whatever I could get my hands on, summons (obvious), moving out of the way, buffing (Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, Eldritch Aim), Debuffing (Crushing Doom on Thaos and Ryngrim's Enevervating Terror if I remember correctly. I don't think I used Expose Vulnerabilities. Essentially, Enervating Terror is essential as Weakend it make a crit with Gaze of the Adragan much more likely. If you have a priest with the Painful Interdiction (and Empowered as well to make it more likely to hit), that works just as well.), Gaze of the Adragan, and then  a couple of Freezing Rakes. The second Freezing Rake took out Thaos and one of the Statues, the other statue took some more Crushing Doom to finish. I don't think it took 30 seconds to finish.


    Even if the odds were much worse in the second instanceMy point is that the same fight can feel very different mostly depending on the level of preparation you put into it and the builds involved. So I, too, would be interested to see the builds to help some more.


    Funny you say that, I almost had my second Frozen Crown ended there for that exact reason.  If you prepare for the fight it is not hard if you underestimate it, he can kill your party good.

    • Like 2
  9. So I had drivers that were about 1 month old, and upgraded to the ones made for POE 2 and still have the micro stutter.  Thanks for the try though.  I remember hearing about the wireless networks I will look into it.


    Update- when looking in device manager I only have my modem for networks.  No extra wireless or bluetooth :(  I never solved this issue in POE 1 either.

  10. I get a problem like this as well using a GTX 1070. It happens when there are several NPCs on the screen for me (maybe >10). Frame rate goes from 40-60fps to 15-20fps. It's extremely distracting.


    Others are talking about it too:


    That is the thing though, that does not happen to me even with a lot of NPCs.  It is just a random small hitch that happens randomly then I shoot back up to 60 FPS.  Its instant too it does not stay at the low FPS.

  11. Amentep appreciate the reply, :)


    Tried that and it got rid of the constant stutter yep, this is just a hitch here and there that happens randomly.  I will try some other things and keep you guys updated.  Maybe I am being too picky.  The game runs really well compared to others.  42 hours and no crashes..yet hah

  12. Mengths thanks for the reply,


    I am playing on full screen.  I think my issue unfortunately might be separate from the memory leak.  I see the leak after about an hour in The Queen's Birth instead of being at 50 to 55 I go down to 30 to 35.  When I exit I am back up to 50 to 55 in Queen's Birth and 60 FPS everywhere else.  What I am seeing is right from the start a sudden lowered FPS to 20 then it shoots back to 60 instantly and stays that way for a while, then I will randomly spike low then back high to stable 60 FPS for 10 minutes (just an average or so sometimes more).

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